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Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player

02-19-2012 , 12:09 AM
Originally Posted by monkeylump
I am not gay! I can't believe you just called me that. Your a mod? Whatever.
I don't really care, but... you must be slow on the uptake. His professor is gay is what he was saying. Not you.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 12:12 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Kind of questionable research, in terms of sample collection, IMO, but there you have it. Being a TA/RA has proved interesting at times.
Aren't TAs and RAs completely different, though? At my school, TAs don't do research as much, just teach labs, while the RAs are in the meat/potatoes fun stuff. Anyways, that's just an aside. But, if he's really doing this research this way, though, what are his controls? Seems like something that would be difficult to publish based on controls and, yes, that old chestnut repeatability.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 12:21 AM
Originally Posted by mozborgata
Aren't TAs and RAs completely different, though? At my school, TAs don't do research as much, just teach labs, while the RAs are in the meat/potatoes fun stuff. Anyways, that's just an aside. But, if he's really doing this research this way, though, what are his controls? Seems like something that would be difficult to publish based on controls and, yes, that old chestnut repeatability.
Meh, I don't want to derail too much, but at my school most of the students serve as a TA at some point as part of their practicum, and I was also hired as an RA by another professor, and would occasionally be asked to help out the professor in question on the side.

Yeah, IDK his entire layout, he just did a presentation for a Sexuality class I TAed with slides that included some of the results of his research. Had to put together the slides, so I saw some additional stuff that didn't make the cut. It was still in progress when I did this, IDK when or where he published, but the objections to his somewhat unorthodox methods procedures and the issues therewith were commented on by other teachers.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
I think one of the overall goals of the LBGTQ community is that people be open enough that when the presumptive norm of heterosexuality is challenged, it's not a big deal.

Opposite gender attraction will ALWAYS be the most prevalent sexual orientation, for obvious evolutionary reasons. Therefore people assume that everyone they meet is also heterosexual (more or less), and something like 90-95% of the time, they are correct.

That's why "coming out" will always involve some process (recognizing you are different than the norm and coming to terms with that), but the problem is that society as a whole (outside of relatively small pockets) reacts to this deviation from the norm with discomfort at a minimum and various degrees of distaste or repulsion. Sexual orientation is a "master status" in our current society. It colors everything else, so that many people view someone who is LGB as "other" no matter how many other similar traits with the majority they hold.

So I would say that the goal is less about making it "a small deal" and more about society in general recognizing that some of the people they meet do not fall into the vast heterosexual majority, and not reacting negatively when they are confronted with one of these magical mythical sexual minority people. And also to treat them like, you know, people, even though they are in some way part of a minority.

The people who have commented that they don't see how this is a big deal because they have come to a place where they don't view LGB people as threatening or evil or whatever seem to fail to recognize that the vast majority of society is still not there yet, but ultimately I think that is what we all, regardless of orientation, should hope we get to. That it's a "small deal" universally because it impacts this person and it's cool that they tell people so that everyone knows, but otherwise it doesn't signal a possibility for unequal treatment, discrimination, bigotry, or yes, even violence, verbal or physical.

On a personally level, though, this will always be something of a big deal. Learning who you are romantically and sexually attracted to is always a big deal to the person living it.
This, obv, was a far better answer than "there is no gay community/ gay agenda".

Although I don't totally agree with everything written, I would take this as a good over all summary as to what that community would probably want.

It's certainly hard to argue against a persons or a groups own opinions on an opinion issue. In this case coming out.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
This, obv, was a far better answer than "there is no gay community/ gay agenda".

Although I don't totally agree with everything written, I would take this as a good over all summary as to what that community would probably want.

It's certainly hard to argue against a persons or a groups own opinions on an opinion issue. In this case coming out.
by far the most rational post you've made itt
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 12:56 AM
To be clear, though, my opinions are just that; mine. While I try to provide some factual basis for how I formed them, individual experiences often differ.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 03:39 AM
Originally Posted by pizdec

I like your style. Lot's of red herrings for two paragraphs, then you get it in one fragment.

We should hang out or something.

We're all *******s, you're just the ******* with the unpopular opinion. If I woke up on a different side of the bed this morning, I might've found myself spouting nonsense from the same tap as you, for a topic I don't really care about, that I'm mostly arguing in the third person, because I have nothing better to do than drink Guinness and screw with people who get "mad bro" on the internet. I don't really think you hold your opinions too closely one way or the other for any substantial duration. But you have a command of grammar and have wikipedia'd all the terms, like red herring that you arrived at through your post-humous examination of the film 12 monkeys, and you insist on using it (incorrectly) while it's still fresh off the grill to convince us of your greatness. You have succeeded since I have responded.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 03:40 AM
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 04:34 AM
A top notch poker player, and glad he wrote what he wrote, much respect.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 09:17 AM
Half of the top 20 UK poker players? I doubt it.

Half of the people in this thread who say gays are disgusting, attention seekers, etc ... my entire roll on the over.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 09:58 AM
How many of you here applauding Jason for having the courage to come out would be happy to find out your own child was gay?

If it's no big deal and it's Jason's personal business (and I agree on both counts) why the need to "come out"?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Ikavac
How many of you here applauding Jason for having the courage to come out would be happy to find out your own child was gay?

If it's no big deal and it's Jason's personal business (and I agree on both counts) why the need to "come out"?

because of the millions of kids dealing with the same hate and homophobia that this child dealt with and led to his eventual suicide. Hundreds of gay kids kill themselves each year in the usa, i'm sure the rates are much higher in most of the world.

Eighty-four percent of GLBT students report being verbally harassed — name-calling, threats etc. — at school (GLSEN 2003).

36.5 % of GLB youth grades 9-12 have attempted suicide. 20.5% of those attempts resulting in medical care. (Robin, L., Brener, N.D., Donahue, S.F., Hack, T., Hale, K., Goodenow, C. (2002). Associations between health risk behaviors and opposite-, same-, and both-sex sexual partners in representative samples of Vermont and Massachusetts high school students.
Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 156(4): pp. 349-55.)

Gay and lesbian youth are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual young people. (Rotheram–Borus, M., Hunter, J., & Rosario, M. (1994). Suicidal behavior and gay-related stress among gay and bisexual male adolescents. Journal of adolescent research, 9 (4), pp. 498 – 508.)

As many as 1 in 3 gay and lesbian youth have attempted suicide. (Remafedi, G., Farrow, J.A., & Deisher, R.W. (1991). Risk factors for attempted suicide in gay and bisexual youth. Pediatrics, 87, pp. 869–875.)

In a 1998 health survey conducted by Youth Pride, Inc. aimed at LGBTQQ youth, 58% of respondents reported that they had felt suicidal as teenagers.
According to a 1999 study reported using data collected among Massachusetts high school students in 1995, gay, lesbian, bisexual, and questioning high school students were more than three (3.41) times more likely to report having attempted suicide than their straight peers. (Garofalo, R., Wolf, R.C., Wissow, L.S., Woods, E.R., Goodman, E. Sexual orientation and risk of suicide attempts among a representative sample of youth. Archive of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine. 1999 May;153(5)p. 487-93.)

A 2002 survey found that 21% of men who have sex with men had made plans to attempt suicide; 12% reported actually having made the attempt, and of those, nearly half had made multiple attempts. Most who attempted suicide had made their first attempt before age 25. (Paul, J., Catania, J., Pollack, L., Moskowitz, J., Canchola, J., Mills, T., Binson D., Stall R. Suicide attempts among gay and bisexual men: lifetime prevalence and antecedents. American Journal of Public Health. 2002 Aug;92(8)p. 1338-45.)

GLBT people have the highest rates of suicide, depression, addiction, etc. Its not because being gay makes us unhappy, it's because much of society express hate at us daily.

Hell, even on ****ing 2+2 there are mentally deficient **** bags like "yourewrong" who are homophobic, and the huge ****ing majority of you have 0 ****ing clue as to how bad most glbt youth have it.


(this rant was aimed at most of the mentally deficient nvg'ers).

Human rights and people's perception of equality and sexuality have a long long long way to go before some1 with any kind of reknown can be gay and literally feel no need to discuss it, because people will finally see it as what it is (normal).

Until that day, please stfu about how little you give a **** about it and instead give a helping hand to the millions of gay people who are discriminated against daily.

Edit: i am a 21 year old professional player who dealt with homophobic bullying in school, who still sees homophobia daily, who's partner was bullied daily in school for being gay. It gets better, it has gotten much better over the last 10 years. But it is still a long uphill battle for equality and acceptance. Each well known person who has the courage to come out can give strength to those dealing with homophobia and hate from their own friends and family and can change people's perceptions and fix their ignorance. Making the world a far better place.

If you want to help glbt youth go to the link below.

Last edited by Protential; 02-19-2012 at 10:56 AM.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:05 AM
Freedom of speech/expression is not absolute. The owners of this site have said that homophobic comments aren't allowed. Ergo they aren't allowed.

This isn't the place to debate if you think being gay is okay or not. You might be able to do that in RGT. You aren't able to do that in NVG.

If this offends you in some manner, take it up with TPTB, or exercise your right to go elsewhere. We'll miss you deeply, I'm sure.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by Protential
36.5 % of GLB youth grades 9-12 have attempted suicide. 20.5% of those attempts resulting in medical care. (Robin, L., Brener, N.D., Donahue, S.F., Hack, T., Hale, K., Goodenow, C. (2002). Associations between health risk behaviors and opposite-, same-, and both-sex sexual partners in representative samples of Vermont and Massachusetts high school students.
Archives of Pediatric and Adolescent Medicine, 156(4): pp. 349-55.)

Gay and lesbian youth are 2 to 3 times more likely to attempt suicide than heterosexual young people. (Rotheram–Borus, M., Hunter, J., & Rosario, M. (1994). Suicidal behavior and gay-related stress among gay and bisexual male adolescents. Journal of adolescent research, 9 (4), pp. 498 – 508.)
If both of those are true, that means that 12 - 18% of young straight people attempt suicide? That doesn't seem right, but I could be way off here...
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:10 AM
Originally Posted by Klairic
If both of those are true, that means that 12 - 18% of young straight people attempt suicide? That doesn't seem right, but I could be way off here...
the studies were at different times. a more recent study showed it was like 5-10 times higher. It also showed that GLBT youth were 5 times or more likely to be homeless.

Originally Posted by Ikavac

Those statistics are distressing but the content you just posted has everything to do with basic upringing of children and education. The fact is all minority groups suffer discrimination at some level and to varying degrees. This will continue until we as a society put a stop to it and thankfully, like you said, things are better today than they were in the past - because people are being educated on the issue.

More people coming out will not change the fact Jason belongs to a minority, but better and more focused education definitely will help curb discrimination.
But it will help change people's perception of who is GLBTQ. While poker isn't a major sport, players do have some kind of spotlight at times, and the more respectable glbt'ers in the spotlight that a wide variety of people can relate to and respect, the better soceity's perception of GLBT'ers will be (i.e the more desire for better education on it, the less homophobia, the less bullying is tolerated, etc.).

Of over 5k professional football, basketball, baseball, hockey players, not one is openly gay in the usa. You honestly don't believe that a household name athlete being openly gay while still in the game wouldn't have a huge positive impact?

Last edited by Protential; 02-19-2012 at 11:34 AM.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:17 AM
Originally Posted by Protential
the studies were at different times. a more recent study showed it was like 5-10 times higher. It also showed that GLBT youth were 5 times or more likely to be homeless.
That makes a lot more sense, thanks.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:22 AM

Those statistics are distressing but the content you just posted has everything to do with basic upringing of children and education. The fact is all minority groups suffer discrimination at some level and to varying degrees. This will continue until we as a society put a stop to it and thankfully, like you said, things are better today than they were in the past - because people are being educated on the issue.

More people coming out will not change the fact Jason belongs to a minority, but better and more focused education definitely will help curb discrimination.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:32 AM
Originally Posted by Ikavac
How many of you here applauding Jason for having the courage to come out would be happy to find out your own child was gay?

If it's no big deal and it's Jason's personal business (and I agree on both counts) why the need to "come out"?
I'd feel upset about my kid being gay, and I'd then feel upset that it upset me.

It's basically going to result in some alone time and a lot of tissues, a bit like college.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Christ, I can't help myself.

The existence of homosexuality despite the evolutionary bias towards species survival seems to indicate it serves some purpose that isn't fully understood. I'm not surprised at all that animal populations may show increases in same gender behavior when they exceed sustainability, as it would then be evolutionary advantageous to do so. When the human population reaches that point, let me know.

And I assume that asexuals must discover that who they are romantically/sexually attracted to as well (no one, at least not sexually) and that it's a big deal for them as well, and they have to decide who to tell, and how to tell them, and ergo my statement holds. Although I apologize for not throwing an A into the LGBTQ as well. My sincerest regrets, I did not mean to exclude the asexual community.

Seriously, go back and read what you've been typing. JFC.

He's gay.
We need to be careful equating sex with reproduction. There is very strong evidence that sex serves to create social bonds as much, or more, than reproduction.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Ikavac
If it's no big deal and it's Jason's personal business (and I agree on both counts) why the need to "come out"?
Gay individuals "come out" because everyone assumes they are heterosexual by default. They aren't, so in order to live more honestly, they let people know they the assumption of heterosexuality does not apply to them.

Think about how frequently conversations turn to our personal lives - who we hang out with, what we do in our free time, who we date/love/marry - even in a professional setting and it should become more clear why "coming out" is necessary in order to feel completely honest and open.

And they have to do it repeatedly; they are constantly having to decide who to tell, and when, as new people enter their lives. It's not like once you decide to come out fully, someone tattoos your forehead so that henceforth the entire world will know of it.

Originally Posted by Clovis8
We need to be careful equating sex with reproduction. There is very strong evidence that sex serves to create social bonds as much, or more, than reproduction.
I don't think I'm equating the two - I'm well aware of the research that demonstrates there are other purposes of sex.

However, from an evolutionary perspective, since sex is how our species propagates, it makes sense that most people would be heterosexual. The more people that have sex that has the potential to create new humans, so much the better, from evolutionary psychology standpoint, anyway.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Gay individuals "come out" because everyone assumes they are heterosexual by default. They aren't, so in order to live more honestly, they let people know they the assumption of heterosexuality does not apply to them.

Think about how frequently conversations turn to our personal lives - who we hang out with, what we do in our free time, who we date/love/marry - even in a professional setting and it should become more clear why "coming out" is necessary in order to feel completely honest and open.

And they have to do it repeatedly; they are constantly having to decide who to tell, and when, as new people enter their lives. It's not like once you decide to come out fully, someone tattoos your forehead so that henceforth the entire world will know of it.

I don't think I'm equating the two - I'm well aware of the research that demonstrates there are other purposes of sex.

However, from an evolutionary perspective, since sex is how our species propagates, it makes sense that most people would be heterosexual.
very well said!
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:48 AM
Originally Posted by Ikavac
How many of you here applauding Jason for having the courage to come out would be happy to find out your own child was gay?

If it's no big deal and it's Jason's personal business (and I agree on both counts) why the need to "come out"?
I'd hate for my son to grow up a filthy heterosexual!
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:50 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
Gay individuals "come out" because everyone assumes they are heterosexual by default. They aren't, so in order to live more honestly, they let people know they the assumption of heterosexuality does not apply to them.

Think about how frequently conversations turn to our personal lives - who we hang out with, what we do in our free time, who we date/love/marry - even in a professional setting and it should become more clear why "coming out" is necessary in order to feel completely honest and open.

And they have to do it repeatedly; they are constantly having to decide who to tell, and when, as new people enter their lives. It's not like once you decide to come out fully, someone tattoos your forehead so that henceforth the entire world will know of it.
I have never felt the need to ask someone about their sexuality and gay people always remind us that they just want to be treated like everyone else. I don't agree with this idea that there is a need for constant clarification or affirmation of one's sexual orientation, if no one asks there is no need to tell (and to be clear here, I think no one should be asking).

Of course, this doesn't apply to family and close friends. The need to live honestly and openly in their eyes is a natural inclination for people of all sexual orientations.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Ikavac
I have never felt the need to ask someone about their sexuality and gay people always remind us that they just want to be treated like everyone else. I don't agree with this idea that there is a need for constant clarification or affirmation of one's sexual orientation, if no one asks there is no need to tell (and to be clear here, I think no one should be asking).
So you never ask a work colleague about his weekend? If he had a hot date? Who that picture on his desk belongs to?

I don't know where you work, but that's pretty normal in my world. How do you answer that if you're gay but not out? Do you just mention going with a "friend" to the ballgame, or do you say you went on a date but not mention the gender of the other person? Is that picture on your desk, the person you have your arm around, a "friend" or your boyfriend?

It's not about sex - it's about life. In order to just live normally, they do have to come out. It has nothing to do with "flaunting" who they like to bump uglies with and everything to do with the normal sharing of pieces of your life that everyone does, even with casual acquaintances.

If you can't see that, I'm not sure what to tell you.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-19-2012 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ

I don't think I'm equating the two - I'm well aware of the research that demonstrates there are other purposes of sex.

However, from an evolutionary perspective, since sex is how our species propagates, it makes sense that most people would be heterosexual. The more people that have sex that has the potential to create new humans, so much the better, from evolutionary psychology standpoint, anyway.
Sorry my point was less directed at you than the idea itt that sex is for reproduction. It's an arguement we hear from stupid conservatives far too often.

Well said regarding why people come out but I would guess that in 20 years the whole idea of coming out will be seen as an artifact of an ignorant time in the same way we look at the civil rights movement.

People will still come out because the default assumption will always be hetero but coming out will be seen as nearly meaningless.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
