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Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player

02-20-2012 , 10:32 AM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
What about a gay man marrying a gay woman, that'd show 'em.
My mind just exploded. Gratz.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:46 AM
good for him!
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:00 PM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
It is so damn tilting that gay people announcing their sexual preferences is considered a good thing. What if I have a different sexual fetish that isn't commonly accepted? Should I come out and say, "Yeah I am really into golden showers. And this is really important for all of you guys to know. People with the same desires as me face a lot of hardships and hopefully this will make it more acceptable." Do you see how this is stupid? Something like that will hurt someone's career and I am not sure how being gay is some special "atypical" sexual fetish that needs extra attention. This is why in general people don't say *anything* about their sexual preferences in the USA. I mean the whole topic of sex is extremely taboo back home and if anything that is the real problem.

Seriously it is just so stupid to me that this is a big deal at all. I honestly chalk this up as stupid attention whoring.
Did you just equate sexual orientation with a fetish? Analogy fail.

Being gay isn't about being defined by sexual practices, and people telling you they are gay is not an invitation for you to speculate, imagine, or comment on what they do behind closed doors. They aren't announcing they are into a specific sexual practice (although a lot of dumb people sure assume they are).

It's about who you are attracted to, emotionally and yes, sexually, but everyone always focuses on the sex. What are you, some kind of pervert; you hear someone is gay and immediately start picturing them having sex? What's wrong with you?

And, once again, this is necessary because of the presumption of heterosexuality. Until they come out, they have to endure everyone being mistaken about a core aspect of their overall personality and life.

The only people attention whoring here are the bigots and social ******s who continue to make posts like this.

Edit: Also, I don't know what America you live in, but the one I live in is a country where they use sex to try and sell toothpaste, and you basically can't view any form of popular entertainment without hearing or seeing some sexual references. So either you live in an Amish village or you are one of several million hypocrites who thinks that sex in popular culture is fine, as long as it's normal, straight sex.

Last edited by SGT RJ; 02-20-2012 at 12:43 PM.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:06 PM
Being gay - genetic or environmental? I've never heard a good argument for either.

Although there is a show on TV with identical twins, one is gay, one is not. This makes me think being gay is a product of your environment.

Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
It's about who you are attracted to, emotionally and yes, sexually, but everyone always focuses on the sex. What are you, some kind of pervert; you hear someone is gay and immediately start picturing them having sex? What's wrong with you?
This is so standard.

Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:19 PM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
Being gay - genetic or environmental? I've never heard a good argument for either.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:23 PM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
Being gay - genetic or environmental? I've never heard a good argument for either.

Although there is a show on TV with identical twins, one is gay, one is not. This makes me think being gay is a product of your environment.

This is an argument only had by conservatives totally ignorant of modern science. It's the same people who pretend there is a debate over climate change or evolution.

The bottom line is it's totally meaningless. Who cares? If it's 100% choice it in no way alters a persons rights. Nor does if if it's 100% environmental.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:28 PM
You don't think finding the cause of something is a) interesting or b) important?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:31 PM
The obvious answer is it's almost certainly both, just like most other things.

There appear to be some brain differences (gay male brains looking more like the brains of straight women than straight men) in certain areas, and hormonal influences in utero may play a significant roll. However, twin studies demonstrate that it's probably not 100% genetic, which shouldn't be a surprise, since twin studies of schizophrenia (which we know has a genetic component as well) demonstrate the same thing. Those same twin studies do strongly suggest that there is a genetic component as well, however, since you would not otherwise normally expect 50% of siblings to share the same sexual orientation.

Does it matter? There's probably several genes and hormonal influences that are involved as well as specific environmental factors at a very young age, and frankly, the more complex the better, since it will prevent any whack jobs from believing there is some single gay gene we can fix to prevent the evil nasty gay people from even existing.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
The obvious answer is it's almost certainly both, just like most other things.

There appear to be some brain differences (gay male brains looking more like the brains of straight women than straight men) in certain areas, and hormonal influences in utero may play a significant roll. However, twin studies demonstrate that it's probably not 100% genetic, which shouldn't be a surprise, since twin studies of schizophrenia (which we know has a genetic component as well) demonstrate the same thing. Those same twin studies do strongly suggest that there is a genetic component as well, however, since you would not otherwise normally expect 50% of siblings to share the same sexual orientation.

Does it matter? There's probably several genes and hormonal influences that are involved as well as specific environmental factors at a very young age, and frankly, the more complex the better, since it will prevent any whack jobs from believing there is some single gay gene we can fix to prevent the evil nasty gay people from even existing.
very well said as always.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
Being gay - genetic or environmental? I've never heard a good argument for either.

Although there is a show on TV with identical twins, one is gay, one is not. This makes me think being gay is a product of your environment.

could you be gay tomorrow?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:54 PM
Is that a genuine offer?

(But srsly, that's a really, really poor argument)
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:58 PM
Originally Posted by VP$IP
LBGTQ = Lesbian, Bisexual, Gay, Transgender, Queer

But the Bisexual label may be debatable. A guy either sucks dicks or he doesn't. It is a valid test.
I suck dick and I love vaginal intercourse. How do you classify that?
Originally Posted by TGB
Fascinating thread on many levels.

I'm not a man of many words but thought I could share little of my experience as a father to a gay son. He "came out" at 17 a couple of years ago, or rather his mother (long time exwife) outed him by trying to shock me with the question "did you know that your son is gay?". My answer was that I known that since he was 10, more or less so no surprise here, only confirmation of what I suspected for many years (clean your web history, kids). Even if I knew in my heart that that was the case I never tried to confront, fish for info or lead him in any direction. Only made it clear that if he wanted he could ask or discuss any topic whatsoever, as any parent should do. But he didn't said a word about it to me though I knew that several people already found out.

A couple of months later I suspected that he maybe was afraid and uncomfortably to tell me face to face, so one day I told him straight up that I knew about it and wanted him to know that I knew, lol, so then we both could move forward without beating around the bush. I'm somewhat surprised that he is so confident and secure in himself and I now understand that he has accepted and embraced his homosexuality years ago. and and I wish the very best for him. Should he get in some trouble I will stand beside him fighting to hell and back if necessary. (Biased parent ITT)

As for Jason I think it's a pity he waited until 22yo, but better late than never, and I was surprised his parents tried to put a gag on him in the beginning. Well, I'm a pretty laidback human beeing but I guess for certain, or even most parents to hear about their kids being gay or whatever can be a stigma. But hey it's 2012, get over it. (ironic last sentence)

And for the "hey it's 2012"-peeps, this wikipage can be an eyeopener. Both prison time and death sentence is on the agenda for certain countries.

At last, godspeed Jason.
I waited until 30 after knowing for 17 years all b/c I am bi and I couldn't figure out why I was pursuing both sexes. If being LGB was no big deal I would have came out a long time ago but instead it's such a big deal I kept it to myself aside from a few others for 17 years. It's a shame too b/c now I realize my 20s were a lot less fun b/c I couldn't be myself.
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
A gay person who isn't out (or isn't out in certain settings) often has to be dishonest in order to maintain their secret. Or at least not fully honest, often by omission.

That may be appropriate in certain settings, but multiple studies have shown a correlation between greater life satisfaction and happiness and being fully out, and the terms most frequently used are stuff like "being able to live openly and honestly". It's not about calling closeted people dishonest, it's about acknowledging that there's a part of you that you have to hide if you choose not to be out in certain settings.
The lack of 100% honesty is a killer. I believe it is what drives those in the closet and kids to depression and suicide.
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
Being gay - genetic or environmental? I've never heard a good argument for either.

Although there is a show on TV with identical twins, one is gay, one is not. This makes me think being gay is a product of your environment.

Genetic. I remember I would notice myself staring at guys at school and getting a hardon in middle school and not knowing why. It was several years before I realized what was going on. Maybe from 12-19 I was clueless about it. I wasn't even thinking of myself that way.

Last edited by Mr_Pathetic; 02-20-2012 at 01:05 PM.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Dwans Son
Ummmm...he's the first high profile player to have the guts to come out publicly. This is a HUGE deal. Poker is like many sports in this respect. The vast majority of gay athletes in all major sports in the US (I can't speak of the world) remain in the closet whether they are in the NFL, NBA, UFC, or boxing. The fact remains that there is huge discrimination against homosexuals both emotionally and financially (they tend to be far less marketable).

To act like coming out of the closet is not a big deal is ridiculous.
eh, i kind of disagree with this. first, i don't really consider him to be high profile. second, poker is NOT like other sports. in other sports it would be exponentially more difficult to come out of the closet. having to work closely and intimately with other teammates, many of them uneducated or bigoted would be extraordinarily difficult. i think sports is the last place we'll see gays openly coming out and accepted.

coming out of the closet is definitely a big deal for jason himself, his close friends, and his family, but i don't really see it changing the poker community whatsoever. your average high stakes tourney crusher is both extremely liberal and extremely intelligent. i think jason will find a lot of support from his peers, and i think this is a more important story than jason's sexuality or blog post.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
You don't think finding the cause of something is a) interesting or b) important?
Yes it is an interesting scientific question buts it's answer plays no roll at all in social or political policy.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
eh, i kind of disagree with this. first, i don't really consider him to be high profile. second, poker is NOT like other sports. in other sports it would be exponentially more difficult to come out of the closet. having to work closely and intimately with other teammates, many of them uneducated or bigoted would be extraordinarily difficult. i think sports is the last place we'll see gays openly coming out and accepted.
I mentioned that he wasn't profile either, never heard of the guy till this thread. Another difference between poker/sport is sports athletes have huge sponsorship deals worth millions, they wouldn't get those being gay so they have to keep it private. None of the big companies want to start sponsoring poker players because poker isn't respected at all compared to basketball/football/tennis/baseball/golf etc. so being gay makes little difference.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by Mr_Pathetic
Genetic. I remember I would notice myself staring at guys at school and getting a hardon in middle school and not knowing why. It was several years before I realized what was going on. Maybe from 12-19 I was clueless about it. I wasn't even thinking of myself that way.
How do you know that that your experiences from the age of 0-12 wasn't the cause of this?

If it's genetic why weren't you looking at boys in this way before the age of 12? It could be a puberty issue, but then many gay people and their parents say signs are often evident well before this.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
Yes it is an interesting scientific question buts it's answer plays no roll at all in social or political policy.
We agree on this.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by vinivici9586
eh, i kind of disagree with this. first, i don't really consider him to be high profile. second, poker is NOT like other sports. in other sports it would be exponentially more difficult to come out of the closet. having to work closely and intimately with other teammates, many of them uneducated or bigoted would be extraordinarily difficult. i think sports is the last place we'll see gays openly coming out and accepted.

coming out of the closet is definitely a big deal for jason himself, his close friends, and his family, but i don't really see it changing the poker community whatsoever. your average high stakes tourney crusher is both extremely liberal and extremely intelligent. i think jason will find a lot of support from his peers, and i think this is a more important story than jason's sexuality or blog post.
You are right that he isn't super high profile. I would really like to see some of the very high profile poker players come out, particularly those who have been in the public's eye for many years and have already made their millions from sponsorships.

BTW, the main reason a poker player will not come out is monetary as it affects their sponsorships (ie hard to reach the Darvin Moon fanbase as a gay man). This is the same reason an MMA fighter (or boxer) will not come out. You could argue that openly gay fighters would have trouble finding someone to roll with, but if you simply took all the top fighters that are in the closet and put them into one fight camp you would have 3 or 4 of the top p4p fighters in the world and would have the best camp bar, I know plenty of straight fighters that have no problem rolling with a gay man.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:26 PM
The cause of homosexuality is certainly interesting - almost certainly both genetic and environmental, imo, with most of the influence coming from parents and siblings, e.g. the younger of two brothers is more likely to be gay, I read somewhere - however, it's not relevant to anything other than psychology, and it shouldn't be, otherwise it starts to sound like you're trying to prevent a disease.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
If it's genetic why weren't you looking at boys in this way before the age of 12? It could be a puberty issue, but then many gay people and their parents say signs are often evident well before this.
That's the equivalent of me sitting at a poker table saying "I knew the A was coming so i floated your flop bet". While the statement you made may not be entirely off base, it's the same sort of thinking with hindsight. You'll never hear about people who end up in heterosexual relationships and their parents possible doubts, or the people who's parents had no to what extent those signs are actually signs isn't clear and really can't be scientifically studied. Best to stay away from speculation.

Most studies have shown that there is a heritable component to sexual orientation but there are environmental effects as well. I'm not sure about the heritability of gender identification but I'll see what I find on the subject.

And really Kardnel? I am hoping that was a level...

EDIT: Wazz those studies don't point to older siblings having an effect on younger (so an adopted older sibling wouldn't have an effect). They are trying to show some relationship between the mother's uterus and hormone levels and whether or not the child is gay (Having more kids and getting older can result in significant hormone changes for women).
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:35 PM
How would one classify a spread of homosexuality to the point at which it lead to a significant decrease in the global population (through a lack of procreation)?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:56 PM
There's zero evidence anything like that would occur unless due to an evolutionary adaptation due to significant over population of the human species.

Are you just making up imaginary scenarios now or something? There's no indication that there's been an increase in the general LGB population since such research started, just an increased awareness and recognition of the community that makes them more visible.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:10 PM
Originally Posted by HENLEYS
How do you know that that your experiences from the age of 0-12 wasn't the cause of this?

If it's genetic why weren't you looking at boys in this way before the age of 12? It could be a puberty issue, but then many gay people and their parents say signs are often evident well before this.
At 6 or 7 the older kids in the neighborhood told me that my dick would get bigger if I thought about girls and would get smaller if I thought about boys. I went home and found it got bigger both ways.

At 3 my sister and her friends dressed me in doll clothes and put makeup on me. I'd like to think something like this has no effect on a person's sexuality but I might be wrong.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 03:23 PM
at birth you are born straight or homosexual or bisexual or transgendered. It is genetics.

I think this thread should be locked though, it has nothing to do with jason anymore and will just continue to derail.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
