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*****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV *****Offical September STTF [censored] thread - may we ship 7+ WCOOPs***** NSFW no lame BBV

09-26-2009 , 11:27 AM
2 pretty sick bargs D3. Soccer chicks have rockin bodies. That is with the exception of those who are like super bottom heavy...uhh you know what I mean. And that game Thursday was a pretty sick win for the other USC.

Also side note on long distance relationships, they suck. Me and the I guess you could say sort of GF, we dated for most of HS and tried to go long distance for about a year and a half of college. Just didn't work for us. So now its like understood that when we're home we're together and the end goal is to be together, but whatever hookups etc happen while at school aren't a big deal. We refer to ourselves as single. TR from my messy divorce in 15 years lol
09-26-2009 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by Bedz
"This American Life" did an episode about what happend a few years ago, and they re-ran it a few days back. It's a really interesting story, I recomend you listen to it:
I can't deny it was interesting. The way they slowly develop Matt Damon's character was unique and provided most of the comedy. It just seemed like one of those things you can't adapt to a 90 minute popcorn flick you know?

Maybe its just b/c I have a short attention span and around 11 on Friday nights all I can think about is when I'm going to start drinking.
09-26-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by _Towelie_
Warning tl;dr rant

The dude from the apt. across the hall knocks on the door 20 mins ago complaining that the surround sound system is too loud. I'm like WTF because it definitely wasn't that loud and I'm normally pretty aware and sensitive to the fact that I have a ton of neighbours to share the building with (also it's saturday morning, **** off). I also play my guitar every day through a 100 watt head/4x12 speaker stack combo which even when turned to low volumes has the potential to be ridic loud and have never had a noise complaint here in almost 3 yrs.

Anyway I gave him the standard apology then almost immediately realized that these people are way more annoying to me than I am to them. The mom stays at home w/ 3 kids who I hear screaming (SCREAMING) a good couple hours every day. Also they have one kid who's old enough to play on his own outside and he's constantly stomping up and down the stairs and slamming his front door. These people also have a ridiculous amount of extended family and friends over with their young children. It seems like every hour there's some kind of annoying commotion going on in the hallway just outside our front door.

So I just apologized to this guy and gave him the upper hand in this situation even though i'm more inconvenienced by them then they are by me and it's not even close. FML
One of the things I've noticed that has really changed during my lifetime is the concept of tolerance: it used to mean putting up with what other people did even though it annoyed the hell out of you. It's now been bastardised to mean doing nothing that offends other people. Massive change for the worse IMO.
09-26-2009 , 12:17 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
2 pretty sick bargs D3. Soccer chicks have rockin bodies. That is with the exception of those who are like super bottom heavy...uhh you know what I mean. And that game Thursday was a pretty sick win for the other USC.

Also side note on long distance relationships, they suck. Me and the I guess you could say sort of GF, we dated for most of HS and tried to go long distance for about a year and a half of college. Just didn't work for us. So now its like understood that when we're home we're together and the end goal is to be together, but whatever hookups etc happen while at school aren't a big deal. We refer to ourselves as single. TR from my messy divorce in 15 years lol
I agree with the distance thing, my and my gf now were together some my senior year of HS, and being 10 hours away during my freshman college year and her senior year, and then her freshman year I knew just wouldn't work and would end bad. So I came down and did my own thing dated another girl for awhile, hooked up with girls here, when I went home we still hungout a decent amount but we were never anything official or serious.

Come 2 1/2 and 1 1/2 years of college and random parties and other gfs and seeing what was out there and "experiencing college" and still wanting to be with my current gf we decided to give it a go, and its been going well since.

Thats what I would tell most HS "couples" get it out of the way at the start of college rather then getting a year or two in, deciding you dont know what college is supposed to be and ****ing up or having a bad break up as thats what has happened to most people I know who tried that.
09-26-2009 , 12:53 PM
Originally Posted by SiQ
want to quote so many things in the last few pages but f it.

went to pool hall tonight and played good for the first time in what feels like forever. ship it hollaaaa
hope it wasn't this pool hall
09-26-2009 , 01:30 PM
xPeru - Sorry to leave you out - I forgot you had a grown kid.

SFB - I think you're from one of those better generations where the women worried about that stuff.

Surrogates was fine, but not great.

Armageddon was pretty bad imo.

Good Bruce Willis movies: Lucky Number Slevin, Sin City, The Sixth Sense, Breakfast of Champions (not sure about this one), The Fifth Element (some bad parts for sure), Twelve Monkeys, Nobody's Fool, Pulp Fiction, Death Becomes Her (marginal), Die Hard - Over the Hedge if you count voice roles

Surrogates is probably good enough to make that list.
09-26-2009 , 01:35 PM
Originally Posted by Daleroxxu
FFS now I need to know how to find that video...did it ever get posted?
09-26-2009 , 02:19 PM
yes it def did get posted - i remember downloading it back i nteh day.
i suggest searching back in the topic pretty sure its there somewhere.
09-26-2009 , 02:22 PM
Originally Posted by KoreanBuffet
FFS now I need to know how to find that video...did it ever get posted?
yeah i have them all, theres a post in the thread that has a link to them all, theyre on megaupload and only several kb large because they are crappy camera phone vids.
09-26-2009 , 02:28 PM
lol just read this on a british poker forum

So Phil makes his grand entrance to the WSOPE ME dressed up as Caesar riding in his chariot and accompanied by a bevy of scantily clad servant-girls.

Unfortunately the chariot could not get to the casino entrance due to the bollards prohibiting vehicular access so our hero has to make his way on foot still acompanied by his bevy of scantily clad maidens but the casino manager would not allow said scantily clad maidens to enter the casino as apparently they had no ID with them; what a spoilsport!

I do hope all of these hiccups did not put our Phil into brat-mode.
lots of love for PH in london imo
09-26-2009 , 03:19 PM
09-26-2009 , 03:26 PM
LOL so good
09-26-2009 , 03:37 PM
has had bananas
09-26-2009 , 05:24 PM
there are some really angry regs out there... One told me that not only he was had better ranking than me on sharkscope(which i just checked and hes wrong), but he was better, and it was a fact... i just loled...(jerseymo)

the other one, HU just types " suck that f a g" when he calls my shove with T9 and wins.... (slapshooter)

maybe i just get the better out of them..
all in one session...

whats wrong with people.....??
09-26-2009 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by juandadi
there are some really angry regs out there... One told me that not only he was had better ranking than me on sharkscope(which i just checked and hes wrong), but he was better, and it was a fact... i just loled...(jerseymo)

the other one, HU just types " suck that f a g" when he calls my shove with T9 and wins.... (slapshooter)

maybe i just get the better out of them..
all in one session...

whats wrong with people.....??
Just wait until you get in a set w/ those two AND me.

That's when you see real chat fireworks, and multiple people get their chat's banned.

PS, old news: KoL = flipping awesome live, even in the rain. Actually the rain might have made it even better...
09-26-2009 , 06:15 PM
Originally Posted by DirDirDirty
Yeah I know, I've been around the block through my senior year of HS and first 3 years of college. I've gotten with plenty girls and the g/f who I love is higher on the list than random college hookups for me at this point in time.

No h.omo.
Then nevermind what I said. Good for you on the GF.
09-26-2009 , 07:48 PM
Cal got stomped. The college football season is over.
09-26-2009 , 08:54 PM
Wow...when does Illinois basketball start?
09-26-2009 , 09:06 PM
OOT inspired topic

Have you ever called the cops on anyone, and if so, why?


One time I saw a guy just punch someone in the face and the victim fell flat, slamming his head on the sidewalk. I didn't see any provocation. I followed the puncher a block or two and hailed a cop. That's the only time ever. If it happened now, I might be more brave about asking the puncher why he did it. At the time I was 17 and more afraid of getting punched than I am now.

Ok, well, one more sorta. With my wife's encouragement I called the cops about a car that had been sitting in front of our house for several days and didn't belong to anyone who lived on the block. That turned out to be a mistake because it belonged to a relative of a neighbor and the car was there because they were seriously ill in the hospital.
09-26-2009 , 09:47 PM
juandadi you gotta love those donk-regs, grind for FPPs morans
09-26-2009 , 09:53 PM
wtf is wrong with me, i was having the worst 5 hour session ever, losing all sorts of ridiculous bubble hands, going ape **** crazy, check HEM after my last game and i'm up a whole bunch, there even a period on the graph where i cashed 29 out of 33 DoNs, how the **** does that happen without me even realising it?

is there some sort of mental illness that stops you from seeing reality as it actually exists and just seeing your own warped view of reality? it's like i just see the negative things and the positive things bypass my conciousnes.
09-26-2009 , 09:57 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Cal got stomped. The college football season is over.
I pick the wrong games to take roadtrips to. It was fun until about 12:45 today. Ugh...
09-26-2009 , 10:01 PM
For all the tilt-chatters out there, just turn it off and focus on your play. You're probably doing yourself a favor cathardic or not to keep typing...
09-26-2009 , 10:07 PM
So I load up a set of 30 DoNs, I'm playing alright, only busting like 2 early to coolers, doubling in a few, feeling good about it, and all of a sudden my roommates bird flys into my room and starts biting the **** out of my ear and finger. I tilt like a mother ****er, and end up having a losing session. Awesome.

If that bird ever comes in here again I'm swatting it into a ****ing wall.
09-26-2009 , 10:11 PM
lol dirdir that story is so similar to Lipo's TR about his roommates sister coming into the room going crazy when he was about to get laid.
