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03-06-2011 , 05:08 AM
Originally Posted by ka1z0ku

Haseeb Qureshi United States


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03-06-2011 , 05:25 AM
Originally Posted by bakamor
Haha. I'm not bashing him in anyway. I just think this whole story is some sick propbet between Jungleman and somebody else. I will bet 1k at 10 to 1 that José Macedo didn't make 1.6kk in his last 800k hands as stated in the op.
It won't take long to verify his identity. I'm half-portuguese, if I can talk 5minutes with him + see a video of him playing on betfair (I'm sure he has loads after all he must have studied his own play) I will be happy enough.
I'm not ********ting in anyway, I've had coaching with JM before if you want I can just ship him first.
Ok, I guess I'll have to accept then Just gonna hear with Jose if he's OK with showing randoms his cashier and stuff. I think we would need an escrow as well, can't just trust randoms. Any reputable feeling up to the task?
03-06-2011 , 05:29 AM
Sure, I can escrow
03-06-2011 , 05:44 AM
ka1z0ku: didn't cross your mind to search this thread for that before posting it as if it was some huge revelation?

Originally Posted by Ope
It's great that you feel the need to post "/thread" when you obviously haven't even read it. This was posted very early on and DIH explained it.

I don't understand why everyone here is so afraid of being leveled that they won't believe the most simple and likely explanation, OP is real. If he isn't, well wp nice level, they spent hundreds of hours making this... but I really don't see why'd they do it and not reveal it by now.

Last edited by chinz; 03-06-2011 at 05:52 AM.
03-06-2011 , 05:47 AM
Originally Posted by kjemmy
Sure, I can escrow
Cool, do you guys accept Kjemmy as escrow?
03-06-2011 , 05:55 AM
kjemmy confirmed busto and part of the scam
03-06-2011 , 05:57 AM
Originally Posted by ka1z0ku
Oh yes, there is still someone who believe in that bs.
Since you obviously are too stupid to read the complete thread here's some cliffs:
  1. OP is posting from a portuguese IP address
  2. José Macado exists and he knows this thread exists (so if this was a level, it means they paid someone to stfu and pretend)
  3. Haseeb has explained why is registered in his name
  4. There are many reputable guys here willing to take bets on this, if you are so sure about this why not just make a bet with DIH or IFS?

03-06-2011 , 06:15 AM
bakamor wtf are you doing? Hasn't it already been confirmed he is real?

Oh well, enjoy the free money imfromsweden
03-06-2011 , 06:16 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
Since you obviously are too stupid to read the complete thread here's some cliffs:
  1. OP is posting from a portuguese IP address
  2. José Macado exists and he knows this thread exists (so if this was a level, it means they paid someone to stfu and pretend)
  3. Haseeb has explained why is registered in his name
  4. There are many reputable guys here willing to take bets on this, if you are so sure about this why not just make a bet with DIH or IFS?

This **** puts me on tilt.

Why don't you provide us the ultimate proof that all of this is 100% correct..

You do understand why the majority inhere is sceptical about all of this.

Story just doesn't add up.

We need his screennames. That way we can see how exactly he ran that little up to millions. This is the internets folks, your word and your word only is not going to cut it. Since I know this is a level, I know his sn won't be revealed. Cause the 'lawyers' forbid him. They said it was ok to post his real name though? haha I am such an idiot even replying in this thread but couldn't help myself.
03-06-2011 , 06:20 AM
I didn't say this wasn't a level, I've always been a sceptic myself, but at this moment it just seems very likely that this is real.

At first I was very confident that this was a level (after like first 20 posts), but I really don't see too much reason to think so anymore. It's not really the end of the world if I got leveled here, I don't lose anything.

This is the internets folks, your word and your word only is not going to cut it. Since I know this is a level, I know his sn won't be revealed.
How about the bet, did you already take it? After all, you know this is a level.
03-06-2011 , 06:31 AM
Originally Posted by chinz
I didn't say this wasn't a level, I've always been a sceptic myself, but at this moment it just seems very likely that this is real.

At first I was very confident that this was a level (after like first 20 posts), but I really don't see too much reason to think so anymore. It's not really the end of the world if I got leveled here, I don't lose anything.

How about the bet, did you already take it? After all, you know this is a level.
What would we bet on? that he is real? he prob is, but his run isn't. It's so easy to scam any1 who wants to bet against. I want to bet on the so called run he had. But I guess they can't/won't prove that cause his lawyer don't let him
03-06-2011 , 06:46 AM
How exactly would the SNs proof anything? PTR tracking for most euro sites is beyond awful, it's not anything near as accurate as their PokerStars tracking. For example I've now played ~14k hands on my new SN at Ongame, and PTR has tracked 1950 hands. That's about 14% of all hands. And networks like MicroGaming or Entraction aren't even tracked.

If your theory includes "Haseeb is trying to scam 2+2 with this bet", I don't think it's making your theory sound any better... Scam involving many reputable HS players (including one of the biggest online winners of last year), doesn't sound that likely to me.
03-06-2011 , 06:56 AM
Does this guy actually think DIH, IFS, Jungleman, etc are trying to scam NVG ?

I don't mean level. I mean they are actually made all this up to take bets
03-06-2011 , 08:57 AM
BTW, in the "Looking for Portugese Prodigy" thread the guy looking for him posted some screennames that he thought were girah, and one of girah's portugese friends posted a bit after that "it sucks that some of ze's screennames have been outed". Just look it up imo.
03-06-2011 , 09:23 AM
if you know he is real like i do, then why do you care about argueing with random people for endless amounts of pages about it. do something else.......
03-06-2011 , 12:49 PM
Wow, this thread is just ******ed, why the **** do you guys even care about this guy?
03-06-2011 , 01:31 PM
Great post OP
03-06-2011 , 02:10 PM
Originally Posted by girah
3. I don't play on Stars or FTP at the moment, I'm planning on making accounts there in a couple months once I finish exams, since my last semester at high school is coming to a close. My SN's will be public at that point.
In Portugal it's used semesters only in University. High school and lower we have trimesters.
Can any one confirm if that's possible in international schools?

EDIT: Oh and the scholar year only ends in June...
03-06-2011 , 02:19 PM
op is legit just look at his posting history

who would go through that much trouble?
03-06-2011 , 02:27 PM
OP: Were you ever recruited by the NY Mets?

03-06-2011 , 02:49 PM
There is no way your written English could be this good having been raised in Portugal. NO WAY. Your word choice is in no way consistent with a non-native English speaker, even one completely fluent in English. E.g. "something really messed up happened to me," or "everything started to click," or "my interests shifted in other directions." This is not a non-native speaker who grew up in Portugal.

Nice touch, by the way, using UK English with "Mum," as UK English is what is taught in European "International Schools," one of which you claimed to have attended. But unfortunately, you then went on to use US spelling (e.g. "visualize").

Obvious level.
03-06-2011 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
There is no way your written English could be this good having been raised in Portugal. NO WAY. Your word choice is in no way consistent with a non-native English speaker, even one completely fluent in English. E.g. "something really messed up happened to me," or "everything started to click," or "my interests shifted in other directions." This is not a non-native speaker who grew up in Portugal.

Nice touch, by the way, using UK English with "Mum," as UK English is what is taught in European "International Schools," one of which you claimed to have attended. But unfortunately, you then went on to use US spelling (e.g. "visualize").

Obvious level.
american spell check?
03-06-2011 , 03:05 PM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
There is no way your written English could be this good having been raised in Portugal. NO WAY. Your word choice is in no way consistent with a non-native English speaker, even one completely fluent in English. E.g. "something really messed up happened to me," or "everything started to click," or "my interests shifted in other directions." This is not a non-native speaker who grew up in Portugal.

Nice touch, by the way, using UK English with "Mum," as UK English is what is taught in European "International Schools," one of which you claimed to have attended. But unfortunately, you then went on to use US spelling (e.g. "visualize").

Obvious level.
Lawl, go do something with your life.
03-06-2011 , 03:18 PM
biggest leak is imo that noone from southern europe would dream of a house in hawai when more beautiful spots are available everywhere around you.

Also he mentioned that he injured his knee when playing for sporting, but on girahpoker he claims his hobbies are rugby and stuff...does not compute imo.

British English (received pronounciation) is the most common style of english thaught in europe, not only in international schools
03-06-2011 , 03:33 PM
Originally Posted by J.K.Wins
This **** puts me on tilt.

Why don't you provide us the ultimate proof that all of this is 100% correct..

You do understand why the majority inhere is sceptical about all of this.

Story just doesn't add up.

We need his screennames. That way we can see how exactly he ran that little up to millions. This is the internets folks, your word and your word only is not going to cut it. Since I know this is a level, I know his sn won't be revealed. Cause the 'lawyers' forbid him. They said it was ok to post his real name though? haha I am such an idiot even replying in this thread but couldn't help myself.
Read the thread, I was one of the biggest skeptics, and I truly don't blame you for thinking it's fabricated, but it's not.

Plain and simple... stop typing, stop posting, and stop reading. If you think he's fake, place a bet on it. The end.
