Originally Posted by Poker Tech
Was Bilzerian born into money or did he actually make his riches on his own. Im guessing his parents made da manies. I would love to spit on this guy. Reminds me of all the ho bag women im Facebook friends with. Hes like a woman who just posts pics of herself with her skanky friends posing in front of a mirror. Please let this guy go broke somehow. Not that im bashing rich people, but people who flaunt their riches are scum of the earth.
His dad was/is a no-morals scumbag who ripped off hundreds of millions and somehow (USA, **** yeah...) managed to keep a lot of it.
Dan tries to make everyone believe he's "self-made" but since he does nothing besides take steroids, party with hookers and basically spend as much money as possible on a daily basis, you really have to be a true ****** to believe him.
Can't blame him to be honest, when you're born into that much money you're ****ed for life. You could say all rich kids from inheritance aren't as douchey as he is, but considering who his dad is...I'm pretty sure there's a huge genetic factor in that.
Also, the people envying him are the most pathetic. There's absolutely nothing meaningful in his life; all the people and women around him are basically prostitutes...it's sad.
Of course that's like most people's life anyway, just with more money.