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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

08-16-2021 , 03:48 PM
Yep. “Don’t make climate change part of the election.” Lol - climate change was one of the Liberal’s best wedge issues until OToole decided to court the anti mandate crowd.

PCs are out with their list of promises: some good ideas within that will never see the light of day: I like the idea of giving parents the day care subsidy directly for one.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-16-2021 , 03:50 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86

This is no surprise since Biden is weak. I bet he regrets canceling the almost complete pipeline now.

Climate change being an issue this election is just dumb. Focus should be on things that Canada can actually control. Like inflation,high cost of living, jobs and cutting government spending/debt.

Still undecided on who to vote for, went with PPC last election because Scheer was such a dud, we'll see what happens once the campaigning really gets going.

NS is having a Provincial election tomorrow, interesting to see what happens and if it has any effect on the Federal one.

Even though what little we do will have little to no effect you must as a country do your part. As much as Scheer was a dud he won the popular vote and picked up 20 seats.

I was shocked to hear we were the only country to increase emissions in the G7

How many Afghans has Trudeau left to be killed with no plan to get the folks that aided our troops are worked in our embassy. So Sad
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-16-2021 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
I was shocked to hear we were the only country to increase emissions in the G7
Why is this surprising to you? Canada is a massive oil producer, particularly relative to its size. For instance
The oil and gas sector alone will cause Canada to exceed its Paris Agreement target of a 40 per cent reduction by 2030
We can't have both. We can't do our part and have an oil industry that looks the way it does today.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-16-2021 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Why is this surprising to you? Canada is a massive oil producer, particularly relative to its size. For instance
Lol at blaming Canadian oil production on this.

Originally Posted by uke_master
We can't have both. We can't do our part and have an oil industry that looks the way it does today.
And what way does it look today? Should Canada follow Biden and shut down domestic production while importing from OPEC countries?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-16-2021 , 08:39 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Lol at blaming Canadian oil production on this.

And what way does it look today? Should Canada follow Biden and shut down domestic production while importing from OPEC countries?
You forget approving the Russian Pipeline as well Nordstrom 2 I believe
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-16-2021 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by BrookTrout
Erin Otoole comes out opposing mandatory vaccination of federal workers... doing his best to make my Liberal majority prediction a reality.
Yes but Elections Canada will not require its workers or volunteers to be vaccinated either. I do believe that falls under Justin's watch
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 12:47 PM
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:16 PM
Originally Posted by Shifty86
Lol at blaming Canadian oil production on this.
Oh do please share! If the article I read was wrong and Canada's "worst in G7" emission status isn't due to this:
The oil and gas sector alone will cause Canada to exceed its Paris Agreement target of a 40 per cent reduction by 2030
then definitely updates us onto the secret real reason that of course has nothing to do with oil and gas!
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:18 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Yes but Elections Canada will not require its workers or volunteers to be vaccinated either. I do believe that falls under Justin's watch
Do you believe they should?

Remember you are voting for the guy against vaccine mandates, so it seems pretty ****ing hypocritical to be whining about the lack of a vaccine mandate. Kinda like you are voting for the guy with by far the worst solution on climate change, which makes it seem pretty ****ing hypocritical to be whining about the lack of action on climate change. Kinda like you are vot- oh nvm what is the point
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:25 PM
I don't think captain brown face could ask for a bigger tool to run against. What a luck box
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:39 PM
So I read the O'Toole platform. It is.....interesting. Actually it upends several conventional narratives about the political spectrum because it isn't really fiscally or socially all that conservative. Trudeau has faced both criticism and praise for delivering some of the biggest and most expensive pandemic supports. O'Toole wants to spend....even more? Like the big campaign promise is that in 2022-2023 there should be even more dolloping of temporary pandemic supports around the country than the liberal baselin. And of some of these are just weird like a one-month "HST holiday" that will be super distortive in spending patterns but is so temporary that it is hard to imagine it doing anything (is a retailer hiring more people for a one month boost in spending that will be tampered the following month when nobody buys stuff?).

Mostly they are just agreeing with the liberals, but trying to put a bit more of a conservativey spin on it like instead of doing the hard work that trudeau is doing to build a national day care system, they also want to spend huge amounts of uncosted money on child care but structure it more as tax benefits and the like. It is all just a bit weird.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:43 PM
lol the conservatives loltastic willy wonka ad sure has backfired on them. The latest: it got pulled down due to copywrite violations. Just because the intern in the office makes a thing doesn't mean you have to push it you idiots!
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:45 PM
It means hope that interest rates never go above 4%. This country's (all levels of govt and individual) love of debt is going to bite us when the BoC needs to raise the rates.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 01:47 PM
Removed due to copyright violation is a handy excuse.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 02:02 PM
Twitter removed it, not them. The cons still have it up on facebook, embarassingly so. Heck even conservative MPs are calling it dumb.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Twitter removed it, not them. The cons still have it up on facebook, embarassingly so. Heck even conservative MPs are calling it dumb.
The ad is just plain stupid no one can defend it. The other ad with Trudeau saying he will not call an election till Covid is gone is better

The conservatives have done a horrible job on getting the message out since Harper yet they even gained 20 seats with Scheer and the popular vote.
Trudeau is facing Hecklers at his stops and anticipate he will see more of this.

The Conservatives should be pounding him on Afghanistan . He has only managed to get 567 of the thousands out that he promised. Reality is they are doomed

Man pound Justin on all the things he has failed to accomplish
  • Military Sexual Abuse had 6 years to fix done nothing
  • Truth & reconciliation recommendations done nothing
  • Clean drinking water Total failure
  • Promise of Compensation for folks that had adverse reactions or death from Covid shots Done nothing
  • A plan to look at Senior Care Done nothing
  • Afghan Interpreters. First Working on a plan than waiting on the USA Reality will do nothing
  • Pound him on his ineffectiveness on Climate change
  • Veterans when he said We have done all we can

Through your backdoor PACs pay to have the video of Trudeau with his full body painted and a banana in his pants prouncing around like a monkey enhanced and get that out there on social media

Ask Justin Trudeau in a ad if he will release anyone that has a non disclosure agreement with him. Why was he let go by the school.
As well when asked about the sexual assault Trudeaus' reply "She remembers things differently" Than play what he said about Jody Lynn Wilsons accusations " She remembers things differently"
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by lozen
Pound him on his ineffectiveness on Climate change
One want critique Justin Trudeau on climate change? Seriously?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 02:25 PM
Lozen would actually run a better campaign than the tool
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Oh do please share! If the article I read was wrong and Canada's "worst in G7" emission status isn't due to this:

then definitely updates us onto the secret real reason that of course has nothing to do with oil and gas!
When did I say it had nothing to do with it? You realize the United States is in the G7 and the top oil producer in the world. If Canada's "worst in G7" emission status is due to oil production was Trump's deregulation better than Trudeau's Carbon Tax?

Or were you lying and it mostly due to Canada's freezing temps 8+ months of the year and disperse population compared to the rest of the G7.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 03:07 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
One want critique Justin Trudeau on climate change? Seriously?
I would paint him as a climate phony
  • Bought a pipeline
  • Allows Quebec and BC to dump millions of untreated gallons of raw sewage into the ocean
  • Ships Dirty US Coal through BC ports
  • His Own Environment minister quit over his phony record
  • His Climate Ministers husband called him a phony and fake

Id also point out how he says he is for strong woman but fires all the strong ones and other quit like Celina Caesar Chavannes . Trudeaus abuse of woman and show him knocking over an MLA in rage
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 03:14 PM
so we conservative? because of climate change?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
so we conservative? because of climate change?
No but voting for Trudeau on climate change is just as foolish
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 04:37 PM
So asking for an ID in the USA to vote is racist but here in Canada you will need a scanner in order to vote by mail as you need to attach a scanned image of your drivers license.

Cmon O'toole pound him on this. He is trying to suppress the Indigenous vote as he knows many are poor and have limited access to a Staples or a scanner .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Do you believe they should?

Remember you are voting for the guy against vaccine mandates, so it seems pretty ****ing hypocritical to be whining about the lack of a vaccine mandate.
Have you seen the leaked memo that was recently deleted from the government website?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
08-17-2021 , 05:18 PM
Just lol at voting for Trudreau

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
