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Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14 Michael Borovetz, I believe he tried to scam me at McCarran Airport 6-22-14

08-06-2014 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
When did Mike steal from anyone? I haven't followed this whole thread but I thought people willingly handed money over to him? Sure he may have lied about the purpose of the money but he didn't exactly steal it.
Because "scam" doesn't rhyme with "deal", ldo
08-06-2014 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by moki
I'm traveling through LAX today, wearing my best business suit, trolling for Borovetz to hit me up with a sob story. Fingers crossed...
While the word Troll has been thrown around this thread..This defines the word.
08-06-2014 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
Ok, now you're playing semantics with the word stealing. Mike asked for money from people, made up a story to get it, told them he would pay them back, and all the while had no intention of paying them back any of it. That's stealing.
So then every homeless person, by your theory, is also a thief and steals money. Do you really think they always buy food with the money just because their sign says they are hungry?

I understand you have a personal vendetta against Mike but you can't make arguments based off of personal vendettas.

While I don't think what he did/does is right I don't think it is stealing. Like I have said previously the people that gave him money could most likely afford it and wanted to do it to help someone. Look at the picture that was posted in this thread.....does he really look like some businessman that is stuck in the airport? No he looks like a scumbag that I wouldn't give $3.50.

Originally Posted by lefty rosen
His initial foray into crime was stealing from a bank and he served time for that. He also stole services from a hotel and did time for that.....
Yes he cashed some fake checks and that is stealing although I wouldn't say that makes him a thief. I don't remember the details of that story but I'm pretty sure he was just a pawn in some other peoples scheme and didn't go out actively looking to steal from people.

The hotel...sure but again I don't think he was actively looking to steal. Didn't he go busto then wasn't able to pay his bill?

To compare him to bank robbers is lol. This is a pretty good example of a victimless crime...sure some of you will laugh or think it's absurd but really who is the victim? He didn't forcefully take anything or take anything that people couldn't do with out. If someone was at the airport and able to give him $200 cash I would be willing to bet that the $200 wasn't the last $200 that person had.

If the FBI went after people like him it would be a waste of valuable time and resources. The easiest way to stop people like Mike is to not be a dumbass and don't believe his stupid little story. Sure when he started doing this 10 years ago it was reasonable that he might actually be stuck in an airport but if you actually believe it now you are probably just a fool and you know what they say about fools......."A fool and his money are soon parted"

I'm not trying to stick up for Mike but some of you are making him out to be the next Madoff. I really don't see how he is any different than a bum. They both have addictions and they both lie to get money.....Mike is just smart enough to go for a few $100 at a time.
08-06-2014 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by moki
Because "scam" doesn't rhyme with "deal", ldo
no but moki rhymes with blow me...

you're not even good at trolling....i expect better from a 08'er
08-06-2014 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
So then every homeless person, by your theory, is also a thief and steals money. Do you really think they always buy food with the money just because their sign says they are hungry?

I understand you have a personal vendetta against Mike but you can't make arguments based off of personal vendettas.

While I don't think what he did/does is right I don't think it is stealing. Like I have said previously the people that gave him money could most likely afford it and wanted to do it to help someone. Look at the picture that was posted in this thread.....does he really look like some businessman that is stuck in the airport? No he looks like a scumbag that I wouldn't give $3.50.

Yes he cashed some fake checks and that is stealing although I wouldn't say that makes him a thief. I don't remember the details of that story but I'm pretty sure he was just a pawn in some other peoples scheme and didn't go out actively looking to steal from people.

The hotel...sure but again I don't think he was actively looking to steal. Didn't he go busto then wasn't able to pay his bill?

To compare him to bank robbers is lol. This is a pretty good example of a victimless crime...sure some of you will laugh or think it's absurd but really who is the victim? He didn't forcefully take anything or take anything that people couldn't do with out. If someone was at the airport and able to give him $200 cash I would be willing to bet that the $200 wasn't the last $200 that person had.

If the FBI went after people like him it would be a waste of valuable time and resources. The easiest way to stop people like Mike is to not be a dumbass and don't believe his stupid little story. Sure when he started doing this 10 years ago it was reasonable that he might actually be stuck in an airport but if you actually believe it now you are probably just a fool and you know what they say about fools......."A fool and his money are soon parted"

I'm not trying to stick up for Mike but some of you are making him out to be the next Madoff. I really don't see how he is any different than a bum. They both have addictions and they both lie to get money.....Mike is just smart enough to go for a few $100 at a time.
We know what he is up to, Joe Public doesn't that's a huge difference. Anybody that reads this board that gives him more than a buck or two deserves what they get. But Joe Public doesn't a huge difference.
08-06-2014 , 03:18 PM
No, you missed the point. Homeless people do not steal when they beg for money, since they never promise to pay it back. Mike, on the other hand, promises to pay the money back but never does.

A key element of any larceny or theft crime is what an offender intends to do with the property after taking it. Typically, an offender is guilty of a theft crime when he takes the property of another with the intention of permanently depriving him of it. Deciding later to keep the property an offender orginally intended to use temporarily and then return becomes a larceny or theft crime at the moment the offender's intent changes. The perfect example of this is a rental car you decide not to return. A lawful rental becomes a larceny or theft crime the moment you fail to return it on time with the intention of keeping it.

Read more:

Mike has committed larceny, which is stealing.
08-06-2014 , 03:25 PM
Originally Posted by lefty rosen
We know what he is up to, Joe Public doesn't that's a huge difference. Anybody that reads this board that gives him more than a buck or two deserves what they get. But Joe Public doesn't a huge difference.
My mother doesn't read twoplustwo and is one of the most giving people I know (supports those little african children, gives school supplies etc).

If Mike came up to my mother in the airport and started his little speech he wouldn't get out 3 words before she said no. Why? Because she isn't an idiot. It has nothing to do with knowing about Mike or his story. What business person legitimately gets stuck in an airport in 2014 with no way of getting any funds or help from friends, family, or business colleagues. If you honestly believe his story than you are honestly an idiot.

The public in general are a bunch of idiots and enable Mike to keep doing this by falling for his stupid little scam. It would be one thing if he actually looked the part but he doesn't.

Do you actually think this guy looks like a stranded businessman? I sure don't and would tell him to **** off.

If you gave this face more than $5 you are an idiot. Sorry
08-06-2014 , 03:29 PM
He stole our hearts with that smile.
08-06-2014 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
My mother doesn't read twoplustwo and is one of the most giving people I know (supports those little african children, gives school supplies etc).

If Mike came up to my mother in the airport and started his little speech he wouldn't get out 3 words before she said no. Why? Because she isn't an idiot. It has nothing to do with knowing about Mike or his story. What business person legitimately gets stuck in an airport in 2014 with no way of getting any funds or help from friends, family, or business colleagues. If you honestly believe his story than you are honestly an idiot.

The public in general are a bunch of idiots and enable Mike to keep doing this by falling for his stupid little scam. It would be one thing if he actually looked the part but he doesn't.

Do you actually think this guy looks like a stranded businessman? I sure don't and would tell him to **** off.

If you gave this face more than $5 you are an idiot. Sorry
Point taken on the clothes and baseball cap. But if he had a suit zipped up in those brown suit holders and said a story about being out of work and having some health care problems that got his credit destroyed that could make his story more believable. I might fall for that if I didn't read this board.
08-06-2014 , 03:38 PM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
No, you missed the point. Homeless people do not steal when they beg for money, since they never promise to pay it back. Mike, on the other hand, promises to pay the money back but never does.

A key element of any larceny or theft crime is what an offender intends to do with the property after taking it. Typically, an offender is guilty of a theft crime when he takes the property of another with the intention of permanently depriving him of it. Deciding later to keep the property an offender orginally intended to use temporarily and then return becomes a larceny or theft crime at the moment the offender's intent changes. The perfect example of this is a rental car you decide not to return. A lawful rental becomes a larceny or theft crime the moment you fail to return it on time with the intention of keeping it.

Read more:

Mike has committed larceny, which is stealing.
LOL...just because you can use google doesn't mean you actually know what you are talking about.

If anything this is a civil matter and not criminal. Even in what you posted it proves that he hasn't committed a crime. The key word is "intent" All he has to say is he intended to pay it back and has not been able to. Also considering most of these deals are done with a handshake and thank you they have absolutely no legal application. LOL at thinking a rental car is anything like this case.
08-06-2014 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
My mother doesn't read twoplustwo and is one of the most giving people I know (supports those little african children, gives school supplies etc).

If Mike came up to my mother in the airport and started his little speech he wouldn't get out 3 words before she said no. Why? Because she isn't an idiot. It has nothing to do with knowing about Mike or his story. What business person legitimately gets stuck in an airport in 2014 with no way of getting any funds or help from friends, family, or business colleagues. If you honestly believe his story than you are honestly an idiot.

The public in general are a bunch of idiots and enable Mike to keep doing this by falling for his stupid little scam. It would be one thing if he actually looked the part but he doesn't.

Do you actually think this guy looks like a stranded businessman? I sure don't and would tell him to **** off.

If you gave this face more than $5 you are an idiot. Sorry

End this debacle off a thread already/
08-06-2014 , 03:47 PM
Originally Posted by lefty rosen
Point taken on the clothes and baseball cap. But if he had a suit zipped up in those brown suit holders and said a story about being out of work and having some health care problems that got his credit destroyed that could make his story more believable. I might fall for that if I didn't read this board.

Health care and credit problems shouldn't really matter in this case because he claimed to be on a business trip. What company would leave one of their employees stranded in the airport?

If he wants to claim he employees himself than what successful self employed business person gets himself stranded in the airport and has no family, friend, business partner, etc that can either send him the money or buy a ticket for him.

Again ultimately he is the scumbag and should be held responsible for his actions but eventually people have to stop being so gullible/naive/etc and realize that there are a lot of people in this world that are not honest or have good intentions.

I guess I was raised differently than to just trust random people like this. Maybe it's because I've encountered numerous people like Mike or just because I like to analyze the situation and would see though his bs. I can say for 100% that I would never give anyone money in a situation like this.
08-06-2014 , 03:52 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
LOL...just because you can use google doesn't mean you actually know what you are talking about.

If anything this is a civil matter and not criminal. Even in what you posted it proves that he hasn't committed a crime. The key word is "intent" All he has to say is he intended to pay it back and has not been able to. Also considering most of these deals are done with a handshake and thank you they have absolutely no legal application. LOL at thinking a rental car is anything like this case.
Lol! Are you seriously this stupid, or are you so far up Mike's ass that you can't think straight anymore? In the last couple of days, a poster who is an attorney and prosecutor stated that what Mike did is definitely a crime. I guess you know more about the law than he does too, huh? Of course he never intended to pay it back. If he has the money to play PaiGow and spends money on tournaments, he had the ability to pay back the many people that he scammed over 15 plus years, but chose not to do it. I'm not sure if you're trolling or just dense, but the one thing I do know is that by making excuses for Mike, I know what kind of person you are.
08-06-2014 , 03:55 PM
Obv with Mike being banned Fish Taco sees an opportunity to move up the WOAT poster leaderboard.
08-06-2014 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Fish Taco
no but moki rhymes with blow me...

you're not even good at trolling....i expect better from a 08'er
Nohomo? Still love your posts tho. No level.
08-06-2014 , 04:01 PM
Originally Posted by DaycareInferno
Obv with Mike being banned Fish Taco sees an opportunity to move up the WOAT poster leaderboard.
He's definitely trying his hardest.
08-06-2014 , 04:12 PM
I will explain this one more time since there is still confusion on this matter. In order to arrest mike the cops would have to see him take the money or hear about it from the "victim". Then the cops would have to follow Mike and verify that he used the money in a way other than what he told the "victim". Then they would have to verify that he did not pay the "victim" back. Of course, the "victim" would most likely be in another town and would not want to come back to testify if the cops did all the steps above. So, no prosecutor is ever gonna be dumb enough to try to convict Mike. Just to clarify, it is not a crime to ask someone for $200.00 to stay in a hotel.
The trespass ticket that Mike got and the haters posted on here will most likely be dismissed or he will be fined $150.00....even though technically he could get a $1000 fine and 6 months in jail. Prosecutors are not gonna waste time on minor offenses like these.
08-06-2014 , 04:20 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
I will explain this one more time since there is still confusion on this matter. In order to arrest mike the cops would have to see him take the money or hear about it from the "victim". Then the cops would have to follow Mike and verify that he used the money in a way other than what he told the "victim". Then they would have to verify that he did not pay the "victim" back. Of course, the "victim" would most likely be in another town and would not want to come back to testify if the cops did all the steps above. So, no prosecutor is ever gonna be dumb enough to try to convict Mike. Just to clarify, it is not a crime to ask someone for $200.00 to stay in a hotel.
The trespass ticket that Mike got and the haters posted on here will most likely be dismissed or he will be fined $150.00....even though technically he could get a $1000 fine and 6 months in jail. Prosecutors are not gonna waste time on minor offenses like these.
When you are a 19 year old troll you think what Mike did was a major crime. The energy needs to be on getting Mike help.
08-06-2014 , 04:23 PM
State of Nevada vs Borovetz, H Michael §

Case Type:Misdemeanor

Date Filed:07/05/2005

Location:JC Department 1

Metro Event Number:0505192756

Nevada DPS BIN Number:W802172151


JCON Accounting Detail
Rcpt #: 09176365 Deft Name: BOROVETZ, MICHAEL Payer Name: KESSLER, ALLEN Deft ID: 01693487 Fund: 500 Payment Type: CSH Location: ITK Case #: 05M11486X
08-06-2014 , 04:27 PM
So scamming people for 14 years isnt a crime, gotcha
08-06-2014 , 04:37 PM
Originally Posted by mchine
The trespass ticket that Mike got and the haters posted on here will most likely be dismissed or he will be fined $150.00....even though technically he could get a $1000 fine and 6 months in jail. Prosecutors are not gonna waste time on minor offenses like these.
At first yes, but after the xth amount of time, some judge may just get fed up and want to send a message.

Private prison industry yearns for these cases.

Trespassing at an airport is probably more serious than trespassing at a normal business.

I think casinos can be liable if they knowingly take stolen funds.
08-06-2014 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by PokerFan2008
When you are a 19 year old troll you think what Mike did was a major crime. The energy needs to be on getting Mike help.

Please read jman220's posts. He definitely feels it's a crime, and I doubt as a prosecutor he'd be considered a 19 year old troll. Also, in case you haven't noticed, MIKE DOESN'T WANT HELP!
08-06-2014 , 04:46 PM
Originally Posted by golfnutt
At first yes, but after the xth amount of time, some judge may just get fed up and want to send a message.

Private prison industry yearns for these cases.

Trespassing at an airport is probably more serious than trespassing at a normal business.

I think casinos can be liable if they knowingly take stolen funds.
"Fed up" from a charge of Trespassing? I know ur kidding.

"Private prison industry yearns for these cases" Prison for trespassing? kidding x2

please just quit.
08-06-2014 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
Please read jman220's posts. He definitely feels it's a crime, and I doubt as a prosecutor he'd be considered a 19 year old troll. Also, in case you haven't noticed, MIKE DOESN'T WANT HELP!
Please read my post, I never said it wasn't a crime.
08-06-2014 , 04:47 PM
Originally Posted by YappingYoda
Lol! Are you seriously this stupid, or are you so far up Mike's ass that you can't think straight anymore? In the last couple of days, a poster who is an attorney and prosecutor stated that what Mike did is definitely a crime. I guess you know more about the law than he does too, huh? Of course he never intended to pay it back. If he has the money to play PaiGow and spends money on tournaments, he had the ability to pay back the many people that he scammed over 15 plus years, but chose not to do it. I'm not sure if you're trolling or just dense, but the one thing I do know is that by making excuses for Mike, I know what kind of person you are.
Yes I had a few interactions with that poster. If what he stated was true (and I'm not saying it is or isn't) then why hasn't Mike been prosecuted? Do you really think that he has never been brought to the attention of LE before?

See the thing is you have to prove his intent which is pretty much impossible to do. Sure we all know he probably never intended to pay anything back but he has already paid some people back and you actually have to be able to prove he didn't intend to pay them back. The legal system works by proof not speculation.

He's not offering people services or return on their money which is what makes this pretty much legal. He promises (by word of mouth, no legal contract) to pay people back and then doesn't. A promise by word of mouth is not a legal binding contract. Considering he is still living then he can say he still has the intentions of paying people back and you can't prove other wise. By not having a legal written contract the specifies when this money should be paid back then you can't really say he hasn't paid it back yet because their is no set date.

Just because I have a different opinion than you or someone else doesn't mean I'm sticking up for Mike. I think I've called him a scumbag numerous times in fact. I just don't think what he did is all that terrible.

So what kind of person am I since you know me so well?
