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Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread) Coronavirus has caused the postponement of the WSOP 2020! (Coronavirus quarantine thread)
View Poll Results: Will the Corona Virus will alter their plans to attend WSOP this Summer (if it's not canceled)
Never planned on attending.
177 32.48%
Definitely wont attend.
112 20.55%
Probably wont attend.
93 17.06%
Probably will attend.
71 13.03%
Definitely will attend.
92 16.88%

03-28-2020 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
Plus the British (I am not ethnically British) are quite a dumb lot as a whole.

If you want to see how generally thick (dumb) British people are, you only have to watch the UK TV show Gogglebox which shows a good cross section of the population. 2 in 3 of the people on that show are thick, including their reaction to the pandemic unfolding which is covered in the show as it observes them watching TV including The News.
I used to give your posts on here some credence. I can't do that now particularly with your 'I'm not ethnically British' get out clause. Plus you need to give your opinion more substance than basing it on Gogglebox which DOES NOT show a 'good cross section of the population'. If you can I'd just edit out that part of your post as it makes you appear foolish and I'm sure you're not.
03-28-2020 , 07:26 PM
To reply loosely to a couple of recent posters, it's important to remember the Trump admin is saying they're going to be making decisions on a county by county basis, not for the country on the whole. So theoretically if it's virtually non-existent in some counties and/or they're low-risk in other ways they may be ready to go back to work next month. I would imagine the US government has access to advanced data and algorithms.

If we want to talk real and honest about big brother, they're probably tracking literally every single time you cough near every single device, insofar as their listening algorithms are good enough and you're close enough. And then that data is probably being sorted in near real-time by various AI driven algorithms which are spewing out projections about when people can get back to work based on cough data. And then they're going to track, just as Orwellianly, the success and recidivism rates of various "back to work" dates and on it will go until it stops going on.
03-28-2020 , 07:37 PM
Based on average IQ, the UK is smarter on average than North America and most of Europe.
03-28-2020 , 07:40 PM
I think we are doomed all of us.
03-28-2020 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Meanwhile, Trump's announcement that he's considering quarantining New York might have the undesirable consequence of encouraging people to flee the state and take their infections elsewhere, in much the same way that people jumped on midnight trains to flee Wuhan and Lombardy when rumours of lockdowns were spreading there. (FWIW, I think it's already too late to bolt the door on the NYC stable. There's a horse on the loose in the hospital.)
Yeah, I had the same thought. Either announce a quarantine, or STFU. This is a great example of where wanting to be seen to be doing something is detrimental.

Here in Canada, there's been no lockdown of province-to-province movement, but today it was announced by Trudeau that "people showing any signs whatsoever of COVID-19 will be denied boarding on all domestic flights and inter-city passenger trains". That's to take effect Monday at noon, so I suppose it raises a similar danger of "fleeing" before it takes effect, but much smaller I think.

Originally Posted by VforVendetata
If we want to talk real and honest about big brother, they're probably tracking literally every single time you cough near every single device, insofar as their listening algorithms are good enough and you're close enough. And then that data is probably being sorted in near real-time by various AI driven algorithms which are spewing out projections about when people can get back to work based on cough data. And then they're going to track, just as Orwellianly, the success and recidivism rates of various "back to work" dates and on it will go until it stops going on.

Originally Posted by viking1
I think we are doomed all of us.
I'll take the under. WAY under.
03-28-2020 , 08:02 PM
I would be afraid to download that new app that came out, if you answer the symptom questions wrong they might come and scoop you up. Because they are tracking peoples results on it.
03-28-2020 , 08:13 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
Based on average IQ, the UK is smarter on average than North America and most of Europe.
Yep, Boris Johnson is the stereotype of unsurpassable smartness where any country should tap into.
03-28-2020 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by asymbacguy
Yep, Boris Johnson is the stereotype of unsurpassable smartness where any country should tap into.
That's an extremely odd reply to that post.
03-28-2020 , 09:37 PM
So there is Sports betting action tomorrow! They are running sims that you can bet on.
Madden, NBA2k and MLB The Show 20.
2 MLB games tomorrow

All live streamed live on Twitch.
03-28-2020 , 10:01 PM
An IQ of 100 is a pretty unintelligent person and 115 is not exactly crash hot so my view that 2/3rds of British people are dumb is broadly accurate. My guesstimate of the average IQ of posters ITT, based on people's posts, is ~125.

Most of Western/Northern Europe, The USA and Canada is spanned by 2 percentage points, 98 to 100 on the IQ average, so yes there are a lot of dumb people everywhere, although less so in the South East Asian countries whose populations have handled this situation better.

My thought processes are nothing like the average or typical British person and never have been, which is why I mentioned that, and I was socially distancing myself on London's tube trains 4 weeks ago by standing at the end of the carriage with the window open and by pulling my T-Shirt over my nose and mouth. I was also only using the tube on a Saturday when it was 50% quieter than during the week. I deliberately avoided it during the week.

My observations that virtually nobody else was doing this or taking similar precautions and that this was still going on until a week ago further supports my view that big chunks of the population are thick, even when it comes to matters of potential life and death.

You would need to watch the last 3 weeks (it's a once per week show) of Gogglebox before rubbishing my assertions that it is a telling indicator. The show is deliberately formatted by its producers to show a cross section of people, spanning different geographical areas of England and varying "classes" / socio-economic groups of people.

Many of these groups' reactions and verbal responses to the pandemic they were watching unfold on television news were of low intellect as well as flippant.

The above was reflected in the behaviour of big chunks of the population as described by me, i.e. not taking the situation seriously and not understanding the exponential growth of Coronavirus compared to the common flu.

This is despite there being many programmes during the same time period on UK TV and many articles in UK print and online media that clearly explained that one Coronavirus carrier could potentially spread the virus to ~50K people compared to ~75 people for the flu.

And yes I do watch the TV show University Challenge as well as other highbrow UK quiz shows such as Only Connect hosted by Victoria Coren, but I also watch Gogglebox because it is a very good fly on the wall programme that is way less contrived than most other reality TV so is a reliable indicator of how people really think, plus it is very entertaining in parts.

The British (UK) people as a whole do have a lot of great qualities, such as organisation, the ability to come together in a crisis, empathy and determination, but overall the masses are not a bright bunch, which unfortunately is going to mean that many more people will lose their lives than should have, had the masses understood the severity of the situation more quickly and acted more responsibly.

Boris Johnson exacerbated this by trying to be everyone's friend, talking into the camera to the population in a softly, softly way, almost begging them to comply, when he should have taken a much harder line and spelled out the consequences of non compliance in the most graphic way possible.

Last edited by Mikey_D; 03-28-2020 at 10:31 PM. Reason: Grammatical tyding up
03-28-2020 , 10:33 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
The British (UK) people as a whole do have a lot of great qualities[...], but overall the masses are not a bright bunch
I assume you would conclude the same for other countries that have an average IQ of around 100 as well. Or do you believe the lower intelligence of the British masses is offset by a British intelligentsia that has an off-the-charts average IQ? Are there two humps in the British IQ bell curve?
03-28-2020 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
I was socially distancing myself on London's tube trains 4 weeks ago by standing at the end of the carriage with window open and by pulling my T-Shirt over my nose and mouth.

My observations that virtually nobody else was doing this or taking similar precautions and that this was still going on until a week ago further supports my view that big chunks of the population are thick, even when it comes to matters of potential life and death.
I'm not pulling my t-shirt over my nose and mouth either....guess that makes me thick as a brick as well. Based on your enlightening post I'm going to have to reevaluate my apparent misinformed impression of all things British. Goes without saying that includes changing my bulldog's name from Winston to Mikey D.
03-28-2020 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by Eponymous
I assume you would conclude the same for other countries that have an average IQ of around 100 as well. Or do you believe the lower intelligence of the British masses is offset by a British intelligentsia that has an off-the-charts average IQ? Are there two humps in the British IQ bell curve?
Yes I would conclude the same for other countries with an average IQ of around 100.

I don't have any knowledge of the shape of the IQ bell curve for the British.

My instinct (I don't have data to back this up) is that there might be such an offset as described by you for Scottish people, based on my own interaction with Scots and the historical high incidence of high achieving Scots in many fields, disproportionately high to the English and the Welsh. Northern Ireland is more complex to analyse.
03-28-2020 , 10:47 PM
Originally Posted by Quickened
I'm not pulling my t-shirt over my nose and mouth either....guess that makes me thick as a brick as well. Based on your enlightening post I'm going to have to reevaluate my apparent misinformed impression of all things British. Goes without saying that includes changing my bulldog's name from Winston to Mikey D.
Yesterday I reluctantly ventured outside to my local High Street, I had to do this to get a (bank card) card reader without which my financial affairs would be tricky to run during these siege like conditions.

~20% of people were wearing masks, all banks and many shops were operating a one customer in, one out policy, and there was an overall climate of trepidation among most people. This was out in the open air in a very wide pedestrianised shopping precinct.

So the penny has now dropped with most people.
03-28-2020 , 10:57 PM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
I don't have any knowledge of the shape of the IQ bell curve for the British.
It is surely a single-hump bell curve.

Originally Posted by Mikey_D
My instinct (I don't have data to back this up) is that there might be such an offset as described by you for Scottish people, based on my own interaction with Scots and the historical high incidence of high achieving Scots in many fields, disproportionately high to the English and the Welsh. Northern Ireland is more complex to analyse.
It appears Scotland has a lower IQ than England and Wales. Of course that only refers to averages, so it doesn't disprove your suggestion. Ireland (referring to the Republic of Ireland) is also lower. This article doesn't seem to mention Northern Ireland.

Probably enough of a derail...
03-28-2020 , 11:55 PM
10-15 more posts and this becomes the unofficial eugenics thread. You've done it again nvg. As long as you freaks are at home on this forum and not at large in society I feel that's a win
03-29-2020 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
That's an extremely odd reply to that post.
Where r u from?
03-29-2020 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
My observations that virtually nobody else was doing this or taking similar precautions and that this was still going on until a week ago further supports my view that big chunks of the population are thick, even when it comes to matters of potential life and death.
You are special mate i will admit that. A pandemic of this nature hasn't happened for 100 years so its perfectly normal that people won't be aware of the dangers as next to no one has lived through it before. We all saw this on the news over 3 months ago but because it was in Hubei the western world didn't really give a ****. Where were your posts then warning us of the impending doom? On the basis that everyone else is "thick" and you are some next level genius you should of known this.
03-29-2020 , 02:29 AM
There are dumb people everywhere, but I believe pound for pound in Europe and North America the Germans are the smartest
03-29-2020 , 04:34 AM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
There are dumb people everywhere, but I believe pound for pound in Europe and North America the Germans are the smartest
WW1 and WW2 prove the contrary...
03-29-2020 , 05:13 AM
Originally Posted by U shove i call
You are special mate i will admit that. A pandemic of this nature hasn't happened for 100 years so its perfectly normal that people won't be aware of the dangers as next to no one has lived through it before. We all saw this on the news over 3 months ago but because it was in Hubei the western world didn't really give a ****. Where were your posts then warning us of the impending doom? On the basis that everyone else is "thick" and you are some next level genius you should of known this.
Well I'm not making stuff up about me seeing a while back what was likely coming. The evidence of what was likely coming was there. Purely the logic that international travel is so high. I chose to not post ITT until early March. On 6th March I stated that the only way the WSOP could be played is outdoors on digital tables. On 7th March I said that it would be crazy for anyone to go to the WSOP and gave reasons why. On 9th March I said that millions of people were going to die. Around the 20th March I said that the government's advice to not stock up on food and supplies was nonsense, and that stocking up for a period of ~3 months was sensible and would stimulate much higher food production and I went on to explain why this was beneficial in posts after this. I've also said ITT that ~50% of men pre virus didn't wash their hands after using UK public toilets so I felt that many of this group would still not be washing their hands, despite the clear advice to do so.

You are certainly not thick based on all of your posts over the years on this forum, but maybe for many possible reasons you did not focus enough a few weeks ago on the spectrum of possible outcomes. I also realise that many UK people may well have carried on commuting to work as a calculated gamble of catching the virus weighed up against the prospect of losing their job or damaging their career and that some of this period of commuting was before the government came up with the economic rescue package and before they gave their half hearted directives to avoid social distancing and using public transport.

A lesson for everyone is to question everything governments do or don't do, particularly when much of what they do/don't do is heavily influenced by political manoeuvring and bearing in mind that most political leaders are not experts in the areas that they are controlling the decision making of.

Also of note is that for decades UK governments off all political persuasions have consistently been telling us that there is not enough money and resources to properly fund our NHS (National Health Service) and to make it completely fit for purpose, yet miraculously in this current situation 4 new hospitals are being built in a matter of days and ~500,000 NHS and other medical/care personnel have responded to the call to return to work from retirement or from having moved on to other careers.

Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
There are dumb people everywhere, but I believe pound for pound in Europe and North America the Germans are the smartest
Germany are already testing 50,000 people per week for the virus, the UK has only just started testing 700 people per day. Source: Sky News UK this morning.

I am ethnically 25% German!

Last edited by Mikey_D; 03-29-2020 at 05:34 AM. Reason: Correcting grammar
03-29-2020 , 06:02 AM
Originally Posted by Mikey_D
An IQ of 100...<snip>
Did you really just write another 500+ words about IQ levels in a Coronavirus thread? Sigh.

Originally Posted by nutella virus
10-15 more posts and this becomes the unofficial eugenics thread. You've done it again nvg. As long as you freaks are at home on this forum and not at large in society I feel that's a win
Yeah, I almost reported the post rather than replying. My apologies to all readers for my one post contribution to this silly derail.

Originally Posted by Mikey_D
A lesson for everyone is to question everything governments do or don't do, particularly when much of what they do/don't do is heavily influenced by political manoeuvring and bearing in mind that most political leaders are not experts in the areas that they are controlling the decision making of.
Or maybe it's just a wee bit early to be deciding what lessons there are for all to learn from this.
03-29-2020 , 07:08 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
10-15 more posts and this becomes the unofficial eugenics thread. You've done it again nvg. As long as you freaks are at home on this forum and not at large in society I feel that's a win
"She's a super freak, super freak, She's super freaky, super freak, super freak.
She's a very special girl, From her head down to her toenails ......." - Singer, Rick James
03-29-2020 , 07:16 AM
Originally Posted by fakekidpoker
There are dumb people everywhere, but I believe pound for pound in Europe and North America the Germans are the smartest
"If I could turn back time, If I could find a way ....I'd take back those words that hurt you...." - Singer Cher
03-29-2020 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by ArtyMcFly
Meanwhile, Trump's announcement that he's considering quarantining New York might have the undesirable consequence of encouraging people to flee the state and take their infections elsewhere, in much the same way that people jumped on midnight trains to flee Wuhan and Lombardy when rumours of lockdowns were spreading there. (FWIW, I think it's already too late to bolt the door on the NYC stable. There's a horse on the loose in the hospital.)

They have already been doing it. Sara Dietschy posted a YT video of her and her boyfriend leaving NYC a week or so ago to head back home to their families, so dumb IMO.
