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***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN ***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN

11-19-2009 , 05:27 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Can anyone recommend some good non poker related podcasts. I downloaded a bunch of "How Stuff Works" podcasts but would like at least 1 more alternative. Have 2 16 hour car rides in the next 12 days so need a lot of stuff.
This American life, Two Jacks in the Hole, Point of Inquiry, Intelligence squared and Marketplace are some of my favorites, but I would only recommend Point of Inquiry if you want a skepticism/atheism circle jerk.
11-19-2009 , 05:30 PM
I was going to say Two Jacks as well. It has very little poker content and Huff and Stapes are amazing.
11-19-2009 , 05:33 PM
Headaches could also be dehydration related.
11-19-2009 , 05:47 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Can anyone recommend some good non poker related podcasts. I downloaded a bunch of "How Stuff Works" podcasts but would like at least 1 more alternative. Have 2 16 hour car rides in the next 12 days so need a lot of stuff.
'Buzz Out Loud' and 'Engadget Mobile' (Cnet) if you like techy stuff.
11-19-2009 , 06:34 PM
3rd entire day in a row wasted arguing with the anarcho-capitalists. Again, this is a cry for help...
11-19-2009 , 06:40 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
3rd entire day in a row wasted arguing with the anarcho-capitalists. Again, this is a cry for help...
Play someone HU PLO for a few lollar to stay away from there imo.
11-19-2009 , 06:41 PM
Brad Childress extended through 2013. Enjoy!
11-19-2009 , 06:45 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
3rd entire day in a row wasted arguing with the anarcho-capitalists. Again, this is a cry for help...
Ask hood if he can write you an AHK to automatically load 30 sngs when you click on the politics forum?
11-19-2009 , 06:59 PM
I like that one!
11-19-2009 , 07:35 PM
Suzzer, or read up on MAXSHARK's blog imo..

The profile pic is epic imo..Have to get myself a Derby cap..

P.S. I thought Italians were only allowed to play on Italian sites?
11-19-2009 , 07:38 PM
still waiting for my fisting pm Deurdy
11-19-2009 , 07:59 PM
Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
still waiting for my fisting pm Deurdy
PM sent. Couldn't quite find it though..
11-19-2009 , 08:13 PM
1st session with Gravy today. Let's just say he dropped a couple of mindbombs on me. Haven't played many games yet but running ok so far. 13 45 man $6.50s so far. 135% ROI. Lol samplesize.
11-19-2009 , 08:15 PM
Nice Gaz , are you making some sort of trip report when you get back home?
11-19-2009 , 09:23 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
1st session with Gravy today. Let's just say he dropped a couple of mindbombs on me. Haven't played many games yet but running ok so far. 13 45 man $6.50s so far. 135% ROI. Lol samplesize.
45-man? Thought you grinded the 6.50 9-mans.

Must be about time for some fresh fish and cerveza there. Sooo jealous. Have a Bavaria Dark for me. Maybe a Guaro Sour too.
11-19-2009 , 09:55 PM
i think it's a new record... ?!

11-19-2009 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
1st session with Gravy today. Let's just say he dropped a couple of mindbombs on me. Haven't played many games yet but running ok so far. 13 45 man $6.50s so far. 135% ROI. Lol samplesize.

Hey man, really happy for you and all, but, aren't you like, keeping a blog for this type of stuff? Can we keep it condensed to one place? If you want to talk about how awesome Costa Rica is, or your interactions there, by all means, but you know....the lame BBV part is for pansies imo? k thx

edit- no harshness on this meant, I just don't think it's fair if you get to sneak in the last sentence about your 20 game session results when everyone else gets those posts deleted + infracted.

Originally Posted by TheNoodleMan
Keep an eye out for a hilarious day to day thing that Gravy has no idea how to do and report back.
11-19-2009 , 10:10 PM
Originally Posted by AMT
Hey man, really happy for you and all, but, aren't you like, keeping a blog for this type of stuff? Can we keep it condensed to one place? If you want to talk about how awesome Costa Rica is, or your interactions there, by all means, but you know....the lame BBV part is for pansies imo? k thx

edit- no harshness on this meant, I just don't think it's fair if you get to sneak in the last sentence about your 20 game session results when everyone else gets those posts deleted + infracted.

ok, fine, I won't tell you about my ****ing day!

Last edited by AMT; 11-19-2009 at 10:15 PM. Reason: fixing quote
11-19-2009 , 10:15 PM
Originally Posted by lacky
ok, fine, I won't tell you about my ****ing day!

Gave you my AIM a while ago for a reason.
11-19-2009 , 10:17 PM
carmen electra has a secks video?
11-19-2009 , 11:19 PM
Originally Posted by Gazillion
1st session with Gravy today. Let's just say he dropped a couple of mindbombs on me. Haven't played many games yet but running ok so far. 13 45 man $6.50s so far. 135% ROI. Lol samplesize.
You're on the run hottest ip address in the land mate build your roll while you're there lol
11-20-2009 , 01:20 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Selling slot machines and actually having them take peoples money are 2 entirely different things. I imagine there are thousands of company's in the US that sell pipes that are used 99% of the time for marijuana use.
Providing the service or the goods is the same thing though.

If someone pays for a service, whether it be gambling services or accountancy services or whatever, as long as the service meets the fair and even-handed rules, the nationality of the provider simply shouldn't be an issue.
Does the Greek Lottery company give a ton of money to the state for letting them run it? I imagine so.
\Yes, exactly, but they pay the same fees as the Australian-owned option.

That's the principle behind the WTO and free markets: everyone has a fair opportunity to take part.

The lotteries here are all state run and they all are used to "benefit" society. Most build schools and/or help with education stuff(kinda ironic imo).
And that's fine - if you have a rule that 5% of profits or whatever goes to the school system, then that's entirely fair and reasonable. Just apply the same rules to foreigners.
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Josem, you can't really use free trade agreements since live casinos, horse racing, lotteries, etc are completely different than online poker. If the proposed law somehow charged foreign poker sites the 10% but didn't do it to the US based poker sites you'd have an argument. Your argument is like a US beer company getting pissed that Australia taxes the piss out of alcohol but barely taxes cigarettes.
But the US Government considers poker to be a form of gambling.

This isn't even "only" my view: this is the considered view of the WTO, despite numerous US appeals. This isn't the view of Michael Josem, Australian citizen. This is the view of the WTO, international trade arbiter, using only the treaties that the US has signed and ratified.
Originally Posted by crackedquads
MMMM Australia. Have any of you had any Australian brews? Obv there's Foster's, how about James Boag's, Cooper's Sparkling Ale/Lager, Blue Tongue, Toohey's? Thoughts? Paging Josem?
Well, obv I've had each of those. I really like Cooper's Pale on a summer day.

If you're after some real high-end beers, Matilda Bay Breweries (a micro brewery owned by Foster's) does some sensational stuff like Red Back Beer and some others.

There's also a great brand of Cascade beer which is seasonal - they change the blend on the season to use the freshest ingredients which is pretty special, and charge around $A100 or something a slab (24 beers).
Originally Posted by Aksdal
i thought Foster's was pretty much only found outside of Australia
It's available in Australia around Grand Prix time, but that's about it these days. It has a very similar taste palette as Carlton Draught and Victoria Bitter, the two biggest-selling beers in Australia.
Originally Posted by Scotty_12
I r emember hearing once that Aussies hate the 'Fosters: Australian for beer' campaign and Fosters isnt that popular 'down under.' Josem confirm/deny?
It's simply not marketed much here - Fosters, the parent company, sells two other beers in main preference, in Carlton and VB.
11-20-2009 , 01:21 AM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Can anyone recommend some good non poker related podcasts. I downloaded a bunch of "How Stuff Works" podcasts but would like at least 1 more alternative. Have 2 16 hour car rides in the next 12 days so need a lot of stuff.
Get some audio books by Stephen Covey
11-20-2009 , 03:30 AM
just saw the link that KB had posted, nowhere near as bad as I was expecting haha, the other thumbnails on that page looked more grose
