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WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine.

04-10-2016 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
I like the "sprit of the rules" clause. Nice idea.
I don't. I am in full favor of shot clocks. In fact, I would make tournaments with a 10-15 second clock. However giving TD's more power to make subjective decisions is not good for the game. There are too many td's who take advantage of their power and make decisions based on personal feelings.

If the WSOP made a 10 sec shot clock tournament, a lot of the recs would have an absolute blast. They are there to play hands. It makes sense for the WSOP too. Quicker tournaments means lower operating cost.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by Sentin7
Can i has gametree charts? Would like to glue all 18,000 to my monitor.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 05:58 PM
Originally Posted by doublejoker
Jordan has now gone to twitter and Facebook calling the wpt an epic pile of **** for making this decision.
'Ah, Mr Cristos, given the opinions you've expressed I'm afraid your money's no good here... or at any other WPT event, ever.


EZ game.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 06:32 PM
Hope he doesnt ever try to play online where you can actually play in more than 1 game at a time. Could cause his head to asplode.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 06:43 PM
Thought he was talking about PLO for a second. What a donk. Bet he rims doc sands
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 07:46 PM
That's why I could never be a "pro", idiots taking minutes preflop irks the crap out of me. I played a few wpt events when they were on the east coast and there were always 1 or 2 guys who waste so much time for nothing.

Maybe they try to build their egos but it's just a joke.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by Cogitus
Saw Cristos play in a 1600 Venetian deepstack table last year. He sits down at 100/200 with 20k and either second or third hand he plays the following pot: Fish limps UTG, Cristos makes it 2100 from MP, everyone else folds. Fish makes it 8k, Cristos tanks forever, fish calls clock (obv he has it, he's very comfortable). Floor comes over, Cristos takes every second on clock, then decides to ship it in. Fish instacalls with KK, Cristos has AJo and he gets stacked.

Such a complex game tree, bro.
lol cristos sounds like a loser fish
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 08:41 PM
Who is Cristos and why should any of us care?
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 09:55 PM
What is life and why should any of us care?
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 11:11 PM
This guy is a clown.

Anyone that's against a shot clock is an idiot. Basically, if everyone played as slow as the people that are against a shot clock, tournament poker would play 10 hands an hour once antees kicked in. Well maybe not, but you know what I mean.

Just because someone things a lot doesn't entitle them to take as much time as they desire. Hurry the **** up and act on your hand
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-10-2016 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by BraveJayhawk
This guy is a clown.

Anyone that's against a shot clock is an idiot. Basically, if everyone played as slow as the people that are against a shot clock, tournament poker would play 10 hands an hour once antees kicked in. Well maybe not, but you know what I mean.

Just because someone things a lot doesn't entitle them to take as much time as they desire. Hurry the **** up and act on your hand
Couldn't have said it better myself. Try to imagine playing like $150 tournaments and watching people take 5 minutes to act in level 2. Crazy.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 02:49 AM
Originally Posted by tenderloinig
Thought he was talking about PLO for a second. What a donk. Bet he rims doc sands
While being stared down by Jessie Sylvia and Timoshenko.....
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by jgrimmer44
Who is Cristos and why should any of us care?
he is a very famous artist, best known for the "umbrellas" and the "Wrapped Reichstag". I guess since his wife passed away, he is into poker (but still controversial)
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 03:36 AM
If this is a freeroll that was won as part of his prize then arguably they shouldn't change the rules at this late stage. Otherwise clocks are good.

Apart from that, having thought more about preflop should mean he acts quicker not slower, like chess players rattling off the first ten moves from their openings book in the first couple of minutes, unless I have it wrong and Tiffany Williamson has the biggest tree in the game.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by jgrimmer44
Who is Cristos and why should any of us care?
Pretty much this. Another quality chainsaw thread
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 06:45 AM
The TOC isn't a freeroll (if you won a WPT this year you're automatically entered because the $15k was taken out of the prizepool). If you've won a WPT previously, you can buy into the event for $15k.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 08:28 AM

No, Navi - YOU listen!
I need more time - I'm still counting the branches FFS!
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 08:55 AM
The easy solution is just make all tournaments shot clock because while yes, there are complex decisions in poker, determining what your UTG opening range is 200bb deep shouldn't be one of them that takes over 30 seconds. The only variables are 'how deep am I effectively and what % of hands am I opening in this position at this table' and 'how engaged are the players to act behind me/does anyone look particularly strong or weak'. Analysing those two things should never take more than 30 seconds.

If you're facing a turn or river raise, sure, take a little more time but the idiots in live poker who tank in an unraised pot utg+1 and then fold 200bb deep wasting 3 minutes are a cancer on live poker.

To cater for the actual difficult decisions, everyone gets 3 (or whatever number) buttons to throw out for a 1min time extension if they have a real decision and once they're gone they're gone, or you get one back every 6 levels or whatever. If people waste them hollywooding then that's their business and they have 30 seconds to act when they get raised on the river.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 09:46 AM
Timoshenko is also slow AF and he entered a SHR at the Aussie Millions not realising there was a shot clock. And to everyone's surprise, probably even his own, he won the event!
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 12:12 PM
24 seconds shot clocks for the win.

Kobe for the river beater.....Kaboom
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 12:15 PM
shot clock doesn't sound right to me...act clock maybe
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 02:01 PM
It is funny how many of these poker pros with great math skills can't put together a proper English sentence.

Last edited by Stu Ungar; 04-11-2016 at 02:18 PM. Reason: Deleted wild comma.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 02:10 PM
A wild comma appears.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by Coolstorybro.
A wild comma appears.
its a sad day when the top tier Poker series feel the need to start implementing shot clocks imo

At this point you know, their is no 'spirit of the game' in poker. Or heck just a little proper etiquette.. Left with a bunch of egotistical, know it all, pompous, no good ********..... folks. I know not everyone is, but really when the series feel the need to do this its become a more and more pressing issue.

honestly you know the tournaments are being run into the ground by angle-shooting, soft playing, colluding scumbags when the tourney directors of the major series have to start implementing 'shot clocks'... wtf for that reason, Cristos (honestly literally never heard of this dude) you can go f yourself. bc rumor has it, your one of them time banking clowns. And justifies it with, "I'm standardizing my timing tells' YAWN.

Just make a decision, and act on it, no one really needs, nor wants to sit there and watch you hollywood. Or even worse when they hollywood, or clock it down, and then fold lol..

Threads like this make me realize the 'spirit of the game' doesn't exist, and you are playing in a dawg eat dawg whirl.

Last edited by JohnNashJr; 04-11-2016 at 03:08 PM. Reason: Crsitos WHO?
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-11-2016 , 04:57 PM
^^ mfw when ppl who never played bigger then 2/5 talking about how poker was in old days as if they played.....
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
