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NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll
View Poll Results: Who Will Win "Nets v. Vets"?
Brian "sbrugby" Townsend
48 15.58%
Doyle Brunson
33 10.71%
Tom "Durrr" Dwan
95 30.84%
Johnny Chan
54 17.53%
Huck Seed
69 22.40%
Andrew "good2cu" Robl
9 2.92%

07-24-2008 , 05:45 PM
Originally Posted by Trapdoors Exist
The vets seem totally outclassed by the 'nets. They just don't seem to understand the 'nets style at all. That's inexcusable. Seriously, an hour or two spent on this forum, a few hours playing on-line ... it really shouldn't take much to figure out how they play.
Damn, I've spent 1000's of hours on the forums, and playing. I should def be able to understand how to play Durrr... Especially with your handy little guide to beating them. TY.

Originally Posted by Trapdoors Exist
Unless they're a complete maniac, I like to counter aggression with aggression, so I would be 3-betting and c-betting a lot against the net guys. Use their own style against them. Then again, that's kind of the way I play anyways.

Last edited by hendrix23; 07-24-2008 at 05:56 PM.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 06:28 PM
LOL so much hate in this thread
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07-24-2008 , 06:36 PM
Robl seemed nervous, as I'm sure I would have been as a "young gun" on national TV facing this particular lineup. The makeup artist did him no favors either - in their zeal to cover up his acne they made him look like a mannequin. His line about being intimidated when he made that laydown to Doyle Brunson was one of the more honest lines we've seen this week.

If Tom Dwan was a publicly traded stock (ticker DURR, presumably) I'd be a buyer.

For all the ragging on the social skills of the Internet whiz kids, can you imagine if one of the young guns had played the overall game, including table chatter, of Johnny Chan? He made for lousy TV and seemed to get zero value for his good hands.
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07-24-2008 , 06:40 PM
Townsend proves someone can be a net poker junkie and still be pretty sociable and well adjusted.

Regadless, Durrrr plays super good.
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07-24-2008 , 06:56 PM
Originally Posted by RobAtticus
On another note, I kind of enjoy the fact that PAD does not penalize for showing a card. I thought the exchange between Huck and Doyle when they showed cards was worth the extra time it took, rather than the usual tournament ruling that Huck's hand should be dead.
huck should have pushed. that would have been hilarious.

on a side note, everyone should stop swinging from dwan's pre-pubescent nutsack.
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07-24-2008 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by RobAtticus
On another note, I kind of enjoy the fact that PAD does not penalize for showing a card. I thought the exchange between Huck and Doyle when they showed cards was worth the extra time it took, rather than the usual tournament ruling that Huck's hand should be dead.
yea i thought it was interesting. would have been awesome if huck shoved.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:11 PM
Originally Posted by TiredOldMan
Robl seemed nervous, as I'm sure I would have been as a "young gun" on national TV facing this particular lineup.
You know, if he hadn't opened the table by talking trash about a player not even in the game, I would have more sympathy. I hate Hellmuth, but how classless do you have to be when you start talking about how you would sell everything to play a guy, and you mean that as a put down, not a sign up respect.

It was clear from the way Durr and Robl started that they had no respect for the veteran players. Gosh, I hope they don't get their clocks cleaned.
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07-24-2008 , 07:27 PM
I feel like durrr has hit almost every flop this season. I have been impressed by his ability to extract value but things are easier when you are hitting consistently.

Other points:

Chan played terribly.
Good2cu seemed like a good kid. Anyone saying otherwise is a dick. I don't understand why players on a forum like this want socialites on poker shows instead of good poker players. It makes no ****ing sense.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:50 PM
Tom is an interesting character. Having watched him the last two weeks I think he has some actual potential. He still has several very odd ticks and quirks that he really needs to work on because they are off-putting. However he does seem to get the idea that he needs to interact and get involved.

His constant ribbing with Helmeth sometimes becomes too much, but it is a sign that he understands this is the kind of stuff that will help keep him in the spotlight. He also can talk too much. I think this week he gets into periods where he is telling a story and he just overdoes it and doesn't know when to settle down. Kind of like his poker play, he is a bit aggressive and reckless at times.

He just needs to work on some of his weird eye mannerisms and other quirks that make him look like he is very socially awkward. If he does that and settles down a bit, I think he will be fine. Interesting to find out he lives relatively close to me. I will have to have him over for a home game.

To me Townsend has always been the most well-adapted online player to get any real time in these tv events. Why? Because I think he is pretty much a normal guy with a normal life he did normal things outside of playing poker. A lot of the guys we see had very narrow lives and experiences and literally spent all their free time locked up in a room playing online poker. That is why it is so interesting/awkward when they get in a live situation on tv. They lack that experience of just normal and varied social interaction.

It is not just something suffered by poker players either. It is essentially the dork/geek syndrome and it is the same across the board.

As for Robl, he seems pretty immature. I don't know if he has enough to get away with the way he acts/looks to be able to stay around. I think Dwan gets a bit more leeway just because his play has been very solid. So he is earning the time to develop and adapt and normalize to the environment. I don't think we will be good2cu much in the future.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:54 PM
I appear to be in the minority, but I actually enjoy this week's PAD. I did like the cash game, but I like watching the various contrasting styles in this week's lineup. Although I can't say I'm a Durr fan, I really enjoy watching him play so agrressively, yet show the skill to get out when he's beat. I'm a TAG, and watching how this LAG does it is entertaining to me.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by Trapdoors Exist
I'm surprised no one's mentioned Seed's not-so-subtle jabs at Dwan. "I got lots of straight and flush draws." He must have said it 3 times and I was laughing after each.

I don't think they were jabs. I think originally Huck and others, myself included, had no idea what Dwan meant. I think once Huck figured it out he thought it was funny and that is why he kept saying it.

You could tell when he said the suited connectors bit that Huck did not get it originally. Once he realized it meant he had two trash cards that were of different suits, he just thought it was an amusing things to say when you got nothing.

It pains me a bit to stick up for Durrrr, even though I never had anything against him other then the suckophants who swallow him on these forums. I think the kid has some potential to cross over and be a regular tv game player.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by markksman
To me Townsend has always been the most well-adapted online player to get any real time in these tv events. Why? Because I think he is pretty much a normal guy with a normal life he did normal things outside of playing poker. A lot of the guys we see had very narrow lives and experiences and literally spent all their free time locked up in a room playing online poker. That is why it is so interesting/awkward when they get in a live situation on tv. They lack that experience of just normal and varied social interaction.

Townsend was probably a jock in high school, as evidenced by his love of Rugby, which means he's was popular and partying and not spending all his time on a computer. The others were probably computer nerds and online poker just became part of their computer routine. some of lucky enough to hit the poker genetics jackpot, so we have guys like Durrr and good2cu on TV.

Originally Posted by markksman
I don't think they were jabs. I think originally Huck and others, myself included, had no idea what Dwan meant. I think once Huck figured it out he thought it was funny and that is why he kept saying it.
Who knew Huck could be so entertaining when he actually talks.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 09:25 PM
didn't see this mentioned, but i loved this exchange (paraphrased)

huck: "couldn't doyle have the J3 suited there? tom raised 93 suited"
brian: "that's because tom's an idiot"

the timing and the way he said it was perfect
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 10:07 PM
throw my vote in for borrrrinnnngggggg. not even going to watch the next episodes.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by TiredOldMan
Robl seemed nervous, as I'm sure I would have been as a "young gun" on national TV facing this particular lineup. The makeup artist did him no favors either - in their zeal to cover up his acne they made him look like a mannequin. His line about being intimidated when he made that laydown to Doyle Brunson was one of the more honest lines we've seen this week.

If Tom Dwan was a publicly traded stock (ticker DURR, presumably) I'd be a buyer.

For all the ragging on the social skills of the Internet whiz kids, can you imagine if one of the young guns had played the overall game, including table chatter, of Johnny Chan? He made for lousy TV and seemed to get zero value for his good hands.
Dude.....why not have IPOs and trade stock for poker players? The money from the IPO could bankroll them.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Jayhawker
I hate Hellmuth, but how classless do you have to be when you start talking about how you would sale everything to play a guy, and you mean that as a put down, not a sign up respect.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:31 PM
robl looks like he has never touched chips and real cards before.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:50 PM
Huck is totally relaxed and doesn't seem to get affected by losing a pot he plus he talks really slow
to quote Mike Matusow : Durrrr is from another planet.
Robl just nervous to be on tv imo.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-24-2008 , 11:52 PM
I don't understand all the hate for the internet players. The only person who was out of line at all here was Chan. Everyone else seemed fine, it was a boring episode, but I think everyone's just used to the cash game format now, and this sng/freezeout format just sucks.

Besides Robl in the kq hand I also don't think the net guys took too long during hands.

I just don't understand a lot of the hate in this thread.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-25-2008 , 12:10 AM
Originally Posted by hendrix23
Damn, I've spent 1000's of hours on the forums, and playing. I should def be able to understand how to play Durrr... Especially with your handy little guide to beating them. TY.
That sound you just heard is my point shooting right over your head.

Players like Chan, Hellmuth, and even Brunson don't understand the internet players because they don't want to. That's what is most annoying: they don't even seem to try. They just hear the term "internet player" and will not take them seriously because of it.

It reminds me of the old guard in baseball, who hear words like "sabermetrics" and "VORP" and will instantly dismiss them because they're new and they don't understand them. They would be better served if they put some time and effort into understanding the new concepts, not ignoring them simply because they're foreign to them. It reeks of stubbornness and arrogance. It would be akin to a very old mathematician saying he doesn't want to use a calculator because they didn't have that back in his day. In other words, it's ******ed.

If they put a modicum of effort into seeing how the typical "internet player" thinks, they would be better equipped when they play them. That's all I was saying. It doesn't mean they would pwn the nets, but they would at least have a better idea on how to play them. They seem to assume, "I've been doing this for x amount of years. I know what I'm doing. These young punks think they have it all figured out. Ha ... I'll show them how REAL poker pros play."

In reality, the vets could probably learn more from the internet guys than the internet guys could learn from them. The vets are just too prideful to admit that. (I am generalizing the words "vets" and "nets" and am not simply referring to the players in this week's episodes. In case anyone is too dense to notice that.)
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-25-2008 , 12:29 AM
Originally Posted by markksman
I don't think they were jabs. I think originally Huck and others, myself included, had no idea what Dwan meant. I think once Huck figured it out he thought it was funny and that is why he kept saying it.

You could tell when he said the suited connectors bit that Huck did not get it originally. Once he realized it meant he had two trash cards that were of different suits, he just thought it was an amusing things to say when you got nothing.

It pains me a bit to stick up for Durrrr, even though I never had anything against him other then the suckophants who swallow him on these forums. I think the kid has some potential to cross over and be a regular tv game player.
I'm pretty sure that wasn't what Dwan meant, as he said it right after he folded a suited connector (I believe it was 65 of clubs.) Huck then said it once with trash, then again when he pulled his semi bluff with the OESD w/ backdoor spade draw. I think he said it another time in between those two, but I could be wrong.

Maybe you're right and Huck meant nothing by it. I don't think he was trying to be a dick or anything, and Dwan didn't seem to be bothered by it at all. I just saw it as Seed's way of playfully ribbing the internet whiz kid who can't seem to shut up. Either way, I got a few chuckles out of it. Huck reminds me of the type of people I hang out with, and we're all prone to ball-busting comments like that, so perhaps that colored my interpretation.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-25-2008 , 12:42 AM
Originally Posted by Trapdoors Exist
Players like Chan, Hellmuth, and even Brunson don't understand the internet players because they don't want to. That's what is most annoying: they don't even seem to try. They just hear the term "internet player" and will not take them seriously because of it.
All the internet kids need to do is win in the live game, and they will get respect.
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07-25-2008 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by Jayhawker
All the internet kids need to do is win in the live game, and they will get respect.
I don't understand this argument. Winning hundreds of thousands of dollars at online poker, in some cases even millions of dollars, doesn't earn them respect? Really? What do you want from them? Should Dwan use a time machine to travel back to the mid 1970's and win back to back WSOP bracelets? Back when like 20 people played in the event? Is that what needs to happen for him to earn respect?

Please ... guys like Chan, Brunson, and Hellmuth make more money off of endorsements than they do from poker. They haven't ceased being poker players entirely, but they have become more celebrities than anything. That doesn't mean they aren't great for the game. Without the Brunsons of the world, guys like Dwan and Townsend might not even be where they are today. They are certainly entitled to all of the ball washing praise that they receive. But I don't understand the argument that internet players don't deserve equal, if not greater respect when speaking solely about poker skill. Internet games are far tougher than equivalent stakes live games and that point is not debatable.
NEW Poker After Dark - Week of July 21 - Nets v. Vets discussion thread and poll Quote
07-25-2008 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by Jayhawker
All the internet kids need to do is win in the live game, and they will get respect.
Exactly. I play mid-stakes 5-10NL , 10-20NL live regularly and many of the regs I play with don't even know I play on-line successfully too. You'd be really surprised just how many great live players (young ones too) perceive online poker as shenannigans and either don't trust it cuz whatever reason or don't think it's poker. Some could prob crush online but they arent tech savvy and dont want to put $ on. I usually just stay out of "internet poker is negative" convos cuz I couldn't care less about wasting my energy explaining to these people the ins and outs of online poker. So yeah it is really annoying seeing a few online poker players on PAD give young poker players everywhere a bad rep as snobby disrepectful know-it-alls who think they cracked the code to perfect poker and can just crush all live games. End of rant.
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07-25-2008 , 02:20 AM
worst week of PAD ive watched thus far. its funny watching doyle get sick to his stomach with the table banter of the online guys, cant really blame him either.
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