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NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll
View Poll Results: Who Will Win "Nets v. Vets"?
Brian "sbrugby" Townsend
48 15.58%
Doyle Brunson
33 10.71%
Tom "Durrr" Dwan
95 30.84%
Johnny Chan
54 17.53%
Huck Seed
69 22.40%
Andrew "good2cu" Robl
9 2.92%

07-23-2008 , 12:29 AM
The table talk in the first episode was like the anti-"Back the truck up". Yeesh, all the money in the world and they still come across as big dorks.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:30 AM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
What in the world does a 6-person winner-take-all tournament has to do with 9-person 50-30-20 tournaments? It's really starting to tilt me how PAD is so thoroughly confused with an SnG. The strategies for the two are very different, people. SnG's are all about playing around the bubble, which doesn't even exist in PAD.
A "9-person 50-30-20 tournament" is not the only type of sng (or STT) that exists. You provide an artificially narrow definition of "sng" and then declare that PAD is completely different because it doesn't fit within that definition.

PAD is a single table tournament - people get eliminated.. blinds go up..
There are 6max stt's where the strategies are not that different. Non turbo stt's where the top 2 get paid...
The difference in strategy isn't as big as you make it out to be.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:35 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
you guys could prob beat the world record!

gogogo youre my heroes!
They wouldn't break 10k at their pace.

1000 pushups in 24 hours isn't hard and trying to mock him because you think he's boasting (when it's not anything to boast about) makes you look a little dense.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 12:49 AM
Dwan and Robl are total dorks who take way too long to act.

You can see that Chan, Doyle and Huck are totally fed up with how long these dorks are taking to act. Its all an act when you take that long on every street. It's unnecessary and lame.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Ted_Thompson
Dwan and Robl are total dorks who take way too long to act.

You can see that Chan, Doyle and Huck are totally fed up with how long these dorks are taking to act. Its all an act when you take that long on every street. It's unnecessary and lame.
Because poker is so easy, right?

Have you ever seen a player take an early position raise, then go for a flop check-raise, then donk turn? It's a very unusual line.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:15 AM
Originally Posted by Ted_Thompson
Dwan and Robl are total dorks who take way too long to act.

You can see that Chan, Doyle and Huck are totally fed up with how long these dorks are taking to act. Its all an act when you take that long on every street. It's unnecessary and lame.
Maybe it's metagame trying to tilt the older players. Dwan and Robl could be the co-presidents of the Junior Phil Laak League.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:23 AM
first episode has been entertaining and informative, can't wait to see more
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 01:38 AM
why is every1 bashing robl? i think he looks completely fine and his nerves are endearing.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by Wilbury Twist

Oh, and who gets credit for using the term "Fem Dump" for describing the way Dwan moves his chips? I can't help but think of that phrase whenever he does it. Nice hand, sir.
That would be me. I ®'d it in the PAD cash game thread.

Saddly this is my crowning achievement in poker thus far .
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:25 AM
this is boring
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:28 AM
Doyles little interview was kinda interesting, he said "they analyze every hand, that would make me crazy doing that, I kinda have my doubts about them."
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:41 AM
johnny was so #@&$*#&$*(#&$*( out of line!!!
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:43 AM
I'm sorry but Robl does look really strange...Real creepy. Seems like a nice dude though.

The new host really sucks but +1 for the rack.

p.s they fear D B
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:47 AM
The white inmates on the ASU yard I work at do a workout routine that involves 50 sets of 20 reps. They usually finish in a little over an hour, but out of the 35 or so inmates only about 9 can do all 50 sets. Dwan is so skinny that he should be able to do it in 24.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:48 AM
Chan just g0t (fill in the blank)...

7/1 he's steaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaming
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:48 AM
nice call johnny
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:50 AM
beautiful. durrrr valueraped chan
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 02:52 AM
****, this is so boring. A bunch of great poker players and I dont even want to watch cuz its a silly sng. This just pisses my off to no end, especially since last week gave me a big tease with the very entertaining cash games.

I will never tune in again to this weakness until they make this a cash game show again.

edit: Is there an e-mail I can write to cuz this is just horrible? I would write every day, a different email to make this a permanent cash game.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:01 AM
+1 to above
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:10 AM
Originally Posted by Dominic
wow, lots of haters here. Andrew looks great and Tom is entertaining. Doyle is hilarious as usual and Chan is a jerk. And LOL at the nets not knowing how to play a 6-handed sng. Riiiight.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:14 AM
Inside basic info, trying to use the spoiler tags... let's see if I'm capable.

Robl goes out first.
I *believe* Huck Seed is out next. But I could be remembering wrong.

That's all I know.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:14 AM
I figured I should post this, this is the PAD forum. There is one called "What would you like to see on the show?" I encourage all of you to tell them to add more of the cash game format cuz this BS is way to boring, there is already a thread about it. I hope this isnt against 2+2 policies cuz we need to tell them that the current show sux horribly and I know many agree.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:19 AM
ok ive withheld judgement, but it's now gone on too long. the table chat from the internet guys is embarrassing.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-23-2008 , 03:31 AM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
This is Brian Townsend for CardRunners Dot Com.

If only BT could run as good this year/next year as he did last year (pardon my ignorance, i only followed online poker heavy in the last 6 months) , he could be the next PA. He handles himself so well on the camera, shows respect, and can obviously dominate.

[x] man crush on bt
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
