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Daniel Negreanu talking on QuadJacks about 2p2 ban. (and some complaining about mods) Daniel Negreanu talking on QuadJacks about 2p2 ban. (and some complaining about mods)

03-23-2012 , 02:32 AM
And he had to say yes?
03-23-2012 , 02:34 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
And he had to say yes?
People still have that freedom, yes.
03-23-2012 , 02:37 AM
How about this?

I have this great educational site - that I wish to promote.

I think many of daniel Negreanu followers would like to hear about it.

No need for me to ask permission - I think I might just pop in and show an advertisement on FCP.
Daniel won't mind.
No problem.....
03-23-2012 , 02:39 AM
Actually come to think of it.

I would like to place a poster for my website on Daniel's frontdoor.

Good for the goose good for the gander.
03-23-2012 , 02:40 AM
DN has the right to be mad. He knows sklansky he should never get banned for posting a vlo, all the links people post in nvg.
03-23-2012 , 02:44 AM
I have no problem with QuadJacks seeking the interview.

I mean its not the sort of thing - I would focus on if I ran a poker radio show.

But its not an awful choice.

I think it is a bad choice by DN to choose to go on it - because he is clearly in the wrong and his reaction to a one-day ban is clearly disproportionate once he goes on other media and complains.
03-23-2012 , 02:50 AM
Originally Posted by DiggertheDog
I have no problem with QuadJacks seeking the interview.

I mean its not the sort of thing - I would focus on if I ran a poker radio show.

But its not an awful choice.

I think it is a bad choice by DN to choose to go on it - because he is clearly in the wrong and his reaction to a one-day ban is clearly disproportionate once he goes on other media and complains.
This is not about complaining. Conversations with Joe Tall and ProPoker shed light on how banning works and general nature/procedure of 2+2.

03-23-2012 , 02:58 AM
Originally Posted by sreggin
lol @ temp-banning DN. His mere presence here should earn him the right to spam his **** every once in a while. A perfectly fair tradeoff.

Worst case scenario delete it and send him a polite PM explaining that while it is awesome here is here that violates the forum rules.
Good game theory argument, John Nash would approve

people are up in arms like technical bureaucrats on if the rules were violated rather ask if the rules should always enforce or be there

There is a symbiotic relationship that is implied any time you have guess that whether or not you realize it, you are gaining are certain amount of traffic be it you personalty like him or not.

to all the say he should treated like anyone else you're wrong, any casino knows that, any restaurant etc

I'm not the biggest DN fan , but i would treat him professionally if i were running a business , and I believes in FREE Speak as much as possible , let people make a buck
03-23-2012 , 03:04 AM
Banning DN on 2+2 is simular as if Tiger Woods was banned on or Micheal Jordan on THERE ARE JUST SOMETHINGS YOU DONT DO.
03-23-2012 , 03:06 AM
Daniel is nothing but class and heart. I support him 100% and would hate to see this site lose such a valuable and good person. Someone from this site should get in touch with him and clear things up if at all possible. He did me a huge favor just last week and he doesn't even know who I am. That's the kind of person he is. All heart.
03-23-2012 , 03:07 AM
Originally Posted by xalas
Good game theory argument, John Nash would approve

people are up in arms like technical bureaucrats on if the rules were violated rather ask if the rules should always enforce or be there

There is a symbiotic relationship that is implied any time you have guess that whether or not you realize it, you are gaining are certain amount of traffic be it you personalty like him or not.

to all the say he should treated like anyone else you're wrong, any casino knows that, any restaurant etc

I'm not the biggest DN fan , but i would treat him professionally if i were running a business , and I believes in FREE Speak as much as possible , let people make a buck
except if I'm an advertiser paying 2+2 or a prospective advertiser I'm not gonna be too happy about them having a lax policy towards spamming.

Sure they could have told the mods to use their judgement on "celebrities" but then the mods now have to go around telling each other who they've warned and what they've deleted to keep on top of it plus other posters who have been banned start bitching etc.

It's obviously easier just to have a blanket rule of a small temp ban under the assumption that the bannee will understand the rule, that it's nothing personal and that it's really nothing to get upset about on the radio.

I like DN, but he really should just let it go.
03-23-2012 , 03:11 AM
Just wanted to make sure NVG knew that Daniel was warned after first post, he was infracted after posting second time and then given 1 day temp ban on his third time posting link to said site.

It would also be odd to devote 25% of his vblog to a infomercial-esque display of a new money-making venture that he has no vested interest in. Pretty safe to infer that he or someone he knows well in some way gains financially from the success of said venture.

It is 2+2 policy to not allow self-promotion. He was warned more than once. It was a one day ban. Let that sink in before you become more outraged about this than something actually affecting you personally.
03-23-2012 , 03:21 AM
Mods taking this to a whole new level banning DN. So ridiculous.

The amount of times I have heard him speak of 2+2 in a positive light either in interviews or on twitter yet they ban probably the most influential person in the poker world right now because he wouldn't give them money for advertising.

03-23-2012 , 03:38 AM
Bird is the word.
03-23-2012 , 03:40 AM
Originally Posted by smooth101
Narcissistic celebrity crying about his 2p2 ban.

He is such a prima donna.

negreanu is sssssuuuccchhh a douche.
03-23-2012 , 04:01 AM
Daniel came across very well.

Joe Tall may not be an idiot irl, but you'd never know it from that interview.

PP toed the party line quite well — he was calm, clear, and articulate. Unfortunately for him, he got caught in a couple of contradictions, but those sounded like they arose primarily because he didn't actually have any discretion on this particular banning (because it was at Mason's bidding), while in most similar cases he would have.

The "it's their house, obey their rules" argument is kind of funny when DN never disagreed, all he was saying is that the enforcement of the rules (and perhaps the rules themselves) are bad business decisions. (Whether he actually believes that he should be held to exactly the same standards as other posters is not clear, but he certainly did not say nor imply that he shouldn't be.)

He does have one very legitimate point imo: 2p2 should apply far different approaches to putative spamming by brand new accounts and by established posters. But part of the issue really seems to be, too, that the powers that be believe that short bans and infraction points really are no big deal (and have said as much on several occasions — this is not disputable), despite a fairly overwhelming body of evidence that most posters who actually incur such infractions and bans think they are a big deal.
03-23-2012 , 04:03 AM
He's pretty much all about promotion anymore. Doubt he's really even upset the way it's worked out.
03-23-2012 , 04:08 AM
Did he get banned for posting in the thread that was set up to specifically announce Daniel's new videoblogs? Or did he create a new thread to announce it?

If the former, well, that's just bizzare.

If the latter, couldn't his post just have been moved to the existing thread on the subject? I mean the mods have already acknowledged that this is a topic of interest to 2+2 and provided a location for links to be posted. Why does it matter if it's DN or somebody else posting those links? Presumably, Negreanu doing it would get them here faster.

Banning without first contacting him to discuss the issue was a stupid, short-sighted move, regardless of whose decision it was.

Edit: I hope there were no plans to invite him onto the Pokercast at any time in the near future...

Last edited by glimmertwin; 03-23-2012 at 04:14 AM.
03-23-2012 , 04:32 AM
prima donna lol well said!!
03-23-2012 , 04:32 AM
Get banned for advertising = get tons of advertisement
03-23-2012 , 04:41 AM
Originally Posted by GetChips

negreanu is sssssuuuccchhh a douche.
Not in this case, not at all
03-23-2012 , 04:42 AM
Originally Posted by glimmertwin
Banning without first contacting him to discuss the issue was a stupid, short-sighted move, regardless of whose decision it was.
Ah. I missed GoDeViLs post about how he was warned and infracted twice before the temp ban.

Still think it seems shortsighted on 2+2's part, but I wonder what was going through Daniel's head?

"Oh, they don't really mean this. They won't actually ban *me*. Oh, wait..."
03-23-2012 , 04:49 AM
For me, it's all about respect and appreciation. I understand full well that 2p2 is a business, and relies on sponsorship to keep going. Nevertheless, it's the community that makes 2p2 the biggest poker forum in the world.

It's certainly not a mod vs 2p2er issue. There is a great number of mods who have brought me (without knowing it) so much: Noah, Doug, Cry Me a River, SGT RT and certainly some that I am forgeting. By their contribution (videos, cotw, etc.) AND their interactions with regular posters, they demonstrate daily that they care and respect the simple members of the community. They make me feel at home.

Unfortunatly, not all the mod/admins are created equally. Even for a "low profile poster" like me, it is easy to feel that at any point given, you are one sentence away from a ban/perma-ban, wich, for me, shows very little consideration for the only thing that makes 2p2 what it is: it's member base.

DN's record for the last 10 years as a 2p2 member and his comments on QJ makes it pretty clear that he had no malicious intent when he posted a link to his vlog, in his vlog thread.

For me, if someone who is arguably the greatest poker ambassador in the world, with a spotless 10 year 2p2 membership can be treated in this manner, I can just imagine how much a nobody like me is far from being at home on theses boards.

Inb4 sarcastic "thanks for your contribution".
03-23-2012 , 05:06 AM
Originally Posted by Polar Beard
For me, it's all about respect and appreciation. DN's record for the last 10 years as a 2p2 member and his comments on QJ makes it pretty clear that he had no malicious intent when he posted a link to his vlog, in his vlog thread.

For me, if someone who is arguably the greatest poker ambassador in the world, with a spotless 10 year 2p2 membership can be treated in this manner, I can just imagine how much a nobody like me is far from being at home on theses boards.

Inb4 sarcastic "thanks for your contribution".
Then again, just because you opened an account 10 years ago doesn't give you the right to spam. if you read daniel's twitter this week, you realize that he's advertising A LOT for this event and he did the same here, even though he was PM'ed not to. rules are rules, and even though he is who he is, this just shows that mods don't treat people differently. if you do something wrong and it will create consequences, even if you are daniel negreanu.

I can even imagine members complaining if another famous pro did something similar but wasn't banned for it. I bet everyone would say "oh, he didn't get a ban because he's famous".

I just listened to the podcast and daniel agrees that he made a mistake but says he only felt bad because the way he was treated, he said he posted and was banned without a warning, even though later on he says he did get a warning but just didn't answer.

I'm with professionalpoker/mason in this one. I do like daniel but he just loves to complain every chance he gets. Get over it already, enjoy your 1 day temp-ban taking a bath in a chocolate-filled hot tub with two swedish models or something.
03-23-2012 , 05:09 AM
Originally Posted by iosys
Get banned for advertising = get tons of advertisement
That actually worked for both of us.
You google DN and then click news and 2p2 gets mentioned all over the place. Most of the articles/opinion pieces were in our favor.

I want to thank those that commented positively about my appearance on QJ. Hopfully not to many will change their opinion after reading this.

You have to understand the thought process. He was infracted for the ultra spammy thread. A whois check showed that the site he spammed was registered by his agent, so either Daniel has a piece of the action or he is shilling for those that do. It turns out after questioning he does at least get a cut of the gambling action. No idea what else but that is immaterial.

You would think a person as smart as Daniel would then figure out that he shouldn't be making additional posts on this topic and especially post links to videos that start with 6 minutes of spam. At the very least he should reply to the infraction PM and ask what is permissible, a many others in the same position have done. But the only reaction to the infraction was to make two more posts in another thread on the topic, and then right or wrong, he watched that thread get deleted. Another clue of a problem yet still no questions from Daniel.

So when he made the two posts in two threads to his spam video, I'm like WTF? I had no idea if he was going to continue posting it. I started to wonder if that was really Daniel acting that stupid, acting with complete disregard of our policies or if someone from Poker Royalty had control of his account. So at 2am I made the call to temp-ban the account and then sort it out. I figured this could cause a storm so I immediately called Mason, who already knew of the previous two threads and let him know what I did and why. He concurred with the action.

Several times in print and on QJ he stated "What am I, a child that needs a time out?" or something to that effect. I had thought not and had hoped he could figure out that we don't tolerate spam due to the infraction, then deletion of the 2nd thread. But his reaction to this whole affair over a 1 day slap on the wrist and his inability to figure out the obvious, makes me wonder.

Last edited by Videopro; 03-23-2012 at 05:15 AM.
