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***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN ***Offical STTf November [censored] bonfire night thread *** NSFW=GOOD BBV=BAN

11-18-2009 , 05:34 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Watching thing on CNBC right now, nice to see they're explaining that it's not illegal to gamble online right now, and explaining the 2006 legislation and what it covers. Both analysts saying it's likely to happen (legalizing online gambling).
Will this re-air at all later in the day or does CNBC run their broadcasts online after the fact or anything similar?
11-18-2009 , 05:38 PM
Originally Posted by lacky
I love this guy!
Ditto, that animation brought the story to life in a brand new way.
11-18-2009 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Beerocrat
The pokerstars spawning thread has been moved to internet poker

Josem, they want you to respond to that thread.
Thanks, but I don't know the answer to the question.
11-18-2009 , 05:59 PM

Some serious potential for fail. Got my popcorn ready and will be checking this thread regularly.
11-18-2009 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by xxdanimalxx
No Hitter means no player on a team gets a hit during the game.
But in that animation he says that people are hitting the ball towards him and he's scared to make a catch...?
11-18-2009 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by K䲰䮥n
But in that animation he says that people are hitting the ball towards him and he's scared to make a catch...?
A hit is only successful if the batter gets on base.
11-18-2009 , 07:10 PM
It was probably a 2 minute piece in the middle off one of their shows (Street Signs maybe?), with two analysts talking giving their opinions on their manner in standard cable-news format.

It makes sense that it's inevitable - big $$ special interests want it, it's extremely incongruent to make moral arguments against it given all the lotteries and casinos that have spread over the past two decades, and tax $$ have dipped in the past year and this is a quick-fix of sorts to get some $$ in govt. coffers (and gives politicians another way to sell it to the public).
11-18-2009 , 07:28 PM
you can watch the cnbc vid here
11-18-2009 , 07:46 PM
good work hood, thats it.
11-18-2009 , 08:15 PM
Thanks hood you're the man.
11-18-2009 , 09:29 PM
I just started up sngs and the fire alarm starting going off in my dorm...Fire drills are overrated staying inside
11-18-2009 , 09:33 PM
Originally Posted by CCuster_911
I just started up sngs and the fire alarm starting going off in my dorm...Fire drills are overrated staying inside
omg the noise would tilt me to death.. i already get super annoyed when the dryer starts beeping
11-18-2009 , 09:36 PM
Originally Posted by OMGBennyLava
omg the noise would tilt me to death.. i already get super annoyed when the dryer starts beeping
headphones ftw!!!

the only bad part is they have a signal in our room and it flashes every second like super bright which sucks...but im not missing 5 min of turbo sngs
11-18-2009 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
Watching thing on CNBC right now, nice to see they're explaining that it's not illegal to gamble online right now, and explaining the 2006 legislation and what it covers. Both analysts saying it's likely to happen (legalizing online gambling).
This sounds promising. Any idea when it might happen?

woot 10k day
11-18-2009 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by Gramps
It was probably a 2 minute piece in the middle off one of their shows (Street Signs maybe?), with two analysts talking giving their opinions on their manner in standard cable-news format.

It makes sense that it's inevitable - big $$ special interests want it, it's extremely incongruent to make moral arguments against it given all the lotteries and casinos that have spread over the past two decades, and tax $$ have dipped in the past year and this is a quick-fix of sorts to get some $$ in govt. coffers (and gives politicians another way to sell it to the public).
How do they plan to make tax money? Players are supposed to report already, and all the poker sites are offshore. Supposedly it goes against everything we are trying to do with the WTO if we banned foreign sites but allowed US ones. Not that they wouldn't find some sneaky way to do so, but I'm curious how.

Edit: ok this has some good info to my question:

Looks like the sites would be required to pay 10% on all deposits to be licensed with the US. My guess is they'd also be reporting all cashouts to the IRS so they can track players (but that is just my guess). If so, that's fine. I'll take it to be legal and not have to stress about dickhead asst DAs from southern NY grabbing my money again.

Last edited by suzzer99; 11-18-2009 at 10:14 PM.
11-18-2009 , 10:20 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
How do they plan to make tax money? Players are supposed to report already, and all the poker sites are offshore. Supposedly it goes against everything we are trying to do with the WTO if we banned foreign sites but allowed US ones. Not that they wouldn't find some sneaky way to do so, but I'm curious how.
Well we don't allow the Germans to run a lottery or set up a bingo hall in the US.

The money that gets reported <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the money that doesn't get reported. I pay my taxes 100% but I imagine guys that are in college or just grinding out 1-5k a year don't think twice about not paying taxes.
11-18-2009 , 10:30 PM
watched the video, and while positive press is exciting, the PPA themselves have said that legalized poker is still years away. There are just more important things for congress to worry about right now.
11-18-2009 , 10:32 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Well we don't allow the Germans to run a lottery or set up a bingo hall in the US.

The money that gets reported <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< the money that doesn't get reported. I pay my taxes 100% but I imagine guys that are in college or just grinding out 1-5k a year don't think twice about not paying taxes.
I'm pretty sure you have to make over 7k to be required to pay federal income tax.
11-18-2009 , 10:35 PM
Originally Posted by Hood
Online poker, it's all about 3G and hand held devices.
11-18-2009 , 10:36 PM
If that 10% thing is true, the interesting part is it might not raise the costs to the poker sites - that is, in the current U.S. climate processing fees on money going in and money going out is probably quite high. If the sites can go through standard channels, their costs are probably close to what they are currently (plus they should get a lot more customers from the U.S.).

I guess the problem for Stars, Full Tilt, etc. is that places like Harrah's will join the market and start stealing some share away (albeit from a larger market than before)...
11-18-2009 , 10:40 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Awesome news. The fact that they had 2 guys on there that think it's going to be legal soon is huge. One time US congress!

P.S. Don't **** us with more taxes on online winnings.
I'd be shocked (and very happy) if the taxes are not overly punitive to the players and the sites.
11-18-2009 , 10:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kvaughan
I'm pretty sure you have to make over 7k to be required to pay federal income tax.
If you work full time during a 12 week summer, and 2 weeks of winter vacation at $10/hour you make $5600, you don't have to make much more playing poker or from other things (part-time jobs during the school year, etc.) to have crossed the 7k threshhold.
11-18-2009 , 11:04 PM
Originally Posted by Ditch Digger
Well we don't allow the Germans to run a lottery or set up a bingo hall in the US.
Why not? Why should there be discrimination on the basis of the nationality of the operator? Australia allows a Greek-owned copmany to run a lottery here. An Australian company (Aristocrat) sells slot machines throughout the US.

The US expects the rest of the world to open up their markets to US interests, and it seems only reasonable the US should do the same. As an aside, the greatest benefactor in such a decision is the US consumer who has greater choice of which service to use.

The US ban is simple indefensible under international trade agreements.
11-18-2009 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by Josem
Why not? Why should there be discrimination on the basis of the nationality of the operator? Australia allows a Greek-owned copmany to run a lottery here. An Australian company (Aristocrat) sells slot machines throughout the US.

The US expects the rest of the world to open up their markets to US interests, and it seems only reasonable the US should do the same. As an aside, the greatest benefactor in such a decision is the US consumer who has greater choice of which service to use.

The US ban is simple indefensible under international trade agreements.
The US owes billions to Canada for not complying with free trade....they just don't give a ****.
11-19-2009 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by DevinLake
The US owes billions to Canada for not complying with free trade....they just don't give a ****.
Yeah and no one owes the US anything I guess.
