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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-27-2020 , 04:19 PM
Originally Posted by NickMPK
There’s no way they shut down for that long. The entire state of Nevada would collapse into anarchy.
being shut down for all of 2020 is more likely than opening on april 17
03-27-2020 , 05:01 PM
Uness you know the X an Y axis' on the of the infection / death graphs for the pandemic, trying to estimate when Vegas picks back up is futile.

Nobody knows X and Y.

Thus estimating when Vegas turns back on is futile.
03-27-2020 , 05:05 PM
Unless you know the X an Y axis' on the of the infection / death graphs for the pandemic, trying to estimate when Vegas picks back up is futile.

Nobody knows X and Y.

Thus estimating when Vegas turns back on is futile.

Originally Posted by akashenk
According to this it took about 24-30 months for gaming revenue to return to its recent averages after the 2008 Great Recession.

Bad Factors:

1) Gaming makes up a smaller percentage of overall revenue now than it did 10 years ago. General tourism and conventions could lag due to the "nature" of this crisis compared to a purely financial one.

2) This crisis happened at just about the worst time for Vegas as Feb-Apr are some of the busiest months.

3) We still have no good idea how long this will last, be-it general outbreak, or government suppression measures. As some have mentioned, even best-case-scenarios for re-opening do not mean that things will be back to normal right away. It could be some time.

Good Factors:

1) the overall economy was significantly better prior to COVID-19 than it was in January 2009 (at least in the US)

2) The US government is throwing a significantly larger amount of money at this crisis than it even did in 2008.
solid framework for analysis.
03-27-2020 , 05:20 PM
Some interesting odds on 5D

must be confirmed by The White House, graded based on the results of a public test taken by Trump between 3/27 & 4/14, results must be announced before 04/16/2020 for action.

Wed 4/15 1 D.Trump tests positive for Coronavirus +525
8:00AM 2 D.Trump tests negative for Coronavirus -975

September 10th 2020, regular season or post-season, respective league must acknowledge the game as official
Wed 4/15 201 Next NFL official game on / before 09/10 -170
8:00AM 202 Next NFL official game after 09/10/2020 +130

July 3rd 2020, regular season or post-season, respective league must acknowledge the game as official
Wed 4/15 203 Next NBA official game on / before 07/03 -125
8:00AM 204 Next NBA official game after 07/03/2020 -115

July 1st 2020, regular season or post-season only, respective league must acknowledge the game as official
Wed 4/15 207 Next NHL official game on / before 7/1 +230
8:00AM 208 Next NHL official game after 7/1/2020 -310
03-27-2020 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
One can only hope that's some kind of big misunderstanding and not a reflection of actual policy.
It may be they have so few tests they have to keep strict criteria that she isn't meeting. Hard to imagine how strict the criteria would be 2 keep her not tested though.
03-27-2020 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by SetSetter
Italy with some devastating daily numbers again today, their highest daily death total with 900+ today. It appears their daily case numbers may have stopped spiking, but they certainly haven't begun to trend downwards yet.

Very scary to think what is yet to come in USA (along with other nations). It's startling to see so many people on 2+2/facebook/etc. adopting the President's mindset that we have this thing "under control" and can begin to re-opening the nation. Thinking things will re-open in as early as April is so alarming to me.

This thing hasn't even truly begun yet in all. And because of how big America is geographically, we will have to deal with this virus much much longer than other nations. We are still a month away from the US's *first* peak (New York, California) and by the time that peak wraps up after 4 weeks of hell (mid-May), we will run right into our second peak (Detroit, New Orleans, etc.) and then into our third peak, fourth peak, etc.).

In 2-4 weeks from now we will be looking at 10,000 deaths EVERY SINGLE DAY. Every single day for 2-3 months. I think people asking about WSOP/casinos reopening/sporting events/etc. truly don't grasp the scope and length of this battle. We are in Day 14 out of 150 with much worse yet to come.

I think the "big picture" of this thing is that America as a nation will reach a collective level of emotional and economic despair that we've never seen. I think by May and June the public attitude will be completely shifted away from things such as sports/casinos/etc. and our national focus will be on getting our nation healthy and recovered and that may take 6+ months. I think large public gatherings will be seen as a threat to national health for many months and I wouldn't be surprised if we continue to see these 2-week bans continually extended all throughout the summer in various states. Yes I understand there is guaranteed economic despair by continuing to close up the country and leaving it closed, but I worry the magnitude of the virus in America and the death totals here will begin to squash and hopes of getting this country up and running anytime soon.

I think a lot of false hope came out this week with news of China "re-opening" along with Trump's push to restart the US by Easter. China attacked this virus much differently than we did, and their economy operates differently. Trump has adopted the role of an optimistic cheerleader, not a science-based or math-based realist. We can not compare our trajectory to the "success" stories of China and South Korea.
At least someone’s putting a positive spin on it.
03-27-2020 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by akashenk
As some have mentioned, even best-case-scenarios for re-opening do not mean that things will be back to normal right away. It could be some time.
What if there is no return to normal, just a new normal of personal gambling booths and live zoom poker? After this, and with no guarantee that it won't happen again, possibly sooner than later, businesses will need to "pandemic proof" themselves in various ways, which might mean fundamental changes in how they do business everyday. Something we all need to at least consider. It might not be all bad.

Unless you're a dealer.
03-27-2020 , 06:38 PM
Apparently one of our provinces has accumulated enough data to make the claim that distancing practices may have halved the potential spread to date. If this is true then the practice of distancing obviously has value.

I'm seeing talk of over-calling, flatting (sorry, flattening), and it appears we can't rule out that stop and go strategies are at least in the works in the US and perhaps elsewhere in the world.

The BC government can cascade to its heart's content, I'm a tile or stack guy myself.

Last edited by VforVendetata; 03-27-2020 at 06:43 PM.
03-27-2020 , 06:45 PM
03-27-2020 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by VforVendetata
Apparently one of our provinces has accumulated enough data to make the claim that distancing practices may have halved the potential spread to date. If this is true then the practice of distancing obviously has value.

I'm seeing talk of over-calling, flatting (sorry, flattening), and it appears we can't rule out that stop and go strategies are at least in the works in the US and perhaps elsewhere in the world.

The BC government can cascade to its heart's content, I'm a tile or stack guy myself.
Yeah, really impressed so far with how our government has been handling this. Timely, transparent reporting, with regular daily updates. And the numbers so far look very good, but as the article says: "provincial health officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and other officials stressed that the province is not out of the woods and the health-care system still needs to be prepared for an inevitable surge in hospitalizations."

Also, we haven't implemented a legislated complete lockdown to get here. A lot of those measures have been taken - schools are closed, lots of high-risk businesses have been ordered closed (restaurants without takeout, bars, spas, salons, recreation centres - all the usual obvious ones), but thus far "regular" businesses haven't been held to an essential services standard to be allowed to remain open. If they can maintain physical distancing, they can stay open. That has naturally led to many retail stores being closed, but they're making that choice on their own. But a lot of offices, warehouses, etc. are still operating. It's a compromise between economy and public health that's not without risk, but so far, so good.

Schools have been on spring break for 2 weeks - on Monday, we'll have a few staff go in to each school to start contacting families and fire up online learning for all of our K-12 students.

Cliffs: It's still early days, but it so far *appears* that here at least, a partial lockdown with widespread buy-in by the vast majority can have good results, if it's based on good data and science.
03-27-2020 , 08:32 PM
Originally Posted by EastCoastBalla
I know the Mayor really wants things open and is probably speaking to the governor every day about it. Not sure what kind of influence she has but regardless, it would be so irresponsible for the casinos to reopen soon. I think mid summer is honestly a reasonable timeframe. Maybe late summer. But April or May when there has been no flatlining of cases? No way.
Just to be clear, the Strip is not in the City of Las Vegas, although Fremont Street is.
03-27-2020 , 08:35 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
I think I speak for most of 2p2, and surely those that appreciate your input, when I say stay safe
Cheers. I actually feel pretty safe in my isolation, and I'm quite used to being on my own for extended periods (although 90 days in solitary confinement isn't something I've done before!). I'm more worried about the rest of my family, tbh, and I would hate to be trapped here, unable to help, if they got ill.
Originally Posted by SetSetter
Italy with some devastating daily numbers again today, their highest daily death total with 900+ today. It appears their daily case numbers may have stopped spiking, but they certainly haven't begun to trend downwards yet.
That big jump in Italian fatalities was devastating. It had looked like Italy's daily numbers had peaked 2-3 days ago. (Spain's numbers have been awful in the last few days too). The slight drop in the number of active cases provides grounds for some hope though.
Originally Posted by SetSetter
Very scary to think what is yet to come in USA (along with other nations).
I'm trying not to think about it, because it's terrifying. The 100,000 active cases will be 200,000 in four or five days, or possibly sooner if Detroit and New Orleans really get going. Maybe the US will have a very steep increase in cases and deaths, 'herd immunity' will happen sooner rather than later, and people can go back to work in three months, but at what cost in the short-run? I don't know enough about the US healthcare system to predict anything, but I can't work out how on earth the country will cope when it's getting four figure death tolls every day.
America can be a very resourceful country when faced by a crisis, but from my side of the pond it seems that the Administration doesn't want to inform and prepare the population for that crisis. Just like the leaders over here 2-3 weeks ago, the President is being reactive ("Oh, you need some ventilators? Get some ventilators!") rather than pro-active ("Let's prevent a ton of people from needing ventilators"). Even if the whole country swings into action tomorrow, I suspect it would be too late to prevent horror shows in multiple cities, just like the measures taken in UK, France, Italy and Spain were too late.
Some epidemiologists have suggested the virus now has a reproductive rate of 3 (rather than the 2.5 or lower estimated for China), which means it's been outpacing any/all attempts at mitigation. I think it was Cuomo that said "It's coming to every city like a Bullet train". I recommend staying off the tracks.
03-27-2020 , 09:05 PM
Lets hope summer kicks this virus down like it does with other viruses and they can get a viable vaccine.
03-27-2020 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Cheers. I actually feel pretty safe in my isolation, and I'm quite used to being on my own for extended periods (although 90 days in solitary confinement isn't something I've done before!). I'm more worried about the rest of my family, tbh, and I would hate to be trapped here, unable to help, if they got ill.

That big jump in Italian fatalities was devastating. It had looked like Italy's daily numbers had peaked 2-3 days ago. (Spain's numbers have been awful in the last few days too). The slight drop in the number of active cases provides grounds for some hope though.

I'm trying not to think about it, because it's terrifying. The 100,000 active cases will be 200,000 in four or five days, or possibly sooner if Detroit and New Orleans really get going. Maybe the US will have a very steep increase in cases and deaths, 'herd immunity' will happen sooner rather than later, and people can go back to work in three months, but at what cost in the short-run? I don't know enough about the US healthcare system to predict anything, but I can't work out how on earth the country will cope when it's getting four figure death tolls every day.
America can be a very resourceful country when faced by a crisis, but from my side of the pond it seems that the Administration doesn't want to inform and prepare the population for that crisis. Just like the leaders over here 2-3 weeks ago, the President is being reactive ("Oh, you need some ventilators? Get some ventilators!") rather than pro-active ("Let's prevent a ton of people from needing ventilators"). Even if the whole country swings into action tomorrow, I suspect it would be too late to prevent horror shows in multiple cities, just like the measures taken in UK, France, Italy and Spain were too late.
Some epidemiologists have suggested the virus now has a reproductive rate of 3 (rather than the 2.5 or lower estimated for China), which means it's been outpacing any/all attempts at mitigation. I think it was Cuomo that said "It's coming to every city like a Bullet train". I recommend staying off the tracks.

Trump sealed America's fate very early on when he declared the virus a "hoax" that would "magically go away"(the President's own words). This set an under-reactive tone in America from the start and led to fatal delays in people taking social distancing (and the virus itself) seriously enough in the early weeks.

The White House tried to paint the picture early on that the virus was not a threat and would only be a minor inconvenience. I still feel the nation is collectively under-reacting and is still in a state of denial about where this is heading. People feeling we are "over the hump" and thinking casinos/schools/businesses will be open anytime soon unfortunately demonstrate that delusional trance the President put America in.

Anyone who watched Trump's press conference today got a glimpse into the "enlightened" Trump. When asked pointblank if these shut-downs and quarantines would last months (not until Easter), even the quick and optimistic Trump could only stammer for a few second before sheepishly answering "I'm hoping not....I really hope not". I certainly feel as though the President is taking this seriously now and I hope that attitude continues to trickle down to the rest of America (the same way his not-taking-it-seriously attitude trickled down).
03-27-2020 , 10:04 PM
The number of cases in the US has been growing at a rate of about 5x per week. If this rate continues, Vegas can probably reopen in early May, since everyone in the country will already have been infected around May 1.
03-27-2020 , 10:39 PM
Originally Posted by SetSetter
Trump sealed America's fate very early on when he declared the virus a "hoax" that would "magically go away"(the President's own words). This set an under-reactive tone in America from the start and led to fatal delays in people taking social distancing (and the virus itself) seriously enough in the early weeks.

The White House tried to paint the picture early on that the virus was not a threat and would only be a minor inconvenience. I still feel the nation is collectively under-reacting and is still in a state of denial about where this is heading. People feeling we are "over the hump" and thinking casinos/schools/businesses will be open anytime soon unfortunately demonstrate that delusional trance the President put America in.
I think his current approval rating is evidence of this. Last I heard, 60% of Americans thought he was handling Covid well. I figure it has to be a large number of people in the "get back to work" camp, and a few in the "why the **** did we shut down in the first place" camp, that are boosting these numbers beyond the usual 30-40% base that will always love everything he does no matter what.

Originally Posted by SetSetter
Anyone who watched Trump's press conference today got a glimpse into the "enlightened" Trump. When asked pointblank if these shut-downs and quarantines would last months (not until Easter), even the quick and optimistic Trump could only stammer for a few second before sheepishly answering "I'm hoping not....I really hope not". I certainly feel as though the President is taking this seriously now and I hope that attitude continues to trickle down to the rest of America (the same way his not-taking-it-seriously attitude trickled down).
He's been here before, though. A couple of weeks ago, he got quite serious for a while. It seems to have swung back some time around the "you're a terrible reporter" news conference. If you're right and he's swung back to the serious side again, hopefully he stays there for a while.

Hmm...hope that's not too political.
03-27-2020 , 11:52 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett

Hmm...hope that's not too political.
I'll tell you what's political. Trump said he would let Pence handle this. At least Pence is well spoken. So he just needs to let Pence handle this and shut the **** up.
03-27-2020 , 11:56 PM
I've been keeping of spreadsheet of new cases every day for a bunch of countries. China started to see a decline in new cases on Day 24 after passing 100 cases. Italy's new cases stopped growing on Day 27. The US and Spain are on Day 25 right now, and the UK is on Day 22.

I'm interested in seeing the US's case growth this time next week. If it follows the same trend as Italy and China, case growth should start flattening around Monday. If it keeps growing exponentially, then we're screwed.
03-28-2020 , 12:03 AM
It's just getting rolling in US. Will be huge growth in LA and NO among others the next week or so.
03-28-2020 , 12:14 AM
With testing done in minutes on site the number of reported cases is about to skyrocket...
03-28-2020 , 12:50 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
It's just getting rolling in US. Will be huge growth in LA and NO among others the next week or so.
La has been on lockdown since the 19th along with the entire state of California. LA is on lockdown until at least April 19th. I even got an amber alert today about the safer at home order for LA.
03-28-2020 , 12:51 AM
Earlier today I posted a Bloomberg Headline in the other thread that said LA will likely be NY in 5 days.
03-28-2020 , 01:24 AM
Originally Posted by SimpleRick
La has been on lockdown since the 20th along with the entire state of California. LA is on lockdown until at least April 19th. I even got an amber alert today about the safer at home order for LA.
A minor FYP. Pretty sure it was announced on the 19th.

The problem is, because of the incubation period, you don't always see a change until close to 14 days after the lockdown. And, it all depends on how the lockdown is enforced. I've seen a lot of images of California beaches with plenty of people. But then, it's always the problem areas that get on the news; those may be the exception rather than the rule.

I'm worried that you guys are going to be on the upswing for a while, by which I mean the country as a whole. But I really, really hope not.
03-28-2020 , 01:37 AM

"In Los Angeles County — the nation’s most populous with more than 10 million residents — there were 678 new cases in the past two days for a total of nearly 1,500. Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti said if the trend continues, the city’s cases could double every two days. That would put Los Angeles on par with New York City’s outbreak in five days."
03-28-2020 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by parisron
Earlier today I posted a Bloomberg Headline in the other thread that said LA will likely be NY in 5 days.
I don't see how. NYC has a much higher population density than LA. We've been on lockdown for over a week already and it's planned to continue til at least April 19th. We shall see.
