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FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP) FTP Discussion Thread (Everything but big new news goes here. Cliffs in OP)
View Poll Results: Do you want the AGCC to regulate the new FTP?
1,156 56.58%
887 43.42%

07-28-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by aggo
Points were worth less than $4/1k
You are correct. People were selling before BF here on 2+2 for ~3.5.
07-28-2012 , 04:38 PM
Originally Posted by antneye
Re-read my post. Of course you ned to adjust balances to subtract deposits that never cleared. What I said was you had to honor any balances that grew (minus the uncleared deposit)
of course, any balance that grew is as good as gold
07-28-2012 , 04:40 PM
I was a few thousand points away from the 5K bonus 1.1m FTW

I understand if my points aren't redeemable assuming a deal goes through, but honestly, after spending a billion+ on the deal including lawyers etc, I cant really see Stars squabbling over another 10-20m to pay FTPs.

They are looking more and more like the online poker saviours with this deal and if it gets completed Im guessing they wont want people saying "Yeah they did get me my money along with everyone else's and they did restore societal faith in online poker but....I didnt get my $140 in points so......."
07-28-2012 , 04:45 PM
Doyle Brunson ‏@TexDolly
Full Tilt players are going to be paid in full! Wonder who has been working on that for the past year? Oh wait...#congratsHowardwhatshisname
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07-28-2012 , 04:49 PM
pretty sure I remember doyle saying nobody was getting paid

07-28-2012 , 04:51 PM
Pokerfuse reporting the deal is not finished and no announcement is planned. Just major progress made legally.
07-28-2012 , 04:53 PM
Originally Posted by deke971
Doyle Brunson ‏@TexDolly
Full Tilt players are going to be paid in full! Wonder who has been working on that for the past year? Oh wait...#congratsHowardwhatshisname
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I just saw that.....I'm a fan of Dolly, but he's just so ****ing wrong on this. How long before HL and his scummy sister start trying to frame themselves as some sort of heroes throughout this mess? Yuck.
07-28-2012 , 04:55 PM
ItemPointsCash ValueCash Value Less Rakeback DeductionDollar Value Per 1000 Points
Cash Bonuses     
Sony Bravia XBR-60XL900123000044982837.52.31
Sony Bravia XBR-52XL9001080000329918411.7
Sony Bravia XBR-46HX90987000031481973.52.27
Sony Vaio VPC-F12SGX/B69300023451409.452.03
Apple MacBook MC024LL/A52900020981383.852.62
This is from a little spreadsheet I made a while back. The electronic items are (iirc) three tvs and two laptops. I'm sure the prices for them have gone down since I made this sheet, but they're really just to show that if you could get the cash bonuses, they were always a better value. It seems like 3$/1000 is a pretty fair rate (although I could just be biased since that's what I got clearing bonuses). I forget what iron man medals were worth, but I think once the cash bonuses were available, the best value for them was to buy points with them and buy cash with the points. Does anybody remember how many medals 100K points cost?
07-28-2012 , 04:56 PM
did you guys think of the possibility that Doyle was being completely sarcastic?
07-28-2012 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Pokerfuse reporting the deal is not finished and no announcement is planned. Just major progress made legally.
Can that hood guy comment on this??
07-28-2012 , 04:57 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
did you guys think of the possibility that Doyle was being completely sarcastic?
He's not, he's been blogging about how Howard is innocent for a while now.
07-28-2012 , 04:57 PM
how's Doyle gona back up that assbag HL
07-28-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
did you guys think of the possibility that Doyle was being completely sarcastic?
who ****ing cares what that old man is saying?
07-28-2012 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by litlebullet
did you guys think of the possibility that Doyle was being completely sarcastic?
Then he said this

@dmanpoker12 I think this is for sure. I wouldn't bet my life we get paid, but I would bet a lot of money:-) -- Doyle Brunson (@TexDolly)
07-28-2012 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by Guyra
great post for someone who has no worries over this situation.

No offense, but no one cares about what you think sounded good last fall or how lucky we all should have been to have taken .10/$1.00.

If you had 1 dime invested in FT these last 15 months I might be inclined to hear whats on your mind. Get out of your mom's basement more, it's a nice Saturday.

Just like NVG to tell me what I should/shouldnt do when any deal doesnt effect them or their money at all.
No offence but what happens still impacts online players as it may means you get your funds back which means an influx of funds into the poker community and then you can donk them off.

Also unreasonable expectations could effect a company wanting to take over the operations, especially if they have to get involved in a no win situation when dealing with players like you.

btw I have my own house, play poker for fun, what I lost I wrote off long ago, played a round of golf this morning, had lunch with my wife & daughter and now watching her sleep while seeing whats new on NVG and getting a kick out of the expectations of so many......
07-28-2012 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by starvingwriter82
The reality is that if stars plans to open FTP up again, they'll probably handle it the same way they handled FPPs - cash in what you can and gtfo.

Who knows though - you couldn't get actual cash for your FTP points (even as black card, the cash bonus was released with a playthrough requirement) and something tells me stars probably doesn't love the idea of sending out ten million baseball caps.

Not even an original, "You got FTP'ed" cap?
07-28-2012 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by Reverse_Centaur
ItemPointsCash ValueCash Value Less Rakeback DeductionDollar Value Per 1000 Points
Cash Bonuses     
Sony Bravia XBR-60XL900123000044982837.52.31
Sony Bravia XBR-52XL9001080000329918411.7
Sony Bravia XBR-46HX90987000031481973.52.27
Sony Vaio VPC-F12SGX/B69300023451409.452.03
Apple MacBook MC024LL/A52900020981383.852.62
This is from a little spreadsheet I made a while back. The electronic items are (iirc) three tvs and two laptops. I'm sure the prices for them have gone down since I made this sheet, but they're really just to show that if you could get the cash bonuses, they were always a better value. It seems like 3$/1000 is a pretty fair rate (although I could just be biased since that's what I got clearing bonuses). I forget what iron man medals were worth, but I think once the cash bonuses were available, the best value for them was to buy points with them and buy cash with the points. Does anybody remember how many medals 100K points cost?
It seems that I remember them saying Iron Man medals would be converted to ftps at a rate of 50 ftps for 1 medal. I used 3000 Iron man medals post Black Friday to purchase ftps and the purchases were cancelled and returned to medals. I got around 130000 ftps for about 3000 medals initially which I would have converted to tournament tickets and therefore cash (allegedly).

The best value was tournament tickets (which as I stated above, were converted to cash value in our accounts when ftp went down.)

$750K Sunday Guarantee Ticket (Buy-In $216) was 45000 so 216/45 = $4.80/1k ftps.
$26 ticket was 5700 = 26/5.7 = $4.56/1k ftps.

In the marketplace they were going for $3-4 per 1k f you ordered stuff and had it sent to people, but this wasn't max value for points.
07-28-2012 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
Pokerfuse reporting the deal is not finished and no announcement is planned. Just major progress made legally.
no one talking about this?

looks like the article is new at pokerfuse
07-28-2012 , 05:17 PM
They're not really saying anything we don't already know. We know it's not totally official until we get a press release or something like that, but the logic that they are going to instantly come out with an announcement the second it's done is ridiculous.

"No party will stall on an announcement, nor take days to prepare a press release."

07-28-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by deke971
Doyle Brunson ‏@TexDolly
Full Tilt players are going to be paid in full! Wonder who has been working on that for the past year? Oh wait...#congratsHowardwhatshisname
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F Doyle.

Saying the monkeys who stole the money in the first place are working hard to get it back is not only meaningless but stupid. Same as people trying to give Bitar credit for trying to help.

If you steal 400 million dollars and get caught you do not get any credit for "helping get it back" which is not even the case here. They just worked to get someone else to cover it.

It is like crediting the guy who stole your car with talking to your insurance company.

Even with ~400 million stolen from players we have never heard a scintilla of evidence any of that actual money was/is being returned to facilitate player payment. So anyone related with FTP to claim they or anyone else there have been working on the players behalf for a year, eff you and eff them.

Stop tweeting you dull old man.
07-28-2012 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
no one talking about this?

looks like the article is new at pokerfuse
They will be when they read it. I wish hood would comment. He was just in here earlier.
07-28-2012 , 05:21 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
no one talking about this?

looks like the article is new at pokerfuse
Should probably go back through the thread and save all the posts sucking Wheeden's dick now for fun times when Monday comes and goes quietly.
07-28-2012 , 05:22 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
F Doyle.

Saying the monkeys who stole the money in the first place are working hard to get it back is not only meaningless but stupid. Same as people trying to give Bitar credit for trying to help.

If you steal 400 million dollars and get caught you do not get any credit for "helping get it back" which is not even the case here. They just worked to get someone else to cover it.

It is like crediting the guy who stole your car with talking to your insurance company.

Even with ~400 million stolen from players we have never heard a scintilla of evidence any of that actual money was/is being returned to facilitate player payment. So anyone related with FTP to claim they or anyone else there have been working on the players behalf for a year, eff you and eff them.

Stop tweeting you dull old man.
Agreed. Doyle's just stoked his buddy managed to rip off $330 million from players and (he thinks) get them paid back without having to return anything he stole or do any prison time. He's congratulating Howard on the perfect crime if this deal goes through.
07-28-2012 , 05:23 PM
Sounds like good news though, maybe thats what DF's report will be to us aobut that milestone that was reached.
07-28-2012 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by joeyrulesall
They will be when they read it. I wish hood would comment. He was just in here earlier.
I'm not sure what you're looking for him to say. That article is exactly what he told us in this thread yesterday, in article form. And I'm sure it's probably spot the **** on like everything else PokerFuse has told us about this saga so far.
