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03-04-2011 , 06:23 PM
Yeah, Quinta da Marinha is a pretty sweet spot here in Portugal
03-04-2011 , 06:24 PM
Originally Posted by [T]hunders
Yeah, Quinta da Marinha is a pretty sweet spot here in Portugal
holy crap
03-04-2011 , 06:57 PM
I see a lot a ******ed posts here.
Such as Europeans or Portuguese don't/can't speak fluent english. Must be a new US law that applies to the whole world.
Europeans don't dream of dollar bills... well gotta agree with that! They prefer euro bills.

Now... did anyone ever wonder why he posted this story in the first place?
And why YOU are commenting on it?

Good job Zé!
03-04-2011 , 07:06 PM
lol if this is a level, its pretty good

"About 15 minutes in, I got dealt KK UTG. I raised 3.5x, the fish 3-bet me UTG+1, and it folded around to the SB who made a large 4-bet. It was the fish’s first 3-bet and the reraiser was extremely tight. I stared at my hand for a while and made a crying hero fold... the fish shoved, and the SB called. It was AKs vs AA. I was so ecstatic at my fold, it gave me so much confidence"

this is so cliché lol
03-04-2011 , 07:21 PM
ok, with other topics in that story, now i believe in this.
And the most important:

I dont understand what is the mediatism arround jose´s story, and why?
Because a guy that live in Quinta da Marinha (houses with the simbolic price of 6.000.000€) is a rich guy, so 1million of $ in poker is nothing.

But dont tell the "bla bla bla" that your bankroll was created only with 30€.

The true Portuguese prodigy poker guy is PhounderAA or Phounder, he is the best, he play with the bests, and he build his bankroll started without nothing, because he´s not a rich guy.
03-04-2011 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by federer007
why would they waste their time leveling nvg?
Realy 8)
03-04-2011 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by shipower69
ok, with other topics in that story, now i believe in this.
And the most important:

I dont understand what is the mediatism arround jose´s story, and why?
Because a guy that live in Quinta da Marinha (houses with the simbolic price of 6.000.000€) is a rich guy, so 1million of $ in poker is nothing.

But dont tell the "bla bla bla" that your bankroll was created only with 30€.

The true Portuguese prodigy poker guy is PhounderAA or Phounder, he is the best, he play with the bests, and he build his bankroll started without nothing, because he´s not a rich guy.

when reading his story that is exacly what crossed my mind.
A kid loaded with money, living in quinta da marinha, deposited 30 euro and ran it to 1 mil.. yea, not likely.

I belive he exists and wish him lots of sucess, but drop the bs story
03-04-2011 , 09:55 PM
why is his english that good? portugese people are terribad at english
03-04-2011 , 10:02 PM
get phounder out of the equation, please.
03-04-2011 , 10:53 PM
If he's real, he'll soon be playing the best players like Durrrr etc, so who cares?
03-04-2011 , 11:06 PM
This is a clear level

- Account only started poasting fairly legit poasts in December last year

- The English is near perfect, and not remotely littered with those small errors from Europeans, that astute language readers can see

- All of the other inconsistencies pointed out.

Even Portuguese poker knows nothing about him, as the link above suggests. These too good to be true stories are exactly that. Kinda reminds me of this:

Clear level from a group of top players. Most of the 2p2 team and carpal tunnels are in on it as well, by the looks of things.
03-04-2011 , 11:09 PM
Originally Posted by girah
Eu falaria mas quero impressionar os Americanos!… Sou do Sporting, e ontem perdemos 2-1 com o Benfica, mas mereciamos ganhar! Vivo em Cascais na quinta da marinha, tenho 18 anos, ando no St. Julian's school e gosto de fazer desporto. Conheço o PhounderAA e ele pode confirmar a minha existência já que falamos no Skype. Sou Português e tenho muito orgulho nisso!
Eu estava brincando
Também falo Português (sou brasileiro) e apenas posto em inglês, é o natural a se fazer visto que a língua vigente aqui é o Inglês.

Poderia me passar seu Skype por MP?

PS: gostei muito da sua história, muito motivadora realmente.
PS2: ótimo Inglês, melhor que o meu
03-04-2011 , 11:12 PM
God all of you are clowns who thinks this is fake. My offer still stands. Im offering 10-1 that his story is real for any amount of money. Any takers?
03-04-2011 , 11:24 PM
I can't take it anymore! Is this for real or not? And if not why the **** do they need to play with our feelings like it's a mother ****ing game. This is life bitch real emotions, José in my heart till I die yo!
03-04-2011 , 11:40 PM
All we need to do is sit back and wait. It's defo fake.
03-04-2011 , 11:46 PM
pretty cool that a current highstakes balla wants a part of the 2p2 world

I look up from my desk, and there’s a board suspended on the wall. I made it a year ago when I was 17, when reaching the top of the poker world was still just a silly fantasy. On this board there are four pictures cut out and pasted… a crisp green million dollar bill, a picture of a WSOP bracelet, a screenshot of Durrrr sitting at Rail Heaven, and a photo of a little house in Hawaii.
^^ might be one of my favorite things read on 2p2

also, your writing isn't that great.
03-05-2011 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
God all of you are clowns who thinks this is fake. My offer still stands. Im offering 10-1 that his story is real for any amount of money. Any takers?
Yes I'd like to wager 10$ that this is fake. The story has to be real and has to be about Jose Macedo specifically. PM me.
03-05-2011 , 03:08 AM
Originally Posted by girah
I was raised by my Mother and although it was just the two of us, we got by. She worked hard to support me and make me happy. I watched her struggle and her selflessness and determination affected me strongly in life.
ya this kid def sounds like he comes from a well off family
03-05-2011 , 06:13 AM
03-05-2011 , 07:54 AM
Man, I just read most of this thread, some of these replies just make me want to cut my eyes out. After Haseeb offers action any ANY AMOUNT, there is literally nothing else to say on the matter. I guess if people missed his post and a few others it would be reasonable to maintain skepticism, but the "lol nice try" posts are pretty cringeworthy.

Sweet story for sure though, makes me wish I had that kind of discipline.
03-05-2011 , 08:33 AM
Cliffs: OP spent 2 months in a bathroom
03-05-2011 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
God all of you are clowns who thinks this is fake. My offer still stands. Im offering 10-1 that his story is real for any amount of money. Any takers?
inb4 dogishead books for 100K

that would make this the sickest level EVER
03-05-2011 , 08:39 AM
Standard of English is sick, a lot better than some native-English speaking posters here, to be sure.

Wish you all the best, Jose.
03-05-2011 , 09:02 AM
problem is greed creates an unreachable peak, I would just quit whilst ahead, up a couple milly right? wow that is **** sick tho, sick determination. good gf is key. antil tilt.
mega jelly. hawaii? I want a log cabin by a lake under a mountain when imlike 30, I better start crakin on tbf, quite an inspiring post,,, ty
03-05-2011 , 09:26 AM
wtf! cant u all plz stop btichin around if he is fake or real!!! a view wellknown names confirmed it as did jose! just annoying!!!

if its fake, then lol! who has time and reason for such bs??? and even if, whatevaaa ... but i truely doubt it and i think its kind of disrespectful towards jose and this thread!
