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Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not

03-27-2011 , 11:49 PM
Originally Posted by RainierWolfcastle
"Good luck all-in"
I say this.....

Originally Posted by RainierWolfcastle
"big blind special"
but I don't say this. Agree this is irritating.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 12:37 AM
Originally Posted by ACPlayer123
Here's one that drives me nuts...playing 1/2, big blind waits for the action to get to him before he looks at his if other players are looking at the big blind for tells to try to steal his blind. It slows down the game and irritates me---maybe it shouldn't, but it does.
You realize that he is most likely looking at the other players looking at their cards to pick up on tells.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 01:38 AM
IMO the only irritating thing about people saying "big blind special" all the time is watching people fail to make the mental connection that if they PFRd or folded pre, it wouldn't happen. :/

Must... not... tap... glass...
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 08:04 AM
Originally Posted by ACPlayer123
Here's one that drives me nuts...playing 1/2, big blind waits for the action to get to him before he looks at his if other players are looking at the big blind for tells to try to steal his blind. It slows down the game and irritates me---maybe it shouldn't, but it does.
This really shouldnt irritate you too much. It is just a habot for some pople to not look at their cards before it's their turn. It's smart also, since people do tend to give some kind of a tell if they have 93o and dont have any interest in the pot. I do think there is some pretty useful info to be had whether BB is interest or not. It doesnt slow too much as long as the person is quick with his decision and knows what to do with his TJs, or 68s etc.

I tilt really bad to people who look at their cards.. think and look around at people, look at his cards again.. looks at his chips, and then shoots his cards into the muck. And they do this EVERY TIME. It annoys the living jesus out of me.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 09:29 AM
Raise pot preflop, on the flop you have the nut flush draw, pfr mini-bets the flop, you call with great odds, donk on the BTN mini-raise, pfr shoves all-in, you fold, donk calls the all-in. pfr shows AA, donk shows TPTK, you would have hit your flush on the turn for a 600+bb nice raise a-hole.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 02:14 PM
Any player that comments on his holding after the hand is over - especially if this player does it nearly every time. Oh I had a four when the flop comes A44, etc.

Example: I hit a set of nines. Play an interesting hand trying to maximize value against an intelligent preflop raiser. Hand gets to showdown and he can't wait to say...


Who cares? Really? Who cares?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 06:45 PM
seen this several times.

the donks just call in position with the nuts

Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 07:06 PM
Originally Posted by cheddarIZbetter
seen this several times.

the donks just call in position or checks behind with the nuts

Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 08:46 PM
"How do you not fold XX there?"

The guy next to me that tells me he folded a winner every hand. Cool story bro!

The guy that gets upset when he folds his mid pair to an all in and finds out he would have rivered a set.

Already mentioned but "Good luck all in". This tilts the **** out of me. What if the guy that's all in has the other guy crushed or drawing dead?

"I didn't raise cause he would have folded anyway." When they call behind with the nuts, or a monster hand.

Last edited by profELMO; 03-28-2011 at 08:51 PM.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by halftilt
IMO the only irritating thing about people saying "big blind special" all the time is watching people fail to make the mental connection that if they PFRd or folded pre, it wouldn't happen. :/

Must... not... tap... glass...
Ooh I got one. People who use that excuse when they called your raise.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 11:24 PM
when weak regs berate the drunk fish so much that they almost want to leave
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-28-2011 , 11:28 PM
Originally Posted by ILikeToParty
People who after every board start saying what hands the players would have needed for the Jackpot
People who can't believe you mucked 22 preflop with 4 all ins in front of you cuz its a "jackpot hand"
Guys who act like they're phil ivey as they're sitting at the lowest buyin table in town
Live donks who talk about how bad internet players are
People who call out what hand the other player has when it has absolutely no relevance to the board, ie , board is JQ729 and guy says "guy has A8, no doubt, its A8"
Guys who "take it easy" on the women at the table. She's gonna try to take ur money, don't let up on her
The 45 year old minimum wage guy who starts chatting it up with the gorgeous asian girl that sits down and saying the weakest most desperate lines and thinking she's eating it up and were all jealous
Guys who constantly talk about the "big" games they play in Vegas, "ya last weekend was playing $50/$100NL up in Vegas" ya sure u were dude, that's why u play 1/2 everytime I see you
Oh and this
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
Ooh I got one. People who use that excuse when they called your raise.

OK, I agree that would be tilting. I haven't seen it personally though. I guess I'm just lucky?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 12:28 AM
Originally Posted by profELMO
Already mentioned but "Good luck all in". This tilts the **** out of me.
Maybe I don't find this tilting as I mostly play LHE and if the guy is all in he's already lost a rack or 2 and he's only got 1 or 2 big blinds left.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:04 AM
+1 to the guys acting like they're Phil Ivey at the lowest tables possible... Or wearing the shades and the hood in a 30$ buy in tournament... The fkn ****** smooth called my big 3b preflop with 66, I had AK flop came K63. He thought he was a genius for stacking me off there. Oh and he had earphones too, listening to some awesome rap obv.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by Ted DiBiase
Bad beat stories should be limited to 7 seconds. Anybody who goes over tilts me.
Hearing this, I totally want to get a stop watch. I hear a bad beat story, I just casually start the timer.

Should I limit it to 7 seconds per story though, or 7 seconds per player? What to do with repeat offenders?
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:29 PM
I was playing live a while back when it got to the river and this guy i'd never seen was playing (looked pretty new to the game). The board comes down something like A7856 and he goes into the tank when he's first to act on the river. After about 60-70 seconds, he says "I'm worried you've got the straight" then he insta shoves all his stack into the middle.

I couldn't help but laugh.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 03:48 PM
This may be nitty but the game in our house is 2-10 or 2-20 spread limit with overs occasionally.

Well the most common bet is $10.00 and I constantly see people bring out $9 to call and cut it in two then move the single chip on the 5 stack to the 4 high stack for some reason...thinking that will make the stacks even again. They tend to do this twice in rapid succession before going to their stack to get the extra $1.

Just amazing to see this happen so much.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-29-2011 , 07:52 PM
Originally Posted by Brocky
I was playing live a while back when it got to the river and this guy i'd never seen was playing (looked pretty new to the game). The board comes down something like A7856 and he goes into the tank when he's first to act on the river. After about 60-70 seconds, he says "I'm worried you've got the straight" then he insta shoves all his stack into the middle.

I couldn't help but laugh.
That's pure genius. If I'm ever in a similar situation, holding the nut straight and working out my bet size after the river, I am definitely going to be using this line before shoving.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-30-2011 , 05:37 AM
Originally Posted by GETCASH
1) People who have their chips in stacks of 10

2) When the guy in the two seat places his bets three inches in front of him when a tiny female dealer is in the box and I have to move them every time so she can reach it.

3) When two guys who have never seen each other in their life become best friends at the table within five minutes and show each other their cards and talk strategy etc. One usually busts on some horrible call/bluff and his buddy acts like his new best friend played the hand with expertise.

4) This one tilts me super hard.... I get it all in preflop with AA versus AK, for example, and I have my opponent OBVIOUSLY covered. The dealer starts to count stacks before putting the board out there.... jesus christ, DEAL FIRST

to #4... she knows ur gonna lose and wants to know how many chips ur gonna haveta ship out beforehand
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-30-2011 , 06:06 AM
I often say/do many of these tilt inducing things at the poker table to remind the table im a donk/fish/incompetent.

If I can get some 2p2'er to think I'm a n00b, yippieeeeee.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-30-2011 , 08:14 AM
Originally Posted by Shelldonahue
lol check out the guy in the background far left from 6-16 seconds
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-30-2011 , 08:35 AM
I love watching old ******s count out a $50 call by taking a stack of reds and laying out 10 one-chip stacks.

"5...10...15...20...25...30...35...40...45...5 0"
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
03-30-2011 , 10:03 AM
Deep in a tourney, blinds 1600/3200, utg makes it 10,000 to go and needs to put it out there in 5x 1000 and then 5 stacks of 100's rather than just toss out two ****ing blue chips. That was time consuming and future messy pile enough but then the BB needed to call him the same way.
There ought to be a fewest needed chips rule.
Things live players do that tilt the heck out of you even though they should not Quote
