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"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius "if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius

09-06-2015 , 04:14 AM
Originally Posted by bombonca
i am not hate filled. I have no reason to be. I have a great job and i play online probably more then you do and higher stakes then you do, probably. Its the truth, poker is a game of skill, currage, patience, but it is not a profession, well not a profession that has any dignity associated with it. I am not a hater, have no reason to be, its my honest opinion. If you are successfull, it offers easy and free lifestyle, but has absolutely zero true personal qualities associated with it, thus should be treated as a hobby, that is if you have any respect for yourself, or don't treat it as hobby, but dont expect any respect from any real person, because there is no quality associated with good poker player to be respected, besides a good poker player.
This is so ridiculously absurd. What part of living a fulfilling life has anything to do with getting "respect from a real person???" WTF is wrong with you?

Comments like this or the underlined mind set it takes to think like this is so ****ing sad. If you attempt to define yourself by the manner in which you earn money you've completely missed the boat this time around.

Who gives a **** how some one else chooses to take care of their family or pay their bills or whatever?? Seriously? Is that what matters to you in your life? That's important to you day in and day out??

Let me tell you something, other than your mother, nobody cares what you do to make money, nobody. A person's job has zero barring on what kind of person they are, if they should garner respect, if they're a "good person," absolutely positively none.

Any one that would base their opinions about a persons true "self worth"solely on their occupation is someone that is completely brainwashed and not very astute when it comes to the whole life thing.

What are you trying to justify? Are you defined by your job?? Personally, I have a name, an independent mind, a "conscious," a "soul" opinions, feelings, and thoughts that engage others and make them want to be around me?

What I have to offer as a human being has nothing to do with how I earn worthless paper and "assets" to exist in the system we live in. And its the same for everyone, its a shame that you don't understand this at your age.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by bombonca
As a matter of fact i did day trading for 2 years, trading NASDAQ, NYSE and Euronext about 8 years ago. In day trading much less people will succeed then in poker, you have to be very talented to succeed, unless you are on the other end , like specialist. I don't rate day traders any higher then poker players, investors are something different. Day trading is gambling, unless you have an edge, then it is something you can at least call a job.
"Investors are something different" Long only, buy and hold, how noble. Your posts are so out of line, a true sheeple of the people. Keep watching TV you're doing exactly as they'd like.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 07:20 AM
Youre utterly wrong of course patchohore, you even seem to know it too judging by the strength of your spluttering.

"no one cares what u do except your mother" lol
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 07:59 AM
Originally Posted by IMDABES
Sorry recreational guys in here, you would still get slaughtered just as badly by the pros without a hud if the pros aren't playing more then a few tables.
We would probably be slaughtered more. You can't get slaughtered if you don't play, and playing isn't much fun when the rest of your table 12-tables.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 08:39 AM
another person who got lucky enough to play poker in its hey day now complaining he can't beat the games

fuak outta here
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 09:35 AM
Just this year four human online heads up specialists played the worlds best computer BOT in an 80,000 hand challenge they won by nearly 10bb/100 and the humans used no software while playing whatsoever, not even a HUD.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 12:52 PM
Originally Posted by Nit Bag
Just this year four human online heads up specialists played the worlds best computer BOT in an 80,000 hand challenge they won by nearly 10bb/100 and the humans used no software while playing whatsoever, not even a HUD.
1. Humans and robots will work together A top player using advanced software has an edge over a top player who doesn't. Is that fair? That's a debate.

2. A bigger concern is that bots will beat recreational players (which they already can.) If the poker economy is gutted by bots, there will be nothing left.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 01:30 PM
i just searched "bombonca" on an mtt tracking site for lols. it's pretty obvious why he hates poker so much.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 01:46 PM
From September HS

Originally Posted by ike
Hey guys, I just want to respond to the accusations in this thread that I might be cheating by using a bot or some other illegal in game assistance.

I don't have any sort of in game assistance more sophisticated than a pretty mediocre home made PT4 HUD. No one reputable has actually said otherwise.

Jungle said something like "Ike has resources that should help him get good at PLO quickly." I don't know what he's talking about, but it doesn't sound like an accusation of cheating.

JMo said he knows that some of the PLO players are using in game assistance. I've never heard of anything like this and I'm skeptical that it's true, but in any case he didn't say my name. ChicagoJoey guessed that it might be me and JMo said he wouldn't say who.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by patchohare
This is so ridiculously absurd. What part of living a fulfilling life has anything to do with getting "respect from a real person???" WTF is wrong with you?

Comments like this or the underlined mind set it takes to think like this is so ****ing sad. If you attempt to define yourself by the manner in which you earn money you've completely missed the boat this time around.

Who gives a **** how some one else chooses to take care of their family or pay their bills or whatever?? Seriously? Is that what matters to you in your life? That's important to you day in and day out??

Let me tell you something, other than your mother, nobody cares what you do to make money, nobody. A person's job has zero barring on what kind of person they are, if they should garner respect, if they're a "good person," absolutely positively none.

Any one that would base their opinions about a persons true "self worth"solely on their occupation is someone that is completely brainwashed and not very astute when it comes to the whole life thing.

What are you trying to justify? Are you defined by your job?? Personally, I have a name, an independent mind, a "conscious," a "soul" opinions, feelings, and thoughts that engage others and make them want to be around me?

What I have to offer as a human being has nothing to do with how I earn worthless paper and "assets" to exist in the system we live in. And its the same for everyone, its a shame that you don't understand this at your age.
You are just as delusional. If you do not think eyebrows would be raised by most people when they find out you "play poker" for a living you must be hanging out with only poker players lol. So you are saying that if you sell meth for a living or troll around as a personal injury lawyer praying off of other people nobody will care except for their mommies? Just as long as you are making money everyone will think you are an upstanding guy?
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 02:20 PM
its likely a troll post brah
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-06-2015 , 10:28 PM
It's probably not, that's exactly how many poker pros think.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 12:14 AM
Originally Posted by bumpnrun
Youre utterly wrong of course patchohore, you even seem to know it too judging by the strength of your spluttering.

"no one cares what u do except your mother" lol
It's true. Nobody cares, they just judge because it's an abnormal job which gets a bad rep. I've told many people I gamble for a living, I've gotten some weird looks but I can guarantee that nobody gives a ****. I can guarantee that they will judge me, though.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 03:28 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
another person who got lucky enough to play poker in its hey day now complaining he can't beat the games

fuak outta here

Da fuq is this pile of crazy.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 04:01 AM
Originally Posted by truefish
You are just as delusional. If you do not think eyebrows would be raised by most people when they find out you "play poker" for a living
If they raise their eyebrows, just 4-bet jam your electric razor.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 05:07 AM
he was so arrogant about how weak plo5000 players were a couple years ago, now they are good and the game is not "fair" anymore, gtfo PA.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 05:24 AM
Originally Posted by Troy_AF
haha this thread is interesting. Im just a micro player but I can say now that nl2 plays like nl25 played 5 years ago. Id imagine there's an even bigger difference the higher you go. Poker is indeed completely and utterly dead.
play nl2 now, played 25 nl 5 years ago.......lolz
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 06:17 AM
Originally Posted by lvr
another person who got lucky enough to play poker in its hey day now complaining he can't beat the games

fuak outta here
Playing online poker for a living (just lil' hundo) aged 19, in 2015, is really frustrating. Considering I'd like to think I'm one of the better players at 100nl it makes me pretty salty to think I'd surely crush if I were born 10 years prior.
On the other hand it makes me quite proud that I'm able to play poker professionally but at the same time, am I really going to be able to play for a living 10 years from now? Unlikely. I have very little qualifications and no previous work experience to fall back on either.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by 4GET2PWNED0
play nl2 now, played 25 nl 5 years ago.......lolz
LOL I'm in the same boat. Used to play 25-100 pre bf now I'm a 2nl donk. **** changes, not playing for 4 years will make you a donk at any stakes tho.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 04:25 PM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
Playing online poker for a living (just lil' hundo) aged 19, in 2015, is really frustrating. Considering I'd like to think I'm one of the better players at 100nl it makes me pretty salty to think I'd surely crush if I were born 10 years prior.
On the other hand it makes me quite proud that I'm able to play poker professionally but at the same time, am I really going to be able to play for a living 10 years from now? Unlikely. I have very little qualifications and no previous work experience to fall back on either.
and if it was ten years ago you would play just as poorly because nobody paved a path for you and spelled it out for you
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by .isolated
It's true. Nobody cares, they just judge because it's an abnormal job which gets a bad rep. I've told many people I gamble for a living, I've gotten some weird looks but I can guarantee that nobody gives a ****. I can guarantee that they will judge me, though.
Those are just randoms, they dont give a sht because they dont care about you man

your a pro poker player right? so you are excellent and reading peoples reactions right? Have you noticed yet what females think when you tell them

"I don't have a job, I'm a professional gambler"

"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by TR7isBetterThanU
Playing online poker for a living (just lil' hundo) aged 19, in 2015, is really frustrating. Considering I'd like to think I'm one of the better players at 100nl it makes me pretty salty to think I'd surely crush if I were born 10 years prior.
On the other hand it makes me quite proud that I'm able to play poker professionally but at the same time, am I really going to be able to play for a living 10 years from now? Unlikely. I have very little qualifications and no previous work experience to fall back on either.
10 years? dude try 2 years from now? Cant you see whats happening.....Forgot the boom you were probably lucky to miss it, then the gap in your CV would have been really crushing and your mindset even more poked.

you are 19? wow. You are going to be fine, just get out asap
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 07:59 PM
I don't think HEM is a problem. It just allows you to play on more tables. If I didnt have hem I would just play less table to notice tendencies more and I would take more notes.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 08:36 PM
Originally Posted by JoeyJoJo Shabadu
and if it was ten years ago you would play just as poorly because nobody paved a path for you and spelled it out for you
Where are these paved paths on which bad players can have the game's inner workings spelled out for them on a casual stroll?
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
09-07-2015 , 11:58 PM
Well ten years ago there wasn't coaching, training sites, training software etc...

You had to learn mostly by playing, talking strat with people and analyzing other people's games. There was less info out there.
"if you don't use software it's not a fair game anymore" - Patrick Antonius Quote
