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02-13-2020 , 07:15 AM
If the latter, at what point do you think they're breaking the law?
In EU you are breaking the law by publishing any personal information of the person without their consent.
(e) processing is necessary for the performance of a task carried out in the public interest or in the exercise of official authority vested in the controller;

(f) processing is necessary for the purposes of the legitimate interests pursued by the controller or by a third party, except where such interests are overridden by the interests or fundamental rights and freedoms of the data subject which require protection of personal data, in particular where the data subject is a child.
They don't apply. They describe situations like contacting a person to carry a business interest if that's necessary to provide the contracted service or passing the personal details to tax authorities or any other thing that is absolutely necessary to provide the service. It means that if you collect an email address and the contract says that you will deliver the service by email then you can send it without asking for consent. Those are very limited provisions which can be summed up as: "absolutely necessary common sense exceptions but nothing more". ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:17 AM
Originally Posted by punter11235
In EU you are breaking the law by publishing any personal information of the person without their consent.

not true, see bobos and my posts regarding article 6 of the gdpr above.

there are circumstances that do allow sharing personal information without the persons consent. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-13-2020 , 07:45 AM
not true, see bobos and my posts regarding article 6 of the gdpr above.

there are circumstances that do allow sharing personal information without the persons consent.
They apply to a very limited narrow set of cases. Publishing personal data will never be even close to them.
Talk to any lawyer handling GDPR issues or just read about example situations of what is or isn't allowed and in what circumstances (other than the letter of the law EU publishes quite a bit of those to help with interpretation). I think all EU countries already made local laws according to the directive.

This is a really clear cut case. Seriously, you are just muddying the waters here. The website guys are both criminals and just immoral mobsters. We have a system for administering punishment for a reason. We have laws that describe what you can do when pursuing debtors for a reason. You can't expect to be able to ruin someone's life because you think they owe you 200$ and not be painted as a bad guy yourself.

There is a difference between describing your case on a forum where people are able to respond, everyone can describe their side of things, others are able to confirm/deny/provide additional context and publishing googleable detailed personal information.

If you are loan money as a business you need to realize there is a risk you won't be paid back for various reasons. Many staking contracts would be just illegal in many countries. For example you can't require that they don't play poker on the side without employing them (non-competes in general are limited by law) and if you are not employing them but require them to play and pay back % then you are opening the whole new set of problems.
There is a reason we set limitation of what is and what isn't a legal contract and what you can do when you think someone breaks it. Sharing your opinion about how it went with a community that relies on reputation is one thing. Publishing the information to the whole world is another. If you do that you are a way bigger problem than OP is. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-13-2020 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by daviid
assuming EU laws are applicable creating a site like this one violates article 6 of the gdpr. also (at least in germany) this would not be covered by the freedom of speech since a site like this does not provide someones opinion but a (false) fact than can either be verified or falsified.

also note that it is completely irrelevant if whats posted on the scam site is true or false with regard to the gdpr.

That's why I said to contact his MEP and report it. Privacy is a huge issue in the EU, hence the GDPR. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-14-2020 , 03:40 PM
Guys can u just stop the time wasting senseless discussion on the fact if that site is legal or not. It's really really really not.

Just a juicy funny examples

"The Federal Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (BfDI) has fined the telecommunications service provider 1&1 Telecom GmbH 9,550,000 euros.

The company had not taken sufficient technical and organisational measures to prevent unauthorised persons from obtaining information on customer data during telephone customer service. In another case, the BfDI imposed a fine of 10,000 euros on Rapidata GmbH."

And that law is supposed to be valid in every eu country. And that company didn't do things as worse as that site. So u can argue its okay blabla but from a law stand point its illegal hence the host in a banana country ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-16-2020 , 01:06 AM
To all the people that say this guy deserves to be forever known as a scammer are laughable. I'm sure some of you are trolls, but seems like a lot of you are morally immature.

Look back at your life and think if you have never done anything that would impact your life in a very negative way if it was publicly available information.

And if you believe yourself to be saint who has never done anything wrong then tell us your real name and let everyone know that you are better than everyone else.

Last edited by Troy1; 02-16-2020 at 01:14 AM. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-16-2020 , 09:21 PM
This thread was almost perfect. It was just missing one sanctimonious millennial prick to come in here and shame the trolls for calling a thief a thief. Thank God and Allah you came along, Troy and joined in the forum this month. Now it's perfect. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-17-2020 , 06:59 AM
Originally Posted by jjjou812
This thread was almost perfect. It was just missing one sanctimonious millennial prick to come in here and shame the trolls for calling a thief a thief. Thank God and Allah you came along, Troy and joined in the forum this month. Now it's perfect.
John what if I paid someone to go through your post history and find something that would make you look like an ******* and make website about it with your personal info? ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-17-2020 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Troy1
To all the people that say this guy deserves to be forever known as a scammer are laughable. I'm sure some of you are trolls, but seems like a lot of you are morally immature.

Look back at your life and think if you have never done anything that would impact your life in a very negative way if it was publicly available information.

And if you believe yourself to be saint who has never done anything wrong then tell us your real name and let everyone know that you are better than everyone else.
Always a good time to create an internet account to come up with the highly original idea that no one should be judged or criticized for anything because "no one is perfect". OP is a scammed and stole someones money but im supposed to feel bad about him because his names on the internet. Ok.

So yeah sorry I don't feel to sorry for "obeythelaw" who's an unrepentant piece of **** scammer.

LMAO at these 1 post accounts man. Where are you guys coming from? Any plans to stick around? You guys are [redacted redacted].

Last edited by rakemeplz; 02-17-2020 at 08:14 AM. Reason: *swell dudes ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-17-2020 , 08:53 AM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Always a good time to create an internet account to come up with the highly original idea that no one should be judged or criticized for anything because "no one is perfect". OP is a scammed and stole someones money but im supposed to feel bad about him because his names on the internet. Ok.

So yeah sorry I don't feel to sorry for "obeythelaw" who's an unrepentant piece of **** scammer.

LMAO at these 1 post accounts man. Where are you guys coming from? Any plans to stick around? You guys are [redacted redacted].
Then you would be OK with someone making website about all of the stupid **** you have done right? Maybe you didn't scam anyone, but you did something that would not look good for you. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-17-2020 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by obeythelaw

I am done with this thread/
Originally Posted by KOFighter
Hey, I dont know how to PM on this website but I made an account on here just to say that since last night I have been reading through all of your posts on the rigged thread and many times have been in tears laughing at your content. You put so much effort into roasting your victims by fully reading and understanding their wild claims which adds another layer of hilarity to how you refute them. There was one in particular where you quoted a guy and said something like "So the fish is in on the rig?" and I still as I type this am laughing about it.

I just want you to know that your writing and long time effort posting in the rigged thread is greatly appreciated and you bring a lot of value to internet forums and culture.
Originally Posted by Troy1
To all the people that say this guy deserves to be forever known as a scammer are laughable. I'm sure some of you are trolls, but seems like a lot of you are morally immature.

Look back at your life and think if you have never done anything that would impact your life in a very negative way if it was publicly available information.

And if you believe yourself to be saint who has never done anything wrong then tell us your real name and let everyone know that you are better than everyone else.
Originally Posted by LeveridgeSystems
John what if I paid someone to go through your post history and find something that would make you look like an ******* and make website about it with your personal info?
Interesting after you say you are done with the thread that three new accounts pop up defending you. Because yeah, that happens all the time that people create 2+2 accounts simply to defend one so obviously wronged by you.

Oh and it's not like all three accounts have very similar "style" to your original posts. Must be just a tribute to you and your amazing posts and definitely not you creating additional accounts to sock puppet for you. Definitely not. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-17-2020 , 11:24 AM
KOFighter isn't even defending OP and I'm not defending what he did either. It's not about OP, but about that website. I don't know what would be an appropriate punishment, but forever marking him as a thief is not it. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-18-2020 , 03:44 PM
Probably deserves the death penalty. Cause he stole $200 once. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-18-2020 , 06:04 PM
Not sure why all these rando accounts are popping up to magically support the OP. Pretending some or all are not him for the moment - the OP is long gone and he claims to have Interpol on the case, so there you have it. Let us allow Interpol to do the investigation needed to resolve this matter. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-19-2020 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by LeveridgeSystems
KOFighter isn't even defending OP and I'm not defending what he did either. It's not about OP, but about that website. I don't know what would be an appropriate punishment, but forever marking him as a thief is not it.
Yes but I am fine with him having the label of thief for the time he remains one. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-19-2020 , 09:55 PM
This is classic.

A scammer complaining that he can't get a job because he previously scammed someone?

That's what these sites are for. To make others aware about POS scammers. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 01:23 AM
Originally Posted by Easy11
A scammer complaining that he can't get a job because he previously scammed someone?
Not only that, but several people ITT arguing that it's unfair to be known for something you did. That's life. Actions have consequences. People who make better choices deserve better outcomes. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 01:46 AM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Not only that, but several people ITT arguing that it's unfair to be known for something you did. That's life. Actions have consequences. People who make better choices deserve better outcomes.
Agreed, however this site is wrong, posting ids without even needing to verify wether or not someone has even scammed.

Also apparently the site isn’t even active so even if op pays back the 200$ his id is still stuck on a website claiming he’s a scammer. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 03:13 AM
Punishment should be proportional and legitimate in any society based on the rule of law. This website is neither of those things. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 03:29 AM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Not only that, but several people ITT arguing that it's unfair to be known for something you did. That's life. Actions have consequences. People who make better choices deserve better outcomes.
There are laws protecting abuse, I mean if you ignore them what's to stop them from e.g. shooting his family and saying actions have consequences

The stables doing this should be outed and hope OP does that ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by Lemon93PCTSure
There are laws protecting abuse, I mean if you ignore them what's to stop them from e.g. shooting his family and saying actions have consequences

The stables doing this should be outed and hope OP does that

It seems quite strange to call for „outing the stables“ when public shaming (of scammers) is exactly what you say should not be happening. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 05:03 AM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Not only that, but several people ITT arguing that it's unfair to be known for something you did. That's life. Actions have consequences. People who make better choices deserve better outcomes.
That would make sense if there was a database with everyone's life decisions.

One of the scammer bashers here is a sociopath that has scammed himself before and wishes murder was legal. Does this guy deserve better outcome than OP just because his info is not on that website?

Last edited by LeveridgeSystems; 02-20-2020 at 05:10 AM. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 05:14 AM
Originally Posted by Lemon93PCTSure
There are laws protecting abuse, I mean if you ignore them what's to stop them from e.g. shooting his family and saying actions have consequences

The stables doing this should be outed and hope OP does that
words are violence! outing a scammer's identity is abuse! i recently found out that news companies are doing the same thing. someone committed a crime and they reported it on tv with his name and picture. outrageous! lock them all up (but dont tell anyone because that is abuse). ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 07:39 AM
Are news companies publishing ID numbers and addresses? I wasn't aware

I have nothing against registry and saying people ran with stake money, so they don't get staking again. But publishing that personal info should be straight up illegal and the stables that do that outed

Last edited by Lemon93PCTSure; 02-20-2020 at 07:50 AM. ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
02-20-2020 , 07:56 AM
Originally Posted by SanchoHH
It seems quite strange to call for „outing the stables“ when public shaming (of scammers) is exactly what you say should not be happening.
Naming names so people don't go into business with the subjects within the industry and openly publishing sensitive informationion like an address and ID without consent are different things ruined my life for 2 buyins, illegal activity, copyright infrigement Quote
