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Video Proof-Hit BetOnline BBJ but got disconnected when I clicked call. Resolved, Post 356 Video Proof-Hit BetOnline BBJ but got disconnected when I clicked call. Resolved, Post 356

05-28-2020 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
I definitely was wrong about separate funds. Glad I got the opportunity to ignore rickroll though. One of the worst posters on 2p2. I'll see myself out.
Why because he called your stupid defense of a shady betting site out and you didn't even know what the hell you were talking about? You can ignore me too please.
05-28-2020 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Ridiculously he is. This guy has shilled for them here in every post he makes. Defends them at all costs. Strange.
I wasn’t comparing to banks. More to Robinhood and Etrader, but okay.

Also, I’m just trying to play devil’s advocate to all the riggie posts, but sure throw me in as shill cause I don’t think they’re disconnecting people intentionally to avoid BBJ.
05-28-2020 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
Why because he called your stupid defense of a shady betting site out and you didn't even know what the hell you were talking about? You can ignore me too please.
And I admitted I was wrong. More than you’ll ever do.
05-28-2020 , 04:35 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
...when it magically froze up when the OP was on the verge of winning a BBJ!

Just a miraculous coincidence right brah?
Can you please lay out fully what you think went on here
05-28-2020 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
I agree going forwards this should be changed. I think once the 2 qualifying hands are made disconnection should become irrelevant, as nobody is folding quads for 100bbs on BBJ table.

Nobody is folding quads for 100bb on any table lol

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
05-28-2020 , 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by MCAChiTown
Seems to be similar to what I stated. Do you disagree? If so, why?
Don't disagree. Just trying to get a baseline for what proper rules would look like, and see what you thought of the GG rules specifically.
05-28-2020 , 05:03 PM
lol, MCAChiTown always comes off as a shill in the Internet Poker Forum.
05-28-2020 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
The current restrictions have been put in place due to Covid-19.
Many operators in the industry are putting in this type of restriction at the moment.
Mike, what impact does Covid-19 have on withdrawal limits? Please be specific.
05-28-2020 , 05:11 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
Don't disagree. Just trying to get a baseline for what proper rules would look like, and see what you thought of the GG rules specifically.
My mistake. It looks like that is a big hand jackpot with single player requirements and not a bad beat jackpot with 2 player requirements.

For the bad beat jackpot I think it should trigger as soon as the jackpot requirement hands are reached by both players still live in the hand.

Originally Posted by whatthejish
lol, MCAChiTown always comes off as a shill in the Internet Poker Forum.
I'll give you one guess who made this comprehensive guide to all of the US friendly sites in the Where can US players play? thread.
Does that post say BetOnline and the Chico Network is the best and f*** all of these other sites?


Last edited by MCAChiTown; 05-28-2020 at 05:18 PM.
05-28-2020 , 05:16 PM
Thought about playing on there in the past - will not be touching this network with a 300 mile long pole and will be sure to steer anyone who asks about it away.

I dislike promotions/BBJ's because I never win them anyway and they're more rake - just costs me money in the long run. If I understand correctly these guys just money grab 5% of that as well?!

Hope you get paid Devo - that's just messed up and at this point it wouldn't surprise me if there was something screwy in the coding that freezes stuff if it detects a BBJ from these guys.

Looking the other way on bots, lowering withdraw limits, a rep that should just stop talking - seriously like auralex said what does Covid-19 have to do with anything? Sounds like the money isn't available and then the response of changing the BBJ rules moving forward? So you're admitting this is crap and not the right way to resolve it but meh, next time - perhaps if one of the house players gets it?
05-28-2020 , 05:24 PM
I'd like to go back to that list of BBJ winners... I saw that someone looked each name up on Sharkscope. How many of the names are familiar as actual human players vs. possible bots vs. definite bots, etc.

MCAChiTown, perhaps you can shed light on this. You mentioned there are legit players, even a few 2+2ers on there. Would you be willing to identify which ones are real?

I'm still trying to either support or rule out the hypothesis that BOL is shipping its jackpot to the "correct" winners.

Also, not for nothing, to MCAC: I appreciated your long post a few pages ago. If we're to have any chance at helping the OP, we all should try to be as well-informed as we can be – especially since there is an actual BOL rep reading this thread.

Reminds me of the movie Spotlight, when the reporters had information implicating 70 priests in the scandal, but only had confirmation on some. Editor Ben Bradlee, Jr. says, "if we're not buttoned up on every single one of them, the Church will pick us apart."

I always think of this line when I see people getting into squabbles online or on social media. Someone will inevitably put out an argument that might seem to support my "side" of it, but has specious foundation or reasoning. Or they might post an article that has been previously debunked. My head then goes, "Man, you're NOT helping." When he/she offers speculation that is easy to dispel, or information that is easy to refute, it strengthens the opposition.
05-28-2020 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by MCAChiTown
Don't you regularly play at ACR/WPN and Ignition/Bovada? I can assure you that neither of those options is much better, if at all, and each have had plenty of shadiness take place at their tables over the years.
Yes, well, I don't play on Ignition anymore. Trust me, I am one of ACR's harshest critics, but they're still the best option (for me, at least) out of BOL, Ignition and ACR. I also play elsewhere, but yeah, we don't exactly have a ton of options.


I also just want to say to everyone giving MCAChiTown **** right now, I've interacted with him several times over the years, and read his posts for years (sorry, that sounds creepy, lol) and while he is definitely PRO-BOL, he is no shill. I have seen his discuss many of their issues before, and he is honest, and fair. That being said, he clearly likes playing there and does well there, so of course he is also going to defend them to some degree. He's also said he thinks OP should be paid, so give the guy a break, mmmmkay?
05-28-2020 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
You think they should use the same rules as GG Poker?
It's says you have to pay 15bb into the pot, then when you hit your quads or sfl even if you fold it you qualify.

I think op paid 15bb into the pot. And if this would be cool site.. cool people running the site they would pay.

Contact general manager Twitter whatever you can.
With the right attention it could be done imo.
05-28-2020 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
I agree going forwards this should be changed. I think once the 2 qualifying hands are made disconnection should become irrelevant, as nobody is folding quads for 100bbs on BBJ table.
then why not pay the gentleman out for this case as well? this is a terrible look for betonline. i have played many hands there the last few years but after seeing this i have little confidence bol would make the situation right if i have a problem in the future. u wont be seeing any of my action anytime soon if this is not rectified
05-28-2020 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by washoe
It's says you have to pay 15bb into the pot, then when you hit your quads or sfl even if you fold it you qualify.

I think op paid 15bb into the pot. And if this would be cool site.. cool people running the site they would pay.

Contact general manager Twitter whatever you can.
With the right attention it could be done imo.
Yeah I had 26bbs in the pot at time of freeze. I got 3bet pre to $15 and then called an $11 flop bet at a .50/1 table. I did say in video it was 1/2 but I mispoke, I was playing 1/2 earlier in the night before the table broke and I moved to this one.

Still waiting on another reply, I've been assured by two of their higher ups it was coming soon. So I will indeed update as soon as I know more.
05-28-2020 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
I agree going forwards this should be changed. I think once the 2 qualifying hands are made disconnection should become irrelevant, as nobody is folding quads for 100bbs on BBJ table.
So you acknowledge that the OP should've been paid in this situation, but won't pay the OP. That makes perfect sense, thanks for chiming in, Mike!

Is this the Twilight Zone?
05-28-2020 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist
I'd like to go back to that list of BBJ winners... I saw that someone looked each name up on Sharkscope. How many of the names are familiar as actual human players vs. possible bots vs. definite bots, etc.

MCAChiTown, perhaps you can shed light on this. You mentioned there are legit players, even a few 2+2ers on there. Would you be willing to identify which ones are real?

I'm still trying to either support or rule out the hypothesis that BOL is shipping its jackpot to the "correct" winners.

Also, not for nothing, to MCAC: I appreciated your long post a few pages ago. If we're to have any chance at helping the OP, we all should try to be as well-informed as we can be – especially since there is an actual BOL rep reading this thread.

Reminds me of the movie Spotlight, when the reporters had information implicating 70 priests in the scandal, but only had confirmation on some. Editor Ben Bradlee, Jr. says, "if we're not buttoned up on every single one of them, the Church will pick us apart."

I always think of this line when I see people getting into squabbles online or on social media. Someone will inevitably put out an argument that might seem to support my "side" of it, but has specious foundation or reasoning. Or they might post an article that has been previously debunked. My head then goes, "Man, you're NOT helping." When he/she offers speculation that is easy to dispel, or information that is easy to refute, it strengthens the opposition.
Feel free to ask me anything you think might be pertinent to help getting OP paid or bringing to light any other issues that take place on the network.

To your specific question. I was asked and answered the same questions earlier in the cash game thread of the sponsored forum. I'll link to those responses.

Originally Posted by HomeStar
Yes, well, I don't play on Ignition anymore. Trust me, I am one of ACR's harshest critics, but they're still the best option (for me, at least) out of BOL, Ignition and ACR. I also play elsewhere, but yeah, we don't exactly have a ton of options.


I also just want to say to everyone giving MCAChiTown **** right now, I've interacted with him several times over the years, and read his posts for years (sorry, that sounds creepy, lol) and while he is definitely PRO-BOL, he is no shill. I have seen his discuss many of their issues before, and he is honest, and fair. That being said, he clearly likes playing there and does well there, so of course he is also going to defend them to some degree. He's also said he thinks OP should be paid, so give the guy a break, mmmmkay?
I appreciate your honesty and your support! Everything you said about me is correct. I know that I can come across as pro-BetOnline given that is where I play the most because of the lack of significantly better options for US based players. I talk about it the most because that is where I play the most. I play there the most because consistently stable software with decent traffic is a high priority to me.

No, I don't think you're a creep. I've posted a lot in that forum over the last half decade or so. Imagine how many posts I'd have if I didn't know how to multi-quote?

Last edited by MCAChiTown; 05-28-2020 at 05:54 PM.
05-28-2020 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
So you acknowledge that the OP should've been paid in this situation, but won't pay the OP. That makes perfect sense, thanks for chiming in, Mike!

Is this the Twilight Zone?
We should remember that Mike is just a messenger and that he doesn’t control rules and decisions. Do you think he’s rubbing it in?
05-28-2020 , 05:53 PM
Originally Posted by persianpunisher
We should remember that Mike is just a messenger and that he doesn’t control rules and decisions. Do you think he’s rubbing it in?

Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
Hi Devo

I was just told that the investigation has been completed and that you have been sent a message to your personal email address.

I encourage you to post the reply in the forum, but obviously that is totally up to you.

Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you.

Kind regards
05-28-2020 , 05:57 PM
Not sure what to say if you think he would have encouraged him to post the email if he was certain of what that response would say. I think he would have chosen his words differently. He is a messenger, not a decision-maker.
05-28-2020 , 06:00 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
So you acknowledge that the OP should've been paid in this situation, but won't pay the OP. That makes perfect sense, thanks for chiming in, Mike!

Is this the Twilight Zone?
I stated that I think the rule behind the decision needs changing.
05-28-2020 , 06:04 PM
Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
I stated that I think the rule behind the decision needs changing.
Mike can you please explain to us noobs how covid affects how much we can withdraw?
05-28-2020 , 06:05 PM
Let's play - I'm a messenger. There is a situation and I'm unsure what the response is.

Scenario 1 - Player is paid, everyone happy, all rejoice
Scenario 2 - Player is not paid, everyone angry, grab pitchforks

Player is most likely spam refreshing his e-mail and will post results as soon as he finds out. Instead of waiting in a touchy situation, instead I post on a public forum

05-28-2020 , 06:09 PM
Congrats on getting this fixed Devo

Thanks to BetOnline for making this situation right for the players

05-28-2020 , 06:10 PM
Great to hear well done all.
