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NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money?
View Poll Results: Who Will Win the Most Amount of Money?
Chris Ferguson
24 9.45%
Phil Hellmuth
16 6.30%
Antonio Esfandiari
101 39.76%
Brandon Adams
39 15.35%
Todd Brunson
47 18.50%
Mike Matusow
27 10.63%

03-16-2010 , 03:42 PM
Even the ubernit Sklanksy once wrote that you should sometimes play looser than ideal for political reasons (such as if you're invited to a soft private game). TV game certainly qualifies as a political situation. That said, it may not apply to Jesus on PAD for the same reason it does not apply to Howard, as they're ultimately the hosts of the game.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 03:49 PM
linky on right now...

Poker greats in $50k cash game
NBC Sports

WIth PH picture of
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Stupid Adams flat calling with nut-flush. Do people realize that your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time, and then the turn card will either be the 4th suit card or a board pairing about 40% of the time. What a terrible hand to slowplay.
Okay I can understand criticizing him for not raising that flop, but "your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time"

are you for real?

[ ] your math skills
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Stupid Adams flat calling with nut-flush. Do people realize that your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time, and then the turn card will either be the 4th suit card or a board pairing about 40% of the time. What a terrible hand to slowplay.
How many 's are in the deck you use?
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:23 PM
Chris Ferguson is such a nit! so tilting to watch, does he not realise that 27 is good for the game, especially his
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Veil
I cracked up when Matusow said his whole roll is on the table

Nejad was on fire too as per usual.
Hi Ali!
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:38 PM
Brandon Adams made a great play in epsiode 1 in the hand where he had Ah6h in the BB. Three handed dry flop he's 2nd to act. Antonio leads from the SB, Brandon reraises with no piece and 1 player behind him and takes it.

Later Phil makes a comment about Brandon always getting the last bet in and I'm wondering how he took that and if it affected future decisions at all. Hopefully he'll stop in this thread and share some of his thoughts.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:42 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Stupid Adams flat calling with nut-flush. Do people realize that your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time, and then the turn card will either be the 4th suit card or a board pairing about 40% of the time. What a terrible hand to slowplay.
Flat calling wasn't the bad move, betting only 1k on the river was his mistake.
I think Adams didn't put Chris on a flush because he always just check-called him. So he figured Chris had only one or maybe two pair and wouldn't call a big bet because of the 4 out there.
Understandable, but I still think you have to bet bigger with the nuts there, 1k was laughable...

Originally Posted by Freewill1978
How many 's are in the deck you use?
Actually hes not that far off, 8 more suited cards plus 9 more pair-cards are 17 "outs" so its about 36%.

Last edited by germanherman; 03-16-2010 at 04:49 PM.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 04:56 PM
Originally Posted by BeerBottlez
Chris was very nitty but seriously Matusow was extremely annoying mentioning this every 10 seconds in the show it made the show about unbearable to watch.
I don't mind Matusow, but he was no more annoying than usual. I find it much more annoying how the Camera-Whore Hellmuth constantly puts out non sequitur. Just constantly saying the same things on every show, same stories, same whining lines. "Oh, the camera isn't on me?!"... "Hey, Antonio, remember 3 years ago when I flopped 2 pair, and you flopped a set, it was so sick" (Yes! Camera back on me talking)
Wearing his awful shirts he's trying to sell, constantly talking to himself.

Originally Posted by germanherman
Flat calling wasn't the bad move, betting only 1k on the river was his mistake.
I think Adams didn't put Chris on a flush because he always just check-called him. So he figured Chris had only one or maybe two pair and wouldn't call a big bet because of the 4 out there.
Understandable, but I still think you have to bet bigger with the nuts there, 1k was laughable...
But like they were saying, he called $2,500(?) on the turn. I think Jesus would have called 3.5 or 4.
Sometimes I like the incredibly small bet, people will sometimes raise just out of annoyance.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Rmbxr9
But like they were saying, he called $2,500(?) on the turn. I think Jesus would have called 3.5 or 4.
Sometimes I like the incredibly small bet, people will sometimes raise just out of anger.
Yeah, that's why I said 1k was laughable and he should've bet more....

I don't think Adams was going for a raise here, maybe against another player but not against Chris. He is such a tight player he wouldn't raise here with anything but the nuts and Adams knows it (i think?).
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by germanherman
Actually hes not that far off, 8 more suited cards plus 9 more pair-cards are 17 "outs" so its about 36%.
i think will was referring to the "your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time" comment rather than the comment about the turn card

fwiw i also like raising the flop with adams' flush and no it's not results oriented because i nearly always raise my flopped flushes in a cash game 100 BBs or deeper. sure you're only getting action from a fairly tight range, but calling the flop and then raising turn on a blank looks way stronger anyway, and that is pretty much your only other alternative if you ever want to build a pot with the nuts (you do). and that's when you get a blank. all the non-blanks suck for you. plus i don't think he's inducing a lot of future action from a player like jesus by flatting anyway, at least not enough to make up for what he loses when jesus has a strong hand
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:07 PM
Originally Posted by blankoblanco
i think will was referring to the "your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time" comment rather than the comment about the turn card
ah, that really does make more sense. If thats the case than I agree.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:12 PM
ferguson should play the 72 game, it wud be + for him coz hes so tight. if he has 72 and gets played back at, he knows to muck it.

he said he wud play for $200, which defeats the purpose of playin the game, unless you restructure the game. Instead of winning $3k for a bluff, he wud win $1200, which is usually the amount wagered closer to the flop or turn, where bluffs work out less than if he was bluffing the river. so he can afford a little more to set the bluff up and complete it if its the $500 72game,

unless he gets to the river cheap and bluffs with 72, playing for $200 is futile.

this is probly wat he meant about devising a strat for play 7,2 and i admire his boldness. being an extremely rich player (according to the table) and not wanting to play 72 because he wasnt sure of the ins and outs, which do exist, is a sign of a smart man.

everyone hating on em shud just stop. ferguson is a legend of poker and seems lyk a nice guy. matusow on the other hand, seems lyk a bit of an annoyance wherever he goes, altho i think he is funny sometimes so i put up with him.

Brandon Adams really impressed me in this episode. Hes watching players closely. The 4bet against CF was quality and I think CF's 3bet was terrrible with 77. I also knew that Adams was going to go for a SB3betSteal against AE b/coz AE was raising so many buttons. It was a magical little 3bet for balance and value. Fair enough the flop call with the flush was a little bad but i do see his reasoning. It was an UTG raise from a super tight nit and he held the A, so raising will induce a fold too often, and chris is capable of firing a few streets. Against chris a raise isnt standard, but neither is a call. If it was the first hand of the game id call, further in the game after watching the play, i might come in for a raise, too Vdependent.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by MBison
Okay I can understand criticizing him for not raising that flop, but "your opponent flops a flush a decent percentage of the time"

are you for real?

[ ] your math skills
Well, it doesn't even have to be a flush. Ferguson won't bet-fold the flop with a flush, a set, or even a hand like KK, QQ, or JJ, with a diamond. All those hands he will at least bet-call the flop.

Out of all the hands you can slow-play on the flop, the nut-flush has to be stupidest. So much value gets wasted when, as someone else showed, 36% of the turn cards ruin your hand, and you could easily stack someone on the flop if they have a flush, or in many cases just a set.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:19 PM
It's also incredibly tilting watching these "seasoned TV pros" not understand the 2-7 game at all.

For a guy like Ferguson, it's so simple. He can ignore the 2-7 completely, and all his value bets or bluff catching hands will have increased value because other players might pull moves with 2-7 or suspect that he is. And of all the players, he has the best chance of pulling off a 2-7 bluff if he decides to, because he has the tightest image.

Plus, what he did was just make himself unlikable and get himself an even nittier image.

I thought he was smarter than that.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:33 PM
So I go to the main Poker on NBC page like usual to watch PAD and some ****** decided to spoil the results of the NBC Heads-Up tournament before it airs next month by splashing the winner across the page in giant text and pictures right next to the PAD link. Thanks, MSNBC!
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:55 PM
What channel this on?
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 05:59 PM
Originally Posted by germanherman

Actually hes not that far off, 8 more suited cards plus 9 more pair-cards are 17 "outs" so its about 36%.
Yes but Carnivore said the other guy will have a flush "a decent amount of the time", so assuming that, we have 6 diamonds left + 9 pairing cards or 33%. That's a pretty big difference from 40%.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:18 PM
I think Chris Ferguson would have played the 2-7 game if they had taken the time to explain it to him in a nice manner. Instead they immediately jumped on him with a "look at this ****ing nit" attitude and then he felt like if he agreed to play it he would look like a bitch.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:28 PM
hilarious that ferguson won't play the 7-2 game at first. It's 500 bucks every hour or two. He then raises to 600 with 33 and checkfolds on the flop. C'mon Chris, go learn about 7-2 and come back when you're fully "prepared" to adapt your strategy accordingly to play the 7-2 game as ideally as possible.

It's really quite simple.

Love Matusow for the show. He always brings the best action, table talk, and slight donkishness to the table, which is invaluable.

I predict Adams will be the big winner and Hellmuth the big loser.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:29 PM
Actually excited to see how Dennis Phillips plays with the big boys. (Not that this is the biggest game, but it's televised nationally)...I expect nothing out of line from Phillips, and he'll ABC-poker-himself all the way to even at the end +- 5k for him.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:57 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Well, it doesn't even have to be a flush. Ferguson won't bet-fold the flop with a flush, a set, or even a hand like KK, QQ, or JJ, with a diamond. All those hands he will at least bet-call the flop.

Out of all the hands you can slow-play on the flop, the nut-flush has to be stupidest. So much value gets wasted when, as someone else showed, 36% of the turn cards ruin your hand, and you could easily stack someone on the flop if they have a flush, or in many cases just a set.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 06:59 PM
They should've given Jesus a pen and paper, and let him work out his strategy on the couch, while letting Viffer play.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by Dima2000123
They should've given Jesus a pen and paper, and let him work out his strategy on the couch, while letting Viffer play.

NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
03-16-2010 , 07:28 PM
Originally Posted by Hawk35
Strong argument you have there. Care to share what part of my statement doesn't make sense?

And for the other guy, 33% is only if the opponent does have a flush, and even then, you're just nitpicking cause it's not that much different than my 40% approximated statement.
NEW Poker After Dark (Cash Game) - Week of March 15 - Who Will Win The Most Money? Quote
