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WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine.

04-14-2016 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by All-inMcLovin
This is a very good post.

However, your thinly veiled brag is duly noted.

I don't see how your result in the tournament is relevant to this thread. Perhaps it would be something you could include if you started a PG&C.

Nice hashtag though.
About my preflop game tree? Mostly a joke lol. My result is totally irrelevant, but someone asked. Good thought on the PG&C :wink:

Originally Posted by doublejoker
Arent all preflop decisions solved?
That's not a specific enough question to answer IMO. They can be, if you want them to be. They don't have to be.

Originally Posted by Lurshy
Although it would need specialized timers (think chess clocks but not chess clocks):

10 - 15 second time to act each hand plus a several minute timebank. Unused time each hand gets added to your time bank up to a limit....

So you go into your time bank for actions requiring deep thought. And quick action is rewarded somewhat by giving that player more banked time.

Just sayin..
I like that a lot. It rewards people who are frequently quick, while giving people reasonable amounts of time to use later. The problem is it would require tables with built in clocks in all likelihood, which the dealer would have to control. That's expensive to implement for big-field events like the Main Event, Millionaire Maker, Colossus, etc.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-15-2016 , 11:39 AM
His game tree might be that complex.

He's the only guy I've ever seen both min open and 8x open OTB in the same level of a tourney.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:50 PM
No slight intended, but I don't know who this guy is. Haven't googled him either. But I would be willing to wager a large sum that several of his images that appear will feature some/all of the following: Hoodie, sunglasses, headphones, death scowl...... And we wonder why poker has declined since Black Friday..... Let me guess, he isn't particularly chatty at the table either....
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-15-2016 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by never fade
clearly needs more love
Hey! I bet the apples represent the most +EV plays, while the leaves are the -EV ones. Whoever thought of that was just a genius!!!!
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-15-2016 , 01:27 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyGroomsTD
No slight intended, but I don't know who this guy is. Haven't googled him either. But I would be willing to wager a large sum that several of his images that appear will feature some/all of the following: Hoodie, sunglasses, headphones, death scowl...... And we wonder why poker has declined since Black Friday..... Let me guess, he isn't particularly chatty at the table either....
Just searched him and....yep on all accounts.

He has an immensely punchable face.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-15-2016 , 05:55 PM
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-15-2016 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by AcidKnight
His game tree might be that complex.

He's the only guy I've ever seen both min open and 8x open OTB in the same level of a tourney.
Just because it's complex doesn't mean it works.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-16-2016 , 08:52 AM
Originally Posted by Cogitus
Saw Cristos play in a 1600 Venetian deepstack table last year. He sits down at 100/200 with 20k and either second or third hand he plays the following pot: Fish limps UTG, Cristos makes it 2100 from MP, everyone else folds. Fish makes it 8k, Cristos tanks forever, fish calls clock (obv he has it, he's very comfortable). Floor comes over, Cristos takes every second on clock, then decides to ship it in. Fish instacalls with KK, Cristos has AJo and he gets stacked.

Such a complex game tree, bro.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-16-2016 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by chinamaniac
Should I know who Jordan Cristos is?
Only if you're Mrs. Cristos.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-16-2016 , 02:35 PM

My preflop gametree is about 18,000 times larger than yours and the mass majority of the community Allen Kessler.

I bet your slot machine/comp gametree is 20,000 times larger than this stooge's Kessler!
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-16-2016 , 10:11 PM
Originally Posted by AZMountainHiker
Just because it's complex doesn't mean it works.
Rereading my post I can see it's not clear.

I'm definitely mocking him.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-17-2016 , 11:05 AM
The one small logical point being made. If they're going to put in a shot clock, they should definitely enforce a 20 chip stack rule that's easy to count.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-17-2016 , 03:26 PM
Originally Posted by Atarirob
The one small logical point being made. If they're going to put in a shot clock, they should definitely enforce a 20 chip stack rule that's easy to count.
Yeah, they need to enforce 20 chip stacks, big chips up front and on top, etc... They also need to be ready for a lot of angles. Guaranteed, Day 1 of this thing there's a player vs. player vs. floor confrontation when this goes down:

Player B bets, action is on Player A, clock starts...

Player A to Player B: "Can I see your chips?"

Player B plays dumb and wastes 10 seconds pretending not to hear, then looks to the dealer, "Did he say something to me?" Dealer informs him and player B lifts his hands for 1 second, puts them back down. Player A can't get a count and has to ask him to lift them again. He stalls a bit, floor gets called, 20 seconds have gone by and the clock is running. It hits 30 before the floor arrives, the dealer announces the hand is dead, Player A refuses to relinquish the hand for obvious reasons and the floor has to make a ruling.

The flip side is, Player A can wait until 20 seconds then ask for a count, just to get the floor called and buy time if the ruling is that he gets time to act after getting the count.

I'm in favor of speeding up the game and hoping this shot clock idea works and can be tweaked to perfection, but they're definitely in for some shenanigans.

I think the key to all of this is a rule that can be simple most of the time with no/minimal angles, which can also work in a Borgata $560 with 2,500 entrants, the WSOP 10K Main with 7,000 entrants and the WSOP $560 Colossus with 20K entrants just as well as it works in a WPT TOC with a small field. That's why I advocate a system that's only enforced when necessary and in which small/rare time violations are just accepted as part of the game.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 12:05 AM
The shot clock is a great idea and should of been adopted a long time ago. All the constant staring and needless time wasting really only hurts the good players in the end, especially early blind levels, because they should want to play/see as many hands as possible.It's just a pointless angle . Daniel Negreanu mentioned in the previous WSOP he usually gives 8 minutes to call the clock. To me, anything over 1 minute constantly is just ridiculous.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by cuserounder
, which can also work in a Borgata $560 with 2,500 entrants, the WSOP 10K Main with 7,000 entrants and the WSOP $560 Colossus with 20K entrants just as well as it works in a WPT TOC with a small field.
Just have the 1 minute egg timer started when action is complete and known (e.g. the number of chips in the all in is established) every time the player doesn't act in rhythm.

The $560 is never going to have some 9-way chess clock on every table - apart from the problems that end of turn isn't as well defined in poker as in chess.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 04:48 AM
If anything, you'd think most pros would welcome a shot clock, as it gives them more hands/hour before it becomes a crapshoot.

Also, while they may have 'more to think about', they should be far less likely to get flustered under pressure then a random amateur. If anything it will cause people to make more mistakes, and become more exploitable.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 08:56 AM
Why have people always got to make this so difficult (not sure how many times this discussion has occured now). It doesn't have to be. A simple timer with a workable time and a few extensions. It's not that hard.

The dealer does enough all these multiple step plans are just idiotic.

It works just fine at Crown, is simple to implement and easy for EVERYONE to understand and follow.

Cristos is an idiot
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by JohnnyGroomsTD
No slight intended, but I don't know who this guy is. Haven't googled him either. But I would be willing to wager a large sum that several of his images that appear will feature some/all of the following: Hoodie, sunglasses, headphones, death scowl...... And we wonder why poker has declined since Black Friday..... Let me guess, he isn't particularly chatty at the table either....
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 05:22 PM
He just needs big Beats headphones and a scarf around his neck and mouth to complete being a total caricature.
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-18-2016 , 05:26 PM
What is a cristos?
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-19-2016 , 01:36 AM
I'll take douchebags for 200 please Kelvis
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-19-2016 , 02:01 AM
Originally Posted by Jigsaw
It's remarkable, but this definitely looks like a douche with an elaborate preflop gametree.

WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:55 AM
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-19-2016 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
It's remarkable, but this definitely looks like a douche with an elaborate preflop gametree.

Make it stop! Can't.... Stop.... Laughing.....
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:55 PM
WPT tournament of champions announces shot clock. Cristos threatens to undermine. Quote
