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Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player

02-19-2012 , 09:13 PM
Originally Posted by Ra_Z_Boy
There has only been one openly homosexual high profile soccer player in the top leagues in Europe (I think anyway, feel free to correct if there is an example). He was not accepted, harrassed throughout his life and basically disowned by his own brother (also a footballer). He ended up committing suicide. You are talking tens of thousands of players in this time period. Yet homosexuality is not a big deal?

Gareth Thomas is getting a hollywood movie made about his life. When he came out he was the only openly gay team sport professional in the entire world I believe. How many athletes is that? Not a big deal right?

Weren't homosexuals not allowed in the US army until recently? Isn't one of the main republican candidates for presidency a rampant homophobe? How could this be the case in a society where this is not a big deal? Wait a minute, gays can't even get married in most countries and in most US states! Not a big deal though. No one cares.

One one hand the litany of people coming into the thread and stating stuff like 'it's not a big deal' is sort of good in a way. These people are not homophobic, they are tolerant, which is good. They aren't part of the problem. But they are also ignorant of the reality of the world we live in and not at all a part of the solution.
exactly. this is what piz and many of the others itt dont get.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by pizdec
You missed my point about Rosie Jones.

My opinions about Somerville are based from talking to other people that actually know him. I'm not going to pretend like I know exactly his motivations are or what every gay person should do when they come out.
I would hope I seem sort of sane, because he's friends with Negreanu, the biggest attention whore of all, I can't be far off the mark here.
I didn't miss any of your point. How one person in semi-public life comes out is not the blueprint everyone of similar status must needs follow in order to not be an attention whore.

Nor does Jason's friendship to DN have any bearing on this whatsoever. Even if he is an attention whore, it does not logically follow that anyone who is friends with him is the same. Do labor under the delusion that friends eventually sync their behavioral traits or something?

Once again...

You keep throwing out ridiculous numbers and statistics and arguments that have no basis in fact or logic. Shaniac is spot on about you.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 10:01 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I didn't miss any of your point. How one person in semi-public life comes out is not the blueprint everyone of similar status must needs follow in order to not be an attention whore.

Nor does Jason's friendship to DN have any bearing on this whatsoever. Even if he is an attention whore, it does not logically follow that anyone who is friends with him is the same. Do labor under the delusion that friends eventually sync their behavioral traits or something?

Once again...

You keep throwing out ridiculous numbers and statistics and arguments that have no basis in fact or logic. Shaniac is spot on about you.
Sorry, but I stated only facts. This isn't court, hearsay is allowed. The only dispute is with the veracity of the factual claims I have made. They are true, so it really isn't something to argue about. Perhaps speculate on who, or wait for another room manager to confirm their gender percentages.

It makes gossip at lot less fun if you have to submit to cross-examination on petty details. I'm not pulling anyone's leg, I suppose I'm a bit surprised people don't see any issue through the eyes of both sides. I can perfectly respect where you are coming from, although I find your personality a bit stolid.

And birds of a feather tend to flock together, that's my assumption there.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 10:36 PM
Originally Posted by pizdec
Sorry, but I stated only facts. This isn't court, hearsay is allowed. The only dispute is with the veracity of the factual claims I have made. They are true, so it really isn't something to argue about. Perhaps speculate on who, or wait for another room manager to confirm their gender percentages.
No, this isn't court, however for respectful debate that matters logic is generally helpful and hearsay in the way you're using it is just a general way of saying "logical fallacies". Also you haven't really understood the other side of the seem to repeat yourself and while I don't hold your views against you they just seem really first level (honestly, when reading through this 4+ page thread I kinda just started skimming your replies after a while as opposed to others who i completely skipped and others who I read a couple times).

Originally Posted by pizdec
It makes gossip at lot less fun if you have to submit to cross-examination on petty details. I'm not pulling anyone's leg, I suppose I'm a bit surprised people don't see any issue through the eyes of both sides. I can perfectly respect where you are coming from, although I find your personality a bit stolid.
And herein lies the problem, I'm not saying you personally gossip in this manner, but gossip and rumors are some of the more subtle ways to entrench homophobia, because, while I love to gossip, Im always careful who with and about what, because gossip taken out of context or with elements of "meanness" for lack of a better word at the moment can, and do really hurt people in the long run.

I feel like you are a tolerant person but, like alot of people, have trouble truly understanding the frame of mind of someone who comes fact from some of my extremely liberal friends I used to get "why didn't you tell us before" just because to THEM it was no big deal...which is amazing...but in my head there was always some subconscious doubt that they would disaprove, note that I'm writing here under a gimmick account, clearly that underlies my state of mind even though I AM out in a manner of speaking.

So for you it may be "attention whoring" or run of the mill material but i don't currently think you can imagine the courage it most likely took to make that blog post, even if the content shouldn't really affect any of our lives in any way.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 10:51 PM
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by Notoutgimmick
And herein lies the problem, I'm not saying you personally gossip in this manner, but gossip and rumors are some of the more subtle ways to entrench homophobia, because, while I love to gossip, Im always careful who with and about what, because gossip taken out of context or with elements of "meanness" for lack of a better word at the moment can, and do really hurt people in the long run.

I feel like you are a tolerant person but, like alot of people, have trouble truly understanding the frame of mind of someone who comes fact from some of my extremely liberal friends I used to get "why didn't you tell us before" just because to THEM it was no big deal...which is amazing...but in my head there was always some subconscious doubt that they would disaprove, note that I'm writing here under a gimmick account, clearly that underlies my state of mind even though I AM out in a manner of speaking.

So for you it may be "attention whoring" or run of the mill material but i don't currently think you can imagine the courage it most likely took to make that blog post, even if the content shouldn't really affect any of our lives in any way.
I completely agree.

You can definitely attention whore if you want to though. I was just objectively putting it out there in this case out of respect to those who are already out there before him.

I didn't bother naming anyone either as I agree it could be hurtful with all the homophobes lurking. I just said there are way more than everyone is making out and cited an example of my knowledge of British players. Even if someone I know is out, it doesn't necessarily mean they want media attention.

I suppose what is considered being out is the question here. Alerting the media isn't to me requisite for being out. I think staying true to yourself and not hiding anything, like in the case of Rosie Jones, is being out.

There are plenty of things in my life I try to keep a bit quiet for whatever reason, even though I never hide it. Being a poker player is one. I don't tell everyone I am a poker player randomly for fear of their ignorance to what it actually means to be one. And there is some real prejudice out there for this, customs, other people's SOs, banks and random people at the country club are only the beginning. That doesn't mean I'm not out as a poker player.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 10:56 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Your ignorance of Russian has actually made a funny here when you say it. :-)
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:03 PM
Denis rodman has elaborate tattoos, and is wearing a dress, with a tiger, while smoking a cigar...

your argument is, therefore, valid.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:11 PM
Alright Pizdec, I guess I can understand the point you really want to make, I would just moderate your tone/POV to a point where its not being called media whoring. You're simply stating that there are other gay, out, poker players who have not gotten this kind of attention for being out, and in contrast Jason's blog post looks like garish self-promotion. You don't help your case by throwing out semi-random statistics or even giving a number of people, it just makes people like me peeved .

As a response to the arguement I just forced upon your posts possibly unfairly I would reply imagine all the negative responses you fear about people knowing you're a poker player...imagine that except on an incalculably larger scale about a personal fact that makes up an extremely large facet of your life and waking thoughts that you cannot change and your afraid of anyone knowing, not just customs or banks or idiots who cannot understand poker as a job.

The media is not a requisite to being out in this day and age in the slightest, although the public statement Jason made is akin to coming out as political activism for the cause not only personal validation similar to what the LGBT movement wanted everyone who could to do in the last part of the 20th century. By knowing your school teacher was gay, your next door neighbor, that star athlete, that poker player on TV it all of a sudden becomes not something to hide, but something to celebrate and share...the same way most of 2+2 loves celebrating them titties in as many threads with memes as possible.

So, yes, I guess Jason was "attention whoring" in some ways, but that aspect of his blog post wasn't for himself, it was for everyone and anyone who would read it and maybe change their opinions a little bit, or some kid reading these boards who all of a sudden see's that poker players aren't all heterosexual NVGtards...there are homosexual NVGtards as well Look through the topics in this forum, there hasn't been a discussion like this one I can recall since I joined the boards ~3 years ago. So not only did he provide a public service, and as far as I'm concerned he did, he did so in a situation in which there are costs to what he did (the sheer conviction and courage needed to do this must've been immense as I've said a bunch of times).

EDIT: Also I would like to point out that, perhaps thanks to amazing modding, there are less ad hominem attacks in this thread than there were last time I got in a serious conversation on 2+2 regarding game theory in well done guys and gals.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Notoutgimmick
The media is not a requisite to being out in this day and age in the slightest, although the public statement Jason made is akin to coming out as political activism for the cause not only personal validation similar to what the LGBT movement wanted everyone who could to do in the last part of the 20th century. By knowing your school teacher was gay, your next door neighbor, that star athlete, that poker player on TV it all of a sudden becomes not something to hide, but something to celebrate and share...the same way most of 2+2 loves celebrating them titties in as many threads with memes as possible.

So, yes, I guess Jason was "attention whoring" in some ways, but that aspect of his blog post wasn't for himself, it was for everyone and anyone who would read it and maybe change their opinions a little bit, or some kid reading these boards who all of a sudden see's that poker players aren't all heterosexual NVGtards...there are homosexual NVGtards as well Look through the topics in this forum, there hasn't been a discussion like this one I can recall since I joined the boards ~3 years ago. So not only did he provide a public service, and as far as I'm concerned he did, he did so in a situation in which there are costs to what he did (the sheer conviction and courage needed to do this must've been immense as I've said a bunch of times).
I definitely agree with this.

Negreanu built quite a career being outspoken and voicing his opinion. If you stay silent you don't necessarily deserve the same rewards as those who actively fought the battles.

I'm glad at least in some places in the world, people no longer have to fight over this issue. Perhaps those living in such places should be more active in fighting in the places where you must. A lot of the people saying so what are probably living in these places and raised properly (as I was).

I was actually born in America, so I understand how ridiculous of a place it can be sometimes. You can have the most intelligent and progressive people and at the same time the worst of the worst trying to bring everyone sane down, and actually succeeding.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:40 PM
Originally Posted by rakemeplz
Can we all agree on this?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 12:26 AM
Hey, I've played about as long as him and been openly gay much longer, where's my thread!?

Congrats, Jason. So glad to finally have someone representing me and our brothers and sisters in the poker world. And judging from your essay there, you seem about as cool a guy as we could hope for. This may not seem like a big deal, but it is. I bet your presence alone will inspire some gay fish to come into our shark tanks

Congrats again
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 01:37 AM
My reaction was more "Who the hell is Jason Somerville"

but cheers on coming out, hopefully the rest of the world wakes up
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 02:23 AM
'My reaction was more "Who the hell is Jason Somerville"'

Not sure, now I'm pretty sure about his future biographer though.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 04:17 AM
ya know, its like the saying goes, in the poker game of life, women are the rake. they are the ****ing rake
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Kinda agree.

Also I have no idea why OP would have to give him respect for saying who he is. He came out, people do this every day, it's not a big deal imo.
Ummmm...he's the first high profile player to have the guts to come out publicly. This is a HUGE deal. Poker is like many sports in this respect. The vast majority of gay athletes in all major sports in the US (I can't speak of the world) remain in the closet whether they are in the NFL, NBA, UFC, or boxing. The fact remains that there is huge discrimination against homosexuals both emotionally and financially (they tend to be far less marketable).

To act like coming out of the closet is not a big deal is ridiculous.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 05:10 AM
It is so damn tilting that gay people announcing their sexual preferences is considered a good thing. What if I have a different sexual fetish that isn't commonly accepted? Should I come out and say, "Yeah I am really into golden showers. And this is really important for all of you guys to know. People with the same desires as me face a lot of hardships and hopefully this will make it more acceptable." Do you see how this is stupid? Something like that will hurt someone's career and I am not sure how being gay is some special "atypical" sexual fetish that needs extra attention. This is why in general people don't say *anything* about their sexual preferences in the USA. I mean the whole topic of sex is extremely taboo back home and if anything that is the real problem.

Seriously it is just so stupid to me that this is a big deal at all. I honestly chalk this up as stupid attention whoring.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 05:12 AM
Glad that the gay community is finally being allowed to come out with fear of negitive retribution. We just legalized gay marriage here in Washington a couple weeks back
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 05:49 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
It is so damn tilting that gay people announcing their sexual preferences is considered a good thing. What if I have a different sexual fetish that isn't commonly accepted? Should I come out and say, "Yeah I am really into golden showers. And this is really important for all of you guys to know. People with the same desires as me face a lot of hardships and hopefully this will make it more acceptable." Do you see how this is stupid? Something like that will hurt someone's career and I am not sure how being gay is some special "atypical" sexual fetish that needs extra attention. This is why in general people don't say *anything* about their sexual preferences in the USA. I mean the whole topic of sex is extremely taboo back home and if anything that is the real problem.

Seriously it is just so stupid to me that this is a big deal at all. I honestly chalk this up as stupid attention whoring.
This post is awful in so many ways I'll leave it for Protential or someone to tell you why
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:02 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
It is so damn tilting that gay people announcing their sexual preferences is considered a good thing. What if I have a different sexual fetish that isn't commonly accepted? Should I come out and say, "Yeah I am really into golden showers. And this is really important for all of you guys to know. People with the same desires as me face a lot of hardships and hopefully this will make it more acceptable." Do you see how this is stupid? Something like that will hurt someone's career and I am not sure how being gay is some special "atypical" sexual fetish that needs extra attention. This is why in general people don't say *anything* about their sexual preferences in the USA. I mean the whole topic of sex is extremely taboo back home and if anything that is the real problem.

Seriously it is just so stupid to me that this is a big deal at all. I honestly chalk this up as stupid attention whoring.
Being gay is not the same as having a fetish. Also, posts like yours are proof as to why coming out is hard for some, so nice job helping illustrate the point.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 07:22 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
It is so damn tilting that gay people announcing their sexual preferences is considered a good thing. What if I have a different sexual fetish that isn't commonly accepted? Should I come out and say, "Yeah I am really into golden showers. And this is really important for all of you guys to know. People with the same desires as me face a lot of hardships and hopefully this will make it more acceptable." Do you see how this is stupid? Something like that will hurt someone's career and I am not sure how being gay is some special "atypical" sexual fetish that needs extra attention. This is why in general people don't say *anything* about their sexual preferences in the USA. I mean the whole topic of sex is extremely taboo back home and if anything that is the real problem.

Seriously it is just so stupid to me that this is a big deal at all. I honestly chalk this up as stupid attention whoring.
I think that people should be able to talk about their golden shower fetishes or w/e without facing social stigma. Same goes for drug use, religious beliefs, etc, so long as the activities don't harm others. Anything that furthers personal freedoms and promotes tolerance is probably a good thing. Why should it matter that you know that someone likes to do activity X - why should it be taboo? Do your own thing so long as it makes you happy and let others do the same without judging them, ffs, I don't understand the American obsession with restricting what other people can do.

Bleh - your point of view here has me so tilted. Last year I was with a group of ignoramuses who were watching "Breaking Bad" and talking about how realistic it was, and they acted horrified when I said I'd smoked meth before, even though they'd known me for a long time, people suddenly started acting differently around me. Ridiculous.

Last edited by Squibz; 02-20-2012 at 07:30 AM.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 09:51 AM
Played with JCarver a bunch both online and a couple times at WSOP, cool guy and really, really good player, glad he's comfortable with himself, it shouldn't be a big deal to anyone who he chooses to sleep with.

Keep crushing at the tables JCarver and I wish you all the best (except when you're 3betting me every second hand obv)
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:07 AM
Originally Posted by Kardnel
It is so damn tilting that gay people announcing their sexual preferences is considered a good thing. What if I have a different sexual fetish that isn't commonly accepted? Should I come out and say, "Yeah I am really into golden showers. And this is really important for all of you guys to know. People with the same desires as me face a lot of hardships and hopefully this will make it more acceptable." Do you see how this is stupid? Something like that will hurt someone's career and I am not sure how being gay is some special "atypical" sexual fetish that needs extra attention. This is why in general people don't say *anything* about their sexual preferences in the USA. I mean the whole topic of sex is extremely taboo back home and if anything that is the real problem.

Seriously it is just so stupid to me that this is a big deal at all. I honestly chalk this up as stupid attention whoring.
This. It is 2012. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

And you can always count on Daniel Negreanu...
To piggy-back on every last instance of...
"Stupid attention whoring"...
Daniel spends 24/7/365 grovelling for attention...
Spamming the world with his squeaky, fey, nice guy act.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:24 AM

Last edited by rakemeplz; 02-20-2012 at 10:25 AM. Reason: inspirational poetry from RMP, as always
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-20-2012 , 10:31 AM
Isn't a lot of the 'marriage' thing purely about definition, i.e. marriage means man and woman? Or is that just the argument that bigots use to deny it.

What about a gay man marrying a gay woman, that'd show 'em.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
