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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

06-22-2020 , 01:01 PM
I hope this is OK to post in NVG. If not, Mods please feel free to delete and PM me to let me know it wasn't OK and why.

Brad Owen first time playing post quarantine, at Talking Stick.

06-22-2020 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
That's pretty subjective though. Some people might think 600 daily deaths is a good number, others might compare it to a different country (e.g. Germany: 13) and think it's not so good.
600 deaths per day is not good. But the trend is good. We've seen the death rate drop very consistently about 15% per week for almost two months now. This translates into just over a 50% drop every month. If the trend continues and we are seeing 300 deaths per day a months from now, I think we can then be much more comfortable.
06-22-2020 , 03:29 PM
Clearly this virus was a scam created by the plexiglass industry.
06-23-2020 , 05:52 AM
Originally Posted by madlex
That's pretty subjective though. Some people might think 600 daily deaths is a good number, others might compare it to a different country (e.g. Germany: 13) and think it's not so good.

Personally, I hope the number of new infections in the US starts dropping significantly ASAP so I can travel to Europe without having to go into a 2 week quarantine upon arriving there.
Prediction: The daily fatality numbers will decline to an average of about 530 by July 3rd, and then start trending up again. The seven-day average will be over 600 again by the end of July and through most of August.
You're not gonna see daily numbers like in the first peak, but California, Texas, Florida and Arizona are gonna keep the death toll ticking along to a total of something like 175,000 by the end of September. (California currently has the 7th highest death toll among US states, but it will probably be the second 'worst' state by the end of summer).
Whether European countries will allow American visitors to come in without quarantining remains to be seen. Most EU countries are not restricting travel within the EU itself, but most EU countries have much lower infection rates than the US at present, and there's a greater economic 'necessity' to allow such movement (e.g. Spain wants British tourists to pump money into the Spanish economy like they do in normal times).
06-23-2020 , 06:51 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Whether European countries will allow American visitors to come in without quarantining remains to be seen. Most EU countries are not restricting travel within the EU itself, but most EU countries have much lower infection rates than the US at present, and there's a greater economic 'necessity' to allow such movement (e.g. Spain wants British tourists to pump money into the Spanish economy like they do in normal times).
Just to clarify, right now regular US citizens aren’t allowed to “visit” any country in the EU without some kind of special permit and vice versa.

That doesn’t apply to me though. I can freely travel between US and EU but have to go into a 2 week quarantine upon arrival if there’s a travel advisory regarding any of the US states I’ve been to in the last two weeks. That travel advisory list contains roughly 30 states right now but gets updated frequently.
06-23-2020 , 03:15 PM
06-23-2020 , 03:18 PM
That has nothing to do with casino openings. I don't know why he said that.
06-23-2020 , 06:11 PM
So, Nevada is seeing more Covid cases. Good heavens, who could've seen that coming? But seriously folks. . .I have a few thoughts that popped into my head as I was running errands today. I went to a couple of stores. I needed gas and dog food. Most of the people were wearing masks but a few weren't. I guess it's all about freedom for these fools. I realized that I could be fighting with these morons everyday. Well, fortunately, I'm retired and have a bit of cash, so I don't have to go out that often unless I want to. And I don't. How does this relate to poker, you ask? Why would I want to put myself in a situation where I'm arguing with fools who everybody at risk every five minutes? And I get the chance to lose money too!

Before anyone says anything, I am a serious recreational player. I study the game. Like everyone who sits down: I win some; I lose some. That's the nature of poker. But I have to believe there are many folks like me who did enjoy the game but see no point in playing right now. So, the room are left with the degens and the 'pros'. IMO that's not enough to keep the games going. Bottom line: Live poker dead till next year at the earliest.
06-24-2020 , 12:00 AM
Deaths are down 90%.from the April highs
The average age of positives is below 40. (This is a good thing)

If you are under the age of 24 the chances you getting and dying from COVID-19 are .01 per 100,000.

More people have died over the age of 85 than under the age of 65.

The average life expectancy of An American is 78 the average death of a COViD patient 80.

This virus is a horrible, horrible thing but if you're under the age of 65 and don't have any underlying conditions you should be fine. If you're over the age of 65 you should be extra careful especially if you have interactions with people over the age of 65.

Vitamin D (AKA sunlight) is your best weapon. Get outside or at the very least take a supplement. If you go inside you should wear a mask and if you're interacting with the elderly you should try to practice social distancing as much as possible.
06-24-2020 , 08:11 AM
I wanna go play live poker SOOOOOOOO B AAAAAAAAAAAAD.
06-24-2020 , 08:34 AM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
If you're over the age of 65 you should be extra careful especially if you have interactions with people over the age of 65.
So if you are under 65 you shouldn't worry about interactions with people?

Vitamin D (AKA sunlight) is your best weapon
please quote your source for this statement. I assume then not being next to person shedding virus is according to your expert opinion the 2nd or 3rd best weapon.

Deaths are down 90%.from the April highs
As long is ~1000 is 90% lower than ~2500 then yeah you are correct. daily deaths hitting 1,000 again and trending up.

I could parse each and everything you say and show the lack of logic, proof or thought, but I think you get the point.
06-24-2020 , 10:00 AM
He might be referencing this study:

But that’s about sunlight killing 90% of the virus on surfaces in less time than influenza A. I doubt vitamin D in your body has the same effect?
06-24-2020 , 10:08 AM
I have seen this about Vitamin D, it makes sense as it boosts your immune system. I already take it daily for months and continue along with daily Vitamin C and B.

Can vitamin D help with symptoms of COVID-19? Possibly, it's key to helping your immune system function

Research shows vitamin D helps prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), a common killer in COVID-19 patients.

More Vitamin D, Lower Risk of Severe COVID-19?

Dear Dietitian: The role of Vitamin D in battling COVID-19****ing-covid-19
06-24-2020 , 10:17 AM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke

If you are under the age of 24 the chances you getting and dying from COVID-19 are .01 per 100,000.
One in ten million? That can’t be right. That would imply about 10 Americans under 24 dying if everyone in the country were infected. And at least 150 Americans under 24 have already died. Maybe you means 1 in 100,000?

Originally Posted by PTLou
As long is ~1000 is 90% lower than ~2500 then yeah you are correct. daily deaths hitting 1,000 again and trending up.

I could parse each and everything you say and show the lack of logic, proof or thought, but I think you get the point.
Deaths haven’t hit 1000 in a day in over two weeks.
That said, the averages are down 70-75%, not 90%.
06-24-2020 , 10:17 AM
Oh, I didn’t doubt that vitamin D is important By itself and as part of a healthy immune system. I think we all know that. I was just referring to the study and the 90% number.

I’m sitting on the patio in the sun right now
06-24-2020 , 10:21 AM
^^ makes sense.

Many healthy lifestyle choices reduce chance of all sort of disease.

my point was to call out such a random "weapon" with science on both sides and claim that was your best weapon. taken by itself his statement was meh who cares, not worth responding. But with the rest of the radical statements in that post it stood out even more.

without question, your best and only proven weapon thus far is to avoid contact. everything else is theoretical.
06-24-2020 , 12:39 PM
Does anyone know of a place that sells poker-themed masks?
06-24-2020 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
Oh, I didn’t doubt that vitamin D is important By itself and as part of a healthy immune system. I think we all know that. I was just referring to the study and the 90% number.

I’m sitting on the patio in the sun right now
Does melanoma prevent one from getting Covid 19 ?
06-24-2020 , 03:18 PM
This may be because they know what the Governor is going to say at 5pm today at the press conference. It might be like this for all casinos. We will see at 5pm.

"The universal mask requirement will apply to all of Caesars businesses currently open in Louisiana, Mississippi, Iowa, Missouri, Nevada, and Indiana, as well as tribal properties in Arizona, California and North Carolina."
06-24-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by parisron
This may be because they know what the Governor is going to say at 5pm today at the press conference. It might be like this for all casinos. We will see at 5pm.

"The universal mask requirement will apply to all of Caesars businesses currently open in Louisiana, Mississippi, Iowa, Missouri, Nevada, and Indiana, as well as tribal properties in Arizona, California and North Carolina."
If you don't have to wear a mask while drinking, it still doesn't sound like many people will be wearing masks.
06-24-2020 , 05:28 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
So if you are under 65 you shouldn't worry about interactions with people?
Everyone should follow the common, already established protocols but if you are over the age of 65 you have to be more diligent as you are in the danger zone. If you're under 45 without any underlying health conditions you should live as normal life as possible.

please quote your source for this statement. I assume then not being next to person shedding virus is according to your expert opinion the 2nd or 3rd best weapon.
If you want, I can add additional sources to the ones others have provided.

As long is ~1000 is 90% lower than ~2500 then yeah you are correct. daily deaths hitting 1,000 again and trending up.
Yesterday when I posted there were 285 deaths attributed to COVID-19. The High watermark was in April ~3000. It would be unfair to include the day spike where over 3800 on one day.

I could parse each and everything you say and show the lack of logic, proof or thought, but I think you get the point.
Yesterday over 7200 died from things other than COVID-19. It sounds to me you want everything to be doom and gloom.

Originally Posted by NickMPK
One in ten million? That can’t be right. That would imply about 10 Americans under 24 dying if everyone in the country were infected. And at least 150 Americans under 24 have already died. Maybe you means 1 in 100,000?

This is from a month ago so that number may have gone up another 10-15 but the numbers are infinitesimal in the under 24 category.

Deaths haven’t hit 1000 in a day in over two weeks.
That said, the averages are down 70-75%, not 90%.
You are correct but the 0 in the wrong spot 0.1. Thanks for catching that. There will be spikes but luckily younger, healthier people are getting COVID. Because everyone is starting to understand it and who is most vunerable.
06-24-2020 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
If you want, I can add additional sources to the ones others have provided.
In addition to what? None have been provided to support this:

"Vitamin D (AKA sunlight) is your best weapon. Get outside or at the very least take a supplement."

Might it be of some help? Sure. Your best weapon? LOL, no, not even close. Although, I guess it could be your best weapon if you don't want to distance, wear a mask, or stay out of crowded places.

Originally Posted by Wildspoke
Yesterday when I posted there were 285 deaths attributed to COVID-19. The High watermark was in April ~3000. It would be unfair to include the day spike where over 3800 on one day.
LOL, why would you use a partial day? There were 863 deaths yesterday, and so far 714 today. Although looking at your figures of the "high watermark", I'm wondering what your source is, because the highest I'm seeing is 2693, on April 21.

Even so, down 70% is a good thing. But the question is, are the numbers going to stay down, or are the last two days of higher deaths and the near-record numbers of new cases a harbinger of a new trend in the wrong direction?
06-24-2020 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke

Yesterday over 7200 died from things other than COVID-19.

Yesterday, over 15 posts in BBV were idiotic.

What do they have do with the 2 most recent idiotic posts in NVG?
06-24-2020 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Wildspoke
Everyone should follow the common, already established protocols but if you are over the age of 65 you have to be more diligent as you are in the danger zone. If you're under 45 without any underlying health conditions you should live as normal life as possible. ...

......There will be spikes but luckily younger, healthier people are getting COVID. Because everyone is starting to understand it and who is most vunerable.
Epic failure at starting to "understand it".

If you meant that the % of people getting CoVid are skewing toward a younger, otherwise healthier demographic, you still seem to ignore that an asymptomatic, younger healthier person can be a spreader, endangering everyone not already infected, and especially endangering peole woh are "most vulnerable".

If you think the "common, established protocols" are based on supporting a view for younger, heallthier people of " DGAF, it won't hurt me", you do not understand much.

I wouldn't use the word "luckily" in any conversation where people are still dying, except perhaps after the rate of someone passing on an infection drops long term to less than 1.0.
