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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

06-29-2020 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
Have you asked your local Red Cross about the antibody test? I got one automatically when I donated blood two weeks ago. I believe this is a nationwide program.
Got one through LabCorp, cost was $10

That was a while ago, I think it was an Abbott test.
06-29-2020 , 04:31 PM
Originally Posted by Bighurt52235
Where is your kid attending school? I was not aware that was happening anywhere.
(Private) preschool in Kansas City. He was allowed back today.

There's also a local requirement for face masks in public buildings now. Went to brunch this morning and the host told us we have to wear the mask inside except for the time we're seated. Felt bad when I forgot to put it on when I went to the restroom but nobody complained.
06-29-2020 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by madlex
Our kid was home from school all of last week because he had a running nose last Monday and was sent home. They said that's probably going to be the policy for the rest of the year. That's gonna suck big time for parents who don't work from home, especially single moms/dads.
I would think this is what everyone should expect, and yes, that's going to suck for parents. My bigger concern is the consequences of teacher absence, which could make it difficult for schools to open for full-time in-class instruction. In our province, we reopened schools in June for non-mandatory part-time in-school instruction for the month, while continuing online learning. It wouldn't surprise me if that's how we open in September for the new school year, although attendance would need to be mandatory.
06-29-2020 , 06:18 PM

06-29-2020 , 07:04 PM

This is what it is like at Los Angeles casinos. Really doesn’t make for good tv unfortunately.

No choice though with cases surging in SoCal.

Talk of reinstating stay at home orders in LA. Closed all bars.
06-29-2020 , 08:06 PM
Originally Posted by parisron

Sorry, based on the reported 1.64 Rt, in which Nevada leads the nation, thins are NOT likely to improve and seem likely to get worse over the next couple of weeks.
06-30-2020 , 02:40 AM
From what I'm hearing/reading it's all the young people in bars type of crowds that are getting it, but they aren't dying from it, deaths are going down, even if infections are going up. Plus add in the fact that the media would love to play up any negative angle possible for political reasons, it's hard to separate the talking point hype from the reality.
06-30-2020 , 04:35 AM
Originally Posted by TheFly
From what I'm hearing/reading it's all the young people in bars type of crowds that are getting it, but they aren't dying from it, deaths are going down, even if infections are going up. Plus add in the fact that the media would love to play up any negative angle possible for political reasons, it's hard to separate the talking point hype from the reality.
Do you have any clue what this means? Is the TMC one these political focused media outlets you speak of?

Maybe you are right. These are all just young people who have nothing better to do than checking themselves into a Covid unit at the hospital.

Maybe you should expand what you are "reading" beyond Breitbart News and what you "hearing" beyond Fox News.
06-30-2020 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by Loctus
(SARS was also coronavirus)
I know we're all referring to this new coronavirus when we say "the coronavirus", but note that coronavirus is a family/umbrella-term for a certain type of virus, a family, to which this new disease belongs. SARS and MERS, and many kinds of common colds, are also coronaviruses.

/boring injection into the conversation
I'm glad that you said that. A lot of people who should know better, including TV commentators and even some doctors and scientists, are still calling it "the coronavirus."
06-30-2020 , 05:50 AM
Originally Posted by TheFly
From what I'm hearing/reading it's all the young people in bars type of crowds that are getting it, but they aren't dying from it, deaths are going down, even if infections are going up. Plus add in the fact that the media would love to play up any negative angle possible for political reasons, it's hard to separate the talking point hype from the reality.
You're right, most of the younger people are not getting sick, but that's not the point. An asymptomatic 24-year old can catch the virus and give it to someone vulnerable.

Andy is in his seventies, uses portable oxygen and lives across the street from me. I'm very healthy (training for my second marathon) but I could catch the virus and kill that man if I talked to him without a mask, or even if I stood close to him.

My father is 90. My mother-in-law is 96. I don't want someone killing members of my family, no matter how young and "healthy" that person might appear.

I'm not so young but I'm definitely healthy. I'm very careful. I wear a mask any time I'm in a building. I don't get out much because I work at home. The chance that I have the virus is quite low. Even so, the last time I visited my father, I stood on the other side of the room when I talked to him.
06-30-2020 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by TheFly
From what I'm hearing/reading it's all the young people in bars type of crowds that are getting it, but they aren't dying from it, deaths are going down, even if infections are going up. Plus add in the fact that the media would love to play up any negative angle possible for political reasons, it's hard to separate the talking point hype from the reality.
Deaths were going down in most states that are now experiencing rapid increases in Covid cases. But it takes between 14 and 21 days for people to die from Covid on average so to see how the recent rise in cases is affecting death rates you would need to look 3 to 4 weeks after the re-opening of a state's businesses (like bars as you mentioned).

For Arizona which was among the first states to "re-open" they are not only hitting peaks in Covid cases on a daily basis but they have also started hitting peaks in deaths on a daily basis as well as hospitalizations. ICU capacity is now rated at 100% in AZ (there are 4 or 5 counties that are at 100% and Maricopa is at about 86%).

California is at peaks for Covid cases and lows for deaths.

Florida is now seeing some rise in deaths per day. Their 7 day rolling averages are up about 33% from their lows and the 14 day avgs are closing to 20% above the lows. And the 7 day rolling avg is > 14 day rolling avg which means deaths/day is on the rise.

Georgia so far is only 10% above low death's per day for 7 day avgs and 14 day are at all time lows.

Nevada also is at or near all time lows for deaths.

Texas is closer to their peak deaths than to their lows and the death counts have been on the rise now for several weeks as they continue to hit all time highs for Covid cases on a daily basis.

So this is mixed. Some of it speaks to the average age of the residents in states in question. Some of it speaks to whether people in the states are predominantly wearing masks or not - which would affect the rate at which older people are catching it.

Overall the median age of who is getting Covid has dropped significantly. But it isn't all inclusive. And it doesn't speak to the problem of young people who get infected then acting irresponsibly and infecting older people.

Ultimately, the deaths per day will rise in states that are inundated with Covid cases. And hospitalizations are increasing as well. The % of people who will die from Covid will go down because as you point out more younger people are getting it now than before.

The other problem that could start happening is that vacation destination states that open up bars and casinos could become super-spreader places to people who don't live in their states. The pictures I saw of patrons in Las Vegas casinos not wearing masks was frightening.
06-30-2020 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by Mr Rick
Deaths were going down in most states that are now experiencing rapid increases in Covid cases. But it takes between 14 and 21 days for people to die from Covid on average so to see how the recent rise in cases is affecting death rates you would need to look 3 to 4 weeks after the re-opening of a state's businesses (like bars as you mentioned).

For Arizona which was among the first states to "re-open" they are not only hitting peaks in Covid cases on a daily basis but they have also started hitting peaks in deaths on a daily basis as well as hospitalizations. ICU capacity is now rated at 100% in AZ (there are 4 or 5 counties that are at 100% and Maricopa is at about 86%).

California is at peaks for Covid cases and lows for deaths.

Florida is now seeing some rise in deaths per day. Their 7 day rolling averages are up about 33% from their lows and the 14 day avgs are closing to 20% above the lows. And the 7 day rolling avg is > 14 day rolling avg which means deaths/day is on the rise.

Georgia so far is only 10% above low death's per day for 7 day avgs and 14 day are at all time lows.

Nevada also is at or near all time lows for deaths.

Texas is closer to their peak deaths than to their lows and the death counts have been on the rise now for several weeks as they continue to hit all time highs for Covid cases on a daily basis.

So this is mixed. Some of it speaks to the average age of the residents in states in question. Some of it speaks to whether people in the states are predominantly wearing masks or not - which would affect the rate at which older people are catching it.

Overall the median age of who is getting Covid has dropped significantly. But it isn't all inclusive. And it doesn't speak to the problem of young people who get infected then acting irresponsibly and infecting older people.

Ultimately, the deaths per day will rise in states that are inundated with Covid cases. And hospitalizations are increasing as well. The % of people who will die from Covid will go down because as you point out more younger people are getting it now than before.

The other problem that could start happening is that vacation destination states that open up bars and casinos could become super-spreader places to people who don't live in their states. The pictures I saw of patrons in Las Vegas casinos not wearing masks was frightening.
well put.

"What happens in Vegas, does not stay in Vegas", especially over a 3 - 14 day time frame.

Fortunately, masks are no required in Las Vegas casinos and Gaming is enforcing against casinos who do not enforce against patrons.

Still the Rt rate for Nevada was recently reported at 1.64, the highest among any State.
06-30-2020 , 12:39 PM
June 30, 2020: U.S. Senate hearing with health officials providing testimony related to COVID-19.

It's already nearly 3 hours in, but still live. A lot of material is being covered here.

06-30-2020 , 01:02 PM
its a little curious that the only focus in the fight against covid is "wear a mask". No talk from anyone to eat foods that boost your immune system, exercise more to have a healthier body etc. The local YMCA here shut down the steam room and sauna, both of which are headshots in terms of boosting your immune system. I would understand limiting the amount of people you can have in there, wipe it down when you're done etc...But during a health crisis why are we making things that are really good for your health off limits? The public pool is open, but I can't enjoy a simple post workout detox (never mind the mental health benefits). Quite a bit of how this is being handled makes no sense whatsoever and has been heavily politicized.
06-30-2020 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Ignoritol
its a little curious that the only focus in the fight against covid is "wear a mask". No talk from anyone to eat foods that boost your immune system, exercise more to have a healthier body etc. The local YMCA here shut down the steam room and sauna, both of which are headshots in terms of boosting your immune system. I would understand limiting the amount of people you can have in there, wipe it down when you're done etc...But during a health crisis why are we making things that are really good for your health off limits? The public pool is open, but I can't enjoy a simple post workout detox (never mind the mental health benefits). Quite a bit of how this is being handled makes no sense whatsoever and has been heavily politicized.
If you live in Las Vegas and want a DIY sauna, you can go out to your car parked in the sun, get in and roll up the windows. The dashboard thermometer will probably top out at 130 degrees, but it will give you the dry heat you seek.
06-30-2020 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by Ignoritol
its a little curious that the only focus in the fight against covid is "wear a mask". No talk from anyone to eat foods that boost your immune system, exercise more to have a healthier body etc. The local YMCA here shut down the steam room and sauna, both of which are headshots in terms of boosting your immune system. I would understand limiting the amount of people you can have in there, wipe it down when you're done etc...But during a health crisis why are we making things that are really good for your health off limits? The public pool is open, but I can't enjoy a simple post workout detox (never mind the mental health benefits). Quite a bit of how this is being handled makes no sense whatsoever and has been heavily politicized.
Posts like these explains clearly why the human species will disappear very soon.
06-30-2020 , 01:20 PM

"As part of the requirement, a Nevada traveler going to New York would be required to self-quarantine for 14 days"

How does this work? What if a NY resident traveled to LV and then came back to NY. Does that count as a "Nevada traveler"? They would have to quarantine 14 days? Or only Nevada residents traveling to NY?
06-30-2020 , 01:28 PM
Originally Posted by Ignoritol
its a little curious that...
... more times than not, first time posters spew absolute nonsense. Heading toward 200,000 dead in the US, and you are worried about your steam?

Has to be a troll. Anyone with that level of stupidity would not have the capability to use a computer.

Last edited by PTLou; 06-30-2020 at 01:36 PM.
06-30-2020 , 01:52 PM
so if i'm going to NY I'll fly to Philly and rent a car with Pennsylvania license plates to drive to New York.

Covid solved
06-30-2020 , 02:09 PM
Originally Posted by DefNotRsigley
so if i'm going to NY I'll fly to Philly and rent a car with Pennsylvania license plates to drive to New York.

Covid solved
I didn’t read the exact wording but in the past the stipulation was that you had to self quarantine if you visited a travel restricted state within the last 14 days. Doesn’t matter if you take a direct flight or not.

If you ask “how do they know?”, they don’t unless something happens and it gets traced back to you. If you take the direct LV - NY flight and are required to self quarantine, nobody is going to check in with you daily to see if you follow the rules. They trust that you do what you’re supposed to do. And if something bad happens because you didn’t, there might be consequences.
06-30-2020 , 02:21 PM
one thing i read earlier

It's unclear how New York authorities will identify violators, but Cuomo suggested that hotel clerks could flag travelers breaking quarantine rules and police could pull over cars with out-of-state license plates.
06-30-2020 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by PTLou
... more times than not, first time posters spew absolute nonsense. Heading toward 200,000 dead in the US, and you are worried about your steam?

Has to be a troll. Anyone with that level of stupidity would not have the capability to use a computer.
Lou, for such a smart person your bedside manner isn't so hot. Not to single you out, there are many others who are drinking the same flavor of cool-aid, just as there are plenty of others drinking the differently flavored cool-aid. Doesn't make them "stupid" or "trolls" though, here's why.

Perhaps you forget that maybe up to half of the "deaths" are not "from" but "with", and that both some of the "from" and some of the "with" are not based on testing but on presumed or alleged symptoms.

Perhaps you also forget that maybe half of the actual deaths "from" came from nursing homes where a certain someone ordered real "from" patients to be housed therein, thereby resulting in more real "from" deaths. These nursing home "from" deaths are hardly from "no masks" or "no social distancing" either.

A person could be forgiven if they disagreed with maybe 50% "with" and 50% "from", and maybe 50% of the "from" being in nursing homes where the "from" patients were forced in. But in round numbers, about a quarter of what's on the news 24/7 are real, non-nursing home deaths. Not to discount the importance of each of those individual deaths, but it's not nearly as compelling as using the intentionally inflated numbers every hour of every day, and many folks think there are other reasons for inflating the numbers and then reporting the inflated numbers.

Now, let's consider the financial incentives for hospitals to report both "from" and "with" as real cases, and the public directives to report "with" cases as "from". And let's consider how easy it would be to provide similar financial incentives for testing orgs to report brand new "positives" (whether or not their testing really did show "positives" over and above the already non-zero incidents of false positives. And now, people with antibodies are being reported as "new cases" - meaning, people who didn't get infected are being reported as "infected". You don't think that should make us go "hmmmm"?

Surely even you can thus appreciate, even though you might disagree, that some other people might have cause to be a little skeptical of "the sky is falling" interpretation of what is already a real, and serious enough, disease.

Yes, a quarter of the number of deaths that are on the news 24/7 doesn't make as newsworthy a situation. It also begs comparison to the number of deaths (US and world wide) from 102 different kinds of "regular" flu, not to mention the widespread deaths from TB and other contagious diseases.

More people would listen to a reasoned, factual approach to the situation, real or alleged, but calling them "stupid" or "trolls" isn't likely to open their minds.
06-30-2020 , 06:04 PM
Saunas and steam rooms are known breeding ground for germs. Usually, those are the first things that get shut down in gyms if they need to stop the spread of germs.

I couldn't even imagine going to a public sauna right now, that sounds like. horrible idea.
06-30-2020 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by Nozsr

More people would listen to a reasoned, factual approach to the situation, real or alleged, but calling them "stupid" or "trolls" isn't likely to open their minds.
There is some truthiness in what you say. I do need to chill.

Kinder / Gentler version of me forthcoming.
06-30-2020 , 06:10 PM
^ Exactly. Not sure if "mold" is the same as "germs" but if you want to breathe old mold, steam rooms and saunas are a guaranteed source of multiple mold species, all enthusiastically competing for more warm, moist habitat... just like a person would provide.
