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Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets

10-31-2014 , 01:52 AM
haven't gotten through all these pages yet but has negreanu or any other ps pros commented on this??
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 01:55 AM
Also for the people saying "this is a great opportunity for a new site", if you look at the history of online poker up till now, and the complicated country based regulations that come with it, I don't think anyone will want to suddenly invest billions of dollars trying to top the #1 site in a dying industry.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 02:09 AM
I was gonna say buying Poker Stars by Amaya is the worst, but then I remember... well actually this is the worst
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin & Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 02:32 AM
Originally Posted by Syndr0m
Also for the people saying "this is a great opportunity for a new site", if you look at the history of online poker up till now, and the complicated country based regulations that come with it, I don't think anyone will want to suddenly invest billions of dollars trying to top the #1 site in a dying industry.
I think you missed the point, friend.

He is hopeful that one of the ~20% market-share networks step up and offer the games as they are meant to be raked.

Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 02:34 AM
does this apply to fultiillllllt???????????
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 03:09 AM
Raidalot should open a site. I don't care if you play there aswell
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 03:21 AM
Originally Posted by aross76
RB grinders are a liability to Amaya
There has been some contention lately in the thread regarding this.

However, this statement is exactly correct. RB grinders are not only a liability to poker sites, they are detrimental cost. Essentially, Pokerstars is paying these players to play on their site, and not really getting their monies worth for it.

Some simple math, with some simple assumptions;

We assume all SNE's are break even players, and that they only grind out 1m VPP per year. PS has to pay out $125,000 per year to these players in rake back(assuming they all maximize their cash rewards).

There was 371 SNE's in 2013 x 125,000$ = 46,375,000$

What did these 371 players bring back to PS worth 46 million dollars? Keep in mind this is only counting the players who made SNE, not all the rest of the RB grinders who can't put in near that volume. I'm guessing (purely bouncing a number) that the actual amount paid out in RB is well over 100 million$ per year. I absolutely agree that loyalty programs are required to keep your player base, but having people be able to earn an effective 125,000$ while brining you back very little for that money is a BROKEN system.

You can argue that these players are driving the games, and while they do bring some action, they also drive some away. I'm guessing that Amaya has figured that losing the action these players bring isn't going to hurt them. (Essentially, if they can increase it from 5reg/1rec to 3reg/3rec per game, it's going to nearly triple their rake profit vs rakeback payout).

Now, to further enrage people - if you are a break even SNE player - you are not beating poker. You are beating a rake back promotion scheme. I do commend you on the volume, it's impressive.

Now, for my thoughts on the "this turns poker into a lottery" - No it doesn't. The game itself hasn't changed. It's still poker, and it's still a skill based game. They could charge 100% rake, and it wouldn't change the core of how the game is played. A person being able to make a long term profit from something isn't the only requirement to deem it a skill vs a gamble.

I'm purely playing the Devil's Advocate here because it's something I love to do. I don't want to pay more rake. No one does. I just come from a business family, so I see a side that very few people are going to understand. I also understand that decisions need to be made for logical reasons, and while the majority of posters here don't see the logic, Amaya made these choices for some reason(right or wrong remains to be seen). I'd like to figure out that before I jump on board the entire "world is going to implode now that pokers costs more money" ship.

Also of note - I'm a rec player. So while I dislike paying more rake, it's not going to stop me from playing. I'm here for entertainment, and if I happen to smash a big tournament in the process, awesome.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 03:24 AM
We need a pokersite that accepts bitcoins in a way that you can deposit any currency and you get BTC (or a chip-amount) in your cashier which you can withdraw in $ to your bank/skrill or send to any wallet.

Mainly making it a "play money" site where you have to pay for the chips, as odd as this sounds
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 03:25 AM
Amaya Gaming were making operating losses in each of the 4 Quarters prior to purchasing Stars. Cashflow from operations was a little positive like 3m for the year.

Their equity is pretty much all intangible assets 76%.

Looks like they need to quickly increase their revenues to support whatever debt they have taken onboard to buy Stars.

IMO they have increased fees/rake without too much thought about anything else, they will get 2 months where SNE's will have to keep playing and pay the higher rake. They will be hoping that after 2months people will work out there is no where else better to play.

I don't think they are working against regs deliberately but are just trying to find ways to support their new balance sheet.

Be intresting to see what their numbers are like for Q3
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 03:55 AM
Heads Up NL50 and NL100 with 1$ cap rake ????
Your VIP Program doesnt give same returns for low volume players as other sites that have 1$ rake cap in HU.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 03:56 AM
Originally Posted by raidalot
Some questions for you Steve:

(1) Will you be sending proper notice of this to all players or will PS be taking the sneaky 2+2 only approach like you did on introduction of FX charges (so most players never hear about it)?

(2) What is the underling philosophy now? Does management consider that its not enough for the company to make $420m profit (EBITDA) on its $1100m revenues and so you have to squeeze even more out of the players?

(3) Has anything that's happened recently caused you to pause and consider your position at Stars?

C'mon you guys. One of you needs to step up to this challenge/opportunity. Players are pissed and want somewhere to move to. Offer some bonuses, increase the guarantees, invest more in the s/ware again, add a few servers. One of you has the chance to take over leadership if you're willing to take a view and invest now.

PS used to talk to us like with some integrity and respect. Now its all corporate BS spin.

JK I know, but they have increased MTT fees overall pretty badly, but mostly in more back-door ways: increased proportion of turbos (with rake same as regular tourneys), weighted guarantees towards the turbos etc, introduced faster formats like spin & go (which is dice-rolling, not poker), switched from rebuys (zero rake on rebuys) to re-entries (full rake), doubled rake on hypers, ... [watch this space]

What can be done?
Well there's no magic answer - they're doing these things because they can - its basically monopoly abuse. But there are a few things to think about which all help a bit:

(1) Play less on PS and more elsewhere - that will help other sites step up to create a more competitive business (= good for players).

(2) When people ask you where to play, recommend a different site.

(3) If you're a player in the media then say what you think about this when you're interviewed.

(4) For those who are really pissed and have the time/energy, contact the anti-trust authority in your country. (The body whose job it is to protect consumers from monopoly abuse). Tell them one company has become dominant in the industry and, having reduced the completion to an ineffective level + bought and run down the number 2 player, and despite making exceptional margins (38% EBITDA margins) on the business already, is squeezing its customers (you) even harder. They have the power to make PS adopt fair practices and/or split itself (eg sell Tilt to a real competitor). Even if they don't take short term action Ican guarantee that if they start sniffing around PS/Amaya will be very careful about doing anything else.

Your authority is listed here:

(5) If you're a member of the PPA, tell them you want them to adopt a policy of lobbying for US deregulation without allowing Stars back in for period (eg 10 years) as that is now in the interests of the players. (Sadly I already know what PPAs answer will be but it won't hurt to make the point).

(6) Support actions like mass sit-outs. Don't just expect everyone else to do it or take a short-term view.

(7) When PS next send you one of those surveys, say what you think.

(8) If the other sites make some serious efforts to build their biz then support them.
this should be mass posted everywhere u can, another really good post by raidalot
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:09 AM
Would it have any impact if we change our image on pokerstars to something like STOP AMAYA? Maybe even some recreational players would google this and see where is pokerstars going to. On the other hand can pokerstars ban you for such image?
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:17 AM
Originally Posted by OneTime1Time

There was 371 SNE's in 2013 x 125,000$ = 46,375,000$
do you understand how rakeback works? you get less than what you raked...

if SNE is 60% RB, then 125k is 60% of rake they made
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:18 AM
No he doesnt, but the people who understand the least feel qualified to have the strongest opinions usually, nothing new.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:18 AM
Originally Posted by 1.1.2013
Would it have any impact if we change our image on pokerstars to something like STOP AMAYA? Maybe even some recreational players would google this and see where is pokerstars going to. On the other hand can pokerstars ban you for such image?
Well they have to approve it first so that may present a hurdle
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:19 AM
Originally Posted by OneTime1Time
Now, to further enrage people - if you are a break even SNE player - you are not beating poker. You are beating a rake back promotion scheme. I do commend you on the volume, it's impressive.
What PS did right now on the Hyper Sats for example is an increase of rake in 300% meaning it will impossible to grind out a larger hourly than a busboy for the best pros. Hence they killed a whole subgenre of games.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:21 AM
Originally Posted by Sly Caveat
Okay, this is actually a little complicated and it's late here, so someone check my math please.

For a $100 hyper sat:

The old structure was 98.04 + 1.96. So a breakeven regular was making $1.96 profit on a $98.04 tourney. That is an ROI of .01999 (1.96/98.04) before the rake is taken out.

The new structure is 96.87 + 3.13, so the same player would make $1.94 (.01999*$96.87) before rake.

So whereas the player was breakeven before rakeback before, now he loses $1.19 per tournament ($3.13 rake - $1.94 profit)

With the old structure, a player has to play 92764 $100s to earn SNE (1000000 VPPs/(1.96 rake *5.5))

With the new structure, a player has to play 58089 (1000000 VPPs/(3.13 rake *5.5))

SNE benefits are around $125,000

125,000/92764= $1.35 rakeback per tournament old structure

125,000/58089 = $2.15 rakeback per tournament new structure

So our breakeven reg makes $1.35 NET per tournament with the old structure

He makes $.96 NET per tournament with the new structure ($2.15 - $1.19)

So a 39 cent drop in NET profit per tournament at the $100 level

For a former breakeven reg, that's a 29% drop ((1.35 - .96)/1.35) in net profit. Of course, for a 1% winner it's a smaller % drop, and for a loser prerakeback, it could be a 100% drop or more, depending on how much you were pulling in. The important number is 39 cents, or a 0.39% drop in ROI.

For comparison, if you played the same 92764 $100 tournaments required this year to get SNE, you would lose $36177 (.39 per tourney) under the new structure. So the "SNE volume" that regs are used to would net you approximately $88823 this year instead of $125,000
It is worth noting that if you play smaller hypers the rake almost doubles, which probably makes those games games unbeatable. Something like sunday storm sats go from +0.07 to +0.15
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:26 AM
Originally Posted by OneTime1Time
However, this statement is exactly correct. RB grinders are not only a liability to poker sites, they are detrimental cost. Essentially, Pokerstars is paying these players to play on their site, and not really getting their monies worth for it.
A lot of the RB players are breakeven players. But generally mass-tabling breakeven players are, in fact, excellant winning players when they are only playing a few tables. Take away the VIP program and those breakeven players will now be doing some serious damage to Rec players by playing their "A" game.

It certainly isn't the original intent of the VIP program, but it is a result of the VIP program that otherwise good players play a simple ABC game creating a more benign environment for Rec players. To some degree a VIP program acts like the government paying farmers not to grow corn for the greater sake of the farming economy. So once the VIP program is gone there is a new problem to address: What do we do with all these aggressive pro players?

On the Merge Network, which got rid of it's VIP program entirely, they started table restricting players to 4, 2 or even 0 tables. The problem though is restricting or banning players is simply not something a poker site wants to get labeled with. Not only does it piss off the winning players but also all the many losing but hopeful players become reluctant to play on the site. PokerStars banning winning players would have such a negative impact on the site that I doubt that it would ever be a realistic option.

Last edited by SantaCruz; 10-31-2014 at 04:35 AM.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:36 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
On the Merge Network, which got rid of it's VIP program entirely, they started table restricting players to 4, 2 or even 0 tables. The problem though is restricting or banning players is simply not something a poker site wants to get labeled with. Not only does it piss off the winning players but also all the many losing but hopeful players become reluctant to play on the site. PokerStars banning winning players would have such a negative impact on the site that I doubt that it would ever be a realistic option.
Please stop offering Poker if a site banns winning players.. in a SKILLGAME which is played User vs User theres always a Winner AND a Looser.
If i want only loosers longterm then just offer Casino games.

sry for my bad english
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:37 AM
they can start HU tables at nl200 from now on.

i mean 1$ cap at nl50 WTF???
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 04:58 AM
Originally Posted by MadeInPolanD
do you understand how rakeback works? you get less than what you raked...

if SNE is 60% RB, then 125k is 60% of rake they made
I understand how rake back works. I'm understanding what you are saying, and my initial thought process on this was slightly off. Or at the very least, my wording is slightly off.

I think we could look at it this way - If there was no SNE program, and nothing else changed, it would be 46m$ more in the bank accounts of Amaya. I'm not saying that Amaya is paying this money out of pocket - I understand where the money is coming from.

I'm just looking at it from a business point, and I'm not seeing where a Board of Directors is going to justify giving away this kind of money for very little perceived gain. This is what bean counters see. They see all this rake money going back out the door, and they are going to come up with ways to keep it in the company. Raking everyone more would be the first solution I'd come to as well. The by-product of making games "impossible" to beat is not their concern.

It would be interesting to know how many SNE players turn actual profit vs how many are slightly winning/slightly losing. It's fully possible to be a slightly losing player, yet still make upwards of 80K a year from "rake back".

An interesting question to ask - if they reduced rake, how many people would be crying about how much more volume they have to put in?

What PS did right now on the Hyper Sats for example is an increase of rake in 300% meaning it will impossible to grind out a larger hourly than a busboy for the best pros. Hence they killed a whole subgenre of games.
The purpose of these games isn't so people can grind out an hourly rate to support themselves. It's to funnel players into tournaments that they can't normally afford. Poker sites aren't here to employ you, they are here to take your money for entertainment.

A key thing to always remember - the purpose of an online poker company is to make money, not give it away. They do not owe you anything. They do not employ you to play on their site.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 05:07 AM
Originally Posted by SantaCruz
A lot of the RB players are breakeven players. But generally mass-tabling breakeven players are, in fact, excellant winning players when they are only playing a few tables. Take away the VIP program and those breakeven players will now be doing some serious damage to Rec players by playing their "A" game.

It certainly isn't the original intent of the VIP program, but it is a result of the VIP program that otherwise good players play a simple ABC game creating a more benign environment for Rec players. To some degree a VIP program acts like the government paying farmers not to grow corn for the greater sake of the farming economy. So once the VIP program is gone there is a new problem to address: What do we do with all these aggressive pro players?

On the Merge Network, which got rid of it's VIP program entirely, they started table restricting players to 4, 2 or even 0 tables. The problem though is restricting or banning players is simply not something a poker site wants to get labeled with. Not only does it piss off the winning players but also all the many losing but hopeful players become reluctant to play on the site. PokerStars banning winning players would have such a negative impact on the site that I doubt that it would ever be a realistic option.
I fully agree that these top level players will do more damage to rec players when they are playing less tables. Which means rec players deposit more money. PS gets more rake in the end, and that's what they are after. More money on their bottom line. There is little doubt that, at this point, the worst thing to have happened to Pokerstars was it getting bought by a publicly traded company.

We also have to remember that there are costs involved with running this company now that weren't there before. There are more people to answer to, and more people to pay.

Going into more markets is going to require them to spend more money upfront. Getting a license in a lot of markets is going to require them to kickback a % to charities or tribes or whoever else figures they can get their hands in. This money will always be passed on to the customer, and the only way to do that efficiently is rake. I really did like the idea of ads though. I think I could tolerate that, since they are everywhere else anyhow.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 05:10 AM
Alright as this hasnt been discussed I would like to know about the BOP change.

Im currently grinding microstakes 9max hypers. That means the BOP change doesnt affect me much since is quite hard to make top 10 there.

But lets say somene is 7/15 like average reg. Can someone do the math how much will he lose /year?. Atleast approximately.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 05:19 AM
Originally Posted by AmayaTroll

Bring back online poker 1 table max each player, no huds.
Just watch what happened to Party
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
10-31-2014 , 05:21 AM
Originally Posted by AmayaTroll
Most of you just don't get it.

Online poker wasn't invented so a bunch of bum hunting angle shooting nits can make a cruisy yearly salary whilst sitting at home in their pyjamas slurping on bad coffee nursing their drug addictions.

The ride has ended kiddies, and I for one am glad. Online poker will NEVER be what it once was, because it has been ruined by a bunch of selfish, narcissistic nits, whose only function on earth is to attach itself to a host and feed, kind of like a parasitic worm.

Bring back online poker 1 table max each player, no huds.

This is a great day for me it really is
after killing 20 seconds of my life reading this post i'm pretty sure the one who is addicted to drugs must be you.
Announcement:  PokerStars Changes to Rake, Spin &amp; Go Prizes, and Battle of the Planets Quote
