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New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment)

08-27-2010 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by VoiceofTJ
Which is why I will always have more class, ergo be more respected, than you. I do not care for Annie myself, yet I do not have to resort to expletives to express my opinion.

Good day, sir.

I said good day!
More class? Who gives the ****? If by saying "class" you mean being a ****ing pussy and afraid of saying truth, then yeah, you will always have more "class".
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by quadsas
More class? Who gives the ****? If by saying "class" you mean being a ****ing pussy and afraid of saying truth, then yeah, you will always have more "class".
It's pathetically easy when they do the work for you.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:26 PM
Originally Posted by VoiceofTJ
I gotta say, this whole tempest is baffling to me. The prevalent attitude seems to be 'Daniel can say that, and PokerStars should not get involved, because Annie, you shill for UB, and boasted of your oral sex skills on the Apprentice, and besides, UB sponsors Phil Hellmuth, who insults people. Oh yeah, and UB is evil.'

If you have a decent vocabulary, there is no need to use the C word, the F bomb, the N word, etc, etc.

Daniel was wrong. Why? He used wording, while talking to a reporter, to describe a fellow poker pro that a significant number of people would find offensive.

Annie was wrong. Boasting of her oral sex skills on national TV, (while it's commendable that she has them), is something that a significant number of people would find offensive.

And yes, Hellmuth is wrong. Berating players who out-play him, or who play poorly, and catch a miracle river, just makes him look childish and foolish.

And finally, UB was wrong, although they did refund 22 million dollars to players.

If you can not carry on a conversation, (even an insulting one), without resorting to profanities or vulgarities, that demonstrates a lack of education, or a remarkable lack of class.

If you would not hear a word in an international advertisement for a name brand product, (Coca-Cola, Nike, major automobile manufacturer, etc), it's most likely a word that you can do without in your daily vocabulary.

I think that covers everything.
what are you babbling about
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
... the only people who dislike Daniel are usually Annie-like nitty curmudgeons... you and your kin of ass-kissers will always be needed by ego-centric jerks like Ms. Duke.
You sound like Annie made you wait...
Before letting you lick the cum off her stilettos.

As of today, I'm officially jumping Ship Daniel...
And turning myself over to the rapture...
Of savoring Annie's semi-hotness.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by VoiceofTJ
Which is why I will always have more class, ergo be more respected, than you.
Sure, class...SECOND CLASS!!!
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:44 PM
whats worse for poker, calling someone you hate a **** or endorsing a pokersite that has repeatedly lied, cheated and just flat out stolen from poker players?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 10:58 PM
gosh that wall of text guy is surely a first class idiot. he probably plays on UB
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 11:16 PM
Originally Posted by bernieshaw
The British Broadcasting Standards Commission, Independent Television Commission, BBC and Advertising Standards Authority commissioned a study on British profanity, and published their results on December, 2000. The top ten words the British public found to be the most profane were listed. The C-word was #1 and was considered to be the most offensive word by all those people asked (male and female), with 83% of those surveyed declaring it “very severe”.
That figure of 83% is down from 96% just ten years before in 1990. I expect it's undergone a similar reduction in the subsequent ten years as well.

I note that the BBC are increasingly concerned about the use of bad language on TV. From a recent Guardian article

"The BBC Vision director, Jana Bennett, also told today that Jonathan Ross had said he would cut back on bad language in his BBC Friday night chatshow after telling Gwyneth Paltrow in May that he wanted to "****" her.

And Bennett revealed that part of her job as BBC Vision director involved approving any use of the word "****" on the corporation's TV channels.

However, channel controllers could approve the use of "mother****er" and "****", she added."

Last edited by glimmertwin; 08-27-2010 at 11:20 PM. Reason: Added link
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-27-2010 , 11:47 PM
Originally Posted by Gunt Puncher


New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-28-2010 , 01:34 AM
Originally Posted by bernieshaw
According to the two polls I just provided in my post above this one, both men and women in Britain and New Zealand find the C-word to be the MOST offensive word overall. So it is actually wrong to say only women find it vulgar and unacceptable. I'm pretty sure I can find a survey based in the U.S. that has the same conclusion if needed.

I'm not the "censorship king", I just understand the power of language far better than you will ever in your life. Also, I just provided proof of my assertions. Where's yours?
Here's mine: You are rapidly becoming the lamest c*nt on 2+2. Right and wrong is never decided by an opinion poll of the unwashed masses. A majority of world denizens do not even understand or agree with the concept of freedom of speech. Most are superstitious folk who think only what some professional charlatan claims an invisible man in the sky wants them to think.

Secondly, you don't have any grasp of the purpose of language, so how can you understand "it's power"? All words exist because they have a specific use, you p*ssywhipped nit. Annie Duke has a long and well documented history of being an arrogant, disingenuous, mean, vindictive, bitch. The word c*nt was created for the express purpose of succiently describing people like Annie.

So who are you to insist that a word that exists for a specific purpose should not be used for the very purpose it was created? Eliminating the word doesn't eliminate the thought, esp. when Annie keeps both alive by constantly behaving like one. The power of the word c*nt isn't wielded by those who use it, it's given away by those weak enough to believe a mere word can diminish them.

Some of Daniels most engaging attributes are his intellectual curiosity, and his preference for using his intellect, instead of consensus, to reach decisions. Think about that next time you try to win an argument by relying on a summary of others opinions. Or are you still trying to pick up girls by telling them your mother thinks you are handsome?
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-28-2010 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
Annie Duke has a long and well documented history of being an arrogant, disingenuous, mean, vindictive, bitch. The word c*nt was created for the express purpose of succiently describing people like Annie.
It seems a shame to nitpick -- or given what we're talking about, perhaps that should be 'crabpick' -- but I think this is part of the disagreement. The word was actually created to refer to the female genitalia. Somehow, in the USA, it appears to have taken on a certain misogynistic connotation (at least, that's what American friends tell me) that it lacks here in the UK.

I'm not sure how or why this would have happened, but I'm guessing that it's never been a legitimate word in the US, whereas here, there was once a street in London (a street commonly frequented by prostitutes) that was on the map as Grope**** Lane.

Now, if you were to ask the UK public to rank profanity for strength, then yes, the 'c' word would be up there as ranking equally to '****' (unlike in the USA, where it appears to be thought of as much stronger.) A more useful test, in this context, would be what proportion of the population uses the word in informal social conversation. Among younger people, it's pretty high, and whereas its social acceptance was once limited to the working classes and the criminal classes, over the past twenty or thirty years, that acceptance has been growing and these days it's fairly common across all social boundaries. You wouldn't call your boss a ****, but depending on how well you got on, you might call your father-in-law a **** -- particularly if you were out drinking together.

This nitpick aside, I'm in full agreement with the rest of your post.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-28-2010 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by glimmertwin
It seems a shame to nitpick -- or given what we're talking about, perhaps that should be 'crabpick' -- but I think this is part of the disagreement. The word was actually created to refer to the female genitalia. Somehow, in the USA, it appears to have taken on a certain misogynistic connotation (at least, that's what American friends tell me) that it lacks here in the UK.
I should have said evolved instead of created. English has lots of words and slang phrases for female genitalia, this is the one adopted over time to describe the Annie Dukes of the world. Obviously it still can communicate other meanings as well, but it's highest and best use is the one it's evolved to.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-28-2010 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by DesertCat
I should have said evolved instead of created. English has lots of words and slang phrases for female genitalia, this is the one adopted over time to describe the Annie Dukes of the world. Obviously it still can communicate other meanings as well, but it's highest and best use is the one it's evolved to.
It doesn't matter that Annie Duke was put together using PlayDoh made from fecal matter, there's no reason to resort to misogyny when insulting her. There are so many other things you can say about Annie Duke with regard to her personality that it's a cheap shot to throw around language that accentuates her gender and makes gender of primary importance in the insult.

It is unsurprising that this forum would fail to realize that. One needs only to check out this thread and any thread discussing the merits of Vanessa Rousso as a poker player to see that this forum is going to be way upsidedown on whether or not it's okay to call someone a c*nt.

At the risk of treading down a potentially dangerous trail, because bernie's comment comparing c*nt to the n-word was hyperbolic, I wonder in what situation it would be proper to call someone in n-word according to your highly developed philosophy of language, whereby "right and wrong is never decided by an opinion poll of the unwashed masses," but a word's "highest and best use is the one it's evolved to," as if the evolution of language weren't under the specific purview of the unwashed masses. Still, I do await further instruction on the "highest and best use" of certain words, especially the n-word, and would like to know to what persons I can apply that word when they act in ways I find abhorrent.

This thread, and the general inability of people posting in it to understand why it is inappropriate to use the word c*nt to describe a person despite the fact that she is probably in the worst 1% of people on the planet, is great evidence for why the unwashed masses should not determine the appropriateness of language though they do determine its usage, things which you conflate.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-28-2010 , 03:31 PM
M Davis: Your final paragraph is to me the reason why it is absolutely appropriate to call someone a **** if one so chooses. That you can argue that it is inappropriate per se is the very reason why it is appropriate. Clearly it cuts to the chase like no other word and if one wishes to make a point, to silence the room, to get the great and good all in a fankle...then calling someone a **** is often, but not always the optimal choice.

As has been said before in many places calling someone a **** won't raise an eyebrow. But where it has to be an option. And this functionality makes it appropriate. A word knows no morals...a word as we all know is just a collection of letters that carries a meaning in a given context...which is why some folk get away with using the "N" word and some of us obviously don't...and this is neither right nor wrong, but merely the way it is. Language is a means of communication, a vehicle for expression. Language is much more about clarity than morals and ethics. If one is being clear then language has been correctly used. The consequences that ensue are another matter entirely.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-28-2010 , 05:19 PM
" New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) "

Errrr... W/ DN Comment? Where is that exactly? I missed it.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-30-2010 , 06:35 AM
Long winded c**ts ITT.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-30-2010 , 07:50 AM
Originally Posted by JP OSU
LOL Annie Duke's Open Letter to Pokerstars
Just proving what a c*** she is
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-30-2010 , 04:00 PM
Daniel Negreanu didnt post in here? where is the DN comment? title seems misleading imo
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-30-2010 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by inthepub5
i dont understand how being called a vagina is offensive,
it should only seem sexist if you believe females or female genitalia is inferior to males or male genitalia
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-30-2010 , 06:19 PM
Pokerstars insta-response, to distance themselves from this projects laundromat spat, contrasts markedly to their god-awful, and lethargic, negligence in the DON collusion and BOts threads. Way to go, maggots.

That's why you run the unregulated site of choice for cheats, shills, bots and thieves.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 11:54 AM
Boycott Daniel Negreanu poker website?

Your comments, please.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:00 PM
don't care enough
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:01 PM
i will not boycott daniel negreanu he called her a name who cares i will boycott Duke bc.......
For any of you who would ever think about representing UB, just remember,
Annie Duke and Phil Helmuth have now sealed their legacy as "pimps" for a web-site that allowed players to be cheated.

Annie has now nullified her testimony in front of the US Congress by defending and promoting an organization that uses her and Hellmuth as "pimps" to lure more people into their scam.

For all of their accomplishments playing tournament poker, both Annie Duke and Phil Hellmuth have shown us that they have no "moral compass" and are satisified taking the money from a business that allowed the poker community to be scammed and cheated.

Their credibility, while already low, is now "below zero".
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
08-31-2010 , 12:19 PM
Negreanu's abuse of Annie Duke is one of the only reasons I still like him.
New Negreanu interview: hates Annie Duke, talks about beating Stars cash games (w/ DN comment) Quote
