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The "LOLCANADA" thread...again The "LOLCANADA" thread...again

04-14-2021 , 11:58 PM
My parents aren't getting Pfizer #2 until July. WTF this country??
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by muttiah
My parents aren't getting Pfizer #2 until July. WTF this country??
That sounds like a direct result of the decision to delay second vaccines so more people get first doses quickly. I think that as long as vaccines continue to come in like they should, we'll see a reduction in that delay.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by muttiah
My parents aren't getting Pfizer #2 until July. WTF this country??
There's some info in the bfi corona thread regarding first shot efficacy. Turns out delaying may not be as batshit crazy as it appears
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 09:49 AM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
There's some info in the bfi corona thread regarding first shot efficacy. Turns out delaying may not be as batshit crazy as it appears
Reality is Canada is the trial group Largest one yet

With the USA suspending the J&J shot I am sure that will have an effect here on the AZ shot even more.
Should the USA just suspended use with women ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 10:55 AM
Delaying second shots so that more people get the first one is absolutely the right call. It's not even close.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Partnering with a Chinese company was a mistake when you factor in China's treatment of Canada and the two Michaels. If we got no vaccines and gave them money would that be a mistake? Kind of like investing 1.8 billion $$ in a pipeline that there is a good chance will be cancelled by the new president .
Though I can not say how much money was invested by Canada in this partnership due to a lack of transparency from Justin Trudeaus liberals

FROM a Global article
I suspect this is spin to make the decision be cast in the worst possible light. Clearly there was logic applied, it wasn't just a case of Trudeau or anyone else being a particular lover of China.

Besides, when you're drowning do you really pause to question the logic of the person who throws you a rope?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 11:40 AM
Today's the day that the media got a hold of the "conservative's" "climate" "plan". We're going to need to set the stage a bit.

Let's begin with Stephane Dion who, bravely and contrary to his advisors, tried to make the 2008 election a referenum on one policy: the Green Shift, a cap-and-trade program for tackling climate change. Voters hated it. It was a good policy, we'd be better for it, but it was too soon for the Canadian electroate. Massive loss, and it paved the way for a decade of conservative rule.

Harper did, I think its fair to say, nothing on climate change. A lost decade.

Trudeau, knowing the failures of the Green Shift again, bravely but this time with party support at least, proposed the carbon tax which is the other major alternative to cap-and-trade that puts a price on carbon. He kept that promise, and actually got it up and working, one of the signature accomplishments of his administration. And he has been refining it, upping the targets, putting in accountability frameworks, fighting it in court. And it is popular. And it is right.

Throughout, the conservatives have been pathetically whining and complaining and dithering and objecting and all of this WITH NO PLAN. Not under harder, not until today. It's been pathetic.

Which brings us to O'Toole. O'Toole who recently begged his convention to agree that climate change was a real thing, which they slapped him in the face and denied. But nonetheless he correctly realizes that NO PLAN is a sure way to lose the next election and thus they must have the appearance of a plan. Today we finally get it.

Drumroll please......

The conservative plan is.........a carbon tax.

Let's be clear. A worse carbon tax, by a lot. It will start at a much lower charge per tonne immediately, and the level it gets raised to in the future is much lower than the liberals have promised. It tinkers around with elements of caps for the large emitters instead and details are different like not giving money in rebate checks but putting them in savings accounts. This is all noise.

After a decade of deriding the concept of a carbon tax, their solution is just a shittier carbon tax.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Delaying second shots so that more people get the first one is absolutely the right call. It's not even close.
I actually applauded the decision when they did it based on my Internet Vaccination Degree

I suspect this is spin to make the decision be cast in the worst possible light. Clearly there was logic applied, it wasn't just a case of Trudeau or anyone else being a particular lover of China.

Besides, when you're drowning do you really pause to question the logic of the person who throws you a rope?
If they fake toss you the rope a few times and toss your brother and baby sister in the deep end. Maybe its time to stop trusting them.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 01:03 PM
Could Water be an economic boon for Canada or would leftist ideology that states generally that it is wrong/shameful/immoral to monetize and commoditize water, which should be a human right and free for all, continue to prevent that?

I have felt for decades that Canada could be the richest country, by far in the World if they monetize their water as a commodity and created pipelines to get it to 'at need' areas of the US.

We see how 'shaming' gov'ts into not monetizing water has let companies like Nestle come in to Canada and make billions by selling the 'excess' water Canadians refuse to.

I remember in my small town, which got a massive Nestle Plant that was shipping the 'excess' water world wide the debate on why the City Gov't could not instead monetize that water and the 'shame, shame' response the very idea of that got from those generally on the Left.

SO instead for a modest 'license' type fee the Nestles take all the excess and make mass profits while the shaming leftists feel good that at least they stopped gov't and our citizens from 'becoming the bad guys who commoditized water'.

My view, especially now, as rising Ocean levels are becoming a challenge, is to divert the excess runoff that travels mostly to oceans as runoff, after fully refreshing aquifers in Canada, to key Western US States. The Hoover damn aquifer, Cali, AZ could likely absorb every drop off our run off and pay handsomely for it thru their local water taxes.

You need a Central big Pipeline(s) that then each community can tie into to sell off their excess. You have a revenue sharing between all levels of gov't for what is contributed.

As climate change continues Countries like Canada will have more and more access to water (in the short and intermediate terms anyway) as more artic runoff causes river swelling and you have more and more draught situations in other areas. This leads to an ever increasing value for reliable water sources. Win/Win. With the third win being that it keeps it out of rising oceans.


Time stamped for your convenience.

And the arguments over the WaterLine traversing the country would generate the LULZ mostly due to the fact the only harm mostly likely from leakage is

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 01:08 PM
Jake Tapper has a new name for folks like Uke Tru-Anon

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 01:23 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Could Water be an economic boon for Canada or would leftist ideology that states generally that it is wrong/shameful/immoral to monetize and commoditize water, which should be a human right and free for all, continue to prevent that?

I have felt for decades that Canada could be the richest country, by far in the World if they monetize their water as a commodity and created pipelines to get it to 'at need' areas of the US.

We see how 'shaming' gov'ts into not monetizing water has let companies like Nestle come in to Canada and make billions by selling the 'excess' water Canadians refuse to.

I remember in my small town, which got a massive Nestle Plant that was shipping the 'excess' water world wide the debate on why the City Gov't could not instead monetize that water and the 'shame, shame' response the very idea of that got from those generally on the Left.

SO instead for a modest 'license' type fee the Nestles take all the excess and make mass profits while the shaming leftists feel good that at least they stopped gov't and our citizens from 'becoming the bad guys who commoditized water'.

My view, especially now, as rising Ocean levels are becoming a challenge, is to divert the excess runoff that travels mostly to oceans as runoff, after fully refreshing aquifers in Canada, to key Western US States. The Hoover damn aquifer, Cali, AZ could likely absorb every drop off our run off and pay handsomely for it thru their local water taxes.

You need a Central big Pipeline(s) that then each community can tie into to sell off their excess. You have a revenue sharing between all levels of gov't for what is contributed.

As climate change continues Countries like Canada will have more and more access to water (in the short and intermediate terms anyway) as more artic runoff causes river swelling and you have more and more draught situations in other areas. This leads to an ever increasing value for reliable water sources. Win/Win. With the third win being that it keeps it out of rising oceans.


Time stamped for your convenience.

And the arguments over the WaterLine traversing the country would generate the LULZ mostly due to the fact the only harm mostly likely from leakage is

Never gonna happen as Tru-Anons will say its a front for shipping oil and it will take 7 years of environmental reviews and after is passes Justin Trudeau will never make the final decision on it as he may hurt someones feelings
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 07:46 PM
Unless I’m mistaken, any reason why the army aren’t involve to accelerate the vaccine to be distributed ?
Isn’t Covid a national emergency issue ?
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Today's the day that the media got a hold of the "conservative's" "climate" "plan". We're going to need to set the stage a bit.

Let's begin with Stephane Dion who, bravely and contrary to his advisors, tried to make the 2008 election a referenum on one policy: the Green Shift, a cap-and-trade program for tackling climate change. Voters hated it. It was a good policy, we'd be better for it, but it was too soon for the Canadian electroate. Massive loss, and it paved the way for a decade of conservative rule.

Harper did, I think its fair to say, nothing on climate change. A lost decade.

Trudeau, knowing the failures of the Green Shift again, bravely but this time with party support at least, proposed the carbon tax which is the other major alternative to cap-and-trade that puts a price on carbon. He kept that promise, and actually got it up and working, one of the signature accomplishments of his administration. And he has been refining it, upping the targets, putting in accountability frameworks, fighting it in court. And it is popular. And it is right.

Throughout, the conservatives have been pathetically whining and complaining and dithering and objecting and all of this WITH NO PLAN. Not under harder, not until today. It's been pathetic.

Which brings us to O'Toole. O'Toole who recently begged his convention to agree that climate change was a real thing, which they slapped him in the face and denied. But nonetheless he correctly realizes that NO PLAN is a sure way to lose the next election and thus they must have the appearance of a plan. Today we finally get it.

Drumroll please......

The conservative plan is.........a carbon tax.

Let's be clear. A worse carbon tax, by a lot. It will start at a much lower charge per tonne immediately, and the level it gets raised to in the future is much lower than the liberals have promised. It tinkers around with elements of caps for the large emitters instead and details are different like not giving money in rebate checks but putting them in savings accounts. This is all noise.

After a decade of deriding the concept of a carbon tax, their solution is just a shittier carbon tax.
Oh man, the early leaks from the media missed a crucial detail about how utterly pointless the new conservative carbon tax is. It isn't just that it is much less than the liberal one. It is the core structure. For the liberals, 90% of the funds are returned to people to spend on whatever you want. However, the pool is returned equally. So if you use a lot of a gas, you are a net loser in the exchange which creates a powerful incentive not use a lot of gas. In the conservative scheme, they return 100% of the funds to you, but crucially they return the exact amount you personally spent. So there is barely a disincentive! If you spend a tonne of money of carbon intensive things, you are getting it all back. That isn't completely true in the sense that the conservatives are being much more nanny state and picking what you can and can not spend those rebates on as they go to a special savings account. Basically creating a massive beaurocratic infrastructure to provide basically no disincentives all at a much lower price than is needed.

The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Montrealcorp
Unless I’m mistaken, any reason why the army aren’t involve to accelerate the vaccine to be distributed ?
Isn’t Covid a national emergency issue ?
How would that help? You can't distribute what you don't have. I mean, I guess if there is/was a province unable to distribute what they have, they should consider it, but I haven't heard of that being an issue anywhere. I know here in BC they've said they have plenty of capacity to distribute more vaccines if they had them.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 08:08 PM
Ok thx .
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 09:27 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
How would that help? You can't distribute what you don't have. I mean, I guess if there is/was a province unable to distribute what they have, they should consider it, but I haven't heard of that being an issue anywhere. I know here in BC they've said they have plenty of capacity to distribute more vaccines if they had them.
I think the difficulty is all the delays . You schedule the appointments on what your told and it keeps on changing Moderna now delayed a bunch
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 10:56 PM
Absolutely brutal interview. Just read what happens when someone asks even the most basic questions about the new conservative climate change "plan". O'Toole can deliver a press conference, but his colleagues can't stand up to even the most basic questions.

Read the whole thing, it's worth it. And ask yourself whether this is something that can actually win an election.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 11:31 PM
Almost 0% chance O'toole wins an election imo.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-15-2021 , 11:44 PM
He has tool built right into his name ffs
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-16-2021 , 06:44 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Jake Tapper has a new name for folks like Uke Tru-Anon

That story must have made your decade. You should tell your family about it quickly!

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-16-2021 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
That story must have made your decade. You should tell your family about it quickly!

All the best.
Thanks my family has already made up its mind Sister and I for O'Toole and brother for Tru-Anon (lesser of two evils for myself and my sister. Brother likes JT's climate strategy but hates everything else)

Bless Your Heart Monteroy

Absolutely brutal interview. Just read what happens when someone asks even the most basic questions about the new conservative climate change "plan". O'Toole can deliver a press conference, but his colleagues can't stand up to even the most basic questions.

Read the whole thing, it's worth it. And ask yourself whether this is something that can actually win an election.
I have already said them having the vote and denying climate change guarantees a loss. Even Shifty says he cant win

The other reality is Trudeau can not win either so CDN's will be stuck with another minority. The conservatives did themselves in when they picked Scheer over Maxine .
Trudeau did himself in with all the broken campaign promises and scandals as to winning a majority.
As well Trump is gone and no one says well at least its not Trump

JT's best strategy is to just keep running the country and not call an election. The NDP will keep him in power and reality is he doesn't have to give them a thing
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-16-2021 , 10:11 AM
Originally Posted by lozen
Thanks my family has already made up its mind Sister and I for O'Toole and brother for Tru-Anon (lesser of two evils for myself and my sister. Brother likes JT's climate strategy but hates everything else)
Be sure to stay on them non stop with any detail you find on Trudeau. Perhaps add in some Hunter stuff.

Originally Posted by lozen
The other reality is Trudeau can not win either so CDN's will be stuck with another minority. The conservatives did themselves in when they picked Scheer over Maxine .
Trudeau did himself in with all the broken campaign promises and scandals as to winning a majority.
With that prediction we now know Trudeau will win.

All the best.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-16-2021 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Oh man, the early leaks from the media missed a crucial detail about how utterly pointless the new conservative carbon tax is. It isn't just that it is much less than the liberal one. It is the core structure. For the liberals, 90% of the funds are returned to people to spend on whatever you want. However, the pool is returned equally. So if you use a lot of a gas, you are a net loser in the exchange which creates a powerful incentive not use a lot of gas. In the conservative scheme, they return 100% of the funds to you, but crucially they return the exact amount you personally spent. So there is barely a disincentive! If you spend a tonne of money of carbon intensive things, you are getting it all back. That isn't completely true in the sense that the conservatives are being much more nanny state and picking what you can and can not spend those rebates on as they go to a special savings account. Basically creating a massive beaurocratic infrastructure to provide basically no disincentives all at a much lower price than is needed.

So in a sense its a Conservative tax as rural CDN's tend to vote conservative. They have little to no option on reducing their consumption of Gas.
Correct me if I am wrong but everyone gets a carbon tax rebate if their income is below a certain level? Or does everyone get it no matter their income?

Would the better solution not be to use all the carbon tax collected and base the rebates on occupation on location were you live? As well pump all the money into green projects?

I do not have an issue with the carbon tax as I think it creates jobs my issue is it does nothing to save the planet.

Reality is the carbon tax is here to stay and it baffles me that Jason Kenney never had a plan to start collecting it again once the courts made that decision.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-16-2021 , 01:24 PM
Originally Posted by nutella virus
He has tool built right into his name ffs
I love this post with all my heart.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
04-16-2021 , 02:12 PM
Bad news and Great news netting to Good news. Moderna being delayed, meaning next shipment pushed to early may and 1-2 million out of Q2 entirely. But Trudeau just dropped new negotiations with pfizer for 8 million more, with 4 million coming in May. Putting it together and we get the confirm from the PM that every canadian adult should be able to get dose 1 by end of June.
The "LOLCANADA" thread...again Quote
