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Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here

01-01-2022 , 05:10 AM
Originally Posted by gorvnice
The fact that one of the Bodog regs said Bilz was that good at the time online, gives everything even more credibility (combined with Doug saying he has confirmation of the insane high stakes heads up matches).

Not a fan of Dan, I still think he is shady af, but seems he prob made a lot lot lot of dough playing poker. Also a lot of poker players are scummy and scammy so none of this absolves him.

Prob still laundered his dads money too!
he was really good short handed /hu on bodog
he ran up huge stacks heads up all the time and not something like he had 15k in 10/20nl and the other guy had 40k from smacking blitz around

he was awful 9 handed
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 05:42 AM
I watch the Polk one too.

Polk is very, very smart, but he's a bit of a child still. It was very awkward when they watched Polk's "reaction video" together at the beginning.

Not that Dan Bilzerian is some sort of grown-up role model. But somehow I founds his way of thinking more grounded, if more simplistic, and being very far from my own.

In general, based on what I saw, I do not find Bilzerian offensive in any way, I really don't. He's just some guy, doing what he does.

Not sure what that says about me, but that's my conclusion: I don't see any problems.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 06:00 AM
I'm glad Doug at least partially apologized for the way he edits videos/attacks people online.

To Doug's point, he's correct that he does include caveats and many of the points are "jokes", however, at the end of the day the only thing that matters is what the public believes at the end of the video. And for his videos on Dan, even if they were technically fair, people's opinion of Dan after those videos were very poor.

It's an interesting take on accountability for content. Doug can claim that people's perception isn't his problem so long as they're "technically" reported fair, but knowing the content creators intent (clickbait for something specific) and knowing he's smart enough to understand what people's takeaway is going to be, makes me wonder if they should take more accountability.

As somebody who's had this happen to them personally a decade ago, I'm still pretty pissed at the content creator for being so reckless of somebody else's image. That's the game though -- do whatever it takes to for clicks and views.
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01-01-2022 , 06:08 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
Doug got owned all interview
Agreed. Let’s start a poll
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01-01-2022 , 07:52 AM
Originally Posted by borg23
Doug got owned all interview

Doug failed to realise that playing live against millionaire donkey businessmen is where the real money is in poker.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 08:16 AM
Doug got owned by one of pokers scummiest. Doug and Dan 2 very flawed humans !
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 08:25 AM
What are the chances that his father money came from huge heads up donations heads up on bodog as a money laundry scheme?

People believing that someone like dB with no money management skills nor discipline and average at best poker skills could build a bankroll online that easily...

Only part I believe is that he made some money from private games.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
What are the chances that his father money came from huge heads up donations heads up on bodog as a money laundry scheme?
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 11:54 AM
Imagine actually believing DB made his money from playing poker. Take a look at yourselves.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 12:36 PM
What I find interesting is how completely different Adam Bilzerian seems to be.
I played with him a few times at the WSOP in 2015 and spent a few breaks with him. I guess he didn't get millions from daddy.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 12:39 PM
dan's bragging look at me lifestyle has always rubbed me wrong and screamed try hard insecurity but it's a free country, in some states, and he can do whatever he wants as he doesnt seem to be hurting anyone that's not a willing participant in his lifestyle. I thought he came across pretty well and rightly pointed out Doug's lack of journalistic integrity and CNN level of click baity malicious editing.

Also made some cogent arguments about how bumhunting billionaire fish was just as much a skill as being a Linus Love level GTO living bot and all the work it takes, which clearly people like Doug who put in that much work to get good take personally and exposes their ego and condescension

That said i don't believe a word about his finances. The biggest tell of the entire interview was when Dan started talking about his jet. Doug asked him how much he paid for it and Dan said he didn't remember, fumbled for what to say and then meandered into how much the yearly costs were for the jet being 1.5 million a year. WUT?! How the **** can you not remember how much you paid for the jet? First off it's a used 1987 Gulfstream. That means he had to have gone through some negotiation process of offers and counter offers. He knows precisely how much the yearly upkeep is but not the original purchase price, sure buddy, especially after he admits it was a lifelong goal and status symbol. That did it for me. He's a pathological liar who pretends not to care what people think when clearly his whole life is showing off. deeply insecure short guy is my read but whatever, his reality is what it is, however may have gotten it

overall he came across a little more likable than in past times and showed signs of some maturity
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by cc408
dan's bragging look at me lifestyle has always rubbed me wrong and screamed try hard insecurity but it's a free country, in some states, and he can do whatever he wants as he doesnt seem to be hurting anyone that's not a willing participant in his lifestyle. I thought he came across pretty well and rightly pointed out Doug's lack of journalistic integrity and CNN level of click baity malicious editing.

Also made some cogent arguments about how bumhunting billionaire fish was just as much a skill as being a Linus Love level GTO living bot and all the work it takes, which clearly people like Doug who put in that much work to get good take personally and exposes their ego and condescension

That said i don't believe a word about his finances. The biggest tell of the entire interview was when Dan started talking about his jet. Doug asked him how much he paid for it and Dan said he didn't remember, fumbled for what to say and then meandered into how much the yearly costs were for the jet being 1.5 million a year. WUT?! How the **** can you not remember how much you paid for the jet? First off it's a used 1987 Gulfstream. That means he had to have gone through some negotiation process of offers and counter offers. He knows precisely how much the yearly upkeep is but not the original purchase price, sure buddy, especially after he admits it was a lifelong goal and status symbol. That did it for me. He's a pathological liar who pretends not to care what people think when clearly his whole life is showing off. deeply insecure short guy is my read but whatever, his reality is what it is, however may have gotten it

overall he came across a little more likable than in past times and showed signs of some maturity
I noticed that too about the jet, and I also immediately sensed LIES, but: the main point for me is, he's just a normal male H o mo Sapiens trying to make a life in the time he has.

People have become waaaay to intrusive in other people's facades, especially against men. Read Carl Jung, everything is a Persona, with a Shadow etc. To pretend to be holler than holy is no doubt even more of a lie !

So I absolutely never ever trust those who get to upset about other people's lies ;-) That to me is a huge tell of a distorted personality.

The post I quoted does not signify this by the way. Not at all, it's very sensible.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 01:16 PM
It's nobody's business how much he paid for his plane. Frankly, none of this is anyone's business. People are just nosy as hell. All he did was say he made money from poker and these clueless morons who don't understand how that's possible feel that they are entitled to make up facts, and go through his tax returns and dig into every single aspect of his life.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
It's nobody's business how much he paid for his plane. Frankly, none of this is anyone's business. People are just nosy as hell. All he did was say he made money from poker and these clueless morons who don't understand how that's possible feel that they are entitled to make up facts, and go through his tax returns and dig into every single aspect of his life.
Leave Dan alone!!!! He only want privacy
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by SizzlerFTW
I noticed that too about the jet, and I also immediately sensed LIES, but: the main point for me is, he's just a normal male H o mo Sapiens trying to make a life in the time he has.

People have become waaaay to intrusive in other people's facades, especially against men. Read Carl Jung, everything is a Persona, with a Shadow etc. To pretend to be holler than holy is no doubt even more of a lie !

So I absolutely never ever trust those who get to upset about other people's lies ;-) That to me is a huge tell of a distorted personality.

The post I quoted does not signify this by the way. Not at all, it's very sensible.
thanks and i think we are aligned in that he is playing the game of life well and the results speak for themselves. The lying I wouldn't say upsets or triggers me. it's just a turn off and I don't understand it or the need to do it. always felt that way about braggers and would keep a person like that at distance bc i don't know what to believe. I would respect him more if he said yeah my dad played the market and used the laws as they were at that time to set me, my brother and the family up so piss off haters

i'm actually from Tampa and know a girl Dan dated for years and she told us he repeatedly said his deepest desire was to be famous which he did so the man can stand on his feet and accomplish things who cares how he got started. Elon Musk borrowed money from his parents like thousands of other entrepreneurs. why he can't admit that and insist he did it all, i don't know, its just weird to me like any thirsty attention seekers who constantly need validation from strangers. The self made guy who ascends to that level to me would probably not care about the adulation, or maybe they do. i don't know. i sense he has some fear about admitting how he got his head start bc people will think less of him than being 100% self made.

In any case i think you would agree he exudes deception and false nonchalance. But his success at the game of life is on full display and i don't think he has mal intentions beyond the average person and he's compelling as hell so i'll gladly continue to enjoy the show
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 02:04 PM
Just finished this more plates more dates interview, not sold on the interviewer, but dan bilz comes off as a very sincere dude. While the modern male watches copious amounts of porn and hides behind a computer and is secretive, dan lives in the real world and is honest. He's a dude's dude, not a watered down feminst version beta male, a man who most of us wish we could be. While i dont agree with his antimonogomous views, at least hes being sincere. I feel he will one day fall in love with someone nearer his age, a la the Jewel eye opening experience he expressed in this interview. He is a product of our age, believing that more partners equals more pleasure while wearing lol condoms, even while studies show monogmous couples have better sex lives. But he is honest and seems to want to be seen as sincere, which is an admirable quality. He admits to being a sex addict, we all have our achilles' heel, but i dont think he hates women. I do not understand the hate for this person. If he ever becomes a christian, he will be a good one, a la saul/paul. God says he will spit the lukewarm from his mouth. Db doesnt seem to be living lukewarm.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 02:07 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
What I find interesting is how completely different Adam Bilzerian seems to be.
I played with him a few times at the WSOP in 2015 and spent a few breaks with him. I guess he didn't get millions from daddy.
Lol for real brah
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 02:11 PM
Originally Posted by cc408
dan's bragging look at me lifestyle has always rubbed me wrong and screamed try hard insecurity but it's a free country, in some states, and he can do whatever he wants as he doesnt seem to be hurting anyone that's not a willing participant in his lifestyle. I thought he came across pretty well and rightly pointed out Doug's lack of journalistic integrity and CNN level of click baity malicious editing.

Also made some cogent arguments about how bumhunting billionaire fish was just as much a skill as being a Linus Love level GTO living bot and all the work it takes, which clearly people like Doug who put in that much work to get good take personally and exposes their ego and condescension

That said i don't believe a word about his finances. The biggest tell of the entire interview was when Dan started talking about his jet. Doug asked him how much he paid for it and Dan said he didn't remember, fumbled for what to say and then meandered into how much the yearly costs were for the jet being 1.5 million a year. WUT?! How the **** can you not remember how much you paid for the jet? First off it's a used 1987 Gulfstream. That means he had to have gone through some negotiation process of offers and counter offers. He knows precisely how much the yearly upkeep is but not the original purchase price, sure buddy, especially after he admits it was a lifelong goal and status symbol. That did it for me. He's a pathological liar who pretends not to care what people think when clearly his whole life is showing off. deeply insecure short guy is my read but whatever, his reality is what it is, however may have gotten it

overall he came across a little more likable than in past times and showed signs of some maturity
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by eddymitchel
What are the chances that his father money came from huge heads up donations heads up on bodog as a money laundry scheme?

People believing that someone like dB with no money management skills nor discipline and average at best poker skills could build a bankroll online that easily...

Only part I believe is that he made some money from private games.
i think he's used poker to launder his dads money. that doesn't mean he doesn't win in soft games against rich whales. i don't know if he won or lost on bodog overall- but the chances of the bolded is zero. it wasn't like he played one random who dumped a ton to him and disapeared off the site. it's a long time ago so i can't remember everyone, but he was playing regular players on the's also not like he won millions on bodog that could have been laundered, he may have even been a loser overall. the laundering comes from the private games. it's pretty easy to deposit a **** ton of cash, or a check from some shell company, say he won it playing poker, pay taxes on it and now it's legit money.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 02:33 PM
Originally Posted by Dream Crusher
It's nobody's business how much he paid for his plane. Frankly, none of this is anyone's business. People are just nosy as hell. All he did was say he made money from poker and these clueless morons who don't understand how that's possible feel that they are entitled to make up facts, and go through his tax returns and dig into every single aspect of his life.
I agree it's nobody's business UNTIL he decides to voluntarily live his life on social media, as exaggerated as it may be.
People said the same thing about Trooper (obviously he's on the other end of the extreme as DB) when people would critisize his shitty player or choices in life but Trooper chose to live his live publically.It's not DB wants privacy and people are knocking on his door demanding to know what his plane costs.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by PeteBlow
What I find interesting is how completely different Adam Bilzerian seems to be.
I played with him a few times at the WSOP in 2015 and spent a few breaks with him. I guess he didn't get millions from daddy.
Eh people are just different.
I get along amazingly well with my brother, same parents close in age grew up together etc but we're totally different in almost every possible way possible. I'm good at things he's terrible at, he's good at things I'm terrible at,we like different things, he's never played 1 hand of poker in his life, he's way more outgoing than me etc. It's not like we were raised differently or given different things that made us this way,it's just the way we were born.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by borg23
I agree it's nobody's business UNTIL he decides to voluntarily live his life on social media, as exaggerated as it may be.
People said the same thing about Trooper (obviously he's on the other end of the extreme as DB) when people would critisize his shitty player or choices in life but Trooper chose to live his live publically.It's not DB wants privacy and people are knocking on his door demanding to know what his plane costs.
It's still none of your business. Any person can share whatever details about themselves that they want. You aren't entitled to ****.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 03:43 PM
Originally Posted by ProblemPlaya
Just finished this more plates more dates interview, not sold on the interviewer
If you have any interest in steroids or athletes using steroids, dude is very knowledgeable.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 04:41 PM
I'm in the skeptical group about Dan getting his money from poker rather than his father. There's an easy, objective way to find out - have Dan produce his tax returns for those years. If he did actually win millions at poker there's no way he failed to declare them since bragging to the world about winning but then not paying taxes on it is beyond most people's stupidity threshold.
Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
01-01-2022 , 05:15 PM
The part where he kept emphasizing a 400k winning month on bodog, and then couldn’t even ballpark any other month, or what he made for the year. That’s something that looks good in his book about how the glory days of online poker were. But, that doesn’t really fly when being questioned by Doug on how much he actually won. It leads me to believe he didn’t win all that much online at all.

Dan Bilzerian's very own containment thread. All things Bilzerian go here Quote
