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Daniel Negreanu talking on QuadJacks about 2p2 ban. (and some complaining about mods) Daniel Negreanu talking on QuadJacks about 2p2 ban. (and some complaining about mods)

03-23-2012 , 11:16 AM
ProfessionalPoker seems extremely unprofessional. Coming on here after the interview making posts questioning Daniel's intelligence? Yeah, I'm sure that's what 2p2 wants you to do as a mod, LOL.
03-23-2012 , 11:22 AM
Orrrrr we could all move on...

It seems very doubtfull negreanu will stay away from 2+2, he needs this place as much as 2+2 needs him.
03-23-2012 , 11:25 AM
this is exactly what happened to Paul Phillips : (
03-23-2012 , 11:26 AM
Originally Posted by stewball
ProfessionalPoker seems extremely unprofessional.
[x] ProfessionalPoker
[ ] ProfessionalForum
[ ] ProfessionalMod
[x] ProfessionalWayne
03-23-2012 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by darkowa
Orrrrr we could all move on...

It seems very doubtfull negreanu will stay away from 2+2, he needs this place as much as 2+2 needs him.
In what way does Daniel need this site? None that I can think of. None at all.
03-23-2012 , 11:29 AM
Originally Posted by darkowa
Orrrrr we could all move on...

It seems very doubtfull negreanu will stay away from 2+2, he needs this place as much as 2+2 needs him.
Not really at all....

Not sure how that jump in logic was made.

I think the mods made some poor decisions in all of this.
03-23-2012 , 11:31 AM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker

So when he made the two posts in two threads to his spam video, I'm like WTF?

IMO, right there is a great example of the arrogance and stupidity of this whole thing. He did not post a link to a "spam video". He posted a link to his VLOG, which is his own, where he talks about things he is doing that he thinks people in the poker world might be interested in, and he talked about lots of other things besides the iseries.

The mods on this forum without a doubt accepted and encouraged the linking of his VLOGs previously, since they retitled the thread "OFFICIAL DN BLOG...". So clearly this site had no previous problem with that.

I had no idea if he was going to continue posting it. I started to wonder if that was really Daniel acting that stupid, acting with complete disregard of our policies or if someone from Poker Royalty had control of his account. So at 2am I made the call to temp-ban the account and then sort it out. I figured this could cause a storm so I immediately called Mason, who already knew of the previous two threads and let him know what I did and why. He concurred with the action.

In your PM to DN, did you tell him, or mention to him, that if he mentions iseries in his own VLOG, that would be considered an infraction? You really can't see how someone might make a distinction between making a post on someones forum, versus what they put in their own VLOG?

You wonder if DN is really that stupid? You think it's a good business practice, even now, to make a comment like that about one of the biggest stars of the poker world? You think that reflects well upon 2+2?

Several times in print and on QJ he stated "What am I, a child that needs a time out?" or something to that effect. I had thought not and had hoped he could figure out that we don't tolerate spam due to the infraction, then deletion of the 2nd thread. But his reaction to this whole affair over a 1 day slap on the wrist and his inability to figure out the obvious, makes me wonder.
It was a one day slap in the face to one of the biggest names in poker, not a slap on the wrist. Did you really think anything different would come of this then exactly what did? You insulted a big name who contributes to your forum and adds value when so few famous pros do anymore. Did you really expect him to react to the demeaning (as NoahSD put it) one day ban by crawling back to you and asking for clarification? Did it really not ever occur to you to PM him again to clarify your policy? Exactly how many PMs did you send DN before you banned him? Was it just the one, where you infracted him and asked him to pay for advertising? Why don't you post the text of that PM? Let's see if you made it clear that you expected him to censor his VLOG.

But overall, it's your attitude shown in this post that really reflects poorly on the professionalism of 2+2. No company would go out of their way to publicly embarrass a famous member of their community over something like this without taking every effort to communicate with the guy first. It appears you sent one PM, then expected DN to figure out the rest, and if he doesn't call you, then tough ****.

That's just a bizarre way to treat a big name.
03-23-2012 , 11:39 AM
Yeah sucks 2+2 tried to shakedown Daniel for money. The people blaming Daniel are LOL.

Mods will be suckup mods to Mason and his greed.
03-23-2012 , 11:54 AM
Originally Posted by GoDeViLs
Just wanted to make sure NVG knew that Daniel was warned after first post, he was infracted after posting second time and then given 1 day temp ban on his third time posting link to said site.

It would also be odd to devote 25% of his vblog to a infomercial-esque display of a new money-making venture that he has no vested interest in. Pretty safe to infer that he or someone he knows well in some way gains financially from the success of said venture.

It is 2+2 policy to not allow self-promotion. He was warned more than once. It was a one day ban. Let that sink in before you become more outraged about this than something actually affecting you personally.
Ban def justified. Lol @ all the fan boys hopping on Dannys lap. If he was warned twice with infractions then def ban is justifiable IMO
03-23-2012 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by Spad3s
If I was Daniel Negreanu I would never post on 2plus2 again.

Its disrespectful to ban him, hes one person most people like to hear from and he makes a lot of sense and cares about poker. I would certainly be more interested in reading anything of what he has to then any random poster.

There are prob some mods on here that fall into the petty and bitter category, just like most online forums.

They didnt ban him because they thought it would help the forum, that makes no sense. They banned him because they are on a power trip.

You sir are either a class A idiot or a "celebrity" horny 16 year old girl

Keep up the good work
03-23-2012 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by browser2920
It was a one day slap in the face to one of the biggest names in poker, not a slap on the wrist. Did you really think anything different would come of this then exactly what did? You insulted a big name who contributes to your forum and adds value when so few famous pros do anymore. Did you really expect him to react to the demeaning (as NoahSD put it) one day ban by crawling back to you and asking for clarification? Did it really not ever occur to you to PM him again to clarify your policy? Exactly how many PMs did you send DN before you banned him? Was it just the one, where you infracted him and asked him to pay for advertising? Why don't you post the text of that PM? Let's see if you made it clear that you expected him to censor his VLOG.

But overall, it's your attitude shown in this post that really reflects poorly on the professionalism of 2+2. No company would go out of their way to publicly embarrass a famous member of their community over something like this without taking every effort to communicate with the guy first. It appears you sent one PM, then expected DN to figure out the rest, and if he doesn't call you, then tough ****.

That's just a bizarre way to treat a big name.

And again people thinking that he should get special treatment....If so then where do you stop??? And asking to post the text in the PM......does the word "PRIVATE" not mean anything? Would posting that text without DN's consent not be unprofessional? Man you gotta love peoples double standards when it comes to "celebs"

Keep up the good work
03-23-2012 , 12:07 PM
can we stop calling it a ban, and instead call it a 24hr ban plox.

Think it would make this discussion alittle more sane.
03-23-2012 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
Ban def justified. Lol @ all the fan boys hopping on Dannys lap. If he was warned twice with infractions then def ban is justifiable IMO
This from the guy who listens to Scott Matusow and quotes him as an inside source in the poker world.
03-23-2012 , 12:13 PM
I agree DN should get it easier than us commoners. But if I understand it correctly he was warned, then infracted before his temp ban. For those saying 2p2 was too harsh what should they have done after the the infraction? A double infraction then a triple then the pretty please or we will have to fourple infraction you? Then we promise we will use caps in our next infraction?

Also Paul Phillips may not have been quite as popular even though I think it was pretty close iirc he posted very often.
03-23-2012 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by tompakee
And again people thinking that he should get special treatment....If so then where do you stop??? And asking to post the text in the PM......does the word "PRIVATE" not mean anything? Would posting that text without DN's consent not be unprofessional? Man you gotta love peoples double standards when it comes to "celebs"

Keep up the good work
I suspect you've never run a business. I'll give you an analogy that I think will illustrate the problems with two plus two's approach to this on a business level.

Before I retired, I was the Chief Operating Officer for a private software company in the financial industry. We primarily sold our software, but also ran a website that had a forum for traders to discuss things. Not unlike 2+2, the vast majority of posters were individual traders, not famous people in the financial industry.

So let's imagine that every now and then, Warren Buffet came to our site and posted and responded to a topic that our members were discussing on the forum. First, they would be thrilled, and we would be honored to have him participate. It is a big deal to have a major figure in your industry willing to interact with the "regular joes" on our forum.

So then imagine that WB developed some new investment vehicle, and he thought people would like to hear about it, and posted about it in our forum. Do you think for a minute that we would treat WB the same as the everyday spammers that create gimmick accounts, make one post with a link to some scam site, and then disappear? Of course not. Not even close.

If you believe we should, because "everyone is equal" and "it's a slippery slope if you do" you are clueless about how real world business works. The fact is, if we thought we needed to stop WB from that type of advertising, we would contact him and explain it to him, making sure he understood we greatly appreciated his contributions and would like to see them continue. We sure as hell wouldn't just send him some form PM about not spamming and give him our form letter advertising pitch.

So then if WB posted a link to his weekly VBLOG, and we thought it had too much advertising for our tastes, we sure as **** wouldn't give him a public, and effectively meaningless one day ban, which would serve no purpose other than to embarrass WB in front of all of our members. We, and no business owner I know, would ever, ever allow such disrespect to be shown to a leading figure of our industry. And if I had a PR guy or advertising guy who thought that was a good idea, I would start to have doubts about his intelligence level.

And then, after all the **** hit the fan, if I had a representative of my company go on my forum and question WB's intelligence, and openly wonder if WB wasn't smarter than a child, I would fire that guy on the spot.

So that's how the real business world works. It's not so black and white. There are a lot of shades of gray, and that's why guys like COOs and CEOs get big bucks to think through the ramifications of things and not just "follow the book" as if every spammer is equal to WB in terms of how they are handled.

I'm ending my rants now. What has tilted me so much about this topic is how 2+2, and PP in particular has seem bent on continuing to dig a deeper hole on this, and seems oblivious to the realities of how business works.

Cliffs: In the real business world, of course leading industry figures/celebrities get treated with more discretion than the average joe. If you really don't see why, don't start a business.

Last edited by browser2920; 03-23-2012 at 12:31 PM.
03-23-2012 , 12:31 PM
^^Sums it up nicely IMO.

Last edited by JimAfternoon; 03-23-2012 at 12:46 PM.
03-23-2012 , 12:34 PM
Slightly oop and I will probably get banned for it.

The beginners forum is full of elitists ****** mods who make random ****ty threads but but delete evrything else that's even mildly out of topic. Makes me want to quit this site.
03-23-2012 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by Chinamaniac
Ban def justified. Lol @ all the fan boys hopping on Dannys lap. If he was warned twice with infractions then def ban is justifiable IMO
And I will expand on this a bit cause the same thing happened to me 2 weeks ago and the mods here handled the situation the same way so I want to give them credit for not giving anyone preferential treatment and sticking to their policy.

Basically what happened with me was I wrote a blog and linked it in the FTP thread. The blog I wrote touched on my dealings with the FTP cashier system over 9 months leading up to Black Friday and how I knew something was wrong and I even blogged about it pre black friday.

So mod here sees my link deletes it and gives me an infraction. My argument was that my information was concrete and directly related to the thread and the subject at hand. This was actual information on something dealing directly with the FTP situation.

Then I argued that guys like Negreanu and Brunson write blogs about love hate for FTP with no new information on the subject people link their stuff all the time.

Now I am not comparing myself to either of these guys as a poker player or a figure cause these guys are among the most famous players in the world. But I am a blogger who has written 100s of poker blogs with more words than these 2 combined have over their careers and I have logged in probably 10x as many hands as these guys combined on FTP as well and dealt with the cashier on a day to day basis. That in itself makes me an expert on what I am talking about.

Daniels Blog on FTP says these guys should get clobbered with bats, and they should have shut things down asap after Black Friday. DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH no ****, hasn't everyone been saying this for a year now? And Brunson writes a blog basically kissing Howard Lederers ass.

Brunson and Negreanu are both HUGE names in the poker industry but come on??? That's all you got? Hit with bats and Howard is a good guy and Bitar sucks? That's all these 2 guys can come up with? they should have just copy and pasted the whole FTP thread for their blog.

So in the end I got an infraction as did Daniel. I also argued that I wasn't spamming a damn thing as I linked a blog written on a buddys site with 0 advertising. I could have linked my own which has advertising but I didn't for that exact reason as I didn't want to get accused of spamming.

Ultimately the explanation I got from Mods here was that if you link your own stuff here then u get infractions. If you repeatedly link you get banned.

Basically they told me that anyone can get stuff linked here as long is it pertains to the thread and the author isn't trying to backdoor spam his stuff through a 3rd party.

So in the end shout out to the mod for banning Negreanu. At first I heard that he was snap banned for spamming. Now that I have found out he was warned 2 times first justifies any decision to ban or even perma ban him IMO for stepping over the line repeatedly after being warned.

If your going to play the game play by the rules or suffer the consequences.
03-23-2012 , 12:41 PM
2p2 is perfectly within their rights to tempban anyone. Assuming they gave DN fair warning, then he should have expected it. However, it does seem that they could have handled it better. Like it or not, DN has earned, for a variety of reasons, the right to be handled differently than a scrub like me. I don't know all of the details, but if I were Mason, then I would have contacted DN directly and discussed this like adults. Instead, it comes off as both sides acting like children who want to flex their respective powers, regardless of whether this is true. A simple communication between Mason and DN could have avoided this entire mess. Both Mason and DN seem to have alpha dog issues which is why I'm guessing this entire incident resulted in the first place. Any logical business owner would have reached out to DN personally.*

As Noah has already stated, banning anyone is demeaning. As such, the decision to utilize that feature should likely be handled with more care than what seems to happen. I got tempbanned once, and as you can tell from my post count, it didn't affect me all that much since I don't visit 2p2 that often. And if we're talking big picture here, a 24 hour ban is far from a jail sentence. I mean, who really gives a crap if you can't post for 24 hours. The problem isn't about being banned. It's about the message you are sending. And considering the demeaning nature of that message and the importance of a figure like DN, you'd better make sure you handle the delivery of said message appropriately.

*If Mason did this, then I side completely with him on this issue.

Last edited by TecmoSuperBowl; 03-23-2012 at 12:51 PM.
03-23-2012 , 12:48 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
How about this?

I have this great educational site - that I wish to promote.

I think many of daniel Negreanu followers would like to hear about it.

No need for me to ask permission - I think I might just pop in and show an advertisement on FCP.
Daniel won't mind.
No problem.....
This is a horrible analogy considering you aren't well known in any way and daniel is. Like it or not celebrity figures are and should be treated differently than us "regular" people
03-23-2012 , 12:48 PM
Daniel got a silly ban lets discuss about it for 10 pages.. oh wait.
03-23-2012 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by molinn9
Banning DN on 2+2 is simular as if Tiger Woods was banned on or Micheal Jordan on THERE ARE JUST SOMETHINGS YOU DONT DO.
Giving DN a one-day tempban is similar to Tiger Woods get a 2-stroke penalty for some minor incident or Michael Jordan getting called for charging.
03-23-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
Giving DN a one-day tempban is similar to Tiger Woods get a 2-stroke penalty for some minor incident or Michael Jordan getting called for charging.
I'm pretty sure we all know that MJ would never get called for charging.
03-23-2012 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
Michael Jordan getting called for charging.
Hmm. Did MJ ever actually get called for charging? Pics or it didn't happen!
03-23-2012 , 01:38 PM
total grunch after seeing noahSDs mod note in op allowing bitching:

my 20 point infraction for having an avatar of snookie bein punched in the face was far too harsh imo
