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Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player

02-16-2012 , 12:14 AM
all the people saying it's not a big deal, kind of curious where you all live. Playing pokers in parts of the South, I can say with a pretty high level of confidence that openly gay poker players would not be accepted in some of the card rooms I play at. I've also played poker for years in casinos in San Francisco and Vegas and people don't really give a **** there.

I think that people ITT are vastly underestimating the regional attitudes towards gay people in America. I've heard the attitudes in Canada and European countries are generally more accepting as well. Anyway, congrats to Jason Somerville, hadn't heard of him before but good for him.

Last edited by WorldsBiggestNit; 02-16-2012 at 12:20 AM.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:18 AM
not even news, hate people feeding the hype when there are more important issues to address
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:21 AM
"What is he some kind of ****? Ho!!" - Gilbert "Dice" Gottfried. ... From an old Howard Stern interview of the head of the Gay and Lesbian alliance.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:24 AM
Originally Posted by WorldsBiggestNit
all the people saying it's not a big deal, kind of curious where you all live. Playing pokers in parts of the South, I can say with a pretty high level of confidence that openly gay poker players would not be accepted. I've also played poker for years in casinos in San Francisco and Vegas and people don't really give a **** there.

I think that people ITT are vastly underestimating the regional attitudes towards gay people in America. I've heard the attitudes in Canada and European countries are generally more accepting as well. Anyway, congrats to Jason Somerville, hadn't heard of him before but good for him.

Pretty sure that the very same people you are referring to that would not be very accepting of openly gay poker players, have some pretty odd habits (sexual or not) that they too understand their peers would not be accepting of. (esp the south lol) The difference is, they keep their special and unique traits to themselves... because it's no one else's business.

The geographical difference is that some people are more prone to openly bashing special/unique people for intellectual reasons... or rather, people are way more ignorant in some places than others. Doesn't mean THEY don't have their own special qualities. We all do.

I'm totally for equal rights, but the last thing I want to hear at the poker table in a social setting is what your sexual preference is. Good for you, now ****ing fold and lemme have the pot uncontested.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:33 AM
No matter how many of your comments get insta-deleted, I still think you're cool, OMFG
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:39 AM
Originally Posted by ov3rd0se
not even news, hate people feeding the hype when there are more important issues to address
yeah, NVG is just brimming with important issues, no room for another thread
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:43 AM
LOL I'm too critical, it's going to get me in trouble I know it. I'd better just stop, heh.

I'm happy for you Jason, I just envision a world where the only reason to admire someone is because of what they have accomplished, not for telling the truth. Truth should be the standard, individual differences should be treated with indifference, and a role-model should not be someone who publicly declares which sex they prefer, unless they are accomplishing something awesome while they are inconsequentially declaring said preference.

Neil Armstrong isn't awesome because he said, "This is one small step for man", he's awesome because he walked on the moon. He just happened to say that at the same time.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:52 AM
Originally Posted by ov3rd0se
not even news, hate people feeding the hype when there are more important issues to address
lol @ this. Yeah, because threads about which Full Tilt person is a bigger scumbag, photoshop threads, Johnny Hughes threads, High Stakes rail threads, etc. are so much more important.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:54 AM
Originally Posted by OMFG get real
LOL I'm too critical, it's going to get me in trouble I know it. I'd better just stop, heh.

I'm happy for you Jason, I just envision a world where the only reason to admire someone is because of what they have accomplished, not for telling the truth. Truth should be the standard, individual differences should be treated with indifference, and a role-model should not be someone who publicly declares which sex they prefer, unless they are accomplishing something awesome while they are inconsequentially declaring said preference.

Neil Armstrong isn't awesome because he said, "This is one small step for man", he's awesome because he walked on the moon. He just happened to say that at the same time.
We congratulate someone when they win a tournament and that is just applauding variance
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 03:50 AM
My point is it doesn't matter if you're straight or gay - if you're wearing that outfit you're going to get looks. Certain gay people get dressed up in a very eccentric way and then when someone hurls an insult at them about their dress they get called a homophobe when the truth is a straight person wearing the same attire would also receive the same abuse but not attribute it to their sexuality. Anyone who deviates from the norms of dress in the society they operate in will get noticed and in some cases receive different treatment.

Hmmmmm whose this sound like Ricky? Just dont go to security on people this year k?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 03:58 AM
Originally Posted by kolotoure
We congratulate someone when they win a tournament and that is just applauding variance
Same can be said for a presidential candidate that won the election. lol
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by Webjoker
Maybe not super duper high profile but EPT player of the Year and Master Classics of Poker Amsterdam winner Trond Eidsvig was openly gay. His boyfriend used to rail him all the time during the WSOP when he still played. Also pretty sure that Dag Martin Mikkelsen is gay and open about it.

unless he was lying in this interview, i don't think trond eidsvig is gay
The final question that we always like to ask: Jessica Alba, Jessica Biel, Scarlett Johansson, or Giselle Bundchen?


Why her?

If you seriously don’t know, you are obviously gay.


So you’re gay?

lolol. No. Jessica is hot as hell, but there’s just something about Scarlett!

Hehe! I understand that. There is something about her, which makes her freaking gorgeous. Alba is more straight forward though.

Thanks for taking the time to talk with us at Bluff. We wish you the best of luck Trond.

i can't find any other source that mentions it. and i can't find anything at all about dag being gay. i think we can assume Webjoker is just talking out of his ass
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 11:11 AM
For those saying that bigotry is not present in our society.. it most certainly is. I'm not that old, and when I was a kid, it was common place to say "Jewed", or "N*****ed", or "Gayed" if you got the bad end of a deal. Something that was annoying was "F*****ry". I distinctly remember a teacher telling us to say "Gyped" instead of "Jewed" because that was supposedly more politically correct. And this was in CANADA (redneck Canada, but still).

Thing is, even though I'm not bigoted, these habits stuck with me, and I still catch myself using these words in disparaging ways. We've got a ways to go yet before we get these attitudes out of society.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 11:22 AM
good stuff
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:21 PM
Jason, by common consent is a great person, so thats good enough for me.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:35 PM
Originally Posted by Jack&MarkGetBusy!
Here's the thing (and this goes to all forms of discrimation):

Why are there gay pride parades and no straight pride parades?
Why is there BET and not WET?
Why is it OK to have a ladies poker event and not an all male poker event?

It's because the minority will NEVER be the major. The gap will always be eternal. When people who are in the minority have an event, it is to promote equality. When the majority has a similar event it is a celebration of their dominance.

White, heterosexual, Christian males have the best starting perks in this country and face the least discrimination. This is why it really bothers me when people cry about, ladies events, Black Enterainment Television, or gay pride parades. You guys already run things. Let us have a few scraps no matter delusion it may seem.
Great post, and such a simple point that so many still cannot get their heads around.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by 4th an 1
Jason is one of my favorite players, crazy he is gay, but I could care less.
You could care less or you couldn't care less? Always find this tilting

Oh, and I think it is quite a big deal he has come out. Good for him.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 01:35 PM
Hey Jason.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 02:28 PM
I'm happy for JCarver. Played with him decent amount online and once or twice live, nothing but positive things to say about him.

I 100% believe him and his story, but I am a bit confused. I don't really understand why he found it necessary to come out to a large group of predominantly strangers. I'd like to think it was to lead the way for others.

What do you guys think of him potentially profitting (i.e. sponsorship deals which he should've already got anyways) from this blog post/exposure?

Either way, I don't care, I hope he finds happiness and I'm happy he's come so far from dating girls, adhering to his parents 'keep it a secret advice', and hiding his true self.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by ACEvivKING
Its 2012 people. Who gives a **** if youre gay? This isnt news.
lol true that!


Who cares!
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 04:25 PM
I know a lot of people are against gays. But when you think about it, Hitler wasn't gay. So maybe it's actually better to be gay.
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 05:45 PM
JCarver was a complete total beast on full tilt, always wondered who it was. whats his stars name?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by may not represent
JCarver was a complete total beast on full tilt, always wondered who it was. whats his stars name?
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 06:06 PM
"not that there's anything wrong with that"
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
02-16-2012 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Masq

it takes balls to do what he did and come out, no matter what people say about it 'being easy' and 'so what' - fact is calling someone 'gay' is usually supposed to be an insult, and yeah a TON of other stigmas and stuff to deal with, so my hat is off to him, much respect
Jason Somerville blog 'Real Talk' - first openly gay high profile male poker player Quote
