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Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not

11-18-2008 , 10:02 AM
Originally Posted by styx2000
Players who call pre-flop raises always with their small denomination chips to get rid of them.
This is what i was about to say, in a sng with 25/50 blinds, he counts out 5 '10' denomination chips to 'get rid of them' ( has a stack of '50' chips)

The way some people will never instamuck when i catch them bluffing and have to talk for a while before giving you some bs story about folding second nuts/ having a tell on me

When someone is against in a short stack in a pot and dramatically says 'all in' while pushing in all his chips which takes ages to clear up again no matter the result of the hand
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 10:46 AM
Originally Posted by kak1154
People that do this.

And people that do this..... and intra-post hypocrites.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 02:25 PM
You can end the madness by turning over your cards ...
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 03:15 PM
I hate it when someone says "raise","reraise"or "bet" and it's considered to be the wrong word and someone takes the time to hold up the action to explain the difference. It doesn't matter what they say you understand what their action represents just let it go stop wasting everyone's time the person will never understand it anyway.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 05:14 PM
1. People who constantly "whisper" to their neighbors about how people play when everyone can hear them.

2. People who are awkward with handling chips... ie. splashing pots, having to count the chips constantly instead of using the stacking method etc...

3. People who table talk and insist that they can say "whatever they want" after I inform them that they cant talk about a hand currently in play.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by kak1154
People that do this.

And people that do this..... and intra-post hypocrites.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by kak1154
People that do this.

And people that do this..... and intra-post hypocrites.
He said he called the person down so he doesn't have to show first. His second post is consistent with his first but your attempt at being witty has failed.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by [S]
He said he called the person down so he doesn't have to show first. His second post is consistent with his first but your attempt at being witty has failed.
Staredowns are stupid no matter who the caller or bettor is... Slowing the whole game down to prove a point or "teach someone a lesson" (the whole "I called you" BS) is just as annoying as the bettor not turning his hand over immediately. I stand by my post.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 07:25 PM
I go with people take forever on a 20 dollar bet into a 50 dollar pot asking the people behind him if they're going to call and when the dealer tells him he can't talk to the other players he says I can say whatever I want lol.

Also players that go all in over my raise and when I call and lose ask why I'm not showing and talk crap about it.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-18-2008 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by kak1154
Staredowns are stupid no matter who the caller or bettor is... Slowing the whole game down to prove a point or "teach someone a lesson" (the whole "I called you" BS) is just as annoying as the bettor not turning his hand over immediately. I stand by my post.
You said intra post hypocrisy but he wasn't being hypocritical he mentioned how he hates the person who's bet and won't show his hand. He obviously is one of those people who doesn't like showing hands if he doesn't have to or isn't holding the nuts. There was nothing hypocritical in his post he was giving an example of it if anything.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 12:08 AM
Yep. Showdown Drama Queens tilt the heck out of me too.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 01:42 AM
At 1/2 NL...people who count by 5 or 10 with their red chips to call a $125 bet.

Last edited by ELCowboy; 11-19-2008 at 01:43 AM. Reason: 5....10....20....30....40....50...60...70....80....(with the nuts)
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 08:22 AM
people who ask me if i show my hand if they fold (even though i do it myself from time to time)

people who make big bluffs in empty sidepots

this thread is fun, it's like therapy to whine about this stuff...
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 04:04 PM
1) Slow rolling. Well, I'm used to it, but at the casino I go to like 90% of the players slow-roll. But they are the biggest idiots in the world, so sometimes I think they just don't know they have a hand.

2) Table captains. "You should have done this...." "I knew you had this...." "He obviously had that...." "When I was in Vegas...." "I have won x tournaments and I know how to play this kind of hand...." etc.

3) Hollywooding tooo much, when it is SO obvious that they will fold.

4) "Ship it!!!!!!" after every time they win a hand

5) People who brag about never tipping the dealers.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 04:22 PM
Originally Posted by styx2000
this thread is fun, it's like therapy to whine about this stuff...
I concur. So I'll add:

When a horrible regular yells at another terrible player for not misplaying his hand the way the reg would have butchered it himself.

--> Anyone who harasses a live one.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 04:25 PM

ppl who get it in behind and get there, then celebrate how they played the hand well/ knew you were bluffing
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 05:31 PM
Playing at the table with a cold / flu.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 05:39 PM
This tilts me everytime. I run a 3 barrell bluff representing an obvious hand and the donk in the game calls the river bet with middle pair saying " I know I am beat but I gotta call...."

Well, if you know you are beat....Why are you calling, donk?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 05:55 PM
Originally Posted by BusterFlush
This tilts me everytime. I run a 3 barrell bluff representing an obvious hand and the donk in the game calls the river bet with middle pair saying " I know I am beat but I gotta call...."

Well, if you know you are beat....Why are you calling, donk?
If this happens to you often, you must not be very good at bluffing. DUCY?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 05:59 PM
I always wondered if this upset people. When at a 1/2 game full of poor tippers, I will tip the dealer in the Dark before the hand is dealt b/c He/She is getting screwed by the nits. Although it usually makes me play the hand with Any Two cards, which brings the "How can you play those cards?" speech. Does tipping in the dark piss people off? I am no balla but hate seeing a guy win a huge pot then not tip.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 06:10 PM
1) Anyone wearing sunglasses in 1/2 NL game should be shot immedietely.

2) Take a shower before you come to the poker room.

3) People who have no concept how rare the BBJ is. These are the same people who dont realize both players will be all in anyway so dont worry about every $30 pot.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 06:51 PM
I think what tilts me the most is when the person to my immediate right takes a long time to look at his cards and act after its folded to him. Every time.

Also when someone starts talking **** to a donkey, and the donkey requests a table change.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 07:00 PM
Originally Posted by BusterFlush
This tilts me everytime. I run a 3 barrell bluff representing an obvious hand and the donk in the game calls the river bet with middle pair saying " I know I am beat but I gotta call...."

Well, if you know you are beat....Why are you calling, donk?
Poker rule number one: Don't bluff a calling station. Who's the donk now?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by Mookman5
I always wondered if this upset people. When at a 1/2 game full of poor tippers, I will tip the dealer in the Dark before the hand is dealt b/c He/She is getting screwed by the nits. Although it usually makes me play the hand with Any Two cards, which brings the "How can you play those cards?" speech. Does tipping in the dark piss people off? I am no balla but hate seeing a guy win a huge pot then not tip.
this reminds me of a story at a pokerroom i was a regular in. the dealers when they werent dealing were allowed to play in the game too. i was good friends with most of the dealers after being in there every single day. when this new player sits down one of the dealers in the game leans over to me and says this guys such a stiff. he won a few pots and didnt tip the dealer once so after the next pot he won i threw the dealer $3. the player who never tipped felt so embarassed his face turned red. the next hand he won he finally tipped the dealer.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
11-19-2008 , 11:56 PM
WOW lets see.

Table coaches, playing out of a rack, people who put chips in their mouth, People that wait for the action to get to them before looking at their cards. For christ sake its 4-8 man. Idiots that tap on the glass and berate players that play crap, I should've, I would've, I could've.

Playing pai gow one night after 15 minutes of if this would have came, I would have......... I look at the girl and say "If I would have invested in microsoft 20 years ago, I wouldnt be sitting here listening to you!!!
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
