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Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread)

11-19-2021 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by BuckyK
Early on it would have been 80/20 guilty. But by last week would have flipped.
A poll offering the following choices

- Guilty on all counts
- Guilty on some lesser counts but escapes most serious charges
- Not guilty on all charges

I think would have seen pretty much everyone vote on Option 2 outside some of the more 'right' posters.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:44 PM
The verdict is in again

usa: guilty
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:46 PM
This trial is a very teachable moment for democrats that you can't string up a kid for a very long time because Orange man bad or hE crOsSeD STATE LyNeZ. Life is not an episode of the west wing.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:46 PM
At work: just wanted to say, there is no better feeling than winning a trial.

Refer to jay z song not guilty
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:47 PM
Originally Posted by BuckyK
Early on it would have been 80/20 guilty. But by last week would have flipped.
I put a bet on not guilty last September after watching videos carefully. Specifically, my opponent would win if KR were convicted on one first-degree charge plus one other; anything less and I win. I thought he'd prevail on the self-defense claim, with the key question there being Rosenbaum. Just my two cents, obv.

I wonder if Schroeder would have mistried it if the jury came back guilty. The prosecution pulled some sleazy moves in this one.

Also: The defendants in Arbery should go down for life, with the possible exception of the guy that was taking video. He should do 20+.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
At work: just wanted to say, there is no better feeling than winning a trial.

Refer to jay z song not guilty
Winning a trial is a nice feeling, especially if the jury has been out for a while. Tension builds. In my case, I can't concentrate on anything else at all while waiting for a verdict, and my mind constantly replays arguments I could have made better, questions I should have asked, etc. etc. etc.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:51 PM
I didn't see any videos. My prediction would be on bold speculation without any additional research.

Arbery defendents deserve everything they're going to get.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:54 PM
Did he do the I'm not the father dance?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by honkler1945
This trial is a very teachable moment for democrats that you can't string up a kid for a very long time because Orange man bad or hE crOsSeD STATE LyNeZ. Life is not an episode of the west wing.
its not fair to label all democrats at all, i think you're in the very wrong for saying this.

however, if you had a later join date, this post would speak volumes and really prolly personally attack some people right in the soft spot. especially on twitter
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:04 PM
Originally Posted by the pleasure
its not fair to label all democrats at all, i think you're in the very wrong for saying this.

however, if you had a later join date, this post would speak volumes and really prolly personally attack some people right in the soft spot. especially on twitter
We are all entitled to use generalities 🙃
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:09 PM
He was guilty of manslaughter. I'm more disappointed in prosecutor and judge.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:11 PM
Originally Posted by honkler1945
We are all entitled to use generalities ��
Even if anyone hates to say it. take away the labelling. The core of what he said is absolutely correct at the end of the day.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:14 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
Would anyone be shocked if he wins and is freed, that on that evening, he does attend any protest, presents again as vigilante type security, surrounded by a phalanx of Proud Boys heavily armed?

i could see some factions on the right organizing that and even paying him to attend for the value it would provide in sticking a middle finger up to the left and the system.

Who hear thinks 'no way that would happen' and would be shocked if it did?
The Proud Boys are a harmless group of lame cheerleaders that was led by an FBI informant. Protestors are harmed much more frequently and severely by the actual spearpoint of American fascism and authoritarianism: the police.

On what can be very broadly called, "the left", only the centrist, lib, Democrat types care very much about ol' Rittenhouse. Those of us further to the progressive/socialist/tankie side don't really give a ****. That's one reason why we're only gonna see a small fraction of the rioting compared to George Floyd or Trayvon Martin; where we ALL cared. I know this is like the third time I've made this point ITT, but I have to push back a bit as this thread and others are just so inundated with gross comments (and deeply unfunny and stale memes like that one from Star Wars) from reactionary psychos like campfirewest in which they make it obvious just how excited they get dreaming of mass riots where some lib skulls can get cracked.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
Did he do the I'm not the father dance?
No, but he did the fake crying face that he got ripped on for when he was on the stand.

When you're a stone cold killer, it's easy to feign emotion. Life in prison? Pfft, he could've handled that every day of the week and twice on Tuesdays.

He was just spotted at a Cabela's stocking up on ammo.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:29 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
He was guilty of manslaughter. I'm more disappointed in prosecutor and judge.
I hear you. The trouble with that argument is that self-defense bars it if a jury finds KR acted in self-defense.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:34 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
No, but he did the fake crying face that he got ripped on for when he was on the stand.

When you're a stone cold killer, it's easy to feign emotion. Life in prison? Pfft, he could've handled that every day of the week and twice on Tuesdays.

He was just spotted at a Cabela's stocking up on ammo.
I hope he didn't buy all of the ammo and left some for other people.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:44 PM
A few more thoughts on Binger and his strategy. Binger identified Jump Kick Man but refused to grant him immunity and never told the defense he'd been identified. Similarly, Binger charged Zimmerman (who fired the first shots that didn't hit anyone) with arson, and he was thus able to avoid testifying by asserting his Fifth Amendment rights.

I would imagine that Binger could have charged Grosskreutz with something, given that his concealed-carry permit was expired and he chased down KR while pointing a gun at him. But he didn't charge Grosskreutz with anything, and instead centered his prosecution around his testimony. I thought Gage's testimony was self-serving and likely false, but that's obviously open to interpretation.

Binger looks very selective to me in terms of manipulating rules to make some testimony available and some not. That doesn't look like much of a search for truth to me; it actually looks fairly sleazy. Criminal lawyers here: is this sort of thing in the typical tactical playbook of prosecutors?
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:47 PM
On these facts, even a highly competent prosecutor would have had a tough time getting a conviction on the intentional homicide charges.

This result is much more an indictment of U.S. gun culture than it is an indictment of the U.S. judicial system.

If Arbery's killers walk, there will be more outrage. There are a lot of reasons for that, but one of the main reasons is that Arbery's killers seem guilty as hell.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:58 PM
500 National Guard on standby
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 03:58 PM
Originally Posted by Cuepee
My dad taught my brother and I and some friends how to make home made bows and arrows and sling shots from scavenged wood and materials.

He made us promise only to shoot cans or target shoot with them and not kill any squirrels or small animals with them telling us they were dangerous.

You can imagine it started that way, with only cans and other such items but then a squirrel would enter the field of play and it was on. Then of course one person thought it funny to shoot towards another and again it was on. Volleys back and forth at each other. blunted arrows with no tips, that don't fly straight still hurt but the real danger was the small rocks in the sling shots. Those could go through a tin can. Luckily one friend got hurt with a grazing shot across the thigh causing lots of blood that made us stop as it could have been an eye or maybe even a fatal wound with the right hit.

My aunt(mom's sister) is blind in 1 eye--when they were kids(like 5-7ish iirc) my uncle nailed her with a toy arrow slightly converted to a less than toy arrow.

Had my fair share of bb gun fights back in the day. Everyone would follow the rules/2pumps at least during--it was usually around the end when things would get a little looser--definitely knew a few kids with bbs in them. Still have a bb in the pit of my elbow from one of those days. I shot a bb prob ~15ft next to a friend's foot messing around/being an idiot and he raised his gun to retaliate. I dropped my gun and started running--bb nailed me right in the artery there. Blood was squirting out like crazy. I was just covered in blood--especially right where it started pumping out at my ribs and then all over my legs. I quickly covered it with my other hand--cursed him out and ran home. When I finally got there I ran in the house and my mom said wtf happened? Took my hand off and blood shot out like a fountain and she fainted Wasn't the first time Definitely some other zany ones in there--sometimes it seemed like the docs were working on her as much as me.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 04:07 PM
I think in any other civilized country Kyle would be sentenced to a few years in prison for being a total dumbass.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 04:09 PM
Originally Posted by maulaga58
He was guilty of manslaughter. I'm more disappointed in prosecutor and judge.
Not guilty!
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 04:09 PM
The prosecutor was violating Kyle Rittenhouse rights with questioning him on his silence. The problem with the judge was he was extremely biased toward the defense throughout. Throwing out the gun charge was wrong.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 04:10 PM
Originally Posted by Tien
I think in any other civilized country Kyle would be sentenced to a few years in prison for being a total dumbass.
Maybe in one of those shithole countries!
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
11-19-2021 , 04:11 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
On these facts, even a highly competent prosecutor would have had a tough time getting a conviction on the intentional homicide charges.

This result is much more an indictment of U.S. gun culture than it is an indictment of the U.S. judicial system.

If Arbery's killers walk, there will be more outrage. There are a lot of reasons for that, but one of the main reasons is that Arbery's killers seem guilty as hell.
I agree with this.

But the prosecutor in Arbery's case did a very good job. That "should" be a slam dunk guilty verdict where the Kyle case was almost certain "non guilty" right after the prosecutor rested his case.
Prison reform, bail, incarceration (formerly "Kyle Rittenhouse trial" thread) Quote
