Originally Posted by uke_master
Your guess is backwards. You are right that many things play some role, but the absolutely dominating difference between now and last winter is vaccines. It isn't close. Weather also isn't close to the second biggest factor either, which is all the policies about how open/closed society is etc.
Firstly, it was renamed the delta variant quite a while ago now. Secondly, this is admittedly transitory, but every week that goes by we are still making big strides in immunization, mostly in a lot of people who havn't had second doses yet, and then the sufficient window after second doses to build immunity, and a small trickle of increased first doses. So definitely we don't want a wave to hit us today. But the most important point is that the way the math on this works is related to the distance to the herd immunity tipping point which isn't known exactly but is somewhere in the 80s likely. Every percentage point away from it makes dramatic drops in the severity of subsequent peaks. So going from 78-80 is less of a difference from going from 80-82 or 82-84, as you inch closer to herd immunity the ability for massive spikes diminishes.
Perhaps one of the largest reasons to hope to delay the peak as long as possible is regarding children where the studies are not yet finished about whether we can immunize them, but if we can immunize 5-12 that would make a HUGE improvement in vaccination rates.
HODOR, basically.
Nope not backwards at all.
You need to step back to a time pre vaccines.
You then need to consider the States (Florida, Texas, etc) who largely ignored all measures and as other areas implemented measures to control the second wave, they largely refused.
We saw the same type of impending doom building wave that in the winter months lead to disaster building and just as with the UK wave this time, it just turned.
You say 'vaccines' are the clear reason it turned in the UK, (and i am sure they are significant factor there) but then what was the reason the curves in those States followed almost the exact same trajectory when they had no vaccines and were NOT taking any measures such as masking or distancing or closing gathering areas?
Anything that you could argue that bent the curve in those areas was not present. Temperate weather was the main thing.
And temperate weather being a significant factor in how sustained a spread becomes is not just my theory nor controversial, world wide we mostly saw that pattern play out with that being more the rule and with few exceptions.
Sure, the Indian Variant is more robust but that does not mean that temperate weather is now nothing.