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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,503 34.88%
5,608 55.84%
932 9.28%

01-19-2015 , 08:36 PM
i said combined with 90s and 360, in the 1 dollar 180 i have only 1203 games 45,9 roi 25,5 itm

yes i still dont feel safe and yes i still feel security is very weak even if i read the top books on tilt

the only logic and fair thing that could explain this without manipulations is that at microstakes no matter ure quality
u will live a nightmare of bad beats , im so serious i quit 1 week ago and probably will only return to make one last experience at higher stakes when i have the funds , but with no high expectations as i triedlsome low and mid mtts and tought i was playing against almost the same level of thinking players and kept giving me beats , but low sample on this levels and mtts only

this or when poker rooms decide to improve security

Last edited by GreenZen; 01-19-2015 at 08:55 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-19-2015 , 09:04 PM
Originally Posted by GreenZen
what i know is they dont release hands for serious investigation and the reg excuse is old and nonsense because now many years have passed
There are reasons beyond keeping just users play styles private. If you had every hand history, you could see exactly how much other players lost or won, and the big one I'd imagine Stars doesn't want to let everyone know is exactly how much rake they took each year they release hands from.
Originally Posted by GreenZen
the only logic and fair thing that could explain this without manipulations is that at microstakes no matter ure quality
u will live a nightmare of bad beats
That's MTTs in general, it's why actual professional MTTers usually start up tons of them every time they play. You can't win 53 times your buyin or whatever without the game being high variance by nature.

Last edited by otatop; 01-19-2015 at 09:11 PM.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-19-2015 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by GreenZen
i said combined with 90s and 360, in the 1 dollar 180 i have only 1203 games 45,9 roi 25,5 itm
Your lifetime data over the years represents less than a month's volume for most grinders. Some play that in a week. Your ROI stats are pretty meaningless in them given the low volume. A few wins will give you a nice ROI, even if you are not a winning player in them.

Originally Posted by GreenZen
yes i still dont feel safe and yes i still feel security is very weak even if i read the top books on tilt
You are worried about an army of house bots in buck games. I have no solution to your paranoia, as that is a condition that is hard wired in some individuals. Best I can suggest is you try your best not to be so crippled by it.

Originally Posted by GreenZen
the only logic and fair thing that could explain this without manipulations is that at microstakes no matter ure quality u will live a nightmare of bad beats , im so serious i quit 1 week ago and probably will only return to make one last experience at higher stakes when i have the funds , but with no high expectations as i triedlsome low and mid mtts and tought i was playing against almost the same level of thinking players and kept giving me beats , but low sample on this levels and mtts only
You will see weirder hands in the nano stake games for obvious reasons. However< that does not mean you will do much better at higher stakes, despite people saying that they will respect your raises. Many, many of the apps I see are people who can crush a certain buy in of games, but they get crushed at the higher games (against better players).

You will not do better against higher skilled, thinking players. You will likely get outplayed, and your paranoia will kick in in a different way then.

Originally Posted by GreenZen
this or when poker rooms decide to improve security
Pokerstars security is a non issue for you. There are no army of house bots screwing you in buck 180 mans. It is all in your mind, and it will cripple you as a player as can be seen with your latest post.

Unrelated, I did finally remember the troll poster I was talking about.

He was pretty good, and even trolled me pretty well. I was a bit more serious in threads like that back in the 2010/1 era, now I just regard riggies/trolls as entertaining pets which has make discussions with them a lot more relaxing.

Still, this troll wannabe can learn reading some of this guy's material in trolling. He came back later as Bigfish2012 and got banned, and by then he was pretty outdated as well. Few know to quit when ahead.

All the best.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-19-2015 , 10:20 PM
Monterroy - you are an obv shill brah. You take the time to defend a corporate personality even when said dude isn't being consumer-friendly.

For the record on my picks, I did make 2 predictions within the specified parameters - I picked $$paniko$$ to make HU in a daily PL and Omania - he bust 4th in Omania and 2nd in the daily PL. I make that a 50% success rate, which is bang on target brah. Obvious pick mind you when I saw him hit ten 5% or less outs on the river, consecutively, inc 2 perfect straight flush outs, over 2 days.

@ GreenZen - there is a simple way to avoid bots and most shark-crushing collusion - avoid FL and Stud cash games. Bots can only beat FL, indeed, a "perfect bot that makes zero mistakes from Alberta University has "solved" HU FL". A bot can't read your bluffs though so if a bot makes an equity or EV bet on a board and gets raised, it must fold - anyone would pick up on these patterns and exploit them fairly quickly in NL or PL or full-ring games. A good poker player will ALWAYS defeat the best bots as the bot can't spontaneously think and adapt to individuals, it can only follow the code cloned from another player and set rules.

Stud games were "solved" by the Chinese - they just shared all their hole cards until they sucked the life out of those that sat at their tables. This, along with other infractions, is why you will never see 2 Chinese players at the same sng, cash table or small field mtt on stars - the client software doesn't allow it.

Stars security is top notch with regards bots and collusion and they have a generous refund package for the minority effected. Bot play isn't difficult to pick up after a few days or even hours on the network, and again, only FL or stud cash games and HU sngs are likely to be targeted by bots due to technical restraints. If you are playing a full ring cash game, sng or mtt, you can be 99.9% sure no winning bot is in the field.

As for beats on stars, what can I say? I take beats at a greater rate than I can believe 5/7 days. The best advice you will ever get on stars beats is to play 5-10 buy-ins for an amount you don't mind losing, then either walk away if you keep taking beats and try another day/week or keep playing until you fall asleep if you're winning. Streaky bacon on stars, proper British bacon in live play.

Last edited by JorgeLorenzo; 01-19-2015 at 10:26 PM. Reason: lost my Ray Charles 1-take hits
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-19-2015 , 10:47 PM
Sadly, you are not even the first troll/riggie/whatever to use "brah" a lot. Bro, Sport, and Nerd have been used often by past troll/riggies as well. Not quite as edgy as you might think, but then you suggested to a Holdem buck tourney player to avoid playing fixed limit Stud, so it seems that tuning into the real world around you is again not quite your skill set.

If anyone really wants they can simply read over the thread to see your failure at predictions, though you can try to rationalize it to a different reality if that really makes you feel better. I said I liked your desperation predictions that you initially made, but once you started failing at predicting Omaha MTTs with 18 or less players that became kind of pathetic as it was no win for you even if you were right, which you were not.

Anyway, I have given you some advice on how to troll which hopefully you will eventually understand, and I provided links to better trolls than you at doing what you are trying to do, so take a little time and work on your game some and then come back. This thread is going nowhere in terms of content - it has not changed in years, so no rush on your part.

With regard to being a shill or not - duh, I get paid 5 bucks a post as I have said many times. You really are slow on simple things, though at least this time you seem to be replying to the correct person, so that is a positive sign for you. Still, you may want to stick to quoting your Wiki and google research for arrogant manifestos in future. Basic real world understanding is not your strength so veer away from that. Hope this all helps you, I am all about helping people like you when I can.

All the best.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 12:35 AM
I'm JorgeLorenzo and I can't stop talking about quantum mechanics and how people are incorrectly applying it to try to randomly deal "cards" for poker games by not turning the laser off and then back on regularly to reset it:

Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
The RNG functions because of quantum variation (reflection/non-reflection) - something nobody on earth ever has (or likely ever will) be able to fully understand (Einstein, Bohr, everyone since are still like what the holy good spooky distance?). This makes it TRULY random. Pokerstars use the word "entropy" to describe further "back-up randomness" with regards the RNG, however, entropy explicitly means chaos or disorder, when in fact the input sources (e.g. player mouse clicks) are part of a larger quantum system. Ironically further inputs to the basis quantum events may add order to chaos for one classical and one quantum reason.

Classical - humans are creatures of habit. Mouse clicks follow definite patterns for individual players (fold quickly, take your time, etc) and on a biological level, the absolute variation in clicks is defined by the range of finger movements and thought processes (also hardware, software and internet).

Quantum - There are AT LEAST 7 dimensions, I think infinite dimensions and/or parallel universes (these are "facts" any astrophysicist or theoretical physicist (inc Einstein) will be willing to offer you).

When an electron orbits a nucleus (electrons may be considered as pure energy, even though they have mass - photons, of course, are pure, mass-less energy and freely interchangeable with electrons AND mass), the electron occupies ALL space within it's orbit (and variants caused by atomic vibration, space-time distortions (gravity)). This is impossible. There would have to be many trillions of electrons to occupy all of the possible spaces in the orbit, yet it remains a fact that electrons exist as a particle of both mass AND charge in more than one place at the SAME TIME. Photons and electrons are omnipresent. Bizarre beyond belief. Right now, the energy (photons/mass) created in the source event (big bang) are still entangled across all time and space - space-time is a fluid fabric which can bend, distort and even travel from infinity and back, infinite times per nanosecond. I must stress again these facts are NOT scientifically in question, rather, they ARE science as we best know it. I haven't even got to the mind-blowing bit. The omnipresence of matter is predictable and most easily described by alpha particles (2 protons, 2 neutrons) escaping from heavy nuclides by mysteriously "tunnelling" through insurmountable barriers. This of course describes the radiation we all know from Uranium/Plutonium/Potassium etc so it's beyond question (observable science, e.g. Newton's Apple, even if we don't understand it). The only reasonable explanation for these phenomena (quantum mechanical tunnelling, i.e. "borrowed" energy) is alternate dimensions. Electons, photons, stuff generally it seems, exists in infinite dimensions and only becomes "real", i.e. physical or realised in our 4 dimensions (time is the 4th) when we observe it.

This blew Einstein's mind and is one of the few things he ever got wrong (as well as taking a quanta as X/YZ^4 instead of log f(x), I mean what a moron!). Einstein was convinced matter was "pre-ordered", whereas his colleague Bohr (as in Bohr Radius) was equally convinced the state of matter (Schrodinger's cat) wasn't defined until we observed it. Einstein's view:- You have 2 gloves, left and right. You place the left glove in one box, the right in the other. Even if you do not know which box is which, the left glove was always in one box, the right glove in the other. WRONG! Bohr's view: - The cat in the box is alive, dead and every possible interim, until we open the box and find out - i.e. at the quantum level, the gloves in Einstein's boxes are both left AND right until we make a definitive assessment. This has been proven by experiment at least twice now and that experiment in itself is another 300000000000 words. The neatest way to sum it up is Einstein's now famous phrase, "spooky action at a distance".

So, I assume we are somewhat up to speed now and capable of grasping the profoundness of what I am about to say:

The photons emitted by the LASER of the RNG are entangled through space, time and infinite dimensions. They are sharing information with some, if not all, of the past, present and future photons from the common source (the precise moment the laser was turned on, remember, when the lasing material activates, all excited photons are simultaneously and spontaneously identical (coherent, in phase, constructive interference) within every atom of the lasing material). Even released as singularities photons may "multiply" (Young's double slit experiment) and share both cause AND effect with PAST and FUTURE photons. THUS, it is entirely logical and reasonable to postulate that the entangled sum of cause and effect leads to outcomes not described by computer model (i.e. Gaussian distribution), indeed this property is not only assumed but incorporated as a virtue of the quantum RNG over a classical RNG (that quantum events cannot be described by CPU modelling, not the entangled sum of cause and effect).

So in the simplest possible laymen's terms (which you didn't want but are now desperate for), the initial outcomes from the first hand of poker played using the quantum RNG are related to all future outcomes from the same continuous LASER source due to quantum entanglement. Therefore some players always run good, especially against certain opponents, and others always run bad, especially against certain opponents, and this phenomenon will perpetuate until the quantum cycle of entanglement is broken by providing a different catalyst (fresh electrons from a discrete stream) to the LASER governing the RNG.

I hope that clarifies things for you

And I'm meathead JorgeLorenzo and I can't stop saying brah, brah:

Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo

Last edited by Lego05; 01-20-2015 at 12:41 AM.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 12:58 AM
Lol where is this laser they used for the RNG? This is sooo funny lol. Is it hidden in secrecy? "The Laser."
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 01:32 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
I'm JorgeLorenzo and I can't stop talking about quantum mechanics and how people are incorrectly applying it to try to randomly deal "cards" for poker games by not turning the laser off and then back on regularly to reset it:
I'm the JorgeLorenzo who shows reverence for science and those with witty comments

And I'm meathead JorgeLorenzo and I can't stop saying brah, brah:
I show less reverence to others at times but I'm guessing most of my "brah" comments are written while drinking beer and watching sport

Again turning the laser off and on periodically or providing virtually continuous service using the back-up laser (which surely exists if a lasing failure shuts down the cash machine), does not seem an unreasonable precaution. While arguably nobody will ever be in a position to completely define a quantum system of this size and it is quite true that my hypothesis by definition can never be "proven" - even if I got all predictions correct I would be wrong about precisely why I was right - the theory or some extrapolation thereof, is entirely legitimate. It is certain that running the same laser continuously for several years created a unique quantum system that by some peculiar vice of the universe, shares information with past, present and future.

The unique dataset created should be made available to the scientific community. We wouldn't need personal details other than location, all subjects would be assigned numerically thereafter (GB 321019, Ru 502012, etc) but it will never happen. There is no inherent monetary or IPR value in the raw data so there is no reason why it should be denied. Indeed the dataset should be subject to oversight by those that play on stars as it is only they that own their histories and details. We all loan the dataset to stars gratis. Well OK, not really free - stars have a bunker full of servers and secure storage containing every hand ever played. Only 3-4 persons have access to that data (according to stars head of security in the Isle of Man) and while it costs a pretty penny, it is of course customers who ultimately paid for it.

Anyway, turning the laser on and off at the lowest inflection point of traffic or using a back-up for continuous service, would break the entangled chains that most definitely DO exist now (and will exist again after a re-start in different form). The point would be to standardise running between opponents and games, removing the possibility that past and present results are related or at least ensuring that any correlations are temporary in nature. A daily re-set would end any speculation from me that quantum entanglement causes running to bleed over days or weeks.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 01:37 AM
Originally Posted by HipAintCheap
Lol where is this laser they used for the RNG? This is sooo funny lol. Is it hidden in secrecy? "The Laser."
Complain to stars support that you think something funny is going on with the RNG. They will provide you links and detailed info lol.

Google, "quantis true quantum RNG pokerstars", and read all about the laser, maybe even watch the video brah, heck I see a cpl of posts about it ITT
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
I'm the JorgeLorenzo who shows reverence for science and those with witty comments

I show less reverence to others at times but I'm guessing most of my "brah" comments are written while drinking beer and watching sport

Again turning the laser off and on periodically or providing virtually continuous service using the back-up laser (which surely exists if a lasing failure shuts down the cash machine), does not seem an unreasonable precaution. While arguably nobody will ever be in a position to completely define a quantum system of this size and it is quite true that my hypothesis by definition can never be "proven" - even if I got all predictions correct I would be wrong about precisely why I was right - the theory or some extrapolation thereof, is entirely legitimate. It is certain that running the same laser continuously for several years created a unique quantum system that by some peculiar vice of the universe, shares information with past, present and future.

The unique dataset created should be made available to the scientific community. We wouldn't need personal details other than location, all subjects would be assigned numerically thereafter (GB 321019, Ru 502012, etc) but it will never happen. There is no inherent monetary or IPR value in the raw data so there is no reason why it should be denied. Indeed the dataset should be subject to oversight by those that play on stars as it is only they that own their histories and details. We all loan the dataset to stars gratis. Well OK, not really free - stars have a bunker full of servers and secure storage containing every hand ever played. Only 3-4 persons have access to that data (according to stars head of security in the Isle of Man) and while it costs a pretty penny, it is of course customers who ultimately paid for it.

Anyway, turning the laser on and off at the lowest inflection point of traffic or using a back-up for continuous service, would break the entangled chains that most definitely DO exist now (and will exist again after a re-start in different form). The point would be to standardise running between opponents and games, removing the possibility that past and present results are related or at least ensuring that any correlations are temporary in nature. A daily re-set would end any speculation from me that quantum entanglement causes running to bleed over days or weeks.

Was just a joke.

It is a parody of a current running commercial. Watch the below youtube link and you'll understand my post (sorry for no imbed - I always forget how to do that ---- Could somebody please imbed this link for me; thanks).

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 01-20-2015 at 02:31 AM. Reason: I learned something too - apparently "imbed" is also correct. But still, all the cool people say "embed". :-p
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 01:42 AM
[X] Says brah a lot while watching sport
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 01:48 AM
how the hell can you overcome this site that is programmed to reward the one outers, what a racket this site is, ever wonder why they hand out so much money back, what took the cake is my Ax vs 88 in the beast tourny when ace hit followed by a club to put 3 clubs on board he has no clubbs and im thinking he has 1 out, 8 clubbs no but only 8 diamonds, and really 8 diamonds river, what a scam site, this owner is a scam artist,has his bots in place to cover overlays in tournies,and OMG as im wrighting this all in me aa2k vs a29T flop KK6 what comes next is lol 7 followed by the 8, suck my dik cheating scum site
owner is a scam artist too low life bitch pos,
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 02:24 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
[redacted - clink the quote link to see it]
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
[redacted - clink the quote link to see it
Originally Posted by Lego05
[redacted - clink the quote link to see it]

(And again ... if anyone could please imbed this ... thank you.)

Last edited by Bobo Fett; 01-20-2015 at 02:31 AM. Reason: You just use [youtube] [/youtube] tags containing the gibberish after the "V=", silly.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 02:42 AM
Originally Posted by FieldsAve
how the hell can you overcome this site that is programmed to reward the one outers, what a racket this site is, ever wonder why they hand out so much money back, what took the cake is my Ax vs 88 in the beast tourny when ace hit followed by a club to put 3 clubs on board he has no clubbs and im thinking he has 1 out, 8 clubbs no but only 8 diamonds, and really 8 diamonds river, what a scam site, this owner is a scam artist,has his bots in place to cover overlays in tournies,and OMG as im wrighting this all in me aa2k vs a29T flop KK6 what comes next is lol 7 followed by the 8, suck my dik cheating scum site
owner is a scam artist too low life bitch pos,
Welcome back, Fields! We've missed you since your only other post in this thread; looks like it was another thread you created about WPN that was merged in here, almost a year ago:

Originally Posted by FieldsAve
**** black chip for being a scummy thieving site, just my opinion, and i think its rigged.........**** uuuuuuuuu
And yet, you just keep on playing.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 03:28 AM
Rigged or not rigged? Monteroy, NewGuy, Explain!...This actually happened a few weeks ago. 1-3 NL... 4 players to flop...each has between 300 and 500Players A,B,and C all flop sets. Player V flops a Q hi flush...of course, they go nuts on the flop and get all-in....Board runs out...Flush Wins...Rigged or not rigged?
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 03:45 AM
Bobo: I actually considered using "embed" and I may have used so in the past, not sure. I thought about itand actually I thought both were acceptable, so I left it.

And anyway, thank you.

But also, c'mon (I know Bobo did the im/embedding work), but c'mon ... how are my last few posts not just complete gold?

I'm just guessing most of you knew that commercial, so then c'mon ... that had to be good.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 03:46 AM
Originally Posted by mchine
Rigged or not rigged? Monteroy, NewGuy, Explain!...This actually happened a few weeks ago. 1-3 NL... 4 players to flop...each has between 300 and 500Players A,B,and C all flop sets. Player V flops a Q hi flush...of course, they go nuts on the flop and get all-in....Board runs out...Flush Wins...Rigged or not rigged?
What site?
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by mchine
Rigged or not rigged? Monteroy, NewGuy, Explain!...This actually happened a few weeks ago. 1-3 NL... 4 players to flop...each has between 300 and 500Players A,B,and C all flop sets. Player V flops a Q hi flush...of course, they go nuts on the flop and get all-in....Board runs out...Flush Wins...Rigged or not rigged?
Rigged or not rigged. 4 guys remain in capped fixed limit hand (out of 9 at full ring table). Flop is AQ9 rainbow. Capped on flop all four remain. Turn 4 (still rainbow). River 4, capped again.

Hands: AA, QQ, 99, and......44!!

Rigged? What site? This was a live hand at the Garden City over a decade back. I sat next to the guy with the AA (luckily I had thrown away some sort of garbage hand, so I lost nothing. Guy next to me had to walk around outside for 15 minutes at least to get over the hand).

Point? These hands happen everywhere, live and online. They just happen about 4 times more frequently online because it's dealt far faster. And this number increases the more tables you play at a time and then again if you play 6max or heads up (as I do, so imagine what I see EVERY SINGLE DAY). Get over the idea that any single hand shows anything--if you see hundreds of thousands of hands over time, or more, you're going to see some of the most insane beats, coolers and whatever else you're looking for imaginable. Get it?
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Bobo: I actually considered using "embed" and I may have used so in the past, not sure. I thought about itand actually I thought both were acceptable, so I left it.

And anyway, thank you.

But also, c'mon (I know Bobo did the im/embedding work), but c'mon ... how are my last few posts not just complete gold?

I'm just guessing most of you knew that commercial, so then c'mon ... that had to be good.
Well, no actually. I thought they were complete ****e and you come across as a complete tosser.

Last edited by warrenBluffit; 01-20-2015 at 04:36 AM.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 07:21 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Bobo: I actually considered using "embed" and I may have used so in the past, not sure. I thought about itand actually I thought both were acceptable, so I left it.
At first, I left a teasing edit about you using imbed, and then something made me think to Google it - had no idea it was an alternative spelling.

And you're welcome. Hopefully my explanation made sense and now you'll be an embedding pro.

If you ever forget how it's done, there's a sticky in ATF about posting pictures and videos that has Youtube embedding instructions as well.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 07:29 AM
Best thing I've learned from this thread: imbed is a legitimate spelling of the word.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 08:10 AM
Originally Posted by FieldsAve
how the hell can you overcome this site that is programmed to reward the one outers
Comfortably play a lot of hands that require 1 outers. Duh...

Seriously, it is as if riggies cannot figure out how to win a coin toss with a rigged two headed coin, as they stubbornly call tails over and over complaining that they never win.

All the best.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 08:25 AM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Seriously, it is as if riggies cannot figure out how to win a coin toss with a rigged two headed coin, as they stubbornly call tails over and over complaining that they never win.
That's actually one of the best and most succinct analyses in the whole of this sorry thread.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
Comfortably play a lot of hands that require 1 outers. Duh...

Seriously, it is as if riggies cannot figure out how to win a coin toss with a rigged two headed coin, as they stubbornly call tails over and over complaining that they never win.

All the best.
One of my favorite posts so far on this site. Nicely put.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-20-2015 , 06:19 PM
KK vs QQ
flops KQJ
then 6 then Q
my kings were MERGED
ROFL saw so many quads yesterday
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
