Originally Posted by uke_master
Twitter removed it, not them. The cons still have it up on facebook, embarassingly so. Heck even conservative MPs are calling it dumb.
The ad is just plain stupid no one can defend it. The other ad with Trudeau saying he will not call an election till Covid is gone is better
The conservatives have done a horrible job on getting the message out since Harper yet they even gained 20 seats with Scheer and the popular vote.
Trudeau is facing Hecklers at his stops and anticipate he will see more of this.
The Conservatives should be pounding him on Afghanistan . He has only managed to get 567 of the thousands out that he promised. Reality is they are doomed
Man pound Justin on all the things he has failed to accomplish
- Military Sexual Abuse had 6 years to fix done nothing
- Truth & reconciliation recommendations done nothing
- Clean drinking water Total failure
- Promise of Compensation for folks that had adverse reactions or death from Covid shots Done nothing
- A plan to look at Senior Care Done nothing
- Afghan Interpreters. First Working on a plan than waiting on the USA Reality will do nothing
- Pound him on his ineffectiveness on Climate change
- Veterans when he said We have done all we can
Through your backdoor PACs pay to have the video of Trudeau with his full body painted and a banana in his pants prouncing around like a monkey enhanced and get that out there on social media
Ask Justin Trudeau in a ad if he will release anyone that has a non disclosure agreement with him. Why was he let go by the school.
As well when asked about the sexual assault Trudeaus' reply "She remembers things differently" Than play what he said about Jody Lynn Wilsons accusations " She remembers things differently"