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The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition
View Poll Results: Is Online Poker Rigged?
3,522 34.91%
5,626 55.76%
941 9.33%

01-06-2015 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Donkem
Jorge, u r clearly a very intelligent guy
1. easily taken in or tricked
ˌgulliˈbility n ˈgullibly adv
(ˈgʌl ə bəl)

easily deceived or cheated; naive; credulous.
Sometimes, gul′la•ble.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-06-2015 , 11:45 PM
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
Yea it's only fun when there's money on it, OK. Only if the escrow bet is up will i give more predictions.
Very wise of you to stop predicting.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:52 AM
Originally Posted by Lego05
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
WELL EXCUSE ME. I only went to university for 5 years and did 2 degrees in maths and physics to be able to understand this material.
How in the same sentence do you say both: (1) "Hey, group of people, you are all dumb and none of you can understand what I am saying"; and (2) "Hey, group of people, if I said something wrong one of you certainly would have corrected it." ?
You need at least THREE degrees in maths, physics, AND LOGIC to avoid making that sort of mistake.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by AlienSpaceBat
That is not what a singularity is.

This is not Through the Looking Glass.
Nice HD reference.

JorgeLorenzo does remind me of a child going through that phase of their development where they can hear and remember words and phrases and have an idea of what they relate to but do not realise that they need further knowledge and understanding and to be these words and phrases together in particular ways in order to make sense.

Not all children articulate their thoughts as they go through this phrase. JorgeLorenzo not only articulates them but posts them to an internet forum!
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 07:46 AM
When he uses a word it means just what he chooses it to mean - neither more nor less.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 08:51 AM
I predict either Seattle or Green Bay will make the Super Bowl. Hopefully the Russians will not disrupt this pick.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by Monteroy
I predict either Seattle or Green Bay will make the Super Bowl. Hopefully the Russians will not disrupt this pick.
Be careful there. Dallas got really lucky, and this is an indicator that their electrons may be entangled in an orientation encouraging positive variance.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 02:34 PM
whilst we are on the topic i think that Golden state warriors will go all the way this year. I think people put to much faith in Lebron James sure hes good but he doesn't have the drive that MJ had, and he does not have the same support either this time around. I really do not think that Cleveland can do it this year.

I think spurs are definitely and very well could win it all however they have an aging team and this is an obstacle which is overlooked there coach greg popervich is very switched on and experienced I really think that spurs are a challenge but there age just makes me look else where.

Dont know why the chicago bulls are up there ok not bad team at all but just do not see it dont think there championship team.

I guess I have faith in golden state because I know just how switched on and dedicated there coach steve kerr is.

really am unsure if it will be spurs or Golden state this year but it one or the other. I think the odds been offered on golden state at the moment are to generous and would def make the bet if it could be settled instantly however of course that money will be locked up for some time once i make that bet and it could make more from the poker in that time even if 100% certain i win from the bet.
The great "Poker is rigged" debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 04:51 PM
Poker is rigged against 80% (at least) of players, hell yeah! These fellas do worse than break even. However, most humans think they're in the top 10% of whatever they're doing, so poker persists. C ya @ the tables, suckers.

"Every man thinks he's good at two things: making love, and poker."

The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 09:51 PM
i remember reading in the book about the Absolute Poker site rise and fall, when they were shopping for software, it was suggested, or offered, to go with a program that kept everyone in the game.

In other words, the sites that were fair, had 90% of their players bust out a time or two, and then quit. There is software out there that will knock good players down, and reward bad play, just to keep the rake machine at peak performance.

I understand bad beats will happen, even weeks of suck outs when you stick to good play, but I have played on several sites and notice the same scenarios time and time again.

Basically slowly grinding up to a respectable BR over a year or two, and then 3 or 4 months when you can not win a race, watching all your hard work go down the drain, all while sticking to solid play.

After 14 years of 2 to 4+ hrs/ day, I'm highly suspicious of all on line sites.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Amish Maven
I understand bad beats will happen, even weeks of suck outs when you stick to good play, but I have played on several sites and notice the same scenarios time and time again.

Basically slowly grinding up to a respectable BR over a year or two, and then 3 or 4 months when you can not win a race, watching all your hard work go down the drain, all while sticking to solid play.

After 14 years of 2 to 4+ hrs/ day, I'm highly suspicious of all on line sites.
If you have played poker for 20,000 hours and still havent been able to build a bank roll perhaps you are not as good as you think.

Just a crazy thought.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:36 PM
Well if you bring up anything other than something about the RNG. it is quickly turned back to the discussion of just the RNG. And gimmick acounts like Lorenzo is most likely just to keep the thread bumped. Staking threads must not be doing to well... lol
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:51 PM
Originally Posted by LukeSilver
whilst we are on the topic i think that Golden state warriors will go all the way this year. I think people put to much faith in Lebron James sure hes good but he doesn't have the drive that MJ had, and he does not have the same support either this time around. I really do not think that Cleveland can do it this year.

I think spurs are definitely and very well could win it all however they have an aging team and this is an obstacle which is overlooked there coach greg popervich is very switched on and experienced I really think that spurs are a challenge but there age just makes me look else where.

Dont know why the chicago bulls are up there ok not bad team at all but just do not see it dont think there championship team.

I guess I have faith in golden state because I know just how switched on and dedicated there coach steve kerr is.

really am unsure if it will be spurs or Golden state this year but it one or the other. I think the odds been offered on golden state at the moment are to generous and would def make the bet if it could be settled instantly however of course that money will be locked up for some time once i make that bet and it could make more from the poker in that time even if 100% certain i win from the bet.
Wait, you mean a team that is just barely above .500 in a super weak conference isn't going to win it all, and the team with the best record in the league will? Or if they don't, the defending champions will?

Bold predictions, sir. Very, very bold.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-07-2015 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by Grond
Well if you bring up anything other than something about the RNG. it is quickly turned back to the discussion of just the RNG. And gimmick acounts like Lorenzo is most likely just to keep the thread bumped. Staking threads must not be doing to well... lol
What does this even mean? It is so senseless and strange that its hard to comprehend even looking at it through the lens of assuming a complete idiot wrote it.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 04:39 AM
Originally Posted by 5thStreetHog
What does this even mean? It is so senseless and strange that its hard to comprehend even looking at it through the lens of assuming a complete idiot wrote it.
Well the first sentence is pretty much the truth - although hardly news to anyone who's read much of the thread.

I think the second part is suggesting that Monty isn't getting much action on her staking thread so has created a gimmick account to talk to, here. An amusing thought but unlikely.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by Wiki
I think the second part is suggesting that Monty isn't getting much action on her staking thread so has created a gimmick account to talk to, here. An amusing thought but unlikely.
Even after all this time you still having pops at each other.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 12:22 PM
I would like to clarify 2 things about my "entanglement gimmick" and have a useful analogy for the laymen. So:

1) It is highly unlikely that my theory is accurate (i.e. fully explanatory). If I were Prof. Michio Kaku, I might refer to it as a Class I impossibility (technology that is currently impossible today but violates no known laws of physics). Even if I was right I would still be wrong as I would be right for the wrong reasons.

2) It is certain i.e. must occur according to the known laws of physics, that one or more photons is entangled with one or more other photons and/or electrons within the lasing system, sharing information - acting on one causes instantaneous reaction in the other at infinite distance. Nothing travels faster than light therefore only 3 possible explanations remain for the instantaneous transfer of information:
a) that time itself stopped while the transfer was taking place (which occurs naturally in the universe, i.e. quantum (gravitational) singularities),
b) that quanta are linked undetectably via alternate dimension (these may be physically detectable structures in known space-time and/or unimaginable dimensions and/or a consequence of information itself (i.e. the observer))
c) both a) and b)

Here is a great laymen article written by someone that is not me but reinforces the key concept (amongst many) that matter and time are linked by something more than just the physical. Really interesting from a poker perspective too:

Here is my analogy - The president of the US is the quantum singularity and all of us are photons:

A president was elected to rule over all the peoples of his great land. While this president was elected, at no point in history was the election or inauguration ever certain, rather, relatively countless forces (that considered past, present and future variables) interacted in such a way as to produce this unique outcome. At no point in future will these unique events ever occur exactly as before, however, we can still recognise patterns from election to election and use data points to build predictive equations for future elections (just as campaign and media staff did this one).

The president goes about his business signing bills into law, picking his cabinet and key personnel. The majority of people continue with their daily lives mostly unaware of the finer detail at the top, they merely conform to the laws of their society. Even those lacking knowledge or choice of president, populating every continent, will be swept along by the policy of the administration - being re-housed, incarcerated, committed, granted opportunity or sentenced to hardship, bombed, spied upon or duped.

The inauguration was the single event that influenced every proceeding outcome, even those with no apparent causal link. While we may offer theories and indeed mathematical science to describe future outcomes based on probabilities (as we could the election), it will never be possible to fully explain the direct causal links between the US and European or Chinese policies, but nobody doubts that they exist and nobody questions that past, present and future variables are pre-requisite to understanding policy and counter-policy. Importantly, there is a cycle of major policy and counter-policy globally, which occurs at precisely the moment the next American president is elected.

The King is dead, long live the King!
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 01:02 PM
Originally Posted by J9Suited
Even after all this time you still having pops at each other.
I wasn't having a pop at him.

I was explaining someone else having a pop at him in a somewhat oblique manner.

You might note that I said I though the suggestion unlikely.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 01:05 PM
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
2) It is certain i.e. must occur according to the known laws of physics, that one or more photons is entangled with one or more other photons and/or electrons within the lasing system, sharing information - acting on one causes instantaneous reaction in the other at infinite distance.
Zounds, that's one hell of an RNG!
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by Bobo Fett
Wait, you mean a team that is just barely above .500 in a super weak conference isn't going to win it all, and the team with the best record in the league will? Or if they don't, the defending champions will?

Bold predictions, sir. Very, very bold.
I know but I have confidence in my psychic abilities, so I can make longshot predictions like that. just remember i said this to maintain proof at a later date when it happens.

I will charge $10 a minute for readings.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by JorgeLorenzo
I would like to clarify 2 things about my "entanglement gimmick" and have a useful analogy for the laymen. So:

1) It is highly unlikely that my theory is accurate (i.e. fully explanatory). If I were Prof. Michio Kaku, I might refer to it as a Class I impossibility (technology that is currently impossible today but violates no known laws of physics). Even if I was right I would still be wrong as I would be right for the wrong reasons.

2) It is certain i.e. must occur according to the known laws of physics, that one or more photons is entangled with one or more other photons and/or electrons within the lasing system, sharing information - acting on one causes instantaneous reaction in the other at infinite distance. Nothing travels faster than light therefore only 3 possible explanations remain for the instantaneous transfer of information:
a) that time itself stopped while the transfer was taking place (which occurs naturally in the universe, i.e. quantum (gravitational) singularities),
b) that quanta are linked undetectably via alternate dimension (these may be physically detectable structures in known space-time and/or unimaginable dimensions and/or a consequence of information itself (i.e. the observer))
c) both a) and b)

Here is a great laymen article written by someone that is not me but reinforces the key concept (amongst many) that matter and time are linked by something more than just the physical. Really interesting from a poker perspective too:

Here is my analogy - The president of the US is the quantum singularity and all of us are photons:

A president was elected to rule over all the peoples of his great land. While this president was elected, at no point in history was the election or inauguration ever certain, rather, relatively countless forces (that considered past, present and future variables) interacted in such a way as to produce this unique outcome. At no point in future will these unique events ever occur exactly as before, however, we can still recognise patterns from election to election and use data points to build predictive equations for future elections (just as campaign and media staff did this one).

The president goes about his business signing bills into law, picking his cabinet and key personnel. The majority of people continue with their daily lives mostly unaware of the finer detail at the top, they merely conform to the laws of their society. Even those lacking knowledge or choice of president, populating every continent, will be swept along by the policy of the administration - being re-housed, incarcerated, committed, granted opportunity or sentenced to hardship, bombed, spied upon or duped.

The inauguration was the single event that influenced every proceeding outcome, even those with no apparent causal link. While we may offer theories and indeed mathematical science to describe future outcomes based on probabilities (as we could the election), it will never be possible to fully explain the direct causal links between the US and European or Chinese policies, but nobody doubts that they exist and nobody questions that past, present and future variables are pre-requisite to understanding policy and counter-policy. Importantly, there is a cycle of major policy and counter-policy globally, which occurs at precisely the moment the next American president is elected.

The King is dead, long live the King!
So, you've been to RGT? Nice try
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 02:49 PM
Originally Posted by Rig Astley
So, you've been to RGT? Nice try
You have me at a loss. Initially I thought you were talking about a radioisotope thermoelectric generator but thats RTG. Wtf is RGT?

Pet hate is folks quoting long posts, really necessary?
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 04:53 PM
check out my comb that has a little stops time.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 05:56 PM
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
01-08-2015 , 06:19 PM
Originally Posted by Amish Maven
i remember reading in the book about the Absolute Poker site rise and fall, when they were shopping for software, it was suggested, or offered, to go with a program that kept everyone in the game.

In other words, the sites that were fair, had 90% of their players bust out a time or two, and then quit. There is software out there that will knock good players down, and reward bad play, just to keep the rake machine at peak performance.

I understand bad beats will happen, even weeks of suck outs when you stick to good play, but I have played on several sites and notice the same scenarios time and time again.

Basically slowly grinding up to a respectable BR over a year or two, and then 3 or 4 months when you can not win a race, watching all your hard work go down the drain, all while sticking to solid play.

After 14 years of 2 to 4+ hrs/ day, I'm highly suspicious of all on line sites.

Your suspicions are justified, as are thousands of other players. All the industry people that have worked this thread for years will try and convince you that you dont see the obvious.
What youre going through happens to 99% of all players since the beginning of online poker, and still going on today. A software program deals the cards, and the hands are received depending on player status. Dont let the shills in here get to you.
The great &quot;Poker is rigged&quot; debate - Collected threads edition Quote
