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Daniel Negreanu talking on QuadJacks about 2p2 ban. (and some complaining about mods) Daniel Negreanu talking on QuadJacks about 2p2 ban. (and some complaining about mods)

03-23-2012 , 07:43 PM
This has been a debacle and so poorly managed that theres no turning back for MM at this point.

But true to 2p2's character, they refuse to just let this die out or admit a mistake.

Ban first, ask questions later.
03-23-2012 , 07:43 PM
it may be apples to oranges, but the same principles still apply. DUCY?

of course not. typical response from top dog. keep on digging sir. its gettin pretty deep.
03-23-2012 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Gigglegirl
Agreed, that line should have been left out as it's pretty unnecessary/confrontational. Her post really tilted me though and I certainly stand by the rest of what I said.
My intent wasn't to state that DN should apologize and 2p2 should only think about apologizing, although I realize that the way I phrased it suggests that (and since you quoted it, I didn't want to go back and ninja edit to clarify).

My basic position is that I think both parties bear some fault for how this played out and it would be best for everyone that both parties swallow their pride, make nice, and come to some sort of agreement.

I don't think a ban was the best way of dealing with this. I also think DN severely overreacted. I'm not alone in saying either of those things.
03-23-2012 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
WB would never post on a site in the manner that you describe.

Creating a hypothetical that would never happen with parameters that support your position may be okay with you, but it's meaningless to us.

Also, while Negreanu may be an important person in poker, something we do not dispute, comparing him to Warren Buffet is like comparing apples to oranges.


Not sure about that. Buffet is one of the worlds most famous investors and Negreanu is one of the worlds most famous Poker players.

I think the analogy is fine.

He isnt comparing Buffet with Negreanu but just suggesting an instance of someone who is equally famous in their field.

Each has extreme fame in their respective fields.
03-23-2012 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
WB would never post on a site in the manner that you describe.

Creating a hypothetical that would never happen with parameters that support your position may be okay with you, but it's meaningless to us.

Also, while Negreanu may be an important person in poker, something we do not dispute, comparing him to Warren Buffet is like comparing apples to oranges.


I suspect that if you did a worldwide poll on naming the top 5 most famous/recognizable investors in the world, and the top 5 most famous/recognizable poker players in the world, that WB and DN would both make their respective lists. That was the point of the analogy.

But your actions in this matter are clear, and IMO must reflect your level of expertise in these matters. And it is always the right of a business owner to conduct his business any way he so desires.

My post simply provided my opinion, based upon my business experience, for discussion on the forum. Whether it has any meaning to you is really beside the point.
03-23-2012 , 08:04 PM
Where can I download the podcast? Can't find it on quadjacks site. Do I need to register?
03-23-2012 , 08:05 PM
Originally Posted by S0u1j4h
Where can I download the podcast? Can't find it on quadjacks site. Do I need to register?
I think they said it would take about 24h to be available after the live show.
03-23-2012 , 08:15 PM
The analogy is not that great.

(a) Buffett respects property rights - Daniel clearly doesnt given his actions and his reactions to 2+2 response
(b) Buffett would not have escalated a minor dispute the way Daniel N - I suspect he would just quietly walk away.
(c) Buffett relative position in popular financial world culture is of a far greater standing than Daniel Negreanu in the poker world.
03-23-2012 , 08:19 PM
Some things that are overvalued by various posters itt: 2p2, DN, the seriousness of infractions and bans, the status of TV pros in the larger poker community, analogies in general.

One thing that has so far been undervalued: David Sklansky's sense of humor.

One thing I'm reminded of that I don't think anyone has mentioned: Alan Kessler's ban and his reaction to it.

My conclusion: No matter how many times he gets banned, DN will never become gr8 like viffer.
03-23-2012 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
WB would never post on a site in the manner that you describe.

Creating a hypothetical that would never happen with parameters that support your position may be okay with you, but it's meaningless to us.

Also, while Negreanu may be an important person in poker, something we do not dispute, comparing him to Warren Buffet is like comparing apples to oranges.


Very nice post sir, you reminded me of the discussions I had in 2/3 grade

keep up the good work!
03-23-2012 , 08:21 PM
Originally Posted by Spad3s
His post makes perfect sense to me, maybe you should read it again and try to understand.
I tend to agree

Originally Posted by Spad3s
People like Daniel bring people to the site because we want to hear what he has to say.
Not anymore. Damage is done IMHO. Thanks for posting when you did Daniel.


..... Que srsly's DN tempban/never visiting 2+2 again vid.
03-23-2012 , 08:24 PM
A better analogy is this

daniel Negreanu likely gets a financial benefit from the sales of hotdogs from a hotdog stand in an esplanade.

DN goes into the adjacent McDonalds which has a large loyal customer base - and begins to hand out flyers about his new hotdog offerings.....the Mcdonald's franchise owner Mason comes out and says whilst you are a great prmoter of commerce in the esplanade - you cannot hand out promotions for your hotdogs.....but hey if you come to me and say pay me I will put one of your flyers in my window.
But for now - I dont want you in my shop for one day but you are welcome to comeback into my store so long as you dont handout commercial advertisements without my permission.

Good luck with your Hotdog business - cya around.
03-23-2012 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by SGT RJ
My intent wasn't to state that DN should apologize and 2p2 should only think about apologizing, although I realize that the way I phrased it suggests that (and since you quoted it, I didn't want to go back and ninja edit to clarify).

My basic position is that I think both parties bear some fault for how this played out and it would be best for everyone that both parties swallow their pride, make nice, and come to some sort of agreement.

I don't think a ban was the best way of dealing with this. I also think DN severely overreacted. I'm not alone in saying either of those things.
Your intent was good, you wanted a positive resolution to this. I don't dispute your intentions.
My point was your phrasing/handling of it was poor, to say the least. That was why I said you should leave what has become a very sensitive issue to people that are capable of dealing with it sensitively, ie Bobo.
He has posted often on this issue and every post is supremely well crafted, a PR masterclass.
He was the 1st mod to say perhaps a ban wasn't the best approach (if I'm wrong and that was actually you, I apologise), which leaves some wriggle room to possibly get a positive resolution.
When a compromise is needed, if both sides can say 'I messed up' a little, it makes backing down easier for both.
And as for your addressing the 'consider/not consider apologising' point of my post, that was hardly the meat of my argument, was it?
It was obviously your
"escalating the entire thing by making ridiculous statements like MM is off his medication and basically throwing a giant hissy fit."
These are phrases that are raising the emotional stakes and undermine your reconciliation attempts.
You're actually doing again in this post albeit in a much lesser way,
"I also think DN severely overreacted."
Why not say, "I also think DN maybe/slightly/possibly overreacted", if you have to use that phrase at all?
You've got 2 massive egos bashing heads here, do you understand how important the language you use is?
If you're just a normal poster, your clumsy comments wouldn't mean a thing but you're a mod of the site that DN has an issue with. If you make him out to be unreasonable, you'll harden his position.
Meh, I'm derailing, let's take this to pm?

Last edited by Gigglegirl; 03-23-2012 at 08:58 PM. Reason: Derailing
03-23-2012 , 08:51 PM
Originally Posted by ChicagoRy
As usual PA and Noah make excellent points.

I was infracted once, for an undertitle that a red gave me (a blue infracted me for it). I was kind of upset right away, then I realized "hey, a red gave me this title, maybe I should just kind of constructively PM the red and say 'uh, your blue gave me an infraction wtf!'

If you couldn't guess, the situation was resolved pretty easily. I didn't ignore the warning, re title my name the same way, get banned and get dramatic about it on twitter, podcasts, forums, private convos, etc.

MJ did get banned from the NBA for awhile for gambling and went to baseball, remember?

BTW, if Daniel is Tiger than I think we can at least give Mason Arnie. Tiger comes on Arnie's course and the two play a round alone, Tiger doesn't have a caddy and doesn't replace his divots and Arnie tells him he can't play here anymore unless he picks up his divots. Tiger isn't used to picking up divots and instead of starting to do so he just gets pissed off. There's your analogy.

1. DN already was getting some nice benefits with the rules and his blog.

2. He was warned for posting his blog link that contained the ad for the Iseries.

3. He ignored the warning and kept posting and got a 24 hour break for that.

The above is better treatment than 90%+ of posters receive on the forums. Name me ten players with their own dedicated blog threads in the busiest forum on the busiest poker message board in the world?

And why should they receive better treatment? 2p2 doesn't even pay the mods that work on the forums for deleting posts and all that, why would they have some special concierge service for pro players so the pro players don't get too upset when they break the rules and don't ask what's up after receiving warnings for breaking those rules?

So anyways, DN posts a blog that is spammier than previous ones, gets warned and ignores the warning and keeps posting it. A new poster would've been permanently banned, a previously problem poster would've been at least 3 day banned by many mods and a long time poster would either get infracted again or temp banned. DN received the latter, which is pretty in line with what a long time poster would receive from many mods (he's more like a popular poster, but I think we're in the same ballpark here with popular veteran posters and popular player posters).

Why can't he just act like a normal human being and not get so dramatic and over-sensitive about this? Why does there have to be this "we need to woo him back?" as your post suggests?

He's supposed to be a professional poker player, he's supposed to have some discipline, he's a top thinking player and he's obviously very used to engaging users, fans, friends and enemies socially online and in the everyday world.

Maybe Daniel is just thinking "I'll show you, if I make a big deal out of this the Iseries will get more exposure than it would've anyways, hahah" and that's fine, I hope that's his angle here, but if he's really serious and is so livid about this, I have to really ask why? Because there's really no excuse for it anymore, he now should realize the treatment he's received here is largely favorable, he should now understand the rules on the forum, his mistakes with the rules and ignoring warnings here and so on.

Best post of the thread.
(The post showing Daniel's recent activity is a close second.)
03-23-2012 , 08:52 PM
03-23-2012 , 09:05 PM
daniel i am dissappoint..... the way you decided to handle this shows that you have no class. your course of actions makes me unsubscribe your product..

have a nice day
03-23-2012 , 09:06 PM
Originally Posted by Professionalpoker
That actually worked for both of us.
You google DN and then click news and 2p2 gets mentioned all over the place. Most of the articles/opinion pieces were in our favor.

I want to thank those that commented positively about my appearance on QJ. Hopfully not to many will change their opinion after reading this.

You have to understand the thought process. He was infracted for the ultra spammy thread. A whois check showed that the site he spammed was registered by his agent, so either Daniel has a piece of the action or he is shilling for those that do. It turns out after questioning he does at least get a cut of the gambling action. No idea what else but that is immaterial.

You would think a person as smart as Daniel would then figure out that he shouldn't be making additional posts on this topic and especially post links to videos that start with 6 minutes of spam. At the very least he should reply to the infraction PM and ask what is permissible, a many others in the same position have done. But the only reaction to the infraction was to make two more posts in another thread on the topic, and then right or wrong, he watched that thread get deleted. Another clue of a problem yet still no questions from Daniel.

So when he made the two posts in two threads to his spam video, I'm like WTF? I had no idea if he was going to continue posting it. I started to wonder if that was really Daniel acting that stupid, acting with complete disregard of our policies or if someone from Poker Royalty had control of his account. So at 2am I made the call to temp-ban the account and then sort it out. I figured this could cause a storm so I immediately called Mason, who already knew of the previous two threads and let him know what I did and why. He concurred with the action.

Several times in print and on QJ he stated "What am I, a child that needs a time out?" or something to that effect. I had thought not and had hoped he could figure out that we don't tolerate spam due to the infraction, then deletion of the 2nd thread. But his reaction to this whole affair over a 1 day slap on the wrist and his inability to figure out the obvious, makes me wonder.
You seem to be trying to dig up info confirming that Daniel has part ownership. But that is irrelavent at this point. As DN mentioned on QJ's, you say that you want to treat him just like anyone else yet you don't research other members financial interests but you do his. What you knew at the time of the banning is all that matters.

You are also speaking of the fact that the players get a small percentage of the betting as something that you have uncovered. That part of iSeries had been well reported long before Daniel made his Vlog and it is something that DN included in his Vlog. It was nothing that was being hidden whatsoever. The players get a small percentage of the bets. That's been common knowledge for some time. It certainly wasn't something that as you state, "It turns out after questioning he does at least get a cut of the gambling action." If that cut in the action is what you are referring to then it is an incredibly disingenuous thing for you to say. Who did this questioning? If he is getting some other percentage of the bets that we are unaware of you should explain further.

You keep citing the second thread deletion as another example of DN's defying you, even after you've admitted that that deletion had been a mistake on your part. What exactly was DN supposed to have learned from that second infraction when the deletion made absolutely no sense and has since been restored. It seems to me that that deletion did nothing but add to the confusion.

I suspect that part of the reason you acted so hastily in banning DN was that you seemed to have gotten this idea in your head that Daniel was trying to pull one over on you... that you and he were involved in some kind of heads-up match. I really think that you got caught up in the drama that was taking place in your mind and overreacted causing this entire fiasco.

Last edited by SantaCruz; 03-23-2012 at 09:13 PM.
03-23-2012 , 09:10 PM
By the way folks, for those of you who are getting a kick out of seeing that Daniel has logged on...he was reading the posts here even while he was banned. He mentioned that on Quadjacks.
03-23-2012 , 09:18 PM
Originally Posted by Mason Malmuth
Also, while Negreanu may be an important person in poker, something we do not dispute, comparing him to Warren Buffett is like comparing apples to oranges.
Actually, it's like comparing an amoeba to an elephant.

Buffett is pretty big.
03-23-2012 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gigglegirl
Your intent was good, you wanted a positive resolution to this. I don't dispute your intentions.
My point was your phrasing/handling of it was poor, to say the least. That was why I said you should leave what has become a very sensitive issue to people that are capable of dealing with it sensitively, ie Bobo.
He has posted often on this issue and every post is supremely well crafted, a PR masterclass.
He was the 1st mod to say perhaps a ban wasn't the best approach (if I'm wrong and that was actually you, I apologise), which leaves some wriggle room to possibly get a positive resolution.
When a compromise is needed, if both sides can say 'I messed up' a little, it makes backing down easier for both.
And as for your addressing the 'consider/not consider apologising' point of my post, that was hardly the meat of my argument, was it?
It was obviously your
"escalating the entire thing by making ridiculous statements like MM is off his medication and basically throwing a giant hissy fit."
These are phrases that are raising the emotional stakes and undermine your reconciliation attempts.
You're actually doing again in this post albeit in a much lesser way,
"I also think DN severely overreacted."
Why not say, "I also think DN maybe/slightly/possibly overreacted", if you have to use that phrase at all?
You've got 2 massive egos bashing heads here, do you understand how important the language you use is?
If you're just a normal poster, your clumsy comments wouldn't mean a thing but you're a mod of the site that DN has an issue with. If you make him out to be unreasonable, you'll harden his position.
Meh, I'm derailing, let's take this to pm?
I don't think you're derailing.

And I said severely overreacted because I believe his overreaction was severe. He said MM was nuts and off his meds. However I may feel about the ban, this was hardly the appropriate response from a pro of DNs stature, IMO.

That said, I don't believe my opinion, clumsily worded or otherwise, has any more bearing on what DN (or MM) think or are thinking about this situation than any other poster. Less, if either of them think I'm off my meds. Unlike some other mods/posters who have connections to the high stakes community, I have none to speak of.
03-23-2012 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
A better analogy is this

daniel Negreanu likely gets a financial benefit from the sales of hotdogs from a hotdog stand in an esplanade.

DN goes into the adjacent McDonalds which has a large loyal customer base - and begins to hand out flyers about his new hotdog offerings.....the Mcdonald's franchise owner Mason comes out and says whilst you are a great prmoter of commerce in the esplanade - you cannot hand out promotions for your hotdogs.....but hey if you come to me and say pay me I will put one of your flyers in my window.
But for now - I dont want you in my shop for one day but you are welcome to comeback into my store so long as you dont handout commercial advertisements without my permission.

Good luck with your Hotdog business - cya around.
Not at all. The first metaphor is accurate because an argument can be made that there are users here, solely due to the fact 2+2 has the active input of established pros from the poker community. Likewise i'm sure traffic would rise if investors found out Buffet was writing his views on some biz forum somewhere. I have no doubt traffic jumps when DN mentions a funny thread on 2+2, or a discussion he had over a ruling here, in an interview or blog.
As poker players we should all understand (too well) by now the value a recognisable representative adds to the associated brand.
The desicion was imo short sighted and feels a little reactionary.
03-23-2012 , 09:38 PM
Great... Chase away one of the only pros that actually posts here. ****ing morons.
03-23-2012 , 09:51 PM

really, you tho DN
03-23-2012 , 09:58 PM
Originally Posted by ixispaceixi
Great... Chase away one of the only pros that actually posts here. ****ing morons.
Getting tired of people acting like he's the only pro posting here. We still have...HIM.

03-23-2012 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I have no problem with QuadJacks seeking the interview.

I mean its not the sort of thing - I would focus on if I ran a poker radio show.

But its not an awful choice.

I think it is a bad choice by DN to choose to go on it - because he is clearly in the wrong and his reaction to a one-day ban is clearly disproportionate once he goes on other media and complains.
That's why you don't run a poker show. It's exactly the right thing to focus on if you run a poker show. Daniel Negreanu going on the show proves that he's pissed off by being embarrassed. He's going on the show for the community imo.

My read on the situation is that he hates their guts and thinks they are a bunch of nerds who are clueless and lack common sense. He's Daniel Negreanu and they are people who essentially don't matter in the poker world.

You don't ban a top 5 poker pro from a poker forum. It doesn't matter what he does. You just keep deleting his posts if you have to and sending PMs. But if I owned the forum I would let the dude do whatever he wanted to do. Because it's just good for traffic. Traffic is good for business.

So yeah they should cater to the guy unless they hate money. They are lucky that he even chooses to post on here. It's just common sense. Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb Dumb.

It's almost like they are trying to lose money. It's baffling.

A mod actually said "nuthuggers gonna nut hug" to me. I say fire and ban that guy. Seriously are you guys this ****ing stupid or what? How can people have this little common sense about what is good for business?

You let your mods mouth off in reference to one of the biggest names in poker who represents one of your biggest potential advertisers on a poker forum? Jesus let's hope Phil Ivey doesn't show up and mention a product by mistake.
