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Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not

11-25-2008 , 09:23 AM
Originally Posted by bulls_horn
* Miserable Rush limbaugh listening bastards who constantly whine about how they can't catch a break and talks about how their pokets never hold up.

LOL @ Obamaniacs never running bad
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 12:59 PM
when there is no preflop raise theres 7 limpers and i guy leads out a feeler bet. this guy gets called with middlepair the same player makes a smallish bet on the turn and gets called by middle pair. bets a bigger bet on the river but the guy makes bottom 2 pair and calls. the loser stands up and says ur a donkey and he plays comes to play poker for people like u. I just dont get it. the only thing i make of this is u dont know how to bet and u let urself get beat. SOme people just dont get it
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 01:16 PM
These guys that complain about "never getting cards here"; "I'm tired of seeing 7-2 all day" but you just saw them table hands like AK, QQ, JJ, etc. 10-15 minutes back.

That and hearing someone say "I hate playing aces, they always get cracked" AT LEAST every other hour.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 01:38 PM
Mods: please rename thread to "Bitching and Moaning".
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by ubiquitous
LOL @ Obamaniacs never running bad
My point, Mr. Ditto-head, is the general cynicism and over-all miserable whininess of these people. Just great for table conversation.

Btw, I voted for McCain
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by Hendricks433
Most of the time they try and keep their cool against the real fish and have a tendency to berate more of the regs but still.
anyone else get the impression from the above description that the dealers are berating the better players specifically to tilt them into playing not so well? there are a couple of decent regulars I play with that get bent out of shape when they get sucked out on; when I see them in this mode I tend to giggle and joke about them and subtly push them over the edge into Tilt-o-ville.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 11:31 PM
Please don't tap the glass, sir.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-25-2008 , 11:53 PM
3 main things really

1. dirty people who obviously havent showered in triple digit hours
2. reacting to a flop in an angry way when folding preflop (ie, flop is 5h6h7h, and a guy smacks the table and shakes his head, or when the flop is 333 and a guy gets up and lets out an ugh)
3. at showdown, the old "what you got" .... "well, what you got?" wtf show your ****in hand if you're first
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-26-2008 , 12:55 AM
When they show up at the table dressed as General Patton or wearing a Nascar Firesuit
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-26-2008 , 04:32 AM
1. Every young player acting like they are their favorite TV pro (Farha or Negreanu or Durr or Gus or Lederer or whoever) by handling their chips in the same way as that pro, stacking them and cutting them and throwing them in a twirling motion like them and always taking a LONG LONG TIME for every single decision, even the most basic no-brainers, because they think that is how you play poker.
--you are not paying for 2 million, you are playing for 2 bucks. wake the F up.
--people are waiting for you.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-26-2008 , 04:59 AM
Originally Posted by CrazyJoeDavola
When they show up at the table dressed as General Patton or wearing a Nascar Firesuit
Best post so far!
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-26-2008 , 08:18 AM
People, like this coupleat my game, who just slow the game down all the time not just when they dont post their blinds but whenever its their turn to act 'Oh is it me?' yes its always you were waiting on cause your always yapping. Also whenever it comes to a showdown they never want to show there hands first even though they flopped a flush and the board didnt pair and wait for you to turn over your losing hand first. They also will constantly ask 'whats the minimum i can bet' when its upto them and then complain when they get outdrawn. mind you i have won at leats £1000 off them in the last few months so i suppose i can put up with it for a while
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 12:46 PM
When people say "Thats what i am talking about", when they were not actually talking about anything.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 03:42 PM
Originally Posted by radek2166
WOW lets see.

Table coaches, playing out of a rack, people who put chips in their mouth, People that wait for the action to get to them before looking at their cards. For christ sake its 4-8 man. Idiots that tap on the glass and berate players that play crap, I should've, I would've, I could've.

Playing pai gow one night after 15 minutes of if this would have came, I would have......... I look at the girl and say "If I would have invested in microsoft 20 years ago, I wouldnt be sitting here listening to you!!!
Originally Posted by TimmayB


*slowly raises hand* guilty
Its a nervous habit, I play with everything with my hands (I shred napkins unconsciously at restaurant tables without even knowing it) and i put things in my mouth a lot (pens, pencils, pen caps) I know its gross, but I do it anyway.....
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 07:41 PM
I come into the club at midnight, my usual time, and the big game is running short-handed (which is why I come in at midnight). It has obviously been running short-handed for a while.

I look at the lineup and pick a seat. Just as I drape my jacket over the back of the chair, some joker looks up and says, "I'm moving there as soon as the button passes." He's in UTG+2 this hand, naturally.

* * *

Fake moves: faking a raise when they're calling, faking a call or raise when they're folding. Are you really picking up tells from us by that stunt, or are you just being a jerk?

* * *

Being rude to the dealer. Blaming the dealer for running bad (Dude, the dealer just cuts the cards; it's the Shuffle Master machine that's really to blame). Sexually harassing cute female dealers. Treating the dealers like dirt.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 07:56 PM
I don't get tilted when I hear one person say something stupid, but when there is a conversation and more than half of the people at the table are agreeing about something that is so clearly wrong I might get annoyed. The annoyance usually happens when I am losing because it's that feeling of how can I ever lose to these fools!?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 09:04 PM
There are three things that annoy me more than anything else:

Being rude.

Stiffing the drink-runner girls.

Coming to the table reeking.

(I've had to suffer the presence of three Canadian internet players who were sleeping in their vehicle, without showering, for five days at a Heartland Poker Tour event. It was a nightmare.)
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 09:07 PM
Originally Posted by Cup o' Joe

Coming to the table reeking.
is reeking of pot okay?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-01-2008 , 10:34 PM
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-02-2008 , 04:27 AM
Originally Posted by Ted_Thompson
1. Every young player acting like they are their favorite TV pro (Farha or Negreanu or Durr or Gus or Lederer or whoever) by handling their chips in the same way as that pro, stacking them and cutting them and throwing them in a twirling motion like them
this...****ing hands down
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-02-2008 , 06:51 AM
- After winning a pot, complaining how he/she could have gotten more from the other player (seriously, have a little bit respect for the other player!)
- Berating a bad play/lay down from a bad player after the bad player laid down the winning hand (and showing it)
- Keep harping on the bad play/lay down for about twenty/thirty hands and longer
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-02-2008 , 09:51 AM
Originally Posted by TimmayB
Open their mouths.
/end thread
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-02-2008 , 10:42 AM
When men make a point of showing they don't take me as a serious player who understands the game just because I'm a woman.

But actually that's ok because I use it to my advantage.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-02-2008 , 10:49 AM
Asking the dealer if they're in for $2 or $5 after someone raises to $15. Dealer says "just $2" and they instacall anyways.

One thing that I love though is watching players eat with their hands, then touch their chips, then eat some more....mmmmm dick burger.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
12-02-2008 , 02:08 PM
Originally Posted by Rock_Wild
When men make a point of showing they don't take me as a serious player who understands the game just because I'm a woman.

But actually that's ok because I use it to my advantage.
Just curious, do you think people shouldn't swear if you're at the table, but it's ok if you're not there?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
