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Register ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement

02-03-2020 , 02:38 PM
Ignore the trolls these sites are pathetic. The second entry on the database is a scam for $60 where they show his full home address and a edited ID card.

Seems they have links to Ukraine with the domain registered in Bulgaria judging from that whois search.

Last edited by U shove i call; 02-03-2020 at 02:45 PM. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
I really dont get it. Are you European and are you aware of Romano-Germanic legal system. Because you are bassically bashing me and you are trying to say that Interpol would do nothing about if I upload online 500 ids from 40 different country members and when they try to contact me I just ignore them and their IDs with comments they are scammers and they are second hit on google.

You try to make me look stupid and unaware so please elaborate a bit more because if Interpol (as you said) won't get involved that directly means my only option is European court for human rights.

Are you aware what a problem stolen identities are in Eastern Europe? Are you aware this is one of the major concerns for Interpol?
European yes not eastern european and don't know about the situation about stolen ids but pretty sure closing this site isn't major concern to them. And 100% sure this doesn't fall under the human rights. Well best of luck for you anyways. In the end scammer got what he deserved. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 02:55 PM
Interpol lol ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by Helllsreal
Interpol lol
Cybersecurity-identity theft is one of the Interpol priorities in last years, this is a case where major privacy breach is very much possible, who do you think country police contacts after they get a case like this? All of these people on the site are presented at thieves, basically criminals and as such they have perfect profiles for major crimes, they would be so eazy to set up... This is no joke ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 03:31 PM
Thanks for making me aware about, sites like that are a godsend and scammers don't deserve privacy anyways
Did you try contacting them through the "pay my debt tab" ?
Did you say that you would repay your debt?
Did they ignore that offer?
How long ago was it that you offered to pay your debt? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 03:38 PM
Let me be very clear: Charging money without a bill and in return take down your photo (when you do not even know who are you sending and if the pictures will actually get deleted) is a crime, this is blackmailing, this is completely different animal. This people need jailtime, who gave them the right to play police, they have absolutely no authority over me or over any other person there. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 03:48 PM
Originally Posted by NINzent
Thanks for making me aware about, sites like that are a godsend and scammers don't deserve privacy anyways
Did you try contacting them through the "pay my debt tab" ?
Did you say that you would repay your debt?
Did they ignore that offer?
How long ago was it that you offered to pay your debt?
Yes I did i belive it was 2nd january 2020 first fime i contacted them. I gave them all infos how to contact nothing happened.

God knows who is really behind this, and this is personal now you can bet on that, i really hope the person who provided this id knew those people ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 06:44 PM
Interpol will at least shut down site because they would never allow privacy being breached, its definitely not in their interest to have 500 identities with pictures and adresses lying free on some site....And since legaly speaking this could be fraud and blackmail, with beautiful Bulgaria country behind it, I am very much sure they would get involved quick...

You're delusional if you actually believe this. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:12 PM
an easy way to avoid issues like this is to not scam people, tbh I've been scammed for 5+ figs and I think reverting back to public shaming can be good. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:13 PM
furthermore, giving away gov docs to eastern european randos for 7$ spin staking seems... ummm... lets just say not smart? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:22 PM
Originally Posted by MaxPoker111
furthermore, giving away gov docs to eastern european randos for 7$ spin staking seems... ummm... lets just say not smart?
God damn this, I was wondering how the hell do the site have all those ID scans. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:30 PM
ESH ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:35 PM
why dont you just not scam people
seriously, the excuse "i needed it" (or "i needed it more than the staker") is one scammers love to use to justify

i agree these sites are harsh, but in most of the cases it is made pretty crystal clear (often in contract) that this will be done if (and only if) you scam.
dont know for certain about the legality of it but sorry cant really sympathise too much. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:49 PM
Originally Posted by MaxPoker111
an easy way to avoid issues like this is to not scam people, tbh I've been scammed for 5+ figs and I think reverting back to public shaming can be good.
Ppl owe me high 4figures and most of that I will never see, i think going public for someone who is at the time living big driving nice cars, playing high stakes, gambling, doing yayo is one thing... But going public for 7dollar reg with 0 dollars to his name when he tells you he has serious problems is ****ing ******ed. Guys staking super high mind****ing games like spins without proper psychological evaluation and questions like do you have money to eat, can you afford to pay rent, is straight up taking an advantage of someone else situation, where you can make huge amounts of return with basically 200dollars risk.

Before i fell in depression i never had money problems and in never scam anyone. If I heard someone scammed somebody for 5euros i was instantly on hang him right here vagon. I never asked myself why someone is doing that and what is his background. I look on things much different now. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:51 PM
Originally Posted by numberonedonk
You're delusional if you actually believe this.

I will put my heart and soul in that ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:53 PM
There is a link that says PAY MY DEBT. Have you tried paying it? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
This people need jailtime, who gave them the right to play police, they have absolutely no authority over me or over any other person there.
Because the authorities do such an amazing job fighting scammers?
I fully support sites like this
However, since it seems like you want to pay back the money (if I understand that right) they should give you the chance to do so ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 07:57 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
Ppl owe me high 4figures and most of that I will never see, i think going public for someone who is at the time living big driving nice cars, playing high stakes, gambling, doing yayo is one thing... But going public for 7dollar reg with 0 dollars to his name when he tells you he has serious problems is ****ing ******ed. Guys staking super high mind****ing games like spins without proper psychological evaluation and questions like do you have money to eat, can you afford to pay rent, is straight up taking an advantage of someone else situation, where you can make huge amounts of return with basically 200dollars risk.

Before i fell in depression i never had money problems and in never scam anyone. If I heard someone scammed somebody for 5euros i was instantly on hang him right here vagon. I never asked myself why someone is doing that and what is his background. I look on things much different now.
Justifying what you did by saying other people are doing worse stuff won't earn you any sympathy ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:04 PM
Originally Posted by OMGClayDol
why dont you just not scam people
seriously, the excuse "i needed it" (or "i needed it more than the staker") is one scammers love to use to justify

i agree these sites are harsh, but in most of the cases it is made pretty crystal clear (often in contract) that this will be done if (and only if) you scam.
dont know for certain about the legality of it but sorry cant really sympathise too much.
Bro let me be clear, i loan money, I am owed money, i borrowed money and alwayssss returned every ****ing cent. There were two instances in my life where i did not return the money. First was situation where i felt I was completely played and actually lost longterm life ev. The second situation is this, and it happened during mental breakdown where i went to mental hospital the next day. The only reason i still havent pay this one out was that after treatment i tried to block every memory of 2017, i was immediatelly down to pay this one, despite being outed. I am way more reliable than most people, that is why i take it personal so much. It may not seem so because of the situation but i have high moral standards and I will always do what is right in the end.

Btw i respect you a lot omgclaydoll, i always have ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:13 PM
Guys everyone take a deep breath, inhale, breath out. Then again have a look at that site. It's sooo waaaay over the top. I mean the basic idea does make sense in some ways, but it's so freaking way over the top.

I saw an entry 45$ with Adress and everything. Are u serious?

Have u ever seen someone steel smt from a shop for 40$ and then beeing dedoxed on the web? No. There is a reason for it. Also who says all these scammers did really scam etc.

Site without someone legitemitly controlling it, is way over the top.

I mean it's really beyond over the top. Also believe won't stay online for long. EU got harsh data privacy laws.

@op if what u wrote is true I whish u all the best, and don't try to argue with the toxic people here. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by NINzent
Justifying what you did by saying other people are doing worse stuff won't earn you any sympathy
I never said other people are doing worse stuff or try to compare with others dont play with my words i went through battles and wars you really think i am seeking sympathy. I said i can understand ppl much more now cuz of the **** i have been through

In regards of high variance games, staking and psychological/social factor i actually think i made some good points... Just to get better perspective ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Snowedin17
There is a link that says PAY MY DEBT. Have you tried paying it?
Originally Posted by NINzent
Because the authorities do such an amazing job fighting scammers?
I fully support sites like this
However, since it seems like you want to pay back the money (if I understand that right) they should give you the chance to do so
Your way of thinking is just wrong... You try to justify something that is legally not even a scam, with total privacy breach that could ruin a life and get you in a shitload of problems with identity. You owe 200 dollars but you can lose 50 000dollars every year till the end of your life because the job you did not get, or maybe you just end up in jail because you were set up... I mean cmon man ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:37 PM
You went and got a stake at pokerscam.something, you scammed them, they scammed you back, and you're surprised about all this because how? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:39 PM
File a request to google to have the search result to that page which your name appears on, removed

and make a GDPR removal request


Originally Posted by Kelvis
You went and got a stake at pokerscam.something, you scammed them, they scammed you back, and you're surprised about all this because how?
I'm guessing this site is a third party where stables that have been scammed send in the scammers info and then pokerscam publishes it. I'm guessing they also take responsibility to collect payment and then forward it to the scammed, for a fee. Sort of like selling invoices/debt collection

Last edited by Loctus; 02-03-2020 at 08:41 PM. Reason: . ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by alberthofmann
Guys everyone take a deep breath, inhale, breath out. Then again have a look at that site. It's sooo waaaay over the top. I mean the basic idea does make sense in some ways, but it's so freaking way over the top.

I saw an entry 45$ with Adress and everything. Are u serious?

Have u ever seen someone steel smt from a shop for 40$ and then beeing dedoxed on the web? No. There is a reason for it. Also who says all these scammers did really scam etc.

Site without someone legitemitly controlling it, is way over the top.

I mean it's really beyond over the top. Also believe won't stay online for long. EU got harsh data privacy laws.

@op if what u wrote is true I whish u all the best, and don't try to argue with the toxic people here.
+100 ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
