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Video Proof-Hit BetOnline BBJ but got disconnected when I clicked call. Resolved, Post 356 Video Proof-Hit BetOnline BBJ but got disconnected when I clicked call. Resolved, Post 356

05-28-2020 , 07:05 PM
I rarely post here but I had an incident with BetOnline last year where they were incredibly helpful and thought I would share it.

I quit poker for sports betting a few years ago and had around $30k on BetOnline. One afternoon, I started getting bombarded with spam emails, my phone didn't stop for an hour, thousands of them. Then, around 2 hours later I got another wave of thousands of emails. Somehow, I saw an email in the middle of them from BetOnline which said please check your account you have a new message (which is what they do when you request a cashout, make a deposit, anything to do with your account).

I immediately logged into my BetOnline account and checked my cashier, sure enough there was a cashout request by bitcoin for the maximum of $10k. I immediately cancelled the withdrawal and got on the phone to call them. While I was on hold to speak to support, I checked my account again and my balance said $0. Now I was starting to panic. Once I finally got through to them they said my balance was lost in the casino. I told them please check the IP and check my play, I've never even visited the casino section of your website in 2 years here. So they said they would do an investigation.

It turns out after I cancelled the withdrawal, the hacker went on rage tilt and purposely dumped all my funds in the casino. And the bitcoin withdrawals have a 24 hour processing time, so the wave of spam emails was him hoping the cashout request would get lost in them until it was processed the next day.

The investigation took about 2 weeks and they came back and told me all my funds have been returned and they verified it was an IP address from Korea. I said to the security manager "thankfully I saw that email and you guys didn't process the withdrawal", he replied "even if we had processed it we would have refunded you the money". I was pretty surprised by that.

Needless to say I will be a BetOnline customer for life after that. And I'm not surprised by the outcome of this situation either. Nice win OP, congrats.
05-28-2020 , 07:06 PM
Presume everyone involved got paid out? The loser of the hand in the video is going to get some shock when he logs into his account!
05-28-2020 , 07:10 PM
Good to see they did the right thing! Congrats
05-28-2020 , 07:10 PM
Originally Posted by cneuy3
The people claiming they deliberately scammed the OP are reaching a bit though. How would that work exactly? Surely if they wanted to allocate those funds to a house account and are capable of freezing someone at a table about to win the jackpot they would also be capable of doing something else to continue and/or win the jackpot in a much more efficient and undetectable way.
The funds dont exist. It's like FullTilt all over. They need the BBJ to cover operational costs. So they dont dump it to a house user, they just keep raking into an imaginary fund to pay out exec salaries.
05-28-2020 , 07:10 PM
Wow just found out! Congrats OP and much respect to BOL for doing the right thing here.
05-28-2020 , 07:14 PM
Congrats Devo! I didn't think you would get paid, but congrats to BOL for (finally) doing the right thing.

Also, I played on BOL from 2015-2020 and generally was happy with the site. Payouts were good to great, software is good, and their new straddle PLO tables were a lot of fun. I recently moved into a regulated market so switched to a new site. I preferred it to other unregulated options. Their VIP points theft and lack of rakeback/rewards were the biggest negatives with the site. When I left a couple of months ago, I had over 3mm VIP Points or something silly.

Also, MCA is one of the good guys. He was always super helpful on the forums.

Last edited by madmansam; 05-28-2020 at 07:21 PM.
05-28-2020 , 07:22 PM
Glad everything worked out.
05-28-2020 , 07:24 PM
Congrats, Devo. I am glad that your persistence paid off. That's so awesome, haha.

And good job to BOL, you finally did the right thing, so you do deserve some praise for doing it. That being said, it shouldn't take an angry mob to do the right thing.
05-28-2020 , 07:25 PM
Can Botonline now explain what Covid19 has to do with not being able to pay out players more than $3k a week?
05-28-2020 , 07:31 PM
Did they pay everyone or just OP?
05-28-2020 , 07:48 PM
Clearly a far easier way to rip off players would be where the ticker for the BBJ does not count all the BBJ contributions (ticking up at a much slower rate). eg for every $100 that is contributed (taken off the players/tables), it only adds $75 into the BBJ. Much easier than whatever else people itt were saying with regards to that this disconnection cannot be a coincidence
05-28-2020 , 07:55 PM
I have been playing both poker and the sportsbook on BOL for the past 3 yrs and yet to have a problem. (fingers crossed) I have realized that it is easier and quicker to cash out if you transfer your poker winnings to your sportsbook balance. For me it normally takes 48-72hrs for poker to pay out and 12-24hrs for sportsbook. I only do crypto withdrawls though, never tried with actual CCs. I do think there are bots on the site, especially the smaller stakes tables. One of my only complaints is the registration times. If the tournament isn't over 5-10k gtd. I don't see why there is 3 hr reg time. Small stakes tournaments shouldn't last over 2-3 hrs
05-28-2020 , 07:55 PM
Originally Posted by flopflop
Did they pay everyone or just OP?
This is what was sent to the other players.

Dear Player,

On Friday, May 22nd, at 10:44pm ET, another player was disconnected from a hand that would have triggered the Bad Beat Jackpot. After an in-depth review, it has been determined that the connection was dropped on the player's end and that our software performed correctly, as expected and per the stated terms and conditions of the promotion.

However, given the extraordinarily rare circumstances of this happening while having a qualifying Bad Beat Jackpot winning hand, we have decided to credit the equivalent of the jackpot cash to all qualifying players at the Bad Beat Jackpot tables, as if it would have been triggered at the time of the hand.

The Bad Beat Jackpot was at $349,046.26 at the time of the hand. We will pay out the prize pool to all qualifying players as an extraordinary exception and let the current Bad Beat Jackpot continue to grow as if it had not been triggered at all. The following players have been credited as follows:

· BBJ Winner: shkarina ($69,809.25)

· Winner of the hand: Devowned ($52,356.94)

· Players sitting at the table: emperorK, shara02, hiphoppanda ($14,543.59 each)

Please note that this will reflect in your main BetOnline account, not your poker balance. If you wish to play poker with these funds, you will need to transfer it to your poker balance from the poker cashier.

All other qualified players that were playing at other Bad Beat Jackpot tables will be credited in the next 12-24 hours.

We hope that you are pleased with our decision. We appreciate you making the smart choice to play at BetOnline. We stand behind our commitment to you and the other players in our community to always do our best to ensure a fair and secure environment.

BetOnline has earned an outstanding reputation over the past 20+ years that we’ve been in business. We hope this further proves our track record as being dedicated to putting fairness and our players’ best interests first.

Enjoy your winnings!

The BetOnline Poker Team
05-28-2020 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by pmarrsouth
Clearly a far easier way to rip off players would be where the ticker for the BBJ does not count all the BBJ contributions (ticking up at a much slower rate). eg for every $100 that is contributed (taken off the players/tables), it only adds $75 into the BBJ. Much easier than whatever else people itt were saying with regards to that this disconnection cannot be a coincidence
They can also do both, not saying they are, but they certainly could

If the site is very smooth like some have said in regards to disconnects, and op said his internet was fine, it is absolutely insane. Some people have never had disconnects on there ever, and this was the hand it happened. I guess hitting it in the first place is equally as crazy, basically hit a double jackpot. I'm really glad OP is getting paid though, and for the other players it has to be hilarious if they didn't know about this thread and check their balance.
05-28-2020 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by BetOnline Mike
The Bad Beat Jackpot was at $349,046.26 at the time of the hand. We will pay out the prize pool to all qualifying players as an extraordinary exception and let the current Bad Beat Jackpot continue to grow as if it had not been triggered at all.
Wow nice! Adding in ~$210K out of pocket!!
05-28-2020 , 08:07 PM
Imagine being shkarina
05-28-2020 , 08:09 PM
I feel much better now. I think we all did our parts on here and Joey of course was Joey. What irks me though is that it shouldn't have had to take Joey getting involved. I wish it was handled right from the beginning but I am super glad Devo got his money. I was an early supporter OP, don't forget about the little people lol.
05-28-2020 , 08:10 PM
** Update STORY TIME and Outcome**

So as you all know by now BetOnline has put the correct and total
amount of money in my account. When this first happened I honestly
thought my chance of resolution was less than 0%. It took so much not
to pick up my laptop and smash it against the wall. Then again it
wouldn't be the first bad beat I've taken just definitely the most
expensive in poker for me. So I chilled out the best I could brought
up the Hand history and recorded. Obviously still pissed that was the
only thing I could think of. From there I posted my first hastily and
poorly written thread on the NVG forums. That's when 2p2 "A dewd" DMed
me on here.

He told me he worked with BetOnline and he would work to get me in
contact with the right people. So between that and Bobo Fett saying
maybe we should hold up on blasting it all over NVG I agreed and told
him to lock the original thread.

"A dewd" Invited me into his discord "Degenaments" (open to anyone who want's to join just PM
deuces when u get there) and everyone in there helped walk me through
this process. Even after I got the first email from BOL saying it was
out of their control and it wasn't on their end Dewd kept talking to
me, walking me through what the next step would be.

So I did another right up now for NVG in hopes to getting it back out
to the masses and that our community NVG hero ChicagoJoey would catch
wind of it and help a casual out. I won't lie I had a mini heart
attack when the Bill Perkins and Jungleman **** started happening. I
thought for sure I would get buried. Sure enough though the opposite
happened. I tweeted the thread to Joey and within an hour he was
tweeting about it. Everything happened so fast after that. Between
Dewd on 2p2/discord and Joey on twitter before I knew it I was talking
to multiple people at BetOnline who weren't even involved in the poker

Also to clarify a twitter user @ Dave and Adam for me he's a sports better on BOL and is on twitter as @Reg_Da_goat Truly a huge thank you to everyone!

** BetOnlines Official email to me **

Dear Brandon,

As you’re probably aware, our Bad Beat Jackpot is a very structured promotion and is governed entirely by our independently-audited software, as well as the Terms and Conditions that are transparently posted on our website.

After an in-depth review of the matter at hand, we have confirmed that our software and servers performed correctly and as expected. Any connection issues that you experienced were indeed the result of connectivity issues on your end and were outside of our control.

However, after reviewing your hand, we have concluded that what occurred while you were playing – your hand qualifying for the Bad Beat Jackpot and your connection dropping during that hand – is a highly unlikely and rare scenario. That said, we have chosen a path of generosity and will make an exception in this case that we feel is appropriate in such a rare occasion. As such, we will be crediting the equivalent of the jackpot cash to all qualifying players at the Bad Beat Jackpot tables, as if it would have been triggered at the time of your hand.

The Bad Beat Jackpot was at $349,046.26 at the time of the hand. We will pay out the prize pool to all qualifying players as an extraordinary exception and let the current Bad Beat Jackpot continue to grow as if it had not been triggered at all. The following players have been credited as follows:

· BBJ Winner: shkarina ($69,809.25)

· Winner of the hand: Devowned ($52,356.94)

· Players sitting at the table: emperorK, shara02, hiphoppanda ($14,543.59 each)

The remaining players at other Bad Beat Jackpot tables will be credited in the next 12-24 hours.

We hope that you are pleased with our decision. We appreciate you making the smart choice to play at BetOnline. We stand behind our commitment to you and the other players in our community to always do our best to ensure a fair and secure environment.

BetOnline has earned an outstanding reputation over the past 20+ years that we’ve been in business. We hope this further proves our track record as being dedicated to putting fairness and our players’ best interests first.

Enjoy your winnings!

The BetOnline Poker Team

If you guys want to get a hold of me quicker or follow for w/e other updates there will be you can on twitter @Devowned

A dewds twitter is @Degenaments
Joey is @JoeyIngram1
Dave is @DaveMasonBOL
Adam is @BetOnlineBurns

A special thank you to all of the above and everyone else in here that contributed to the thread here or on Reddit

*MODs anyways u can put this in the original post as well?**

Last edited by DevoGKT; 05-28-2020 at 08:21 PM.
05-28-2020 , 08:17 PM
Did OP get awarded the pot as well as BBJ after all he had the winning hand?
05-28-2020 , 08:23 PM
Originally Posted by domda
Did OP get awarded the pot as well as BBJ after all he had the winning hand?
TBH hasn't even crossed my mind and at this point it doesn't even matter to me
05-28-2020 , 08:23 PM
"We will pay out the prize pool to all qualifying players as an extraordinary exception and let the current Bad Beat Jackpot continue to grow as if it had not been triggered at all."
Whait, what?? They pay the players involved and don't even subtract it from the current BJJ?
05-28-2020 , 08:23 PM
Nice job A dewd! Didn't know about all the BTS work you did. Thank you for sharing Devo!
05-28-2020 , 08:25 PM
This is awesome! I've been following this since you first posted and so happy to hear they did the right thing in the end. Congrats!
05-28-2020 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by HomeStar
Congrats, Devo. I am glad that your persistence paid off. That's so awesome, haha.

And good job to BOL, you finally did the right thing, so you do deserve some praise for doing it. That being said, it shouldn't take an angry mob to do the right thing.
Just because an angry mob doesn't like Botonline as a whole, doesn't make bullying them into paying for a disconnect here the right thing to do.
05-28-2020 , 08:43 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
Just because an angry mob doesn't like Botonline as a whole, doesn't make bullying them into paying for a disconnect here the right thing to do.
And just because you have an opinion doesn't make it correct
