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03-07-2011 , 02:40 AM
sick sick
03-07-2011 , 05:33 AM
I so hope Jose comes back and answers questions.
That domain name thing was a shame cos it really did look like strong evidence of a level for a while.
All the other protests are pretty much nonsensical clutching of straws.
Just on the off chance
'Jose are you gonna play any WSOPE or EPT?
Any plan to play nosebleeds on Full Tilt?
Any training vids that stand out as helping your development more than others?'
03-07-2011 , 09:08 AM
Originally Posted by Riina
For me it even gets to the point that, when speaking to fellow countrymen, i feel often tempted to use an english saying to convey a certain emotional nuance -or spirit if you will- that i find lacking in my own language.
It's how the language sounds when you speak it or write it. Your language sounds more robotic ("fellow countrymen"), although your English is more or less perfect.

For example, "i feel often tempted" is fine, but there is a very subtle "unnatural" feel to it, something that native speakers will pick up on (especially those that live and work outside of the US). Whereas in the OP's entire first post, there was none of this. Not one sentence that sounded a bit forced, or contrived, or translated into English from his native language.

Had the OP moved to the US when he was a small boy, I would have no issue with it. But he claims to have grown up in Portugal. So I'm not buying it.

FWIW, a mother of a good friend of mine is Portuguese, and she studied at an international school there from an early age. Her English is perfect, but you can tell after a few sentences that she is not a native speaker.
03-07-2011 , 09:13 AM
cool story bro.
Jungleman having fun with us
03-07-2011 , 09:38 AM
great stuff man, keep it going
03-07-2011 , 10:35 AM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
Blah blah blah....

It's a shame that you didn't put your understanding of the finer points of the English language to good use by reading one of the numerous posts in this thread where it is expressly stated that DIH (a North American and established blogger) proofread and somewhat edited the post for OP before the thread was created. Your lexical forensics are superfluous.
03-07-2011 , 10:59 AM
the story is prob true right?!... i just wonder bout 1 thing... OP goes to school, has a gf, plays rugby, sk8´s apparently, prob hang out with friends, spend some time with his mum, study 6 hours poker, eventually has to study school stuff 2, plays HS, and he might hav 2 sleep a bit...?! how many hours per day u hav OP?

Last edited by Looo$eFckr; 03-07-2011 at 11:27 AM.
03-07-2011 , 11:08 AM
this is obviously a great level by US HS...
Cmon, a guy that makes that lot of money, was not even noticed in Portugal, such a huuuuuge country? lol

they probably prop bet that could creat a new phenomenon just like isildur or something like that. They talk to some portuguese HS to help them to give some veracity to this history.
03-07-2011 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by RedBarracuda
why do people care so much if this is all fake or not. instead of posting here you might as well work on your game. it would surely do you better.

seriously, why?
Similar story could be written about basically any player who has ever won a million or two, so what makes this one so special that people care if it happens to be true or not? When enough players play poker some are just bound to win big. Is it because he is from Portugal?
03-07-2011 , 11:40 AM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
It's a shame that you didn't put your understanding of the finer points of the English language to good use by reading one of the numerous posts in this thread where it is expressly stated that DIH (a North American and established blogger) proofread and somewhat edited the post for OP before the thread was created. Your lexical forensics are superfluous.
Ok, if the Portuguese prodigy later said he didn't write the post (or, rather, someone confirmed that they helped him), then

(1) I was absolutely correct, unlike my Dutch detractors, that the post was almost certainly written by a native English speaker; and

(2) it is impossible to determine authenticity based on the English within the post. So I retract my accusation that the OP is a fake.

Now it's just inconclusive. Although, I hope it's true, because it's a great story.

Last edited by PraguePoker; 03-07-2011 at 11:54 AM.
03-07-2011 , 01:19 PM
I don't think they have Internet in Portugal, obv level is obvious.
03-07-2011 , 01:36 PM
This is getting to be like one of those internet forum that argues that the Apollo Moon Landings were faked, or that the CIA was responsible for 911.

I wish it could be split into a ‘skeptics’ thread for those who want to post the same points (language ability, playing for Sporting Lisbon youth team, sneaking poker books into the bathroom) time and again, some 500-550 posts after the same points were first asked and answered. And a ‘believers’ thread for those of us who may have started out as skeptical but would now prefer to hear more from Jose himself rather than yet another "his English is too good."
03-07-2011 , 01:39 PM
Next wednesday exclusive interview with José Girah Macedo at
03-07-2011 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by GrumpyB
This is getting to be like one of those internet forum that argues that the Apollo Moon Landings were faked, or that the CIA was responsible for 911.

I wish it could be split into a ‘skeptics’ thread for those who want to post the same points (language ability, playing for Sporting Lisbon youth team, sneaking poker books into the bathroom) time and again, some 500-550 posts after the same points were first asked and answered. And a ‘believers’ thread for those of us who may have started out as skeptical but would now prefer to hear more from Jose himself rather than yet another "his English is too good."

I don't understand why everybody who doesn't believe it is making such a fuss about it anyway. Just let girah tell his story and f*** off. If you think it's fake, good for you, I dont.
03-07-2011 , 02:03 PM
2+2 never disappoints
03-07-2011 , 02:38 PM
I think Haseeb is going to lose another bet.
03-07-2011 , 03:16 PM
When he registers for FTP/Stars he should check if either ConfirmedLevel or ObvLevel SNs are still available

I don't understand why everybody who doesn't believe it is making such a fuss about it anyway. Just let girah tell his story and f*** off. If you think it's fake, good for you, I dont.
Agreed, if you still think this is a level why not just ignore this thread?
03-07-2011 , 03:33 PM
I think José has a pretty good shot at having the most ******ed railbird chat ever when he starts to play ftp with a known screenname.
03-07-2011 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by PavlovDoorman
Next wednesday exclusive interview with José Girah Macedo at
Quick preview:

Interviewer: So what stakes do you normally play?
José: ehh, I dunno if is called high or mid stake - if plenty money on table, I play! xoxo
Interviewer: And what would you say your ultimate goals are?
José: ai ai ai! i wanna go to standard series of world, you know?
Interviewer: What would you say your biggest advantage in the game is?
José: I play by feeling, yes? no understando the crazy mathematico... sorry, no speako da lingo da poker!!
Interviewer: José, best of luck in your career.
José: toodlinhos! xoxoxoxo
03-07-2011 , 03:46 PM
lol at ppl finding the tiniest discrepancies and just for the sake of arguing its a level hahahaha
03-07-2011 , 04:37 PM
Are there any people left itt that still don't believe he is real?
03-07-2011 , 04:39 PM
Originally Posted by RangeyMcTriplmerge
Quick preview:

Interviewer: So what stakes do you normally play?
José: ehh, I dunno if is called high or mid stake - if plenty money on table, I play! xoxo
Interviewer: And what would you say your ultimate goals are?
José: ai ai ai! i wanna go to standard series of world, you know?
Interviewer: What would you say your biggest advantage in the game is?
José: I play by feeling, yes? no understando the crazy mathematico... sorry, no speako da lingo da poker!!
Interviewer: José, best of luck in your career.
José: toodlinhos! xoxoxoxo
1st answer is epic
03-07-2011 , 06:20 PM
btw it might be FTPs answer to stars , after isildur signed as pro
03-07-2011 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by PraguePoker
It's how the language sounds when you speak it or write it. Your language sounds more robotic ("fellow countrymen"), although your English is more or less perfect.

For example, "i feel often tempted" is fine, but there is a very subtle "unnatural" feel to it, something that native speakers will pick up on (especially those that live and work outside of the US). Whereas in the OP's entire first post, there was none of this. Not one sentence that sounded a bit forced, or contrived, or translated into English from his native language.

Had the OP moved to the US when he was a small boy, I would have no issue with it. But he claims to have grown up in Portugal. So I'm not buying it.

FWIW, a mother of a good friend of mine is Portuguese, and she studied at an international school there from an early age. Her English is perfect, but you can tell after a few sentences that she is not a native speaker.
ok, i can dig that since i agree i probably am handicapped in having a good sense for the natural melody(?) of the phrasing. It was just that the examples put forth as a possible way of saying things (as i viewed them) didn't ring unfamiliar for me nor probably alot of other foreign readers.

i still think op is the real deal though, but i won't lose any sleep if it turns out he's not
03-07-2011 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by DOG IS HEAD
Haha, lots of sleuthing in this thread. Let me put it all to rest. Here's the scoop:

José has asked me for a lot of advice about poker and life stuff over the last year. When his thread blew up in NVG, he wanted to write his story on 2p2, but he asked me if I could help him to write it since he was a big fan of my writing. I like the kid a lot so I told him I was fine with that: I told him to write up his story and I'd help him to edit it and make it sound good. And that's what I did. José is a really bright kid and he went to an international school. He speaks stellar English (you wouldn't know that he's Portuguese from speaking to him), but I did help him out with editing his blog post. He also asked me to set up a site for him to link to his blog because he had no idea how to do that. I told him it was no problem, it only cost $10 to set one up - hence, being registered in my name.

Anybody who thinks this is some kind of massive level... must think we have way too much free time on our hands, haha. José is real, and I have no doubt he's going to take the poker world by storm. He's an amazingly humble and genuine kid, and I wish all the best to him. So please put all of the armchair speculation to rest - he's the real deal.

(Btw, anybody who thinks he doesn't exist: I'm willing to take prop bets as to whether he exists or not. I will hereby take any action for any amount of money that he exists and is exactly who he says he is. So put your money where your mouth is, or leave your mouth at the door. )
I've been following DIH for awhile now and have a pretty good handle on his posting technique and personality. At this point I will bet this Jose is fake and will go on to say DIH is getting pretty desperate and I would be worried about him multi accounting.

People online fail to realize that multi accounting is still rampant and done by mid to highstakes regs. Software detection has increased in quality by sites but so has the dedication and clandestine efforts of multi accounters. One thing I could see happening is DIH and Jose playing together in ring games. He wont make it obvious but using techniques of pot juicing, ousting flat callers, and obscuring his vpip statistics will make multi accounting increase his win rate.

Haseeb is a clever guy and has obviously thought this through and if its a simple prank that's ok, but knowing Haseeb pretty well at this point leads me to suspect something more is coming from this. Also fake IP adresses are common to all wondering. As for the english it is obvious not someone from portugal. Every person i talked to from there has not spoken this well.

He also is perfectly 18 so Haseeb can run this for 3 years before this kid would have to start showing up for big buy in tournaments. I expect maybe he will quit poker before then...
