Originally Posted by uke_master
Hold on, is this true? I don't recall anything about Trudeau being against minority governments calling election?
Certainly suggesting one can't do this would be quite undemocratic.
Nice reversal of the true meaning of real fixed dated election that was about to expunge partisanship and opportunity of taking power .
What the hell does minority or majority government for elections change anything in that .
It’s bs excuses.
People voted a minority government, respect the freakn choices of people’s as long government works between all parties .
But no , , opportunist tactic of power wins again at the expense of the voters again …..like all other parties .
Hence Trudeau failed again as being a « different » politician for the people and not just for Himself .
The exact same excuses for abolishing proportional election reforms that end up being not really helpful for the liberals but would of been tremendously better for the voters .
No guts , no truth, no honesty like all politicians !
You can turn this **** all you want uke but that election is only to serve Trudeau and the liberals and nothing else .
Tell me what this election brings for the voters being early asked to go voting huh ?
If you can’t see you are as blind as the other side pardoning and accepting anything their parties just because the leader said so ….
Ps: I’m way more in the side of liberals than conservatives but Im not a blind idiot ….
Trudeau got elected to do a freakn job and so should just freakn do it as long it works !
If their was limited terms you could do for example as a prime minister like in the US ( a good thing !) , you can bet your as$ He wouldn’t declare earlier election …..
Last edited by Montrealcorp; 08-12-2021 at 07:32 PM.