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Register ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement

02-04-2020 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
@monteroy- you do realise that once sensitive infos are on the internet they stay on the internet forever??? You do realise people live on the adresses??? You do realise these things are in hands of some unknown Bulgarians??? You do realise i contacted the site many times but no one answered??? You do realise there were at least some people reading this that are very farmiliar with situation and probably know exactly about who are we talking but no one dare to comment???
This frantic energy you constantly spew (??????) is likely what is costing you more than having your name on some site nobody has heard of that does not really show up on searches. I realized there was near 0% chance you would take a breath and self reflect so I do appreciate that you will continue to double down on your energy until this thread dies and is forgotten in a day or two.

Originally Posted by obeythelaw
Also police showed completely different attitude to the case, than some 2+2ers here, if you really think someone can get away with this stuff than I dont know what to say. Also comments about my expertise are funny...especially after same people commenting about my expertise are the same people that are so assured nothing will happen, which leads me to believe there is not a single person on the forum knowledgable enough about European laws to comment.
Nice that you have police forces around the world fighting for your cause in your mind. Cherish that energy (even if nobody else believes you) and do not let the reality of how situations like this (200 bucks????????) are generally handled by law enforcement.

Anyway, feel free to be the first one who starts threads like this to update it with verifiable results in the future. I have said that to many who posted just like you before you, but no doubt you will be different (ok, I say that to all of them as well, but this time I mean it (ok I say that as well to all of them)).

All the best. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
All the best.

You say that to.... oh well **** it ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 06:23 PM
As long as the rules are made crystal clear I don't have a high level of sympathy in most cases. There are of course times where the overall result doesn't necessarily fit the crime, perhaps like here, and on another note I obviously have empathy towards mental health issues etc. Also it's obviously a huge issue if you really did try to contact to repay etc and the site is ignoring you, if this site is made the owners/founnders/whatever clearly have an obligation to maintain it or close it which is something I didn't mention in my previous post.

Whilst you may have good intentions (it's not too clear from your wording, e.g. if you were always 100% going to pay it back or whatever), I think you are over-estimating the intentions in others, there are def people who intend to scam from the start ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 06:31 PM
Website that can possibly ruin your reputation unless you pay them? What could possibly go wrong ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
and this will most likely result in .rip site closure as well as some lawsuits filled and a lot of practical experience.

I would bet a lot of money you don't get **** done but unfortunately you're a scammer and I wouldn't trust you enough to bet you. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
So a higly reputable person like you actually agrees that if you somehow stole 200$ or maybe only 45$ or 60$ your life should be destroyed and you should be known as a scammer for the rest of your life with a possibility of your identity being stolen?
Scamming is Scamming. Lesser, greater, middling... Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to employ one scammer or another… I’d rather not employ at all. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
Well, I can not pay back money because they are ignoring me. I would also send money in escrow (if that is the right term) and definitely not directly to the site.

Honestly i feel like super blackmailed.

Our police will contact Interpol, Interpol will at least shut down site because they would never allow privacy being breached, its definitely not in their interest to have 500 identities with pictures and adresses lying free on some site....And since legaly speaking this could be fraud and blackmail, with beautiful Bulgaria country behind it, I am very much sure they would get involved quick...
can you provide proof theyre ignoring you? ss of your convo perhaps?

As a law student you should know your threats are rather meaningless and ultimately serve to have you not be taken seriously. You scammed by knowingly withdrawing money that wasnt yours, I'd imagine you didnt tell them at the time or try to set up a payment plan once you did it. You probably ceased comm and blocked them and forgot about it until it started to bite you in the ass.

What would you prefer they did to warn others about working with someone who scams ppl?? Sorry bro but you're not the victim here, and coming at this the way you are is not helping you get your name off that site. I'd recommend remorse and sincere apologies, AFTER you square up your debt that you acknowledge you stole. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 11:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dwimmerlaike
Scamming is Scamming. Lesser, greater, middling... Makes no difference. The degree is arbitrary. The definition’s blurred. If I’m to employ one scammer or another… I’d rather not employ at all.
You don't employ anyone. Thank goodness. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
You don't employ anyone. Thank goodness.
Reading a bit much into an attempt at humour. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 02:32 AM
One thing i really dont get is why OP just didnt pay the debt. His name should be deleted by now no? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 04:14 AM
It seems the OP is claiming that they aren't responding to the contact link, so there's no one to pay at this point. This might or might not be true, but it's irrelevant.

He admits that he scammed them out of $200. The circumstances under which he stole the money are irrelevant. If you steal, you've committed a crime, and you're also a big a-hole.

Actions have consequences. Here the consequences are fitting. You stole $200, a rather small amount of money. You disappeared for a long time and avoided paying. You figured you had gotten away with it, and this would never come back to bite you.

Now you find yourself published on a scammer website, and people in your real life are discovering it when googling you.


I hope this happens to more entitled, selfish poker scammers who think that they have a right to steal others' money with zero consequence.

All of your legal threats and plans are nonsense, and they will go nowhere. Best of luck with Interpol, though. I'm sure they'll get right on that. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 05:18 AM
He’s said they live in Malta, close to 0 chance no one on this site knows or is an acquaintance of the stable. Even if he’s getting no response from the site, post the name of the stable here, or a SN, and I’m sure someone can get in touch with them and OP can pay his debt. I’m sure they have some affiliation with the .rip site as it is a pretty obscure one hardly anyone in this thread had heard of before.

Very likely instead of trying to get it sorted OP will continue to talk about life and the way things are going, perhaps he’ll try to rob a liquor store ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 05:39 AM
Backing disagreements happen all the time. It's not always black and white.

I was blackmailed by a former backer to repay 5 figures of make-up when I quit poker. When I could no longer afford to continue making payments (25% of the wages from my minimum wage job) he contacted my girlfriend and place of work to inform them that I was a scammer and thief.

I'm sure there are plenty of cases of horses outright scamming money. But even in the cases where that is the case, backers have no right whatsoever to go posting people's names, addresses and photo IDs on the internet. It is blackmail.

We're one step away from people using these websites to go chasing these debts like bounty hunters on behalf of whoever posted them. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 05:45 AM
Originally Posted by SteakOnTrent
Backing disagreements happen all the time. It's not always black and white.

I was blackmailed by a former backer to repay 5 figures of make-up when I quit poker. When I could no longer afford to continue making payments (25% of the wages from my minimum wage job) he contacted my girlfriend and place of work to inform them that I was a scammer and thief.

I'm sure there are plenty of cases of horses outright scamming money. But even in the cases where that is the case, backers have no right whatsoever to go posting people's names, addresses and photo IDs on the internet. It is blackmail.

We're one step away from people using these websites to go chasing these debts like bounty hunters on behalf of whoever posted them.
But that's not the case here.

The guy fully admits that he stole $200 from his backers, claiming that "life circumstances" caused him to do it.

He also didn't pay back as months passed.

Clearly he thought he could just get away with stealing the money because it was "only" $200 and he had "life circumstances" where he talked himself into being justified to steal it, and now he's facing consequences and crying foul.

If you steal and then find yourself profiled on a website of thieves, guess what? You deserve it. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 05:46 AM
Originally Posted by SteakOnTrent
I'm sure there are plenty of cases of horses outright scamming money. But even in the cases where that is the case, backers have no right whatsoever to go posting people's names, addresses and photo IDs on the internet. It is blackmail.
No, it isn't. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 05:53 AM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
I would bet a lot of money you don't get **** done but unfortunately you're a scammer and I wouldn't trust you enough to bet you.
Well done sir ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 07:12 AM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
I am from EU and I will put all the resources in filling a lawsuit in European court for human rights, that being said, this might be really shady people, and they have all my infos, where i live everythiiing.

The question now is does my staker even know this people or was he just sending my documents over to some mobbsters for 200 euros??? I mean this is just absurd, i wouldnt be suprised if many identities were stolen from there wtf were they thinking....

To be clear, i contacted them multiple times and nothing, absolutely nothing...

And another question, should i be scared for myself and my family now that i went public?
too late, axe in car......... ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 08:31 AM
Is the site down? Couldn;t access. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 08:55 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
No, it isn't.
I disagree.

These people aren't in the business of doxing people as a form of public service. They're doing it solely to shame people into paying them money.
"We won't remove your personal information until $x is paid to us" is clearly blackmail.

There are legal channels a backer can go down to pursue genuine debts. I wonder why that almost never happens.

Last edited by SteakOnTrent; 02-05-2020 at 08:56 AM. Reason: Typo ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 09:07 AM
Originally Posted by Titicamara
Is the site down? Couldn;t access.
Works fine. Interpol must be busy atm. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 10:14 AM
Originally Posted by SteakOnTrent
I disagree.

These people aren't in the business of doxing people as a form of public service. They're doing it solely to shame people into paying them money.
"We won't remove your personal information until $x is paid to us" is clearly blackmail.

There are legal channels a backer can go down to pursue genuine debts. I wonder why that almost never happens.
Do you think debt collecting agencies work for free? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 10:58 AM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
Clearly he thought he could just get away with stealing the money because it was "only" $200 and he had "life circumstances" where he talked himself into being justified to steal it, and now he's facing consequences and crying foul.

If you steal and then find yourself profiled on a website of thieves, guess what? You deserve it.
This is a bit to polarizing imo. Yes he should not have stolen 200$, but your assumptions are way to harsh and may not even be true. Or did i miss something in this thread but do you exactly know the life circumstances he is talking about? And did he actually talk himself in justifying to steal?

His actions did have consequences, he is trying to get clean which is a good thing. I somehow don't think it is justified, or maybe I need to see in proportion, that someone (and im assuming) was in a bad place and stole a relative small amount of money is now not able to get a job and build up a normal living.

That said, scammers need to be outed so I'm a bit indecisive on this specific case. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 11:04 AM
Originally Posted by SteakOnTrent
I disagree.

These people aren't in the business of doxing people as a form of public service. They're doing it solely to shame people into paying them money.
"We won't remove your personal information until $x is paid to us" is clearly blackmail.

There are legal channels a backer can go down to pursue genuine debts. I wonder why that almost never happens.
Its not really blackmail but it is clearly a violation of the GDPR and privacy laws. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by Kilowatt
But that's not the case here.

The guy fully admits that he stole $200 from his backers, claiming that "life circumstances" caused him to do it.

He also didn't pay back as months passed.

Clearly he thought he could just get away with stealing the money because it was "only" $200 and he had "life circumstances" where he talked himself into being justified to steal it, and now he's facing consequences and crying foul.

If you steal and then find yourself profiled on a website of thieves, guess what? You deserve it.
Someone should be unable to get a new job because he/she stole $200 once? That seems like a necessary consequence for what he's done?

Actions have consequences. But there is a line here that I think, in these circumstances, has clearly past.

This is of course assuming what he's telling us about his employment is accurate. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-05-2020 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by gitt
Someone should be unable to get a new job because he/she stole $200 once? That seems like a necessary consequence for what he's done?

Actions have consequences. But there is a line here that I think, in these circumstances, has clearly past.

This is of course assuming what he's telling us about his employment is accurate.
If there are several candidates for the job and you google their names you don't hire the one who appears to be a degen and a scammer. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
