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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-28-2012 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
This is just wrong. Sometimes its 100% better to be first and this is one of those times.
Every time someone in this thread says something like this I am reminded of CNN reporting that the Affordable Care Act had been overturned because they were in such a hurry to be first that they didn't actually read the supreme court decision before reporting it.

If someone who the community trusts (say DF) incorrectly reported that the deal was signed when in fact it was actually dead or in peril that would cause much more pain and distress for everyone than if they waited slightly longer to be certain before letting us know that the deal is signed.
07-28-2012 , 01:31 PM
This is probably the 100th time for many of you to have an opportunity to wait for an official announcement and not jump to conclusions, but most of you can't be saved from yourselves and it's Groundhog Day all over again.

We'll have our money when it's in our bank account and not a moment before then if that even happens.
07-28-2012 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by 2Pretty2Lose
"it is now safe to say announcements for public dissemination are in the works. At this point I am ready to go out on a limb; FTP customers will see their monies well in time for Christmas shopping."
Who said this. PS,FTP orDOJ?
07-28-2012 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
A noble sentiment, but it was my money to begin with - the fact that someone stole it for a year doesn't make me more inclined to give some to charity.

Actually I will be giving it away - a little foundation I found called "I took out $90,000 in student loans to get my higher education, and the government wants their money."

All donations accepted of course.

Made a deep five figures in the last three months playing poker, still eating ramen noodles.
You'd still be eating ramen noodles anyways. You'd just eat more of them.
07-28-2012 , 01:38 PM
So DF basically just said to keep an eye on her tweets? hehe
07-28-2012 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by Papadopalus
What are the chances that our balances don't get paid back in full because of the high number of phantom or fraudulent deposits made by others?
I would imagine any pay back to the players would require

1 Confrimed address and name if it was not already done. ( picture ID and bill showing your address0

2 Your deposit was deducted from your account.
07-28-2012 , 01:41 PM
I'm confused here about all this talk about Wendeen versus DF, as I see it Wendeen broke the news about the deal being done. Assuming her report is correct, she did what we wanted, delivered the good news we've been waiting for BEFORE an official press release is made public. What I understand DF is doing is announcing the news on her site AFTER it is made public. No offense to DF, but once the news is made public we will all know anyway, without having to visit her site. And again, DF may not even know for sure the deal is done, while Wendeen claims to be sure of it. Personally, I believe Wendeen as she appears to be a very credible person. Time will tell.
07-28-2012 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by pokur
I think everyone here should pick a worthy charity and donate half of their full tilt money to it. Perhaps this ordeal has given a sense of empathy that we all didn't have before?
Originally Posted by ChiddyBang
you do that. hookers and blow for this guy though. whooooooo cmon monnnday
Hookers and blow dealers are a worthy charity, where i grew up anyways.
07-28-2012 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by PJo336
Totally disagree
Fair enough.
07-28-2012 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by InterplanetJanet
I'm confused here about all this talk about Wendeen versus DF, as I see it Wendeen broke the news about the deal being done. Assuming her report is correct, she did what we wanted, delivered the good news we've been waiting for BEFORE an official press release is made public. What I understand DF is doing is announcing the news on her site AFTER it is made public. No offense to DF, but once the news is made public we will all know anyway, without having to visit her site. And again, DF may not even know for sure the deal is done, while Wendeen claims to be sure of it. Personally, I believe Wendeen as she appears to be a very credible person. Time will tell.
Where do you people come from? If you've actually read everything these two have written, there's no way you can come to those conclusions.
07-28-2012 , 01:55 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB
Who said this. PS,FTP orDOJ?
None of the above.
07-28-2012 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by InterplanetJanet
I'm confused here about all this talk about Wendeen versus DF, as I see it Wendeen broke the news about the deal being done. Assuming her report is correct, she did what we wanted, delivered the good news we've been waiting for BEFORE an official press release is made public. What I understand DF is doing is announcing the news on her site AFTER it is made public. No offense to DF, but once the news is made public we will all know anyway, without having to visit her site. And again, DF may not even know for sure the deal is done, while Wendeen claims to be sure of it. Personally, I believe Wendeen as she appears to be a very credible person. Time will tell.
Who really gives a chit who breaks the news? Most people get their news from multiple sources. People will read DF's articles whether she's 1st or 9th in getting the story out. Why? because she is thorough and explains everything pretty damn well imo and she's basically one of our community.

No one is gonna remember who broke what story first or when they broke it. I have no idea who broke the Batman movie shooter story first. I watched/read about it on fox, msn, cnn, abc, and maybe a few other sites. If cnn broke it, you're telling me you're only gonna go visit cnn tv for your info? I call BS.

DF's website is very easy to remember and will get a lot of traffic bc its so similar to her 2+2 name. I read Wendeen's article and still don't know the website url she works for, nor do i care actually.
07-28-2012 , 02:00 PM
Originally Posted by The Juggalo

Its BS, nothing there but 1 opinon. More sources are needed .
07-28-2012 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB

Its BS, nothing there but 1 opinon. More sources are needed .
Agreed. Just thought I'd answer your question since no one else did.

Edit: unless of course that was meant to be a rhetorical question.

Last edited by The Juggalo; 07-28-2012 at 02:06 PM. Reason: Makes sense now
07-28-2012 , 02:03 PM
her source can be wrong but that cant be called an opinion
07-28-2012 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
This isn't totally true. I was at some super duper Iron Man Black Card level(can't remember exactly what the criteria was) but i was able to trade points in for straight cash homie without playing it off at all.

It depended on your level of Black Card/Iron Man status, but I agree it was a joke that you needed Black Card for this at all.
Wait wat? Are you sure? I had a bundle of points and Iron Man medals and all I remember being able to get as far as cash was Black card bonuses which you had to work off.

Originally Posted by 28renton
That's ridiculous. You don't pay taxes on play money.
Aaaannnddd WP.
07-28-2012 , 02:11 PM
What I take from yesterday's events/reports are:

1) There was likely 1 major issue Stars/DOJ were negotiating over yet that was causing the hold up, and yesterday they came to terms on it (and probably this is the issue that prevented a deal from being announced a few Mondays ago like some people such as zbthorton have suggested was close to happening). Now there are several minor details left to gloss through.

2) DF's style of reporting is clearly superior. Credibility is king. Look at us, we all read Wendeen's report, and the sane of us are still holding our breaths (likely because the major hurdle/roadblock has been agreed upon, but there's still smaller things to iron out). If DF were to have authored yesterday's article, we'd be throwing parties in the streets.
07-28-2012 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by The Juggalo
Agreed. Just thought I'd answer your question since no one else did.

Edit: unless of course that was meant to be a rhetorical question.
Sorry. It s just hard in this thread. One person suggests there is a deal and so many posters are taking it as gods word.
07-28-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by DavidNB

Its BS, nothing there but 1 opinon. More sources are needed .
IDK if I'm missing something here, but other people in the media have come out and said the deal is done/ getting ready to be announced. Like three or four different people have said it's done.

Also DF said she would snap say if the deal was dead, which she hasn't done, and said we're going to get "the news we've all been waiting for"...
07-28-2012 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
her source can be wrong but that cant be called an opinion
Okay then, I take it as her sources opinon
07-28-2012 , 02:16 PM
Originally Posted by Schneids
What I take from yesterday's events/reports are:

1) There was likely 1 major issue Stars/DOJ were negotiating over yet that was causing the hold up, and yesterday they came to terms on it (and probably this is the issue that prevented a deal from being announced a few Mondays ago like some people such as zbthorton have suggested was close to happening). Now there are several minor details left to gloss through.

2) DF's style of reporting is clearly superior. Credibility is king. Look at us, we all read Wendeen's report, and the sane of us are still holding our breaths (likely because the major hurdle/roadblock has been agreed upon, but there's still smaller things to iron out). If DF were to have authored yesterday's article, we'd be throwing parties in the streets.
First bolded scares me, as I'm now considered one of the sane ones...that can't be good for anyone.

Second bolded is +1. I definately think her reporting is superior, and had she said "it's done, we're paid", I'd be naked, drunk, and dancing in the road (not necessarily in that order).
07-28-2012 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by Go Get It
Wait wat? Are you sure? I had a bundle of points and Iron Man medals and all I remember being able to get as far as cash was Black card bonuses which you had to work off.
I'm almost positive(but not 100%). There were a few different levels of Black Card(3 levels i think) with that stupid rolling average thingy to keep black card status active. The basic BC level didnt get you squat for all the hype they put into that promotion.

The top level got you a bit more than squat. There was so much talk about revamping their RB and bonus structure(which became Black Card) for so long, I figured I'd hold onto my points as long as possible in the hopes of FT creating a straight cash bonus. The top cash bonus possible was $5k for like 1.1 mill points.

Either way, it shouldnt really matter if you had x number of pts. You earned it, and should be compensated for it.
07-28-2012 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by Huskermoney00
Hey DF, when you said we are putting credit into a journalist who has said this times before, are you referring to Wendeen or other lady who said her sources were 100% confirmed via twitter? Can you confirm or deny Wendeen's statements??
I had a very credible major news org. reporter tell me that s/he very much respects Wendeen and believes that she would not write it unless she felt very strongly about it.

This reporter couldn't confirm it's done yet, though.
07-28-2012 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
I'm almost positive(but not 100%). There were a few different levels of Black Card(3 levels i think) with that stupid rolling average thingy to keep black card status active. The basic BC level didnt get you squat for all the hype they put into that promotion.

The top level got you a bit more than squat. There was so much talk about revamping their RB and bonus structure(which became Black Card) for so long, I figured I'd hold onto my points as long as possible in the hopes of FT creating a straight cash bonus. The top cash bonus possible was $5k for like 1.1 mill points.

Either way, it shouldnt really matter if you had x number of pts. You earned it, and should be compensated for it.
Yeah, now that I think about it a bit there was a carte blanche thing where you could go out and buy a thing in real life and they would pay you back for it, or something like that.

But the black card bonuses you had to rake a bunch to unlock over time, even the $5K.

But yea, I think in one of the internet poker threads FTPDoug said, and take this fwiw, that all Iron Man medals had been converted into points at the max rate which was 50 points per medal, and they were going to let players either get cash or buy stuff from the FTP store. This was all before the AGCC pulled the plug tho.

Hopefully PS pays cash for the points/converted IM medals @ $4/1000 points, that would be great imo.
07-28-2012 , 02:33 PM
is Diamond_Flush hot? I heard her voice is really sexy.
