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Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP

10-15-2009 , 06:00 AM
bring durr,jamie gold,sammy farha,Patrick Antonius,eli elezra + couple of different fish for half the season and im good... pls gsn dont mess it up!!!

+ dennis phillips might be outclassed in a cash game of that level but that's not why i like him.. he seem like the good hearted grand-father figure if you know what i mean.... wich shows the good side of poker...
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 10:31 AM
Originally Posted by Go2h3ll
Dennis Phillips is an idiot. I suspected this to be the case when he flew out 678 people to watch him at the ME
Another case of a poster NOT HAVING HIS FACTS CORRECT.

ESPN and Lon got it wrong. I personally asked Dennis if he flew his entourage to Las Vegas and his answer was an honest, emphatic NO.
He did take credit for buying SOME drinks, hats and shirts.

Originally Posted by Kentucky Buddha
Scotty Clark was completely right in every point.
This NEVER happens for me in NVG Thank you Sir.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:15 AM
As for Dennis Phillips, he's really good for poker. People like that make it easier for the online sites to put poker on mainstream Television.

Last edited by FriarTuck; 10-15-2009 at 11:34 AM.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:28 AM
Dennis Phillips is one of the nicest guys i've met playing poker. Seems like a stand up guy, but he's not some secret sicko like some of you people are trying to make him out to be. However, he's also not nearly as bad as some of the people on here think he is. I suppose what I jsut said is true for every single pro NVG ever talks about... except Ivey.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:50 AM
I will be fine with it not being full of people like JAmie Gold and Sammy Farha. Sure we don't want to watch a nit fest, but I also don't care about watching gold overvalue every single hand that he plays and it becomes a match of how stuck can gold get.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:55 AM
So i'm assuming its going to be along the same lines as what leanne tweeden does on PAD, in which case it wont be a poker player, it will be someone who knows how to host and is good infront of a camera... so, who knows
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 01:26 PM
I just remembered that even though the Aussie Millions 09 Cash Game was sponsored by PokerStars, there were no PokerStars tourney donks playing, but there were several FullTilt pros. And they also had PLO. And they also made an incredibly entertaining poker show altogether. So maybe this isn't bad.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by BarrySanders
FACT: Dennis Phillips will play nittier than Jerry Buss.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 01:44 PM
I hope Dennis Phillips gets AA UTG so he can trickily limp reraise them.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 01:59 PM
Can't see Phillips going on HSP. I'm not sure he would enjoy playing this high. I would be surprised.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by scottyclark
Another case of a poster NOT HAVING HIS FACTS CORRECT.

ESPN and Lon got it wrong. I personally asked Dennis if he flew his entourage to Las Vegas and his answer was an honest, emphatic NO.
He did take credit for buying SOME drinks, hats and shirts.

This NEVER happens for me in NVG Thank you Sir.
So sue me for believing what was said in the ESPN telecast. I assumed they didn't just completely make things up, but apparently they do. It's not like I'm going to do some independent research on Dennis Phillips. I prefer to run the risk of making an inaccurate statement about him on the internets. If he didn't fly all those people out (which is NOT an act of altrusim imo - HEY EVERBUDDY LOOKIT MEE IM GUN BE ON THA TEEVEE!!), then I am seeing him in a very different light.

And I was probably too harsh. I agree that DP seems to be a very sweet guy. I'm sure I would like him in person. But luckboxing into a big tournament score, and then buying into a massive televised cashgame thereafter, smacks of stupidity and inflated ego to me. Just look at Jamie Gold. Same story. He has no business playing in those ridiculous high stakes games, but there he is, over and over, donking away the winnings like a degen who doesn't know how dead his money is.

Whatever. Good luck DP.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:02 PM
Originally Posted by AdamSchwartz
lol at someone worshipping at the altar of viffer calling someone egomanical. I'm a viffer fan for the most part, but in an ego contest between him and Dennis it isn't even close.

I would suspect that DP isn't going on HSP cause he thinks he's the best player, but more to have a good time.

I've been lucky enough to meet Dennis a couple times and talk to him on the phone and he is one of the nicest guys you will ever come across.
I think it's arguable that you are incorrect about Viffer, based on what I've read, but I don't know enough about him to bother.

At any rate I don't object to egocentrism generally. And if Viffer or some other highly successful player has an ego, perhaps they've earned it? Someone like DP having an ego is a bit on the goofy side, imo. And yes, you do have to have an inflated ego to do what he is doing. It is not an act of humility to say, "aw, shucks, i reckon i could go on that there teevee show and play them there poker pros...what the heck!"

And the idiotic part about DP being on HSP is not that he thinks he could be the best player, but that he thinks he should even be there at all, playing for stakes that were hereforeto impossible and irresponsible for someone like him. Doesn't he have children struggling to pay a mortgage? Grandchildren going to college some day? Charity any one? Is donking off your money in a televised cash game you are dead money in, like not the most degen move ever?
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 03:59 PM
surely DP can't afford to play at those stakes? unless he is staked of course..
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Rizzn
surely DP can't afford to play at those stakes? unless he is staked of course..
Pretty amusing post, since except for some of the rich amateurs (i.e., Guy), who has been on HSP and is sensibly rolled for it? Pretty much nobody. So almost all of them are either staked or playing way over their limits.

I was also invited to play in this, as I have been in seasons past. I've always said no, because I don't have the 10-20M bankroll you should have to sensibly participate. I am pretty much 100% certain that PS is not going to stake anybody in this show. PS pros are probably more likely to be invited than in seasons past, but if they play, its their own money, or their backers.

If DP chooses to play on his own dime, then he is overplaying his bankroll. But its his BR to do with as he wishes. If he is getting staked, then he is obviously making a huge +EV decision, as it is presumably a freeroll for him. Either way, I wish him the best, because he is maybe the nicest guy in the poker world. Or at least a close 2nd.

Later, Greg Raymer (FossilMan)

P.S. - If somebody wants to give me a freeroll, obviously I'll change my mind and play. ;-) No negative replies please, I'm just joking around.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 05:44 PM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
Pretty amusing post, since except for some of the rich amateurs (i.e., Guy), who has been on HSP and is sensibly rolled for it? Pretty much nobody. So almost all of them are either staked or playing way over their limits.
Pretty sure Ivey, Antonius, Zigmund and Durrrr were properly rolled.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Go2h3ll
So sue me for believing what was said in the ESPN telecast.
It's all good. My lawyer will be in contact with your lawyer

On a serious note, it is my recollection that DP said he tried to correct
ESPN before the telecast...because that is the kind of guy he is.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by Greg (FossilMan)
I was also invited to play in this, as I have been in seasons past. I've always said no, because I don't have the 10-20M bankroll you should have to sensibly participate.
And this would be the antithesis of the type of egomaniac degen I see in Jamie Gold and Dennis Phillips.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Carnivore
Right so everyone who isn't a lag or a gambler is a waste of space.
Pretty much.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-15-2009 , 11:08 PM
Originally Posted by JohanNorseman
HSP season 6, if Dennis is going to be in it please let the table seating be like this.

seat 1: tom dwan
2: antonius
3: ivey
4: Dennis Phillips
5: Sahamies
6: Benyamine

I wanna see Phillips get ripped apart if he is invited. This guy plays a tournament style that is far away from any profitable cash game style. Seriously, Dennis is a player that makes friends with people in tournaments, and shares information to be "friendly", he wouldn't last more than a few hands without check/folding everything.
This is the dumbest post in thread for those of you keeping score at home.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-16-2009 , 05:22 AM
Originally Posted by pineapple888
Dennis has some game IMO. He certainly won't be the worst player to ever show up there.
I agree. He has made two deep runs back to back in the WSOP-ME. He might have played ONE hand on tv poorly against Demidov (AK hand etc) but seriously, he is NOT a donkey.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-16-2009 , 05:27 AM
Originally Posted by JohanNorseman
HSP season 6, if Dennis is going to be in it please let the table seating be like this.

seat 1: tom dwan
2: antonius
3: ivey
4: Dennis Phillips
5: Sahamies
6: Benyamine

I wanna see Phillips get ripped apart if he is invited. This guy plays a tournament style that is far away from any profitable cash game style. Seriously, Dennis is a player that makes friends with people in tournaments, and shares information to be "friendly", he wouldn't last more than a few hands without check/folding everything.

he doesn't show his hands if he isn't forced to.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-16-2009 , 07:55 AM
I think if Stars sponsors it, they will still allow some ftp big names. But if it was a ftp sponsored show, they wouldnt allow Stars big name players.

Stars is just cool like that.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-16-2009 , 08:22 AM
Once again, it was Stars who pulled their pros out of Poker After Dark, and it was not Full Tilt who banned them. No site has yet to my knowledge banned pros sponsored by other sites from appearing on TV shows which they themselves sponsor.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-16-2009 , 12:18 PM
televised cash games seem to have the same kind of degenerative effect on some posters as hardcore pornography.

'I wanna see Dennis Phillips ripped apart' etc...

I mean, what kind of sick attitude is this? Like hungering for some teenage virgin to be DP'd by a couple of monster-tooled pimps.

If taking delight in other people's misfortune is the reason why you watch HSP then you ain't really interested in poker at all.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
10-16-2009 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by Go2h3ll

And I was probably too harsh. I agree that DP seems to be a very sweet guy. I'm sure I would like him in person. But luckboxing into a big tournament score, and then buying into a massive televised cashgame thereafter, smacks of stupidity and inflated ego to me. Just look at Jamie Gold. Same story. He has no business playing in those ridiculous high stakes games, but there he is, over and over, donking away the winnings like a degen who doesn't know how dead his money is.

Whatever. Good luck DP.
Dude, this guy has defeated more people in the history of the main event than anyone else. Yes...anyone. He backed up his magical 2008 run with a great 2009 run. Give him some credit for one thing...he knows how to play in a deep stacked, multi-day tournament. How many middle-aged guys do you know who can do this? As for being out-classed by Phil Ivey, Durr, Antonius in High Stakes Cash many of us wouldn't be????

Besides all this, he's a great guy and a fantastic ambassador for the sport.
Dennis Phillips/Elky invited to play on High Stakes Poker/PokerStars sponsoring HSP Quote
