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Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS*** Game of Thrones TV Thread - ***NO BOOKREADERS***

06-02-2014 , 10:44 AM
One thing I don't get is that Tywin said in s3 that he didn't kill Tyrion because he's a Lannister, and family is important etc. Now in s4 he's hellbent on getting him executed eventhough he must know Tyrion had nothing to do with Joffreys murder. Did I miss something?
06-02-2014 , 10:56 AM
1. It would have been totally cool if Oberyn destroyed the mountain in a one sided ass kicking. Its one of the reasons I loooove the movie IP Man, the hero coming back from the brink is overplayed and sometimes its refreshing for the ultimate badass to just kick serious ass.

2. Only in GoT could wildings killing off a town, a hero gets outed and banished and a snake gets away with murder while we see some major character development in other major players be seen as pointless filler.
06-02-2014 , 11:05 AM
How is it going to pan out on the wall ? The have said now multiple times that they don`t stand a chance against Mance and his army, is Stannis miracoulously gonna arrive with a couple thousand man and be the hero after we haven`t seen him this ep?
06-02-2014 , 11:11 AM
Originally Posted by RollWave
Which of the lannisters are on Arya's kill list?

I know joffrey was, and Tywin. I think maybe cersei. What about Tyrion or Jaime? I don't think those 2 are on her list, is that correct?
I'm pretty sure it's only Cersei now.
06-02-2014 , 11:12 AM
excellent move to pre-mod posts, will probably read much more during the week now. Usually was jut reeding initial reactions for the amazing episodes (almost all of them this season!), then hiding away from salty posters who just love to spoil.

Much to like in this episode, probably for me Evil Sansa is best Sansa due to 24 crossover
06-02-2014 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Megloooo
Great episode except for Arya laughing. she is one of my favourite characters but that laugh is so far from believable. No chance a child that young would ever do that sarcastic "this cant be true" laugh in that situation.
^^^ You say a child, but from what she has gone through up to this point, shes not so innocent & its just not comparable to how other children would react.

I think arya continues journeying with the hound or she just befriends him & make him her knight or something or that nature, kind of a waste to just throw away a good fighter like that.
06-02-2014 , 11:18 AM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
How is it going to pan out on the wall ? The have said now multiple times that they don`t stand a chance against Mance and his army, is Stannis miracoulously gonna arrive with a couple thousand man and be the hero after we haven`t seen him this ep?
Stannis? Why would he show up? Did I miss something. It's more likely the Boltons show up.

Also, I put Tyrion's death at 0%. Just from a story telling standpoint he's the glue that connects a lot of these people together. He's too central to everything and provides a character that the viewer can relate to. You don't kill off characters like that. You kill off all the nobles around him but not him.
06-02-2014 , 11:25 AM
Few thoughts:

Remember when in S2 that mask lady asks Jorah about betraying Dany again? I think we are starting to see some meaning from that discussion 20+ episodes later.

Also, only way I see Tyrion living is if we get an attack on the wall next episode and somehow he is released to the wall. I really don't see how else he survives the season.
06-02-2014 , 11:58 AM
cant believe how much Sansa has caught up to Arya in likability this season. I'm sure she's even surpassed her for a lot of you. Do we think Hound and Arya get through the gate or will they be turned away? The guards would be pretty dumb to turn them away since she's a Stark but if they notify Littlefinger that she's there it will be very interesting to see what he decided to do.
06-02-2014 , 12:26 PM
OK, I've been thinking back to this whole Selmy situation. What are the chances he's working for Tywin?

1. Didn't Tywin say he had a connection in the east? My memory of that scene is still hazy and I haven't rewatched it. Now Selmy shows up with Jorah's pardon, was that the letter Tywin sent, maybe.

2. I originally opposed this idea because Selmy is a man of honor, almost Ned level stuff. He got kicked from the King's Guard and after serving for 4,000 years with great honor. That legitimately pissed him off. However, it was Cersei who kicked him out and it was before Tywin arrived to KL. It's possible he still respects Tywin.
06-02-2014 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
OK, I've been thinking back to this whole Selmy situation. What are the chances he's working for Tywin?

1. Didn't Tywin say he had a connection in the east? My memory of that scene is still hazy and I haven't rewatched it. Now Selmy shows up with Jorah's pardon, was that the letter Tywin sent, maybe.

2. I originally opposed this idea because Selmy is a man of honor, almost Ned level stuff. He got kicked from the King's Guard and after serving for 4,000 years with great honor. That legitimately pissed him off. However, it was Cersei who kicked him out and it was before Tywin arrived to KL. It's possible he still respects Tywin.
Whose seal was on the letter? Was that Robert's? I suppose Tywin could have access to Robert's seal, since it wouldn't just magically disappear upon his death. Maybe he drew up that pardon himself to pass off as the original?
06-02-2014 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by JonnyA
Completely agreed. There is limited evidence that Bronn is an elite fighter. He barely won the first TbC against an inferior knight. Imagine if his opponent was the Mountain, he would have easily pushed him out the Moon Door.

Bronn admitted his strategy would have been to try and tire out the Mountain, Obery went right at him and was winning pretty handily (with only a few missteps). I think Bronn would have been destroyed by the Mountain.
Yeah, that's where I'm at too.

Man, I'm so pissed Oberyn blew it. He totally schooled a supposed top ~3 fighter in Westeros. And he was such a bad-ass even without a spear :/
06-02-2014 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nick Royale
OK, I've been thinking back to this whole Selmy situation. What are the chances he's working for Tywin?

1. Didn't Tywin say he had a connection in the east? My memory of that scene is still hazy and I haven't rewatched it. Now Selmy shows up with Jorah's pardon, was that the letter Tywin sent, maybe.
The seal on the letter looked like The Hand of the King so I assumed it was from Tywin.
06-02-2014 , 12:53 PM
Goddamn, that Missandei scene was the greatest nude scene thus far, stunning.

I completely forgot about Jorah being aware of the wine being poisoned, which was really obvious to me (and everyone else too I think?) at the time.

I STILL can't see Tyrion dying, but I have absolutely no idea how he gets out of this.
06-02-2014 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by NiSash1337
How is it going to pan out on the wall ? The have said now multiple times that they don`t stand a chance against Mance and his army, is Stannis miracoulously gonna arrive with a couple thousand man and be the hero after we haven`t seen him this ep?
Oh right, we still have lolstannis. Yeah I think him bailing out the wall is pretty likely.
06-02-2014 , 12:57 PM
Originally Posted by Exothermic
^^^ You say a child, but from what she has gone through up to this point, shes not so innocent & its just not comparable to how other children would react.

I think arya continues journeying with the hound or she just befriends him & make him her knight or something or that nature, kind of a waste to just throw away a good fighter like that.
I don't think they've build her character close to enough for that reaction to be believable. Sure, she likes killing people she thinks deserves it but she's still PISSED when innocents die. When her aunt dies it's just a weird and freaky reaction to have. Keep in mind she didn't know Lysa was a nutcase.
06-02-2014 , 12:58 PM
I have no goddamn idea if tyrion will live or die. Just like I had no idea the fight outcome. But after oberyns cockiness went on for more than 10 seconds I started getting nervous
06-02-2014 , 01:02 PM
One thing that bothers me about the Selmy scene:

How can anyone send him a document that dated back to a year ago?
06-02-2014 , 01:11 PM
Wow, wtf that was brutal. I did not see that coming. I was nervous the whole time because showboating rarely pays off. But even as the mountain was thumbing his eyes I thought "Ok, I can live with him blind, now stab the mountain in the throat with a dagger"

And I am usually ok with the brutality, but I cannot get that scene out of my head. Don't know that I am going to rewatch that last bit. That makes the red wedding scene seem PG13.

Still cannot believe it, such a great character gone to waste. But that fight scene was epic.
06-02-2014 , 01:25 PM
the scroll had the seal of the king's hand, so yes, it was from tywin.
06-02-2014 , 01:50 PM

06-02-2014 , 01:56 PM
Can I post here? How does this work?
06-02-2014 , 02:08 PM
Where did that letter come from? Tywin found an old sealed letter from Robert lying around and sent it? Jorah said it wasn't forged.
06-02-2014 , 02:12 PM
I thought it was likely Oberyn would lose, because it would fit in the narrative that he would win and GOT likes to turn that around. Still, when the mountain crushed his eyes, I secretly hoped for a badass Oberyn to fight on blind. You know, fighting by the ear.
06-02-2014 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by Dr. Spaceman
Where did that letter come from? Tywin found an old sealed letter from Robert lying around and sent it? Jorah said it wasn't forged.
how long is it from robert dieing to now? a year? a messenger could well take that long to get from KL to mereen.
