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Register ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement

02-03-2020 , 08:42 PM
Toasting in roll bread.

posting in troll thread ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
You went and got a stake at pokerscam.something, you scammed them, they scammed you back, and you're surprised about all this because how?
Nope the stable i was staked was not from eastern europe and it has nothing to do with, that makes situation way worse.

Honestly, what kind of an answer are you looking for, when you ask me if I am surprised that my whole identity is online and in the hands of some bulgarian/ukranian unknowns that had nothing to do with stable... ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
Nope the stable i was staked was not from eastern europe and it has nothing to do with, that makes situation way worse.

Honestly, what kind of an answer are you looking for, when you ask me if I am surprised that my whole identity is online and in the hands of some bulgarian/ukranian unknowns that had nothing to do with stable...
So they decided to give up on the debt and screw you instead right? In that case basically is the stable, at least in the intent. In any case, when you're dealing with stables you have to realize those are some morally bankrupt people and they are the aids of poker. I know that is hindsight, but it is not surprising. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by Loctus
File a request to google to have the search result to that page which your name appears on, removed

and make a GDPR removal request

I'm guessing this site is a third party where stables that have been scammed send in the scammers info and then pokerscam publishes it. I'm guessing they also take responsibility to collect payment and then forward it to the scammed, for a fee. Sort of like selling invoices/debt collection
I'll do that immediatelly.

Yeah this is very dangerous, debt collection in such way is obviously organized crime, no legal authority collecting debts, very bad idea. Those doing that without court judgment, should be really carefull. If this is stabdard practice I will defintely help as much as i can to stop that kind of activity. I feel obliged to doing that the same way i feel obliged to pay my debts.

I find it hard to believe some very smart poker coaches were so dumb to accept such risks for 200 dollars or less. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by Kelvis
So they decided to give up on the debt and screw you instead right? In that case basically is the stable, at least in the intent. In any case, when you're dealing with stables you have to realize those are some morally bankrupt people and they are the aids of poker. I know that is hindsight, but it is not surprising.
Yes decided to sell my personal info, and info of so many others to some criminals.

You will all go broke in lawsuits ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 10:05 PM
I think I'm supposed to conclude that are basicly internet heros, correct? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
I think I'm supposed to conclude that are basicly internet heros, correct?
Very good conclusion. Basically you support criminal activity. ****ing morron and i used to respect you so much. How would staker feel if people that he outed get connected and they conspire against him global, would he still go ti sleep so relaxed or maybe he would start looking around much more... Do you see where this kind of thinking leads to. It can never be good to support this, you can also make solid cases that Pablo Escobar or maybe even Hitler were actually heroes if you think like that. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 11:00 PM
Scammer gets scammed, comes to NVG for sympathy. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 11:20 PM
Originally Posted by golfbum983
Scammer gets scammed, comes to NVG for sympathy.
and this will most likely result in .rip site closure as well as some lawsuits filled and a lot of practical experience.

I would also guess that each of your golf sticks is worth more than the scam i made so you wouldnt understand why someone would do such a thing.

Would you think of me as a bad person that can not change if i stole the cheapest golf stick you have so i could buy food for me and my familly.

I got what I wanted and further discussion is not necessary my guess is people from low income environment can understand some things better than other.

Gl, have fun

Last edited by obeythelaw; 02-03-2020 at 11:27 PM. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 11:32 PM
If this guy is a law student, I am the Dalai Lama.

Don't scam people. If you cannot pay stakes/loans back, take PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY and get in contact with the other party to work out a deal.

You went no contact on them, which is not okay under any circumstances.

Don't drag this **** out here.

Basically.. do a complete 180 from what you've been doing. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-03-2020 , 11:35 PM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
I'll do that immediatelly.

Yeah this is very dangerous, debt collection in such way is obviously organized crime, no legal authority collecting debts, very bad idea. Those doing that without court judgment, should be really carefull. If this is stabdard practice I will defintely help as much as i can to stop that kind of activity. I feel obliged to doing that the same way i feel obliged to pay my debts.

I find it hard to believe some very smart poker coaches were so dumb to accept such risks for 200 dollars or less.
Just out of curiousity, what recourse would you recommend to stakers who get scammed and the scammer ghosts them for a prolonged amount of time? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 12:20 AM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
and this will most likely result in .rip site closure as well as some lawsuits filled and a lot of practical experience.
I suppose that's possible. Or it could be that in 4+ months, it'll still be open, much as it is now 4+ months after this thread:

Originally Posted by smartspiner
You have 24hrs to take my stuff off google already been reported to the appropriate authority or face the consequences.
That said, the site does seem a little over the top for some of these, and if it's true they're not responding, that doesn't seem cool - also counterproductive.

I notice there's only been one scam posted on there in the last 20 months, and none in almost a year. I wonder if the site's been paid up for a while and more or less abandoned.

Either way, I have no idea why you'd want to give them all this free publicity. I'd request a thread title change if I were you.

Originally Posted by 8gameisfun
Just out of curiousity, what recourse would you recommend to stakers who get scammed and the scammer ghosts them for a prolonged amount of time?
Very good question. I guess my answer would be - do something like this, but respond when someone contacts you looking to repay. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 01:01 AM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
something a young man like me should have never got.
lol ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 03:51 AM
Get over yourself OP, typically anyone who commits a crime is in a bad situation and does it not out of want, but need, doesn’t mean they still don’t face the full extent of the law. If you had of mugged someone for $200, you would have likely done time and had a criminal record, and gl with your job interviews then. You got off lightly imo.

Not sure if you have but post the name of the stable here, it’s likely someone here knows the person responsible, settle the debt, and move on. Try not to be such a man child in future endeavours. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 07:57 AM
Originally Posted by prideitoff
I mean bladder cancer under the age of 35 years is very very unusuall, it was obviously caused due to huge amount of stress, since I have 0 cancer history in family and i trained all my life...

I would never lolled about something like that, you try to diss me and make me a scammer and bad person, meanwhile you are loling about very serious condition, you really dont need to do that.

I will settle my debt, but people responsible for my and others IDs shared will also face the full extent of law. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 08:09 AM
OP, with all due respect, it is unlikely anyone is taking your medical diagnosis abilities, nor your legal skills seriously, and for good reason. You utilize hyperbole at every moment, and proclaim actions that will take place that have literally 0% chance of ever happening, which again diminishes your credibility. Ignoring the simplistic "u stole u bad" and "all backers are Satan" posters who latch onto ever train wreck thread like this, the reality is that you are inflating your situation to levels that literally nobody else believes are appropriate. If you really want to put your "heart and soul" into this - then fine, but there are a ton of people just like you before you (Bobo linked one) that posted the same emotional crusade stuff you are doing, and in a few months perhaps your thread that went nowhere will be shown to someone else posting like you.

The manchild advice given to you is appropriate. Stop behaving like one, and start taking responsibility for your actions and resolving them in a way that you can then present to potential employers. Contact and settle up your 200 dollar debt with whoever you stole it from. Ask them to post an update in the negative feedback thread here. I never heard of that scam site you are talking about, but odds are (based on what Bobo said) that it is long dead, and I highly doubt your entry on that site is what is impacting your interview results. You very likely project the same frantic, chaotic energy in those that you do in this thread, and the natural human reaction to that is to politely open the door and have you leave and then never want to interact with you again. Take a deep breath. Stop talking about how stress caused you cancer and stealing to get food was ok. Start adulting the situation and do it in a calm manner.

The other option of course (one you will very likely take) is to continue as you have been in this thread, in which case I suggest going whole hog into it for the next 1-2 days people bother to reply, and then be comforted that nobody else will even remember this (except perhaps Bobo who links it to your next clone in the future, he remembers everything...)

All the best. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 08:43 AM
Originally Posted by 8gameisfun
Just out of curiousity, what recourse would you recommend to stakers who get scammed and the scammer ghosts them for a prolonged amount of time?
That is a really good question. And part of my commenting on this thread actually try to cope with this.

I will start at the begining.

when you stake someone, especially on lower buyins, where ppl do not have much of financial background and they can eazilly run extremely bad and not be able to show profit for quite some time, I think communication on a daily basis from staker is crucial, and not just communication about poker i mean communication about life of the stakee, how is he doing, does he have enough money etc...

If staker does not have the time to do that, than I guess he shouldnt be staking.

Common missconception is that people decide in advance that they will scam. I would argue that most people do not have such intentions, because a good stake is very very beneficial for stakee, and why on earth would someone decide to scam for 200$ while he is crushing and could make 200k in next two years and not have to deal with this kind of stuff.

from the first point taken we must conclude that stakers are very much responsible for the scams taken. You are participating in an extremely high risk/reward ratio environment, where you put in almost 0 effort to actually have a good talk with stakee about his life, because stakers know they can lose only small amount, while they can gain big, so is their greed also that plays part in this. I am 100% sure if my staker would have deal with situation differently we would still be in a very good relationship.

In bussines managers have to take blame for not hiring the right people, so it is not always as black and white as some people might see.

if staker has not done all of the above things, than bitching and selling IDs to some bulgarian hackers is seriously one step over the treshold, I and most of you have taken the losses from bussinesses that did not work out, and if we would put out infos like this every time someone scams you for 200$ either in poker or in life that would not be good. I have 5 people that owns my more than 200$ which I will never see, and to sell their IDs to bulgarians is absolutely mindblowing, cmon guys really....

There are people that can do serious harm in a situation like that, from stakers and also from stakees....i mean we all know people who would book a flight to Malta and have one on one chat with staker in person in a couple of hours and I doubt that would be a pleasant talk....and vice versa

Alternative to not doing nothing is to file a lawsuit in a court. If you are so assured you have the right to the money than I am also sure the court will ruled for you. Meanwhile selling IDs to bulgarians is illegal activity and justifiying illegal with something that has to still be proved as illegal is not the right thing to do (actually it never is). It can also leads you to a lot of trouble as there will be a case here.

Obviously the staker username combined with all the sites he is playing, limits, games and every other info that is not sensitive and could harm stakee life longrun and his familly (that has nothing to do with that but might share same adress) should be out public.

I had a long talk with police, since I have two of my younger sisters living on that adress, and the case was presented to them as such that i am affraid for their safety, which i am. If you really think nothing will come out of this than you are delusional.

I can not name out the username of the staker since their is investigation in progress. I managed to contact one other person that was on that list and he also contacted the police, so we definitely have a case here. I will try to contact as much people as possible in the future. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:00 AM
I have actually written a long rant about your situation.

There you go. You're obviously not taking responsibility for your actions (Yes, you stole money and you behaved extremely unethical by not keeping in contact with your staker and discussing a payment plan.

Therefore, in my opinion, even though it is harsh, you had it coming. You lost your integrity and got exposed for it and apparently, that is something employers value. Who knew.

Also, if a manager found his "wrong" employee to be stealing, this employee would face theft charges and probably have a public record.. which is exactly what you have now.

Additionally, if you thought you were so right about this, then by your own logic, YOU would file a lawsuit and this whole exercise here is not only pointless, it's even counter productive for you, as this aswell can be found. I would bet significant amounts of money that you will not file a lawsuit though (police would laugh you out of their office anyways). If you are willing to escrow with someone actually reputable, please hit me up and you could make some extra bucks here.

Last edited by 8gameisfun; 02-04-2020 at 09:05 AM. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:03 AM
If OP is not trolling then I definitely don't think he had bladder cancer, he's just lying imo. I'm proud of NVG for not giving him the sympathy he desires to justify his actions.

Also lmfao if you think that this site is the reason you're not getting a job. I googled some of the names listed on the site and the site didn't come up on the first page of Google.

Maybe you're not actually crushing interviews like you think you are? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:03 AM
@monteroy- you do realise that once sensitive infos are on the internet they stay on the internet forever??? You do realise people live on the adresses??? You do realise these things are in hands of some unknown Bulgarians??? You do realise i contacted the site many times but no one answered??? You do realise there were at least some people reading this that are very farmiliar with situation and probably know exactly about who are we talking but no one dare to comment???

And just because there were apparently previous attempts of taking that site down which shoved no results, that doesn't mean nothing will happen in the future.

Also police showed completely different attitude to the case, than some 2+2ers here, if you really think someone can get away with this stuff than I dont know what to say. Also comments about my expertise are funny...especially after same people commenting about my expertise are the same people that are so assured nothing will happen, which leads me to believe there is not a single person on the forum knowledgable enough about European laws to comment. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:07 AM
Please, just to humour me, please post proof of your e-mails sent to the owners of the site, your stakers or anything else relevant. You can black out "sensitive" parts. I think you're lying about all of this. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by GazzyB123
If OP is not trolling then I definitely don't think he had bladder cancer, he's just lying imo. I'm proud of NVG for not giving him the sympathy he desires to justify his actions.
That is really educated conclusion But what if you are wrong...Maybe next time you will go to pee, look at the colour of your urine and just pray that there will never happen that red thing comes out.

I never wanted sympathy, have you actually read whole thread, i dont give a **** about sympathy I wanted to present my case so people will understand you can not sell IDs. I think if people would actually listen to me and what I have to say, they would be able to prevent scams in the future... ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:09 AM
If you didn't want sympathy you wouldn't have mentioned your bladder cancer.

Sorry, alleged bladder cancer. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:22 AM
Are you actually scared that something might happen to your family because you are outing a site that might actually allready be dead? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-04-2020 , 09:28 AM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw
Also police showed completely different attitude to the case, than some 2+2ers here, if you really think someone can get away with this stuff than I dont know what to say. Also comments about my expertise are funny...especially after same people commenting about my expertise are the same people that are so assured nothing will happen, which leads me to believe there is not a single person on the forum knowledgable enough about European laws to comment.
As opposed to yourself, who's referring to this as "copyright infringement"? Lol ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
