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Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling Reuters: Full Tilt Poker, Pokerstars and Absolute Poker charged with illegal gambling

04-16-2011 , 12:30 AM
Poker Players Alliance had an enormous year in 2010 and is gaining momentum for the best year yet in 2011.

L... O... L... Z
04-16-2011 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by RayRoss87
How so? What changed for you?
Nothing. I just checked my withdrawal options again and they were no longer blocked. Could just be a FT mistake, we'll see.
04-16-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Free Phil Ivey
Words with no support and no argument - impressive. Let me ask you this smart guy - do you think that PS and FT and their army of lawyers did not consider this eventuality? Do you think that they did not rely on strong legal opinions and theories to continue their U.S. operations? The federal statutes cited in the indictment are swiss cheese.

If you want to step up and make the govt.'s arguments here I will be glad to rebut them. Deal?
I need to see some lawyerly words from you before I believe that you're actually a lawyer. I learned "pro bono" in junior high, so that is not going to work.

Once you do that, please furnish your business card... so I know not to call you.
04-16-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by SpaceGhost
I wonder if it's still possible for U.S. players to 'register' for the Japan relief on Pstars... I may just send them my whole roll if it is, all play money now anyway.
Tried it earlier, can't.
04-16-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Money4Aces
Poker Players Alliance had an enormous year in 2010 and is gaining momentum for the best year yet in 2011.

L... O... L... Z
Yes, please continue bashing the PPA, since that accomplishes many good things right now. FFS give it a rest dude.
04-16-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by Free Phil Ivey
Words with no support and no argument - impressive. Let me ask you this smart guy - do you think that PS and FT and their army of lawyers did not consider this eventuality? Do you think that they did not rely on strong legal opinions and theories to continue their U.S. operations? The federal statutes cited in the indictment are swiss cheese.

If you want to step up and make the govt.'s arguments here I will be glad to rebut them. Deal?
You realize there are bank fraud charges, right? You realize that by lying to the banks about the charges, they committed bank fraud, right? You realize that has absolutely nothing to do with the UIGEA and whether poker is a game of skill (the defense of the sites), right? There is no defense to this. In fact, the only defense by the first guy they caught was to flip and rat on everybody else to save his own ass, right?

But yeah, swiss cheese laws, as you state. GTFO.

Not responding anymore because you have no clue, but in the future, try not to talk about **** you don't understand, especially in a thread being viewed by a lot of concerned people.
04-16-2011 , 12:31 AM
Originally Posted by tr0nllam
Full Tilt has re-opened check withdrawals and bank wire transfers for US residents. Attempting a bank wire transfer now to see what happens.
i can request a check now, i couldn't earlier today but that is my only current cashout option,,i didn't process the cashout just checked if it was available
04-16-2011 , 12:32 AM
04-16-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by The_Prodigy2418
yes it is
Sweet, I'm in.
04-16-2011 , 12:32 AM
Look at the poker sites, running like little girls the first time the FBI says "BOO" in their direction.

The sports betting world lived under this threat daily since about 1999.

Bunch of scared little bitches. Made all their $$ off the US players then run away at the first site of trouble.

04-16-2011 , 12:32 AM
wow, this is getting interesting to say the least...
04-16-2011 , 12:32 AM
Originally Posted by DonkvFish
yea, im in the same spot, going to try and cash it some out via bankwire then
I lol'ed. Good luck Leeroy. Stick to the plan.
04-16-2011 , 12:33 AM
I never noticed how many Brazilians played online poker
04-16-2011 , 12:33 AM
this is incredibly serious.

even if the sites manage to recover there will still be a significant amount of damage done to the online poker industry.

god damn fedarlis
04-16-2011 , 12:33 AM
on a semi related note, buying gold now is just ******ed at current prices
QFT. As a jeweler, I can tell you that gold is at least 3-5 times above its natural price right now. Yes, it's value can't be taken away "by pressing a button," but most of it's current value is perceived value from panic, not actual intrinsic value. When people calm down, the price of gold will plummet. The demand from people who actually want to *use* the gold for something (for example, make it into a ring or a super-conductor) is way down, since gold is so overpriced.
04-16-2011 , 12:33 AM
Will U.S. poker refugee's flock to the great white north? Why not? Most grinders are indoors all day. Come on up to Canada! It may be cold, but you can play on any site!
04-16-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by Free Phil Ivey
Lets argue then counsel. Usually support is given is for arguments.. where is yours?
plz look at the win rate for U.S. attorneys. Even better, the win rate for the Southern District of New York. Did you read the indictment? Several unindicted co-conspirators, copies of emails, specific bank information. The U.S. Attorney has the goods. Violation of UIGEA will be subject to interpretation of the law but these guys are hosed on the bank fraud and money laundering charges.
04-16-2011 , 12:34 AM
Alright, I see you guys have a problem at your hands the size of King Kongs scrotum... heres the deal: if anyone wanna get any funds back PM me for transfer info and Ill get them outta there and back to you through neteller or international banktransfer, but I will charge a moderate sum for the effort.
04-16-2011 , 12:34 AM
coincidence that full tilt has zero tolerance for Fraud?

04-16-2011 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by fds
You realize there are bank fraud charges, right? You realize that by lying to the banks about the charges, they committed bank fraud, right? You realize that has absolutely nothing to do with the UIGEA and whether poker is a game of skill (the defense of the sites), right? There is no defense to this. In fact, the only defense by the first guy they caught was to flip and rat on everybody else to save his own ass, right?

But yeah, swiss cheese laws, as you state. GTFO.

been trying to say this for 100 posts.

Get off ur idiotic soap boxes and "land of the free" bs this isnt about taking ur internet liberties.
04-16-2011 , 12:35 AM
vancouver and some part of mexico that someone on twitter suggested are my top two options. third? SUICIDE.
04-16-2011 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by DrewOnTilt
Yes, please continue bashing the PPA, since that accomplishes many good things right now. FFS give it a rest dude.
Sense the sarcasm. You act like I just compared them to the Nazi's.
04-16-2011 , 12:36 AM
Tried to cash out on FTP about 3 hours ago. Everything went fine and I got the email saying it was processing.

I just went and checked my account, and the money is back in it....Request denied

Still waiting for the email.
04-16-2011 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Wires
You didn't present anything worth arguing. You obviously didn't take the time to familiarize yourself with the specifics of the indictment. Your entire post is silly.
Wow. Ok. Not only have I read the indictment multiple times today but I did so with a team of other attorneys. I am also "familiar" with the legal defense theories of PS and FT....

I guess it is cool to call me names and such but really I would hope that we could have an actual discussion about this stuff. I have no problem with anyone not agreeing with me but it is more helpful to me and everyone reading if you point to specific facts and laws to support your criticism.
04-16-2011 , 12:36 AM
Soooo about that 13 month lockout period, is it still worse then the status quo?
