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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-07-2014 , 07:59 PM
This thread is going platinum son
08-07-2014 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus

I showed his story to 3 exec producers who make multiple feature films a year and they all gave it quick "No Ways". One called buying the rights to this "career suicide."
Are you Mike's agent? Sorry you didnt make adeal, but that's very impressive that you didnt quit after the first or second rejection. It's also impressive that you could get 3 people who exec produce multiple feature films a year to take the time to read an unsolicited story idea. You must be extremely well connected in the biz. Were you hoping to get some sort of finders fee if someone had picked it up?
08-07-2014 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Flartels
Lol, do you actually believe this?? Wow just wow

Dont know how old you are and what you have seen from the world (not much since you signed looking at your number of posts , but i can tell you you are one ignorant ****
Feel free to refute what I posted.
08-07-2014 , 08:15 PM
Originally Posted by cxy123
No. Beggars would exist even if there were no scammers. People fall on hard times. It happens. But the difference is they would get more help and probably quicker. Right now when someone comes up to you you have to judge whether it is a scam. That cost plus the money for most people ends up being greater than the good feeling of helping. People like Mike drive that cost higher hurting the people that need it. He is screwing someone who legitimately is stranded or homeless or whatever.
You argued against a point I never made. I never stated that beggars wouldn't exist if there were no scammers.
08-07-2014 , 08:22 PM
Originally Posted by GrindPokerAllDay
Do NOT send credentials or personal information to ANYONE in this thread. This is the NVG. It is filled with some of the lowest of the low gambling degenerates. You'd be a fool to send someone personal info here. It's the reason that people have asked that others don't post their real names in this thread, and just look what happened to Mike when he sent some personal information. You have to expect that if someone receives your personal information, they will do something unscrupulous with it such as contact your University to complain about you.
This goes even if it's a forum Mod's that is asking.
08-07-2014 , 08:58 PM
Originally Posted by lefty rosen
Finally somebody tells the truth on his life story. Nobody would touch this beyond doing an indie doc type thing and the odds of that going big are slim to none....
I remember Midnight Cowboy as being about a sad guy with a life in ruins (like PSU), but it was a great movie.
08-07-2014 , 09:02 PM
Originally Posted by TwoMoos
I remember Midnight Cowboy as being about a sad guy with a life in ruins (like PSU), but it was a great movie.
Do you remember the thousands of other similar movies that sucked?
08-07-2014 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by ilovedonks
Do you remember the thousands of other similar movies that sucked?
True, but writers keep trying.
08-07-2014 , 09:09 PM
Originally Posted by TwoMoos
I remember Midnight Cowboy as being about a sad guy with a life in ruins (like PSU), but it was a great movie.
Midnight Pai Gow Boy would be way better though
08-07-2014 , 09:17 PM
Originally Posted by johnzimbo
Midnight Pai Gow Boy would be way better though
An honorable mention for that one.
08-07-2014 , 09:21 PM
I've been in the TV/film business for over 25 years, and let me say, funny stuff hearing how Mike's story is likely getting made into a movie. As if it's that easy. As if the story is that novel (there have been movies about gambling and degens before). As if writing a book and then having it picked up by a publisher and then turned around and picked up by a theatrical agent is that simple. And then, somehow after breaching that unlikely scenario, said book/script becomes a hot property, rising to the top of everyone's pile, amongst thousands of scripts and other literary properties. And then sells, and ends up in front of the cameras. Yeah, that's sure-fire stuff right there. I believe Mike pegged it at 70/30 it would happen? Uh-huh.

The chances of Mike winning the next One Drop are infinitely higher than him turning his depressing life story into a feature film. Getting a movie made (aside from the kind you shoot with a digital camera with 2-3 friends and upload to YouTube the same day) is one of the longest of long shots.

Writing a book may indeed be a positive, cathartic experience for Mike, but counting on it selling and making a windfall of money might be the most deluded thing he's said in this thread yet.
08-07-2014 , 09:22 PM
Originally Posted by TwoMoos
True, but writers keep trying.
Originally Posted by johnzimbo
Midnight Pai Gow Boy would be way better though
Originally Posted by VP$IP
An honorable mention for that one.
Originally Posted by ilovedonks
Do you remember the thousands of other similar movies that sucked?
I said many post ago with Mike banned and not posting, leaving this thread open it would only leave trolls posting to trolls. this is what I mean...
08-07-2014 , 09:28 PM
Originally Posted by riconderoga
I've been in the TV/film business for over 25 years, and let me say, funny stuff hearing how Mike's story is likely getting made into a movie. As if it's that easy. As if the story is that novel (there have been movies about gambling and degens before). As if writing a book and then having it picked up by a publisher and then turned around and picked up by a theatrical agent is that simple. And then, somehow after breaching that unlikely scenario, said book/script becomes a hot property, rising to the top of everyone's pile, amongst thousands of scripts and other literary properties. And then sells, and ends up in front of the cameras. Yeah, that's sure-fire stuff right there. I believe Mike pegged it at 70/30 it would happen? Uh-huh.

The chances of Mike winning the next One Drop are infinitely higher than him turning his depressing life story into a feature film. Getting a movie made (aside from the kind you shoot with a digital camera with 2-3 friends and upload to YouTube the same day) is one of the longest of long shots.

Writing a book may indeed be a positive, cathartic experience for Mike, but counting on it selling and making a windfall of money might be the most deluded thing he's said in this thread yet.
08-07-2014 , 09:32 PM
Originally Posted by trup_qq
Mike got trolled out of a freeroll blackjack tournament by a mod which was pretty funny. Then they finally banned Mike because he tilted off his roll at Pai Gow and started scamming again. Other than that you saved yourself a lot of time that you would have wished to have back.
08-07-2014 , 09:41 PM
Originally Posted by browser2920
Are you Mike's agent? Sorry you didnt make adeal, but that's very impressive that you didnt quit after the first or second rejection. It's also impressive that you could get 3 people who exec produce multiple feature films a year to take the time to read an unsolicited story idea. You must be extremely well connected in the biz. Were you hoping to get some sort of finders fee if someone had picked it up?
No, you condescending troll. I work in film/TV production and took time out of a lunch meeting to pitch a few bosses on Mike's story purely out of curiosity if they would find such a thing appealing.

Don't speak on issues you're totally ignorant on. Keep your nose where it belongs, in your own shat, dude.

Just for the record I wouldn't touch this story with a 50 foot pole, Mike is just not someone i would want to work with after watching his interactions with others through this thread, ever.

Last edited by Natamus; 08-07-2014 at 09:53 PM.
08-07-2014 , 09:42 PM
I think most reasonable people will agree that it is unlikely that a movie deal will happen, but it is possible. I don't think it will happen, but I would like to see Mike earn some money in a legitimate fashion, whether it be a book deal or a regular job. He wants to stop scamming, but he also needs money. Obviously, he should quit gambling, and so should everyone else. Why donate money to a casino? You have no shot at beating the house. That's why they have marble floors. Anyway, good luck to Mike in getting his life on track.
08-07-2014 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by riconderoga
I've been in the TV/film business for over 25 years, and let me say, funny stuff hearing how Mike's story is likely getting made into a movie. As if it's that easy. As if the story is that novel (there have been movies about gambling and degens before). As if writing a book and then having it picked up by a publisher and then turned around and picked up by a theatrical agent is that simple. And then, somehow after breaching that unlikely scenario, said book/script becomes a hot property, rising to the top of everyone's pile, amongst thousands of scripts and other literary properties. And then sells, and ends up in front of the cameras. Yeah, that's sure-fire stuff right there. I believe Mike pegged it at 70/30 it would happen? Uh-huh.

The chances of Mike winning the next One Drop are infinitely higher than him turning his depressing life story into a feature film. Getting a movie made (aside from the kind you shoot with a digital camera with 2-3 friends and upload to YouTube the same day) is one of the longest of long shots.

Writing a book may indeed be a positive, cathartic experience for Mike, but counting on it selling and making a windfall of money might be the most deluded thing he's said in this thread yet.

Glad to see I'm not the only person on the inside of the business who sees this as obviously as it is.

Trolls will be trolls tho and stroke their tiny peckers from lame locations across the planet. Can't help that, just wish they'd stop spreading their ignorance and enabling false hope that would ultimately waste Mike's time and leave him no better off because he'll be let down by thinking he can sell this story and he won't unfortunately.
08-07-2014 , 09:55 PM
Originally Posted by Brewers Baseball
As long as Mike makes up more stories to make his situation more interesting it can be done. I dont believe that you would even run this by your bosses to see if it will sell. If you were in the movie industry like you say, you would not even mention his original story to your bosses. At least i would not because you would be laughed out of the room, clearly his original story line wont sell. But if he incorporates made up fictional stories to his original life story, it would work.
Again, you're not in the business you said so yourself. I'm sorry that your kind heart of empathy towards mike makes you feel defensive towards his prospects but you just don't know what you're taking about.

Sell or produce anything, even to NBC, and you can have an opinion. Otherwise you're just a trolling waste of everyone's time.

Sorry dude hitch your sympathy to a wagon worth rooting for :/

Last edited by Natamus; 08-07-2014 at 10:07 PM.
08-07-2014 , 10:13 PM
Originally Posted by Brewers Baseball
I am a long time lurker and decided to make an account because of this thread. I hope you are still lurking and read this post. Mike you can easily make this into a movie or a book. The story you gave throughout this thread has been entertaining, but normal people who are not gamblers cannot relate to you. You are going to add in some filler of made up stories to make your life more entertaining to the average viewer.

Start it off as you were a fit in shape 10/10 stud. Then when you decided to gamble you slowly began to gain weight and such. Fill in some story about banging hot chicks that you end up leaving because you stole their money and stuff. Add in some hookers and drugs and you are gonna get paid sir. Maybe some action type scenes where bookies or gangsters are chasing you. Possibly a rape scene when you are in jail, or an attempted rape to say the least.
Seriously Mike, go away. No one believes you when a new poster thinks your movie or book idea is going to work. Go the **** away
08-07-2014 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Brewers Baseball
Yoda and the rest of the trolls will never stop bashing Mike.

Did you ever come to think that society has caused Mike to become a degen??? We live in a nasty capitalistic society, where people are forced to commit certain actions in order to survive. I blame capitalism for a majority of the problems that Mike has. If we lived in a real Communistic state people like Mike would not be driven to commit these minor/petty offenses.
Yea Mike, it's definitely not your fault, you're just a victim of society. Have you ever taken responsibility for your own actions? No, I doubt it. If you would have used your degree 15 years ago, you'd be making >$100,000 by now. Sucks knowing that you've wasted your life, huh? Seriously though, stop making these new fake accounts, I'm actually embarrassed for you. It's really pretty pathetic and sad.
08-07-2014 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Natamus
Again, you're not in the business you said so yourself. I'm sorry that your kind heart of empathy towards mike makes you feel defensive towards his prospects but you just don't know what you're taking about.

Sell or produce anything, even to NBC, and you can have an opinion. Otherwise you're just a trolling waste of everyone's time.

Sorry dude hitch your sympathy to a wagon worth rooting for :/
Throw my hat into, I'm not sure you are who you say you are (feel like Dennis Green there)…Why are you so defensive? These trolls will work you until your brain is mush.

Ideas/stories are pitched to producers/studios everyday. It only takes one to say yes.

Stay Strong Mike….

Last edited by PokerFan2008; 08-07-2014 at 10:44 PM.
08-07-2014 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
Throw my hat into, I'm not sure you are who you say you are (feel like Dennis Green there)…Why are you so defensive? These trolls will work you until your brain is mush.

Ideas/stories are pitched to producers/studios everyday. It only takes one to say yes.
B/c I let myself get trolled, PokerFan and really should know better than to be spending boredom time around NVG anyway and am now moving on
08-07-2014 , 11:49 PM
the book needs a dramatic ending, like in Leaving Las Vegas
08-08-2014 , 01:47 AM
I feel like Mike just posts back and forth between his many fake accounts. 95 percent of people are against him and the 5 percent in support are his fake accounts.

mike's story is not interesting for a movie.

the fascination as poker players is that we are in horror that a guy literally scammed his buyin at the airport or once in the bathroom before a tournament.

its not movie material at all.

mike is just a small time criminal loser not interesting at all.
08-08-2014 , 01:57 AM
A movie would be ok, but in all truth his life really needs to be turned into a weekly TV show. It would make a great drama series or sitcom. I hope HBO picks it up.
